Summary: Brethren I believe there is a lot to serve God for, not because of what He has done for us but because of Who He is. Our God deserve an outstanding service from us because He is the best employer and He owns the best organisation you can ever work for in the world.

The book of Romans 12:11 analysed what it means to serve God with all our heart. It basically means to be fully devoted to God. It means to show enthusiasm in the things of God and be on fire for Him. I believe having a fully devoted heart is one of the characters we need to possess as a Christian. A devoted heart does not mean just reading the bible, it can also mean to be enthusiastic in working for God. Serving the lord should be an act that is done willingly without grudging or hard vibes. Serving the Lord should be one of the happiest moments of been part of the mission that propagates the Gospel. We need to be passionate about serving the Lord.

The Christian of the olden days were able to serve the Lord despite lack of technological innovation that we enjoy today. These people of God were still able to communicate the gospel and share information about the love of God. Sometimes we find it so hard to travel to church or the place God want us to serve Him despite easy transportation system that will make our journey easier. Again, the book of Romans 12:11 encourages us not to be lazy but to be fully devoted in serving the Lord.

Sometimes serving the Lord can just be as simple as sharing the word over the phone, WhatsApp messages, Facebook, Instagram or even tweet an encouraging word that will uplift someone. It can be as simple as sharing the word of God with your colleagues, friends and family that haven’t met Christ before or those that need to come back to God.

In the book of Joshua 24:15, Joshua said “As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” . This shows an act of commitment and a heart fully devoted to serve the Lord, not just himself but the whole of his family. Joshua has demonstrated his love for God and he has also acted according to what the bible says in the book of Deuteronomy 6:5-7 which says:

“Love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength. These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up”.

Brethren I believe there is a lot to serve God for, not because of what He has done for us but because of Who He is. God deserve an outstanding service from us because He is the best employer and He owns the best organisation you can ever work for in the world. Our God is well organised, and He is a rewarder of those that diligently seek Him. (Hebrew 11:6). God has done much for us by giving us promises that will help us fulfil our destiny. The book of Exodus 23:25-28 encourages us to serve the Lord. It also outlines promises that are attached to serving God.


• He will bless your bread and water

• He will take away sickness from your midst

• There will be no miscarriage

• There will be no barrenness

• There will be no premature death

• You will have long life and fulfil destiny

• Your enemies will turn away from you

So much so the book of Job reiterates obedience in serving God and added another promise. It says, “If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days in prosperity, and their years in pleasures”. Job 36:11

I believe we can also serve God by serving others. This was demonstrated by the lord Jesus Christ our great example who served by washing the feet of His disciples. (John 13: 1-17). In verse 15, He specifically advised His disciples to do the same thing and in verse 17 He stated that they will be bless if they obey and do the same thing. This shows that we also need to be passionate about serving others. (Matthew 25:40)


? Serve God with your life (Matthew 6:33)

? Serve God in your church

? Serve God with your talents

? Serve God with your time

? Serve God with prayers

? Serve God with your money - tithes and offerings (Malachi 3:10)

? Serve God by serving others (Matthew 25:40, John 13:1-17)

Remember president JF Kennedy’s famous word

“My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”

How many times have we ask God to do something for us and never ask Him what we can do for him?

We can apply the above quote to our lives as Christians by asking what we can do for God and not what He can do for us. Our God can do all things, but we also need to serve Him. It does not mean if we don’t serve God, He will not do what we ask, but serving God is an act of commitment and ways of showing our love for him because of who He is.

I would like to encourage us to ask God what we can do for Him. It is possible that some of us are not sure of what area we can best serve God. We can serve God in the church, at work, as street evangelist, in our family or as a missionary. You don’t have to be an expert in that area, but whichever area God is leading you to serve please commit to it and God will equip you to do His work. (Heb 13: 21)

The first step to take in serving the Lord is to give your life to Him if you have not yet done so. Believe that Jesus is the son of God and confess your sins to Him, ask Him to give you the power to sin no more. Ask God to lead you to any area He would like you to serve Him and be committed and passionate about serving God.