Summary: We were created to work! Yes, it’s true and it is part of God’s plan of creation! Work is a place God uses us as Christians to influence our fallen world. Work is a place where we make a difference for the Kingdom of Heaven. We are created to contribute to our society for the good.

Video Illustration: Faith and Work!

Series: You work Matters!

Thesis: We were created to work! Yes, it’s true and it is part of God’s plan of creation! Work is a place God uses us as Christians to influence our fallen world. Work is a place where we make a difference for the Kingdom of Heaven. We are created to contribute to our society for the good. Work can even be a place where we worship The Lord.

Series Scripture Verse: Colossians 3:22-24: “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to win their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord. Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.”

Sermon: Faith at Work pt. 2

Thesis: We are created to contribute to our society for the good. Work can even be a place where we worship The Lord. The ultimate judge of a person’s character is their ability to exceed expectations with little recognition from others or when praise is not given especially at work. The Bible is filled with unsung heroes of the faith whose names may be obscure to us but to God they are His heroes of the faith.


I subscribe to a Magazine which highlights church leadership and for a while they were only focused on the large and the mega church news, the focus was on their leaders and their awesome programs. These pastors and leaders where praised and highlighted over and over. It actually frustrated me because when I wrote my thesis for my Master’s Degree I wrote a thesis about the importance of the small to medium size church in the Usa.

The truth is many of the servant leaders in the small/medium churches go unnoticed and even have a stigma placed on them for being too small to make a difference. But this is not the truth according to Scripture about these churches or their leaders. They too are making an eternal impact for the Kingdom of God in their communities.

I am reminded in Scripture over and over that Jesus always pushed the crowds away to focus on His twelve or even the 70. He was not focused on massing the crowds – He really pushed them away at various times.

The truth is most churches in the world are under a 100 people (70-86 on avg. according to studies in the USA and Canada) and in America around 80% of the Christians attend churches considered small to medium size churches. (Churches 0-300) ( sizes.htm).

These Godly leaders and Christians are not in the limelight – their names will go down in history as virtually unknown. They could be called the unsung heroes of the faith. But to the Lord they are important pieces of the puzzle to the growth of the Kingdom of God. These unsung heroes are a vital piece of the overall puzzle of the mission. These unsung heroes will be rewarded in Heaven for their faithfulness and their commitment to the Kingdom of God. These non popular – non headline makers – non church media stars names are however known in Heaven and that’s important to remember in our celebrity world of today.

I watched a commercial for Pizza Hut with the celebrity country singer “Blake Shelton” - Who said in essence and jokingly – It’s great pizza! “You can trust me and take my word for it because I am a celebrity.”

I want today to explore the unsung heroes of the faith, the non-celebrities, the obscure ones, the not well known crowd – Why? So we will learn valuable lessons from these humble lives. We will see that these individuals never made the headlines or had their names up in lights. These are the people who live their lives in the shadows of others as great helpers. They feel the pressure like the famous ones and they deal with responsibility like the stars do but they never get the attention or the pat on the back they deserve. These gifted people are blessed with God-given gifts called “helps” and other lack luster names.

The gift of “helps” is not very glamorous. So, what do you do for the Kingdom of God? I am a helper! Does not sound like a big wow – for some people it’s not a “I am impressed statement to make!”

But these unsung heroes accomplished on a daily basis the important tasks of the Kingdom all the while remaining virtually anonymous. These unsung heroes are most likely uncomfortable being in the lime light any way. These men and women do their jobs – use their God-given gifts to fulfill their divine destiny. They do it quietly and efficiently, they serve and give of themselves and I want you to know that God notices and takes notes. The truth is these are the people who make the world a better place and help thrust the Kingdom of God forward in its mission.

Swindoll states, “As the song goes, they are the wind beneath our wings. They are the unsung heroes in the battle, the folks who do the work behind the scenes, the people who pick up the pieces, the ones who make sure everything in the project flows freely. As a matter of fact, if you ever take the time to find out, you’ll discover that many are downright fascinating individuals with stories to tell that hold you in rapt attention. They maybe unknown, but they are not insignificant. They may be overlooked by the public, but in private they fill the roles that are invaluable” (Fascinating Stories of Forgotten Lives, Swindoll, page XII).

Swindoll challenges us to think about the behind the scenes people from Church History (page 1 and 2):

• Who taught Martin Luther how to read and write and even his theology and they the unsung heroes of the faith inspired his translation of the Scriptures from Latin to German?

• Who spoke to Dwight L. Moody in the shoe store that day-a conversation that ultimately led Moody to Christ, which in turn led to a magnificent life of evangelism (and 1,000’s of converted souls)?

• Who was the elderly lady who prayed for Billy Graham every day of her adult life, especially as his ministry reached the zenith of worldwide significance?

• Who gave Charles Wesley his start as a composer, who taught him how to read music, play music and in the process left the church with more than five thousand hymns in is repertoire?

1. Who were they? Can I say they are people like you and me!!

I think back to my time in my 20’s as a union carpenter, then as a Christian Contractor “M&M Construction” and the decision I made one day after reading a book which challenged me to be the best Christian I could be for the Kingdom of God with my skills, talents and craftsmanship gifts of my job.

I never set out to be a pastor – to be honest I really wanted to be the best Christian Carpenter I could be for the Lord. To be honest, I love building and doing things with my hands. I loved looking at a project when it is finished and the sense of satisfaction it always gave me. I miss my construction days! I learned back then that God wanted me to excel in my job for Him so His light could shine through me to others with my job talents. So, I set out to remodel our run down church for the Kingdom of God it was spiritually thrilling to do this and I grew spiritually through it.

God has gifted craftsman, tradesmen for specific tasks within His Kingdom just like the ones He blessed Moses within our Scripture text today. We read in Exodus about two men with obscure names, names hard to pronounce, two craftsman, two tradesman whose names never made the headlines in the (Israel Tribune), instead Moses name made the Headlines.

The two are Bezalel (Bezz - a – lel) and Oholiab (O- holy- e- ab)!

Say those names with me. By the way someone wanted me to call these guys “BO” because of how hard it was to pronounce their Jewish names!

I am sure most of you have never heard of them – have you? These two stand as classic examples of unsung heroes of the Bible and of the Kingdom of God. These two men, craftsman, artists, furniture makers, priestly robe makers had become forgotten through history. But it’s important to note that both of these men were called by God to do a significant work and task for God. In essence they represent the unknowns the unsung heroes of the faith. The non Hebrews 11 crowd but yet they are just as important and so are you.

What did they do – what did they build – what did they touch and make into a masterpiece for God?

They built the Tabernacle in the wilderness with all of its furnishings and the Ark of the Covenant! How important were these two projects?

These were the two places where God would dwell with His people for the first time and also the place where He led them through the wilderness and also into battle! They made a house for God to live in on earth – did you hear that! How would you like to have been given the task of building God’s house? A house of prayer and worship a place for the people to sacrifice to God and meet with God!

Let’s read about our two unsung heroes and see what God said about them – notice this is God’s evaluation of the two builders and why he chose them for this important building project.


Exodus 35:30-36:2 Bezalel (Bezz - a – lel) and Oholiab (O- holy- e- ab): 30Then Moses said to the Israelites, “See, the Lord has chosen Bezalel son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of Judah, 31and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge and with all kinds of skills— 32to make artistic designs for work in gold, silver and bronze, 33to cut and set stones, to work in wood and to engage in all kinds of artistic crafts. 34And he has given both him and Oholiab son of Ahisamak, of the tribe of Dan, the ability to teach others. 35He has filled them with skill to do all kinds of work as engravers, designers, embroiderers in blue, purple and scarlet yarn and fine linen, and weavers—all of them skilled workers and designers.

Exodus 36: 1So Bezalel, Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord has given skill and ability to know how to carry out all the work of constructing the sanctuary are to do the work just as the Lord has commanded.” 2Then Moses summoned Bezalel and Oholiab and every skilled person to whom the Lord had given ability and who was willing to come and do the work. 3They received from Moses all the offerings the Israelites had brought to carry out the work of constructing the sanctuary. And the people continued to bring freewill offerings morning after morning. 4So all the skilled workers who were doing all the work on the sanctuary left what they were doing 5and said to Moses, “The people are bringing more than enough for doing the work the Lord commanded to be done.” 6Then Moses gave an order and they sent this word throughout the camp: “No man or woman is to make anything else as an offering for the sanctuary.” And so the people were restrained from bringing more, 7because what they already had was more than enough to do all the work.

T.S. – Lessons from Bezalel and Oholiab the unsung heroes of the construction of God's house and His holy furniture and dwelling place decor!

I. Our two unsung heroes are filled with the Spirit of God which set everything into motion for success in their life and in there work.

1. They are filled – yes empowered by the Spirit for their jobs – their work.

i. The Spirit of God empowered them to build a tent- it’s furnishings and a dwelling chest for God’s presence and power – don’t miss the importance of this task?

a. Notice the progression in our verses They received the Spirit of God, then wisdom, then understanding, then knowledge and then the skill set to do their work for the glory of God.

b. Yes, they were filled with the Spirit- why?

a. Because of their willingness to follow God’s directions!

i. Notice the crucial point of– They followed directions and did things God’s way – following His directions is crucial in this world – even in building projects and at work!

ii. How well do you follow directions – how about God's directions?

1. Do you follow instructions or ignore them?

2. Do you follow the blueprints?

iii. The importance of following directions:

1. Following directions is a fundamental skill, taught from an early age. While it may seem logical and even straightforward to follow directions--be they navigational directions, product-usage directions, or procedural or instructional directions, failure to follow directions can be a waste of time. Other times, though, failure to follow directions can be harmful or even fatal. Read more: facts_6326698_following-directions-important_.html

2. Psalm 111:10: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise.

b. Because their hearts were in the right place with God.

i. They may be unknown to others but God knew who they were and who He wanted for this building project.

c. Because they were willing to serve God with their whole hearts.

2. Our unsung heroes of the faith received God’s Spirit and along with the Holy Spirit came Wisdom.

i. Wisdom comes from God not man – never forget that!1. Wisdom is God given not manmade! Wisdom shows me how to use things rightly and correctly.

a. I may have knowledge but what’s more important is how to apply that knowledge which is most important.

ii. Wisdom is connected with the Holy Spirit and it’s His wisdom being imparted to you for a certain task or area of your life which helps you to succeed.

a. Even when it comes to doing things like building, sculpting, weaving, sewing, painting, wood working and construction.

b. Quote: Bill Hybels, “The world overflows with information, data and knowledge. But there is precious little wisdom?”

a. The wise guy and gal: We need to pursue wisdom and reject foolishness in our lives and make sure we teach our children to do the same. It’s a matter of life and death and happiness and heartache. Wisdom helps us to not make those bad choices that you see every day on people’s faces.

b. What is the price you would pay to be able to make good sound choices in life.

c. Wisdom is free for those who seek it and receive it into their hearts and minds from the Lord’s Spirit.

i. Hybels defines wisdom as, “Wisdom is what is true and right combined with good judgment” (Making Life Work, page 16, 17).

iii. A life which is lived with wisdom is a life that is worth more than rubies, diamonds or gold. It is a life that is filled with significance and the blessings of God. It’s a life that makes an eternal difference in the scope of time. It’s a life with joy and laughter and hope and peace. It’s all rooted in wisdom with it life is good - without it life is harsh and cruel and even meaningless.

iv. Wisdom helps you make a difference for the Kingdom at you place or work.

a. Proverbs 12: 1-28: What are the characteristics of the wise man according to Proverbs 12? The following adapted from - Notice how all these qualities listed below create a great employee for the work place:

a. Teachable

i. Ready to accept criticism

ii. Ready to admit correction

iii. Ready to listen to advice

iv. Willing to learn new things

v. Willing to study

b. God committed - God focused – God centered

i. Their plans are just and center on hearing from God

ii. They built their house on rock, a strong foundation

iii. Their ways lead to life and immortality

1. “Wisdom is the God-given ability to perceive the true nature of a matter and implement the will of God in that matter” (Larry Lea, Wisdom pg.14)

c. Pleasant

i. Means I am humane toward others, kind to others even animals

ii. They care for others

iii. Joy is in his heart

iv. He can laugh at himself

v. They have an inner joy from the Lord

vi. Their words soothe and heal others

vii. They care for the needs of animals because they have compassion!

d. Disciplined

i. Overlooks the insults of others

ii. Is self-disciplined

iii. Diligent

iv. Disciplined

v. Not easily angered

vi. Controls their temper

vii. Maintains their health

viii. Watches their tongue and guards it

ix. Good with their finances

e. Reliable

i. He is cautious in who he befriends

ii. But is a great friend

iii. He does not hang out with fools

iv. Chooses the right person to marry

v. Stays committed to the marriage

vi. Not given to lusting after others or being an adulterer

vii. A person you can trust to be on time and to give their best.

f. Honest

i. His testimonies are true – Trustworthy

ii. His speech brings truth

iii. His business deal are upright and honest

iv. He does not lie

v. He has no dishonest scales

g. Humble

i. Keeps his knowledge to himself, and uses it appropriately

ii. Continues to put down pride

iii. Never usurps himself above another

1. Our unsung heroes had God’s Spirit which gave them wisdom which empowered their understanding but not just in spiritual things but also in things related to craftsmanship and their field of work.

b. Understanding how to do things even in your job comes from asking God for the insight in what to do - wisdom – then is listening to His insight – which gives understanding to achieve the task at hand.

a. Share how you prayed at times to problem solve something in your construction jobs or projects.

b. Share about Dr. Ben Carlson prayers to God about or before surgeries.

i. He’s a Pioneer in the Separation of Conjoined Twins from

1. Among his many talents, Carson has made bold attempts to separate conjoined twins. His first surgery in 1987 ended up being a success, as he was able to separate two 7-month-old twins from Germany. While Patrick and Benjamin Binder walked away with some brain damage from the procedure, it was an encouraging move in the right direction for an extremely-dangerous procedure. Carson’s surgery paved the way for other attempts to help ease the pain and horror craniopagus (joined at the head) twins experience.

ii. For months, a team of physicians and nurses had rehearsed for the delicate surgery. For hours they had prepped the two tiny bodies perilously joined at the head. And when it came time on that day in 1987 to put a knife to the large vein connecting them — the most fraught step in the groundbreaking operation to separate infant conjoined twins — Benjamin Solomon Carson, the brilliant young pediatric neurosurgeon who had overseen the babies’ case from the start, offered his scalpel to his boss. It was a sign of deference and respect — and perhaps, a measure of caution. But Donlin Long, head of neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital, refused the gesture. Carson, he had already decided, should make the crucial cut.“ Part of me thought, maybe I should take the knife. If things go badly it would be terrible for the young doctor’s career,” Long recalled this month. “But I also know that if this was a success, if things go well, it would make his reputation, would make him famous, that people would grow up trying to emulate him.” More than any other moment in a dazzling career, the separation of the Binder twins launched the stardom of Ben Carson.

1. See book and movie - Gifted Hands.

iii. Being a hero of the faith comes from being willing to learn and grow in your field or trade and do you job for the honor and glory of God.

iv. Our unsung heroes of the faith in our bible story and throughout church history received wisdom, understanding, knowledge and a skill set so as to craft things for God’s glory.

c. Proverbs 1:7: The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

i. Having a healthy respect for God and a relationship with Him is the beginning of knowledge!

ii. Knowledge without God is useless because it is not applied correctly and rightly.

c. Understanding connected with Knowledge once again is connected with the Spirit of God – knowing comes from research and study but how to use knowledge comes from God and His Wisdom and His understanding.

a. Example of the Peanut by George Washington Carver: He spoke of dedicating his life to his faith and, indeed, his scientific work was performed in the service of his perception of God. As Carver explained, I indulge in very little lip service but ask the Great Creator silently, daily, and often many times a day to permit me to speak to Him through the three great kingdoms of the world which He created-the animal, mineral, and vegetable kingdoms-to understand their relations to each other, and our relations to them and to the Great God who made all of us.

b. Integral to Carver’s Christianity was the conviction that God would reveal to him the divinely created mechanisms by which the world and the universe operated. He was fond of telling the story of his first revelation when, as a young boy longing for a pocket knife, he had a dream about one being stuck in a half-eaten watermelon and, upon rising, went to that location where he found the knife.

c. To a large extent, his scientific studies were in the same pattern. Carver investigated and God pointed him to the discovery. Carver was, in fact, first a fundamentalist Christian and second a scientist, rejecting evolution and believing in a universe created by and operating by rules set down by God. He repeatedly attributed his discoveries to a scientific methodology, the goal of which was to garner knowledge about the world God had constructed.

d. Two other Carver quotes are pertinent: “I love to think of nature as an unlimited broadcasting station, through which God speaks to us every hour, if we will only tune in.” “Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.”

e. While Carver’s attribution of his success to God made him a popular subject for inspirational books and tracts, it was also the trigger for perhaps the most vehement attack on his work made during his lifetime. The New York Times article “Men of Science Never Talk That Way,” (Nov. 20, 1924) accused him of “a complete lack of the scientific spirit” because “real chemists” do not attribute their successes to divine inspiration. The Times went on to warn that Carver thus discredited his race and Tuskegee Institute.

f. Taken from political-role/

T.S. – Unsung heroes have the Spirit of God which enables them to do great exploits for the Kingdom of God. It also empowers them to do their jobs better which impacts the Kingdom of God and others.

II. Our unsung heroes of the faith had God-given skills to create masterpieces for the Lord and God used them at their places of work and he wants to do the dame for you.

1. God gives skills and talents to people to work with metals, stones, woods, paints, fabrics, and other artistic work as our story reveals today.

i. God is the most creative force in this world!

a. What is the most creative force on the planet today? Is it Hollywood? Is it the Art Institute of Chicago? Is it Jullard? Is it the business world? Is it Disney? No! It’s the Spirit of the Lord! The church should be the most creative force in any community. Because God’s Spirit is there!

b. Just read Genesis chapters one and two. Just take a look at the sky and the stars. Observe wildlife and flowers. He created all the beauty and majesty of this world. The Mountain tops, the ocean depths and the desert plains. Why? He is creative. Not only was He creative but He is still today just as creative today!

a. Go watch the sunset tonight, gaze at the stars, or get up early and watch the sunrise!

i. Malachi 3:6: 6“I the LORD do not change.”

ii. James 1:17: 17Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

b. God’s nature is full of inventiveness and creative things.

c. God desires to help us solve our problems today in His creative ways – ways that you and I could never imagine.

a. Jesus was very creative in the way He presented the Gospel and so should we. But a question rings in the ears of American Christianity today - Are we creative?

d. I believe that if you were to take a survey on the street today and asked people who is more creative the Christian community or the secular community. My hunch is the secular world would win the survey. But this ought not to be! Why? Because we are told in Scripture that the most creative force in the universe lives within us.

a. John 14:15-17: 15“If you love me, you will obey what I command. 16And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever—17the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.

b. I Cor. 3:16: Don’t you know that you yourselves are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?

c. Galatians 2:20: I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.

d. I John 4:15, 16: 15If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in him and he in God. 16And so we know and rely on the love God has for us.

e. Therefore, since He lives in us should we also not reflect His creativity? Should we not have creative mindsets and find new ways to present the Gospel to the people in our area that grabs their attention and affects their lives?

a. Yes! We should and the Holy Spirit will help us do this.

b. But we have to ask for creative minds and be willing to follow through with what the Lord shows us. So, let’s get creative!

c. Ask God to make you creative in your jobs and in your church! Why would He not give His gifts to others who are created in His image and doing His work for the Kingdom.

i. Story of using your God given gift for the Kingdom Antonio: In 1658 a young Italian boy lived in the town of Cremona. Legend has it, that like his townsfolk, Antonio loved music. Cremona was a town where musical ability was highly valued. But poor Antonio was not a very accomplished musician. When he tried singing his friends nicknamed him "squeaky voice". When he tried to learn the violin he was all thumbs. About the only thing Antonio could do was to whittle on a block of wood with his knife, carving little objects. One day Antonio sat whittling by the roadside as three of his very musical friends were playing and singing. The air filled with their beautiful playing and singing. One gentleman stopped longer than any of the others and even asked the friends to sing a song again. After they finished he dropped a gold coin into the hand of the singer. Then he moved on down the street. A gold coin was a princely sum for a street singer. "Who was he?" asked Antonio. "It was Amati," his friends proudly replied. "Nicolo Amati, the greatest violin maker in all of Italy!" That planted a thought in young Antonio’s mind. The next morning he went to Nicolo Amati’s house and waited for he great master to come out. When Amati opened the door, Antonio bounded up and told him that he wanted to become a violin maker. "I cannot sing and I cannot play, but I can carve." Would Amati take him on as an apprentice? Amati agreed and the eleven year old went to work for him. Years later Nicolo died and Antonio took over the business. Antonio’s full name? Antonio Stradiviari, the greatest violin maker of all time. Antonio couldn’t sing, Antonio couldn’t play, but he could carve. We may not all be able to sing, we may not all be able to play violin, but like Antonio Stradivari, we all have things we can do and all have a lasting impact to make on the people around us and even on the world we live in. (From David Elverly

ii. What is the gift God has given you that you need to use for His Kingdom?

T.S. - Our unsung heroes of the faith used their gifts directed by God to create masterpieces which revealed and housed God's glory and presence.

III. The ultimate goal of our unsung biblical heroes is to experience the glory and presence of the Lord through their work.

1. Not only so they could experience but so others would as well!

i. Exodus 40 - The Glory of the Lord: 34Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 36In all the travels of the Israelites, whenever the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle, they would set out; 37but if the cloud did not lift, they did not set out—until the day it lifted. 38So the cloud of the Lord was over the tabernacle by day, and fire was in the cloud by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel during all their travels.

a. They built a place that housed the presence of God – you too can do the same at your place of work – create a place where God’s presence dwells! Create a piece of art that impacts people with His presence.

ii. What does God want you to do which is creative and artistic – what does He want you to build for Him? Pray about it!

T.S. – God wants to enable you to make a difference in your trade or job. He wants to use your artistic, and tradesman talents for His kingdom and for His glory but you also need to pass on what God has given to you to others.

IV. Our unsung heroes of the faith were willing to teach their talents and skills to other’s so the work could go on for the Lord. We do this by teaching others – mentoring – apprenticing others.

1. Wilkerson states from His book The 7 Laws of The Learner this: 7 maxims of a good teacher (page 28-

i. Teachers are responsible to cause students to learn.

ii. Teachers will stand accountable to God for their influence.

iii. Teachers are responsible because they control, subject, style and speaker.

iv. Teachers should judge their success by the success of their students.

v. Teachers impact more by their character and commitment than by their communication.

vi. Teachers exist to serve the students.

vii. Teachers who practice the Laws of the learner and teacher can become master teachers.

2. The process of multiplication in discipleship and it’s a Jesus principle for the Kingdom of God.

i. Jesus modeled for us the process of multiplication by mentoring, teaching and equipping his disciples.

a. He focused on 12 people during his 3 years of ministry time.

b. Then they focused with him on the 70

c. Over time the process of discipleship has reached into Billions coming to Jesus!

a. It’s the concept of establishing relationships with other like Jesus did with his 12.

b. Eddie Snipes states, “Discipleship = friendship with a Christ centered focus. The relationship is the most critical today. This is not because it is the most important, but it is the most neglected...Most people are intimidated by discipleship.”

i. Proverbs 27:17: As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

c. Eddie Snipe adds, “Friendship is the key for accountability.”

i. It’s also the main key in the discipleship process. Timothy 2:1-3 – The “Timothy Principle” modeled by Paul is noted in these few verses.

1. 1You then, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. 2And the things you have heard me say in the presence of many witnesses entrust to reliable men who will also be qualified to teach others. 3Endure hardship with us like a good soldier of Christ Jesus.

2. Paul’s relationship and friendship with Timothy shows the importance of discipleship and a need to connect relationally with others.

3. Paul mentored Timothy into the man of God Jesus wanted him to be.

d. Eddie Snipes in “3 Principles of Discipleship” stated: The ultimate goal of mentor discipleship is to give our ministry away. We see leaders jealously guard their position because they forget that it doesn’t belong to them, but has been entrusted to them by God for His glory. If God exalts someone over me or raises up someone who takes my place, that is His will. If I fight against God, what value does my position hold outside of God’s plan? How do I know that God isn’t raising up someone because he has bigger plans for me? Even if God doesn’t, the greater benefit is not the position I hold, but the fruit God produces through my life for His eternal purposes.


What do we need to know from this sermon?

Answer: Unsung heroes of the faith are filled and empowered by God’s Spirit which gives them wisdom – understanding - knowledge and the ability to use their God-given talents and gifts for the Kingdom. If they use them as God directs then their work will house his glory and convey His message to all those impacted from their work.

Why do we need to know this?

Answer: So, we use our gifts, talents and jobs for the glory of God.

What do we need to do?

Answer: We need to see that our artistic gifts and talents should be used for the Kingdom of God and we should understand God wants to use us at our jobs to create a place where His presence dwells and impacts everyone in this place.

Why do we need to do it?

Answer: If we learn to pray and tap the power of the Spirit at work God will use us to grow the Kingdom and change people’s lives.

Why do we need to do this?

Answer: We need to do this because it will make us look at our talents differently and it will bring peace and satisfaction into our artistic sides and our jobs. It’s important to remember that we will be held accountable for what we did and did not do with our lives in the here now.