Summary: part 3 of our thankful series

Thankful in all things

Part 2


November 2018

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

16 Always be joyful. 17 Never stop praying. 18 Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus.

Today we are going to continue our short series on thankfulness

The first week we covered God’s mercy, Grace and Love and saw how we as believers should be thankful for the eternal mercy and Grace that God has poured out upon us

And how even the unbelievers in this world are receiving God’s temporary Mercy and Grace simply because they are still alive and still have the opportunity to receive eternal life

It is only by his grace that when we sin

That God does not discipline us eternally the first time

Last week we took a hard look at Salvation

What that means

How we should respond to the salvation that has been given to us as a free gift

And once again

How God has made salvation available to all who will


We all must make a choice

God’s mercy

God’s grace

God’s love

And the Salvation he has provided

Though his precocious Son Jesus Christ

Is truly something to be thankful for

Today I want to look at the topic of Deliverance

In order to paint a picture

I asked Monty Johnson to pray about sharing his testimony with you this morning

And the Holy Spirit has guided him to do it

In Monty’s own words

Parts of his story are dark

And his story is an extreme example of deliverance


Please give him your full attention

And also, realize that we are al in need of deliverance

Monty Johnson Testimony

I asked Monty to share with you this morning

So that we could see the power of our God

He created us

He loves us

He showed us with Love and Mercy

And Grace

And through that grace he gave his son to die for us

So that none would be lost if they accepted the gift

That is our first deliverance


Once we know Jesus

Have been delivered from the penalty of sin

We have been delivered from the power of death

Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:55-58

55 O death, where is your victory?

O death, where is your sting?[a]”

56 For sin is the sting that results in death, and the law gives sin its power. 57 But thank God! He gives us victory over sin and death through our Lord Jesus Christ.

58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and immovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless.

What Paul tells us once again

Is something that we know and understand

When we accept Jesus

We have been rescued from an eternity in hell

We have been delivered eternally from the penalty of sin

Put back into proper relationship with God

This deliverance is amazing

This deliverance would be enough to do back flips over

And this deliverance is enough

But God

Does so much more

As you heard from Monty

And as some of you have first had experience with

And as we taught for months from 1 Peter

Believers are not immune from troubles of this life

And if not focused

If not diligent in keeping our eyes on Jesus

Even believers can fall back into sin

And can even become slaves once again to sin

I am not talking about slaves in an eternal sense

I f you are saved

Then you are saved

And your eternity is secured

But life on this planet

Can become hell on earth when we surrender to the sin that comes from our hearts

And begin to let it control us

This is the deliverance that I want to discuss today

Make no mistake

If you are here today and you don’t know Jesus

You need eternal deliverance in the form of salvation

And I plead with you not to delay, time is short

But it is deliverance from the things in our lives that I desire to share today

My text for today comes for the book of Lamentations

Not a book we preach from often

The Prophet Jeremiah served as God’s voice to the Nation of Judah for 40 years

His message was true and just

But like Isaiah’s message it was not popular

Both Isaiah and Jeremiah preached God’s judgement for disobedience

And in the case of Jeremiah

The people wanted to shut him up


They threw in hm in a cistern

With a muddy bottom

And dropped rocks on him

Hoping he would die

They were certain that either Jeremiah would sink into the mud over his head and drown

Or that the stones would kill him

Either way, they believed by killing the messenger

They would not have to deal with the message

They underestimated the power of God

Lamentations 3 include part of Jeramiah’s plea to God

And God’s deliverance of Jeremiah

Lamentations 3:53-58

53 They threw me into a pit

and dropped stones on me.

54 The water rose over my head,

and I cried out, “This is the end!”

55 But I called on your name, LORD,

from deep within the pit.

56 You heard me when I cried, “Listen to my pleading!

Hear my cry for help!”

57 Yes, you came when I called;

you told me, “Do not fear.”

58 Lord, you have come to my defense;

you have redeemed my life.

God delivered Jeremiah

Not because he deserved it

Not because he was good

But because God

Listen to his cry

And showered him with Mercy

He showed him Grace

And he saved him from the pit

Listen to me

Fe of us are ever going to be thrown into a literal pit

Few of us will have rocks dropped on our heads


Make no mistake

We all can end up in a pit sometimes

And we all need deliverance

I want this morning to discuss some of the pits of our lives

How we allow ourselves to end up in them

And then used Jeremiahs example to see how we can be delivered from them

Listen to me

Jeremiah did not put himself in the pit

He did not want to be there

But God only delivered him when he cried out for deliverance

Unfortunately, most of the pits we end up in

We put ourselves in


Like Jeremiah

We must desire to get out of the pit

I need you to hear me on this

God will not deliver you from something that you desire to continue doing

He delivers us

When we cry out to him

And have a change of heart

A Change of mind

And no longer desire to be in the place where we are or desire to continue to do the things we are doing

So, what are some pits we put ourselves into

Well you heard from Monty

Addictions can be a pit

And believers struggle with addictions

And addictions come in all forms




Sexual addictions




These are the things we think of when we discuss deliverance

To stand by and watch someone you love

Be destroyed by the addictions in their lives

Is heart breaking

Some of you have been on this side of the story

Watching someone you love to circle the drain

Knowing what they need

And being unable to help them

Some of you have lived the other side of the story

Letting some substance

Or behavior

Rule your life

Separating you from God

Once again not eternally for the believer

But in intimacy here on earth

Addictions can be a deadly pit

The mud gets deep

The water is rising

And it seems as if there is no way out

There is a way out

And it is up

Look up

Cry out

Make a decision that you don’t want to be where you are

That you don’t want to keep living like you have been

And ask God

Beg Gods to deliver you

Listen to me

You need to do your part as well

First, you must look to God

Instead of looking to the world

Or the substance

Or the object of the addiction

Then you must take a zero-tolerance stance

For those who struggle with addictions

One will destroy you

One drink

One snort

One puff

One look

Remember I said God won’t deliver you from something you still want to do

But when you cry out and mean it

He can remove the cravings

He can remove the temptations or better give you the strength to resist them

He can and will deliver you

If you

Let him

If you suffer

As I have

With addictions

Cry out

For deliverance

Other pits we put ourselves in

Are compulsive behaviors

Spending too much time on face book



Watch tv

These things when done in moderation can bring some feelings of happiness

But when they become compulsions

They become a pit

Do you find yourself spending hours on your phone?

Hours in front of the television

How about your hobbies

Does your fishing, or hunting

Or shopping

Or sports watching


consume you

define you

Do you get nervous when you can’t get internet access?

Or when the power is out, and you can’t turn on your favorite show

Listen to me

None of these things done in moderation are necessarily bad

But when they become a compulsion

They become an idol

And they place us in a pit of separation

That we need to be delivered from

Behaviors can become a pit in our lives

And some of our behaviors can destroy us

And those around us

God’s word says anger does not bring about the righteousness of God

If you can’t control your anger

You are in a pit and need deliverance

God’s word says gossip destroys relationships

Breaks down trust

Causes dissention and division

If you can’t or won’t stop gossiping

You are in a pit and need to be delivered





All can become pits

Listen to me

Anything that causes you to be disobedient to God

And especially blatantly disobedient

What I mean

Is you are choosing

The addiction

Or behavior

Is a pit that you need to be delivered from?

I could spend hours


And even years on all the things that can cause us to be in a pit

But I think you get the point

We saw how we end up in a pit


Let’s go back to Jeremiahs words in lamentations 3

To see how we get out of the pits we end up in

They threw me into a pit

and dropped stones on me.

54 The water rose over my head,

and I cried out, “This is the end!”

55 But I called on your name, LORD,

from deep within the pit.

56 You heard me when I cried, “Listen to my pleading!

Hear my cry for help!”

57 Yes, you came when I called;

you told me, “Do not fear.”

58 Lord, you have come to my defense;

you have redeemed my life

The first step in getting out of the pit

Is to admit that you are in one

Jeremiah knew he was in a bad place

This is what we must also come to know

If you struggle with addictions

Disobedient behaviors


You have to recognize that you are in one

Acknowledge that you can’t get out on your own

And then look up and cry out

What I am trying to tell you

If you are in a pit

God does not want you there

He wants to deliver you

He wants to put your feet on solid ground instead of sinking mud

He wants your love

Your attention

Your focus to be on him

He wants you to know that he can and will rescue you

If you will simply let him

Are you in a pit?

Look up

Cry out

And when he delivers you

Give him thanks

Give him praise

Share your story so others may avoid the same pits

Close from the heart
