Summary: This is a eulogy for a woman who was an outstanding wife, mother, and worker in the church for the Lord. Her death was completely unexpected and left a huge hole in the church to be filled. The message seeks to bring some healing when death hits us unexpectedlyl

Denise Nevins

December 1, 2018 Psalm 139 2 Timothy 4:6-9

It is in moments like these that our faith is greatly tested. We are all gathered here because of the shining beacon that Denise Nevins was in all of our lives. The suddenness of her death cut through our hearts like a sharp knife slicing through butter. It happened so quickly, that for many of us, it is hard to believe that she is not going to walk into the living room or the kitchen or the fellowship hall, or this sanctuary any day now with a smile that always could lift your spirits.

We may all want to ask God, “why”, “why her”, “why now.” It is okay to ask the questions. But understand that in asking it, we somehow think, we have a better plan for Denise’s life and her future. We really want the opportunity to play God with Denise’life. But Denise would gladly tell us, “I already have a God, whom I trust, whom I love, whom I put my confidence in to complete the good work that He has begun in my life.”

You know, sometimes we can get so angry with God, that we must first forgive God, before we can move on in our lives. We feel as though an injustice has occurred and someone is at fault. We may focus on the twenty years we think Denise should have had left, rather than on the 71 amazing years that she lived impacting this world and our lives.

Can we just for a moment admit, “God we’re confused by all this. We really wanted more time with Denise. We forget that God too grieved over the death of Denise, because grieves over us all. God could not be Love without hurting when we hurt.

God created us and put us in a perfect world, yet we chose to do our own thing which allowed for sin and death to come into this world. It was God’s plan from the beginning that we would live without death, but somehow we believed the lie, that God wanted to keep us from having a good time in life. Ever since the fall of humankind, God has been trying to bring us back to our original place in Him.

I know that God cried, because His Son, Jesus cried after arriving too late for a friend who had died. Mary, Martha, and Lazarus were all close friends of Jesus. Lazarus got sick and Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus to come quickly.

Lazarus died before Jesus could get there, as a matter of fact, Lazarus died before Jesus got the message to come quickly. When Jesus did arrive, he had to face an indictment from his dear friend Martha, when she said, “If you had been here, my brother would not have died.”

Many of us can relate to Martha’s feelings, and have made the same charges, “Jesus, if you had of actually been here, Denise, my mother, my wife, by sister, my daughter, my friend or my mentor would not have died.” The amazing thing about Jesus, is that he understands our feelings. He doesn’t tell Martha, “you can’t talk to me like that after all I have done for you.” He simply says, “Your brother will rise again.” Those words are our hope.

As believers in Christ, we are never told not to grieve. We are told not to grieve as those who have no hope. Denise Nevins spent most of her life having hope in a God, that would never leave nor forsake her. Denise did not die alone, nor did her death catch God off guard. For the word of God tells us, “Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his saints.” So if her death occurred in His sight, that tells me that God was with her in that moment of transition from life to death and back to life again. God had a plan and God still has a plan for why he sent Denise into the world.

The first week of September of 1947 was filled with national and international events. The United States was preparing to launch a German V-2 rocket of the aircraft carrier Midway. It was going to be the first missile launched from a ship. Britain’s military court was sentencing 14 Gestapo agents to death for killing 50 airmen trying to escape a prison war camp.

Joseph Stalin was bragging about the 800th anniversary of Moscow and calling it a model city capital for other nations to follow. In the midst of all that, aren’t you glad that God still had time to offer a precious gift to the world through Martha and Henry Lee Butler in the form of a little black girl, born in Erie, Pa.

What’s really encouraging is that God had all of us in mind before Denise left her mother’s womb, for the Scriptures tell us Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. God knew the way he intended for Denise to impact each of our lives. Denise grew up in her grandfather’s home who was a pastor. She was introduced to the presence of Jesus Christ early in her life.

You have already heard the testimonies of how Denise touched so many people with her life. When we asked for one word descriptions of Denise from her family, we received the words patient, fun, compassionate, caring, determined, committed, loving, helpful, optimistic, giving, wise beautiful, understanding, nurturing, reliable, ambitious and forgiving.

Denise grew up as a daddy’s and granddady’s girl with the nickname Baby Doll which meant she was spoiled. Behind that twinkle in her eye, her mom said that she was very busy and mischievous. Now some people when they are spoiled, they stay spoiled, but God put a heart of compassion in Denise to see beyond herself and into the lives and pain of others.

Denise didn’t mind making sacrifices even when it cost her something in return. Her daughters explained how their mom opened their doors for others to come and live with them. They would have their lights cut off because Denise was helping out more people than she could afford to help.

When Denise was a single mom, Christmas could sometimes be a very lean period for her and her daughters, but she knew that showing them her genuine love for them was far greater than worrying about whether or not they received the latest Christmas toy on tv.

Denise was old school when it came to her daughters. They said their mom was strict. She had the power to let them know when they had better get themselves together from just getting the look. When she put the tone in her voice, they knew they were running out of options in a hurry. But she had their trust because they knew she would listen to whatever they were going through without judging them.

Denise was to be a role model not only for her daughters, but for single moms and dads everywhere when it came to getting an education. When they went to school, she went back to school. She didn’t let “one of these of days” “or one day I might”, she simply got up with some determination and faith in God and obtained not only a BA degree, she grabbed two masters degrees to obtain what she believed God had for her.

One thing you would learn from being around her was persistence. She would tell you often, “Rome was not built in a day” , “be patient”. She was very patient with her husband to be having known him for many years before even considering dating him. I’m told she said no, the first time he asked her out. Neither of them seems to want to take the full responsibility of who exactly was pursuing who.

Both of them worked at Tri-C College. She was in the English Department as a teacher and he was in charge of the media department with the sound systems and technology. Her story is that Gerald found a lot of excuses to end up over in the English section of the tri-c campus. Now Gerald would claim it was mere coincidence.

Denise at the time was attending Pathway Church as their music director. Gerald noticed that she kept inviting him to come and fix the problem with the sound system at the church. Now I don’t know if Denise was pulling out wires to keep him coming back or it Gerald was loosening some wires, so she would call him back, but I do know it led to one of the greatest love stories that lasted for 19 years.

They were an example of what Christ can do in a blended family. They loved all of their kids, and were willing to do what was necessary to help each of them get to that next stage in life. Even as adults, their kids knew they were just a phone call away. Denise loved family and you could see it as the size of people in their homes grew and shrunk with the different situations that arose in their lives and the lives of their children.

I have never seen two happier grandparents than the two of them were with their grandkids. Their granddaughter said she spoiled them. She got them stuff, their mom had told them no to having.

They were an example of what the Scriptures means when he tells us to make the most of our days. Gerald and Denise lived as though tomorrow was not promised to them, and they packed more joy, and fun, and love into their 19 years together than most people do in an entire lifetime.

They helped each other to grow. Denise had to endure Gerald not talking that much, but she had plenty to say so that was alright. Gerald wanted so much to be on time for his different ministry assignments, but one day he gained a great victory, when he accepted the reality, that as long as he and Denise were going somewhere together, he was going to be late. He realized their love for each other, was more important to him than having to always be on time.

Denise knew how to handle an oven or a stove. Corn pudding was at most of the meals. Her fried corn, green bean casserole, pound cake and sweet potato pie were delicious. Gerald said his favorite dish by his wife was, whatever she was cooking because he liked to eat.

Gerald and Denise served as a lay pastors here at our church. Denise preached sermons from this pulpit. She served as an elder, a youth worship teacher, a choir member, a Peak leader, a church planter, a peacemaker, a Life-Sharing teacher, a Marriage Sensation participant and backup leader, and a servant in so many different aspects of the life of our church.

Who is God calling to step-up and follow in her shoes. Her ministry touched every age group in the life of our church? She has truly been one of those believers who like the Apostle Paul could say, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” Denise would tell you in a moment, the good you see in me is the grace of God at work in my life by the power of the Holy Spirit.

You know there is only one good time to die, and that’s when we are ready to meet the Lord. Denise Nevins was ready to meet the Lord. Like the apostle Paul she could and will say 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8 Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Do you realize God loves us all, but death will be the final separator between those who are living for Jesus Christ and those who are not. Going to heave it’s not a matter of who was good and who was bad. We all were and are bad. The good news is in order to know God, you first have to realize that you are bad. God wants to give us all the same chance he gave to Denise. God is willing to extend God’s grace to anyone willing to admit they need his help for salvation. Jesus said, I am the way the truth and the life, no one comes to the Father except through me. If we do not know Christ, we cannot experience the life God wants us to have.

Jesus has gone forth to prepare a place for each of us. But like Denise, we must make a choice. None of us know the day nor the hour when we shall leave this world. Christ has died on our behalf that we might have life. Every one of us know that we have rebelled against God and can’t do anything to make it right.

God’s plan is for us for us to want to be in a living relationship with him. It begins with admitting we have done wrong. Believing that when Jesus died on the cross, he paid the penalty for our sins. Accepting that when Jesus rose from the dead, he rose with a power that can change our lives. And then inviting him to come into our lives and make us what He desires for us to be. The Holy Spirit will take over from there.

To those who do not know Jesus Christ, Denise Nevins will only be a memory. It will be a great memory, but still just a memory. For those who do know Christ, Denise Nevins is waiting to meet us on the other side. Denise has left us the example of a well lived life. What decision will you make for your future with the Lord.