Summary: Ephesians 6

GEARING UP FOR WAR - Recognizing the Enemy

September 4, 2022

Ephesians 6:10-12


One of my favorite books is by C.S. Lewis and it’s called “The Screwtape Letters.” It’s a collection of letters as if written by a Senior Demon to one of his apprentices…who is learning to be an effective enemy of Christians…Screwtape, the Senior Demon writes to Wormwood, his apprentice.

“It’s a great practice to get people to have malice and discontent with those they know and to have them do good things for those who are far away…in that way, hatred becomes very real…while love is imaginary.”

I know that C.S. Lewis is only using his sanctified imagination when he looks at demonic warfare…but I believe he gives us some insight into the very real schemes of the Evil One.

God’s Word tells us there is a dark world and our struggle is against these spiritual forces of evil…

It’s an old fashion concept to teach that Satan and his forces are real…That he is a real being who has an army of evil at his disposal…that this evil in the heavenly realm is actively engaged in battle for our souls…but God’s Word teaches this is absolutely the case.

The New York Times did a recent study about the diminishing belief in the Devil among Americans. Two thirds of Americans do not believe in Hell or that Satan is a living entity…In a random survey of 1,000 people, 62% said, “He is not a real living being but only a representative of all evil. 149 million Americans believe that Satan has no influence but that Satan is just a symbol of evil.

Keith Green wrote a song many years ago called “NO ONE BELIEVES IN ME ANYMORE.” The first verse and chorus go like this:

[“O my job keeps getting easier as time keeps slippin’ away. I can imitate the brightest light and make the night look just like day. I put some truth in every lie, to tickle itching ears. You know I’m drawing people just like flies. ‘Cause they like what they hear. I’m gaining power by the hour. They’re fallin’ by the score. You know it’s getting very simple now, ‘cause no one believes in me anymore.”]

So this morning as we “Gear Up for War” I believe it’s essential God’s people recognize who our enemy is…that he’s very real. That he schemes and lies and one of the most effective weapons he has, is to make us believe:


Paul boldly states… “Our struggle is not against flesh and blood.” (v. 12)

I will not skip over this quickly because it might be one of the most important truths in spiritual warfare.

An army which spends all its time polishing its armor or using it to fight with one another will not be effective.

But it’s a tough issue…How do we separate people from this issue when most of the biggest injuries and hurts and injustices come through them.

When someone stole my stuff it was a person doing it. When someone gossiped about me and my family it was a person spreading the hurtful tales. When someone stabs me in the back, its a person. When someone treats me with a mean judgmental attitude, its a person.

So what do I do with this situation where I know its true…but God’s Word says, “Rick, your war isn’t against them?”

First of all I’d remind both you and I of this quote by the Evangelist Billy Sunday, he said, “I know Satan is real for 2 reasons…first of all because the Bible says he is…and second, because I’ve done business with him.”

We’ve all done business with him, huh?

Please understand that those who have not been born again through Christ’s sacrifice and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, are lost…the Evil One, the god of this world is their master…Why should we expect non Holy Spirit filled people to think, act or speak like Christ? It doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt, but this truth should influence our response.

But, it’s very clear in our text that Paul the Apostle is writing to believers who will be attacked by the Evil One…He tells us “Be strong in the Lord and His mighty power. Put on the full armor of God…so you can take your stand against the Devil’s schemes.”

If anyone knew what kind of dirty fighter Satan is, it was Paul.

Did you know that Satan tried to destroy the Church with division…and it involved two Apostles…Peter and Paul? It involved a matter that legalistic people made more important than Salvation and Unity…



Cephas (or Peter) ministered primarily to the Jews…Circumcision was the physical act of obeying Abraham’s covenant with God…but clearly under the covenant of grace in Christ it was no longer required for salvation…But some Jews made this act essential…Peter was afraid of offending them so he cut off relationships with Gentiles…Paul calls him on it…“Peter you don’t live like one under the law…why do you demand others do it?”

Remember, this is after Pentecost…after the gift of the Holy Spirit…Christians…no wonder Peter would later write…“Be self controlled and alert. Your enemy the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” (1 Peter 5:8)

“Resist him, standing firm in the faith because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same struggle.” (v. 9)

Our battle isn’t against people…it’s against the Fallen One from heaven and his forces.

Revelation 12:4 tells us “His tail swept 1/3 of the stars out of the sky and flung them to earth.”

And Revelation 12 tells us…something shattering about how Satan got here on earth…


Satan and his angels are not in Hell…That is reserved for them at the end of time…He is here on earth right now and Revelation 12:12 says, “Woe to the earth and sea because the Devil has gone down to you. He is filled with furry, because he knows his time is short.”

Do you know what fury is…It’s vented hatred…It’s directed wrath.

Satan lost…He hates God…He leads an army of demons that hate God…and their hatred is vented at us…Their wrath is directed at people…Why?

Because he wants to hurt what God loves the most…

Are you getting a clearer picture of our enemy…and why it's not “flesh and blood but against the rulers, the authorities and the spiritual forces of this dark world?”

Here’s what I believe God is trying to teach us through His Word as we prepare for this spiritual war.


It’s not our armor that we need to put on…It’s God’s! It’s not our strength we need for this battle, it’s the mighty power of our Lord.

[I was watching Peyton, Kanaan, and X try to move this cinder block out of the way the other day…it was too heavy for any of them to pick up…although X got pretty close…As I watched them X said, “Papaw will you help us…So I got up, picked up the cinder block and moved it out of their way so they could play whiffle ball…when they got through I said, “OK guys…let me try something a little different…Peyton grab this end…Shuggie you’re in the middle and X you’re on the other end…put the concrete block where you got it”…and they moved it with no trouble.]

God has designed His Church so that the greatest source of strength is our Father…sometimes He moves spiritual mountains for us…but sometimes He knows one of the greatest strengths we have is to help each other carry the weight…As we prepare for war with the Evil One…I’d encourage you to be one of those people who helps pick up big rocks instead of a person who has been influenced by Satan to throw them.

Listen to this Biblical advice Paul gave to the Galatians:


Three important action items for helping others and being prepared for spiritual warfare:

*People get caught in sin…even our brothers and sister…People who live by the Holy Spirit desire to greatly restore them…not crucify them.

*Second, watch yourself…I believe Paul’s talking about the temptation of pride here… “I’d never do that!” “My kids wouldn’t do that!” “I don’t steal.” “I don’t cheat.” “I don’t covet.” Really…How ‘bout gossip? How ‘bout pride…How ‘bout being judgmental…How ‘bout unforgiveness?”

Our goal is to get to heaven and to help our brothers and sisters get there…not make it tougher…Satan works hard to do that!!

Please don’t think you’re something you’re not…We are all sinners saved by Grace and living by faith. Don’t compare yourself to someone else…Look at Jesus for your model.


*Carry your own load…Here is the truth I would end with…It’s the most vital truth for the church.

“A Disciple is someone who has moved from being a recipient of the church’s mission

to being responsible for the church’s mission.”

The Church’s mission is to “Go into all the world and make disciples…baptizing them in the name of the father, son and Holy Spirit…teaching them to observe everything Jesus has commanded us.”

That’s my load…and if you are a follower of Christ…it’s yours…It’s our battle strategy for spiritual warfare!