Summary: INTRODUCTION: Video: To Value Life = 1:57 (Found and purchased from Sermon Spice)

As we continue in our series explaining what we are FOR as a church we come to a very important and sometimes controversial subject. As a church we are FOR: LIFE. We wanted to talk about this because we believe it is a subject that is dear to our Lord and so must be to us as His followers. But I also want you to know that scheduling this part of our series, to talk about being for life, was not picked at random. For today is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. We join this morning with literally hundreds of churches across America in upholding the value of all human life. The sermon in a sentence this morning is simply this: We believe every human being has value and dignity, and that all human life is precious to God.

That may sound simple, “Of course everyone has value and dignity,” and yet in our culture today, when you talk about being “for life,” it can be an emotional powder keg of a subject. Because while the principle may sound uncomplicated, the application can be enormously difficult, even to the point where our country has been torn apart by not just how we look at life but how we define killing.

Now some people will say the Church should stay away from controversial subjects. If you are one of those I would inform or remind you that one of our core beliefs as a church is we believe the Bible is God’s Word and must be communicated with doctrinal integrity and cultural relevance. In other words, when it comes to controversial subjects we must first, base our beliefs on what God says in His Word. When we find something that God stands for we must also stand for and be the conscience of the community. For if we, as God’s people, won’t stand up for His truth in the public square, who will?

Jesus said about those who follow Him in Matt 5:13-15: “You are the salt of the earth. If salt loses its taste, how can it be made to taste like salt again? You are the light of the world. Men do not light a lamp and put it under a basket. They put it on a table so it gives light to all in the house. 16 Let your light shine in front of men.” (NIV) So we must be willing to be seasoning to our culture and shine the light of His word to those around us. Like the prophets, John the Baptist and Jesus we must have the courage to stand for God’s truth even if it goes against the grain of popular thought.

And we believe that God has something to say, through His Word, about the sanctity of human life. As faithful followers, the only way to know our position on topics, is to do our best to understand His position.

So, here’s my request of you: during this message, there’ll be your part and my part. For your part I would ask you to listen with an open mind and heart. And, if you hear something that makes you think differently that you will be open to acting differently. And here’s my part. My primary purpose in this message is not (please hear this) is not to try and change your mind. I don’t want to talk you into or out of anything. But I promise I will as faithfully as possible lay out God’s Word and if you’ll honor your part then I believe we’ll have both honored God and His Word.

So, let's look at being for life in three ways: 1) God’s is For Life. 2) God’s definition of Life, and 3) A Christian’s actions For Life.


The Christian faith is based on God’s worldview which is predicated on a set of non-negotiable truths. One of these is all human life is inherently valuable. Christ’s followers have acted upon this understanding of human dignity throughout history, whether contesting child abandonment, constructing hospitals, combating slavery, creating universities, crying out against human trafficking, protesting segregation or opposing abortion.

The powerful idea that every single person has inherent value is rooted in God’s very creation of the world, in the opening chapter of Genesis. When God created human beings, Gen 1:26 tells us God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness…” While there is much debate on what “image” actually refers to specifically, there is no debate that being created in God’s image means that every human being has dignity and worth, that God distinguished human beings from the rest of creation. And we learn very early on that killing innocent life, of someone made in His image, is unacceptable to God. When Cain murders his brother Able in Gen. 4 God makes it clear that the spilling of innocent blood is deplorable to Him. From initial creation to the initiation of the first nation (Israel), called God’s people, God has been for life. That’s why in the top ten commands from God to this new nation, we find the mandate: “You shall not murder.” (Ex. 20:13 NIV)

And let’s be clear. The prohibition from God is the taking or killing of an innocent life. God does not condemn killing to defend one’s own life, the life of another or even during war although all of those are less than His ideal. There is a cost to taking a life even under justifiable circumstances.

I had a close friend during my college years who was a marine and fought in Vietnam. He told me that he had to kill on the battlefield, but he said something about soldiering I’ll never forget. He said, “Every time I had to take a life in battle I believe that killing took a piece out of my life too. I’d never wish killing on anyone, no matter the reason.” No wonder in FDR’s D-Day prayer he said, “Men's souls will be shaken by the violence’s of war.

God’s word doesn’t stop there though. Jesus expanded this thought of killing to our attitudes.He said, “You have heard it said from long ago, ‘You must not murder anyone.’ But I tell you, if you are angry with (or hate) a brother or sister, you will be judged.” (Mt. 5:21-22 NCV) Why? Because hate and anger can lead to or motivate murder.

It is very clear all through scripture that taking innocent human life is a sin in God’s view. Why? Because God created every life in His image. He finds it unacceptable to take a life because you are angry or feel slighted or it’s inconvenient to your plans. Because whether it’s a mass shooting, an act of terror, revenge or just being self-centered, murder takes all dignity, value & worth from a human life. Murder says, “You’re not worthwhile, you have no value, to even exist.” God’s saying, “Every person is made in my image so no one has the right to take an innocent life that I’ve made.”

It’s clear from reading God’s Word that God has always been and will always be for life!


Now, since God is for life, I think all of would agree that it is important to understand His definition of life. As you begin to define and apply this principle, some are what we might call no-brainers. I would be shocked if anyone in this room would argue that a mass shooting like we’ve had in schools or churches or concerts, or a murder for hire or killing because our feelings are hurt is acceptable to God. The killing of human life in that way is almost universally accepted as wrong.

So, let’s look at His thinking from His Word on some of the more difficult scenarios. With the time we have let’s look at 3 of the most prevalent issues.

What about euthanasia especially in the context of mercy killing or assisted suicide? When someone is suffering terribly and maybe has even asked for help to end their life is it wrong to help them to that end? I mean while we all would probably agree we should protect and preserve life, but should we prolong death?

Now, I’m not talking about a serious downturn of health where the person beforehand has asked not to be kept alive by machines.

That happened to my mom. She was being kept alive by dialysis. 3x per week she would have to go to dialysis and be hooked up to this machine to clean her blood. When she was also diagnosed with serious heart valve problem she said to her family at age 86: ‘I’ve never wanted to be kept alive by a machine.” So, she decided to stop dialysis and she passed on her own terms.

I’m not talking about those situations or when you’ve signed a DNR because you don’t want to be kept alive artificially. I’m talking about actually participating in helping a person die, by actually in administrating death. What does God say about this?

Well, let’s look at the following scriptures. Job, a man who went through great grief and wondered if he should have ever been born said this: “The life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of every human being.” (Job 12:10 NLT) Then, in a time of deep personal pain, he said this to God, “I know you (God) will bring me down to death, to the place appointed for all the living.” (Job 30:23 NIV) Solomon wrote: “As no one has the power over the wind to contain it, so no has the power over the time of their death.” (Ecc. 8:8 NIV)

We actually have an example of a type of mercy killing in 1 Samuel. King Saul is seriously injured in battle, but he is not dead. He asks his armor-bearer: “Take your sword and kill me before these pagan Philistines come to run me through.” (1 Sam. 31:4 NLT) But his armor-bearer wouldn’t do it because he was terrified of the consequences. Why? What were the consequences? We learn in 2 Samuel 1 that another man claimed to actually kill the King at Saul’s request. David asks this man, “Why weren’t afraid to kill Saul?” (Like his armor bearer was) When the man could not answer David executed him saying, “You have condemned yourself, for you yourself confessed that you killed the King.” (2 Sam. 1:16 GW) Even though Saul requested it. No wonder Saul’s armor bearer wouldn’t do it!

In light of these scriptures I think we’ve got to ask ourselves: “Do I have the right to take a life even when it seems merciful to do so? If I do, am I playing God? Am I taking out of his hand what only he should control?”

Here’s another tough one: Suicide. Maybe I conclude I shouldn’t take another life, but can I take my own? Once again, God does not address this directly but consider these scriptures. Solomon wrote: “Don’t die before your time by being evil or acting like a fool.”(Ecc. 7:17 CEV) In 1 Cor. 3:17 we are told not to destroy God’s temple, and what is his temple? “For God’s temple is holy, and you yourselves are his temple.” (GNT) It may be even clearer in 1 Cor. 6:19-20: “Do you not know that your bodies are the temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore, honor God with your bodies.” (NIV) In light of those scriptures, do you think we should ask: “Is it correct or within God’s will to take your own life?”

And here is the biggest powder keg of all: Abortion. What does God say about this issue? Is it murder or just unwanted tissue? The key to this hinge on whether or not God says life begins at conception, inside the womb or at first breath outside the womb. Look at these scriptures see what you think.

Ex. 21:22-23 – “Suppose two men are fighting and hit a pregnant woman, causing the baby to come out. If there is no further injury, the man who caused the accident must pay money—whatever amount the woman’s husband says and the court allows. But if there is further injury, then the punishment that must be paid is life for life…” (NCV) Does that seem to be working under the principle that both the woman and the unborn child were valuable to God?

Psa. 139:13-16: “You made my whole being; you formed me in my mother’s womb. I praise you because you made me in an amazing and wonderful way. You saw my bones being formed as I took shape in my mother’s body. When I was put together there, you saw my body as it was formed. All the days planned for me were written in your book before I was one day old.” (NCV)

Here’s one from the New Testament. In Luke 1 we learn that John the Baptist was 6 months developed in his mother's womb when Mary came to visit his mother Elizabeth. Elizabeth tells Mary in Vs: 44: “When I heard your voice, the baby inside me jumped with joy.” (NCV)

When you look at those passages and by the way there are many more I could have used, we must ask ourselves: When does God consider life to begin? At conception inside the womb or at first breath outside the womb?

The major point here is that God defines all life as sacred, every life. He knows the hairs on our head, he knows the sparrow that falls, and so every life is important. And that’s why we, as a church, are FOR life. But… while I told you I wasn’t going to try and change minds and hearts, I do believe it is my responsibility to tell you where I stand and where we stand as a church on these issues.

Because of the sanctity of every life we don’t believe you should assist in a suicide nor kill yourself. We believe death is God’s prerogative, it should be according to His plan & timing, not ours. Now, notice I did not say these were unforgivable sins. Personally, I think, in these cases that a person is not thinking clearly to ask or do such a thing and God is the only One who can perfectly and mercifully judge. Let’s leave that to him but instead of participating, let’s trust Him to work his way and His will perfectly.

And when it comes to abortion, we as a church are FOR life! Personally, I will say it this way… I don’t believe any serious student of the Bible can conclude anything other than that God considers life to begin at conception. I know there can be some mitigating circumstances, but the latest figures show that abortions performed due to rape, incest or the mother’s health are extremely rare, less than 3%. And yet since that Roe vs Wade decision in 1973 we have aborted over 60 million babies in the US alone! 60 million! That’s 60 million people that will never have a chance to live, learn and love in this life. How many doctors, nurses, teachers, parents, preachers, people of influential have we lost?

I have this ceramic likeness of one of my dogs that I was close to growing up that my mother made after the dog died. His name was Sam She worked long and hard forming that ceramic piece, firing it in the kiln and then painstakingly painting it exactly the colors of Sam. I put it way up out of the reach of the kids because it was precious to me. Then one day Zach climbed up the bookshelf I had it on and down the whole bookshelf came and the dog hit the floor breaking into pieces. Now, as you can see we were able to piece it together but when that happened I was heartbroken because when you put as much work into something as my mother did you don't want anybody marring it. What do you think God’s response is when he works for days, weeks and months to create life only to see it destroyed? This is the reason we’re FOR life. To God every life is precious, even the life in the womb.


Since that is where we stand because we believe it is where God stands the most important questions might be: what should a Christ follower do? What actions should a Christian, who agrees with our stand, take for life? We can’t just stand by idly and not say or do anything can we?

Prov. 24:11-12: “Save those who are being led to their death; rescue those who are about to be killed. If you say, “We don’t know anything about this,” God, who knows what’s in your mind, will notice, He is watching you, and he will know.” (NCV) I don’t know about you but since I believe that life is sacred I don’t want to stand before God and explain why I didn’t at least try to do something to stem the tide of violence and death.

So, let me mention five things a Christ follower can do before we go home.

1) Pray. The Bible says in James 5:16: “When a believing person prays, great things happen..." (NCV) Pray like crazy that our country will repent, pray for those who are suffering because of a loss or laboring with guilt, pray that those who believe will have opportunities to stop disregard for life that we have in much of our culture.

2)Be non-violent. Ours is a spiritual fight not a physical. That means we don't use abusive gestures and signs, we don’t get into physical fights & certainly don’t bomb abortion clinics. I think that should carry over into our speech. We don't have to become inflammatory, we don't have to call people murders, we don't have to get red in the face. What do we accomplish if we react to violence violently?1 Peter 3:15 tells us to always be prepared to give a reason for your hope but: “Be gentle as you speak and show respect.” (NLV)

3) Vote for pro-life advocates. Let’s express our voice by voting! It is the first thing I look for anymore. It is more than an issue to me, it is God's principle. So, if you run for office and do not articulate that you are for life, you won’t get my vote – I don’t care what other issue I might like your stand on… I cannot vote for someone who does not have the same sanctity of life I believe God does!

4) Counsel people with Scriptures. The tendency is to respond to an emotional issue with emotion. But when you talk to someone say, "I'm opposed to euthanasia, suicide and abortion because the Bible says...” use some of the Scriptures we’ve talked about today it can, I know this from experience, become a peaceful, logical & most importantly Biblical response.

5) Help provide positive alternatives. Listen, it’s not enough to wag our fingers at people who go through some of these things we’ve talked about today. We can’t just say, “We’re against euthanasia, we’re against suicide, we’re against abortion.” Rather we must say, “We’re for Life and that’s why we have a Care ministry and Pastor, that’s why we have a counselor on site here on this property and that’s why we support both monetarily and with volunteers the Crossroads Pregnancy Crisis center.” They have help for both unplanned pregnancy and for those who have gone through the scourge of abortion. I like the way they say it… “We are Pro-Woman” and so provide support, compassion, concern and resources! In fact, if you’re interested inside your program you will find info for Crossroads and you can call to see where they need help. We believe we are not to simply stand against these issues but must provide positive alternatives.

Please understand… We believe you are known and loved by God. In fact, your life is so important to God that He sent his very own Son to die so that you could live, not just here but forever! So, we want to proclaim the value of life and forgiveness, no matter what you’ve done, by celebrating through communion that He gave his life. So, in just a moment a tray will be passed down your row. We hope you’ll choose to participate so take that piece of wafer and that cup of juice, pass the tray on, and thank Him for making your life count by giving his. We are going to do something different today. In a few moments we’re going to do a song and we’re doing this during communion because we want these words to wash over you even as you remember Him.

“You guard my heart with Your truth. A kind of love that's bullet proof, and I surrender to Your kindness. For I'm fully known and loved by You, You won't let go no matter what I do.”