Summary: This sermon focuses on guarding your inner sacred space; your Holy of Holies - your heart. It shares how we can protect our heart by allowing God's Holy Spirit to rule and reign.

Scripture: Proverbs 4:23- 27; Matthew 22:35-40

Theme: Guarding Your Spiritual Life

Title: Whose Guarding Your Heart?

This sermon focuses on guarding your inner sacred space; your Holy of Holies - your heart. It shares how we can protect our heart by allowing God's Holy Spirit to rule and reign.


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

I want to talk to you today about your sacred space or what has been called your secret place. King Solomon called it your "heart space". It is that place where the real you lives. It is where the core of your being is located.

For much of ancient Israel's history that place was seen to be the Holy of Holies. The Holy of Holies was this 15 cubic foot area of space that existed in the tabernacle and later on in the Temple. It was that place where no one could enter into except for one time of the year - on Yom Kippur or the Day of Atonement1

It was only on the Day of Atonement that the High Priest could enter into the Holy of Holies. It was on that day that the High Priest would bathe, put on a clean linen garment and enter into the Holy of Holies to be in the very presence of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. He would make a sacrifice and intercede for the People of Israel. It has been said that the only light that was ever present in the Holy of Holies was the light of God Himself - His Shekinah glory shinning forth.

To help guard the Holy of Holies from the any type of impurities a curtain was constructed that isolated it from the rest of the Temple. It was imperative that this 15 cubic feet of space be kept uncontaminated and sanctified. No one could look in or treat it with any type of disregard or disrespect.

The High Priest, the scribes and all the other priests would have gladly lay down their lives to protect the holiness of this sacred space - this inner sanctuary. To the ancient Jew this was the place where the Good God of Creation and mankind would come together. This was the place where the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY touched the earth. This was the place where heaven and earth became one.

When our Lord Jesus Christ was dying on the cross for our sins the Bible tells us that the veil that separated the Holy of Holies from the outside world split in two (Matthew 25:50 - 51). God was making a statement. No longer did there need to be a separation between the LORD God and His People. No longer was there a need for the daily animal sacrifices. What God had promised the Prophet Jeremiah was now becoming a reality:

Jeremiah 31:31-34 English Standard Version (ESV)

The New Covenant

31 “Behold, the days are coming, declares the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, my covenant that they broke, though I was their husband, declares the Lord. 33 For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, declares the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. 34 And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

God would now through the power of His Holy Spirit dwell in the inner hearts of humans. All humanity needed to do was to allow God to rescue, redeem and restore them into His Holy Image.

The Holy of Holies would not reside in a manmade dwelling, not in place of brick and mortar but in a place that God creates Himself; the heart of everyone that calls upon the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST as Savior and LORD.

It is that place; that place where the real you resides that I would like for us to talk about today. For it is from the place that Jesus calls us to " the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind." It is from that place that Jesus calls us to "... love your neighbor as yourself."

It is in that place that the wisest human being ever to walk our planet reminds us to:

"Keep your heart with vigilance, for from it flows the springs of life" (Proverbs 4:23).

This morning, your secret place, your Holy of Holies, your Heart space; your inner sanctuary must be protected. For as King Solomon shares it is from this inner place that your life springs. It is from this place; your inner core that you develop all your way of thinking, your attitudes, your mindset, your outlook and your lifestyle.

If your inner space; if your heart is at peace then your life will be at peace. If your inner space; your heart is in line with God will then you find yourself in the path of His anointings and blessings. If your inner space is in tune with the LORD then you will find yourself living life as God desires for us to live - joyful, abundant, free, grace filled and experiencing life as a genuine human being reflecting God's glory and honor.

However, the opposite is true as well. If our inner space, our hearts have been polluted by such things as sin, worry, bitterness, anxiety, offense, stress, disappointments and jealousy then instead of a clear and pure spring flowing from our hearts and lives the exact opposite will flow. We will find ourselves at odds with people and ourselves. We will find ourselves living a life without joy, without celebration and without victory. We will find our attitudes being poisoned by the ways of the world. We will find our hearts possessing a critical spirit, a judgmental spirit and a negative spirit.

The Devil knows that if he can get our inner spirit, our inner heart poisoned or contaminated then we will never enjoy the peace and joy that the LORD wants us to enjoy. The Devil wants to destroy our Holy of Holies.

So, how do we protect our inner spirit? How do we protect our hearts?

I. We invite the Holy Spirit inside to become our Ruler

I believe this morning that in our own strength it is not possible for us to keep our hearts clean and pure. I believe that in our own strength we will not only allow the Devil to junk up our lives we will join him in doing the job as well.

I believe that because the Bible tells us that

"Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered" (Proverbs 28:27)

"Who can say, 'I have made my heart pure; I am clean from my sin" (Proverbs 20:9)

Jesus knew that in and of ourselves we are bent towards sin. Jesus knew that there is something broken in us.

"For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false witness, slander. These are what defile a person." (Matthew 15:19-20a)

There are some who would like to argue with God and say that our hearts in and of themselves are pure. They would like to argue and say that we are born untainted and that mankind in and of himself/herself can be holy. We don't need some God to rescue us, redeem us or restore us. We don't need to be found because we are not lost. We are just fine as we are.

But history just tells us a different story. A story that is very much like the one we read about in Genesis 6:5:

"Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great on the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually."

God saw that before the Flood mankind had an evil heart and we all know this morning if we are honest that God sees the same thing today. We humans are not pure or holy. We are broken and more than ever today we can see that brokenness being displayed in our sin, our immorality and in our idolatry.

But I believe that we can be reborn through Jesus Christ. I believe that Jesus holds the answer for our world, for our communities, for our friends and for our families. I believe that through the power of His Holy Spirit we can be transformed. We can repent of our sins. We can experience a whole new life and we can be one with the LORD through the infilling presence of His Holy Spirit.


- the power and presence of the Holy Spirit that can enable us each day to have a heart that can be pure and holy.

You and I cannot in and of ourselves keep evil thoughts from surrounding us or even attempting to get inside of us.

+We get cut off in traffic and suddenly we are overwhelmed with a desire to say something or to do something unholy

+Someone offends us and quickly we feel a flush of anger rising up in our hearts that if we don't take care of it can lead to a spirit of malice

+We get beat up by life and find ourselves invited to walk down the road of bitterness and resentment

+Unfair things happen to us and if we are not careful we begin to grow a garden of disappointment and discouragement

+We see other people doing better than we are and we start developing a spirit of envy and jealousy

+Our hearts and minds are drawn towards things that focus on the physical instead of on the spiritual

In our own strength, it is impossible for us to stay holy and pure. We just can't do it. No matter how hard we try we just cannot do it. No matter how many self-help books we read or yoga exercises we learn we will not be able to live the life that God wants us to live in our own strength.

But if we allow the Holy Spirit to come and live in our inner space, our inner sanctuary, our inner hearts we will see that the Holy Spirit will protect us and provide for us a renewed spirit and mind.

It all starts with God's Holy Spirit coming in and becoming our Savior and LORD. It all begins with us surrendering our hearts, our wills, our inner sanctuaries over to the Holy Spirit.

II. We then live by the wisdom and guidance of the Holy Spirit

Way before Pentecost, we find a story of a young man who allowed God's Holy Spirit to lead him and guide his life.

His name was Joseph. His story is an amazing one. His brothers sells him for a few coins and he finds himself living as a slave in a foreign land. Then he finds himself being lied about and thrown into prison for the rest of his life. He has a small window of hope after he helps a couple of men realized the meanings of their dreams but when those dreams came true the cup bearer forgot about Joseph. He simply left Joseph to rot in prison.

If ever a young man had the opportunity to become offended, resentful, critical, bitter and discouraged it was Joseph. I mean how many of us would trade our places today with Joseph when he was a slave or a prisoner?

How did Joseph do it? How did Joseph stay on the right course? How did Joseph guard his inner space - his heart?

The Bible tells us that Joseph held fast to the LORD. Joseph understood that evil things and evil thoughts mighty come to him but he did not have to allow them to take root in his heart. Way before Pentecost, Joseph knew that the secret to a victorious life was to allow the LORD GOD HIMSELF to live in Him.

Most of us at one time or the other have been out in a boat. Several have been out in a boat in the Atlantic or Pacific Ocean. For hundreds of miles you have been surrounded by nothing but water. Water that is on average over 2 miles deep if you are in the Atlantic and almost 3 miles deep if you are on the Pacific Ocean.

But all of that water doesn't bother you because it is on the outside of the boat. Even though there are trillions of gallons of water all around you don't feel anxiety ridden or fearful. You look around and there is a boat. A boat that is safe and sound. A boat that is proven.

The only time you are frightful and worried is if you hear the news that your boat is suddenly taking on water. The only time to really need to be worried is when you see that there is as much water in the boat as there is outside of the boat.

You and I cannot always protect ourselves against the bad things that come into our lives. We cannot always protect ourselves against:

+People saying hurtful things

+People being unkind

+Unfair things happening to us or our loved ones

+Wrongful thoughts coming into our hearts and minds

+Anger rising up in our spirit

+A judgmental attitude wanting to take control

+Temptations coming across our paths

But like the water we don't have to allow them an entrance into our inner sanctuaries. We don't have to allow them to come into the inner cores of our lives and take root. We can turn everything over to the Holy Spirit who has promised us a way of escape and a seal of protection.

The Devil tried his best to mess with Jesus' inner heart in the wilderness. He did his best to get Jesus off track. He did his best to trip Jesus up.

But remember what Jesus did?

+Jesus did not rely on his own strength but He relied on the strength of His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus quoted the Bible back to Satan and allowed the words of God to defeat Satan.

In other words Jesus told the Devil that he would live under the protection and rule of His Heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit. Jesus told the Devil that His Heart and Life were under the leadership, the rule and the protection of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Jesus was not going to allow the Devil to bring anything harmful or poisonous into His life to take root.

That is exactly what we have to do. Each day we have to get up and allow the Holy Spirit to be our ruler and guide. Each day we have to get up and ask the Holy Spirit to give us the knowledge and wisdom we need for that day. Each day we have to do what Paul told his friends in Colossae

"Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears, then you will appear with him in glory." (Colossians 3:2 - 4).

I know it is not easy. People do you wrong. They may even lie to you and even about you. Suddenly your find your life is being turned upside down. The doctor's report is not good. You don't feel good. Your bank account looks a little bleak. Your family is causing you stress. Your co-workers are causing you problems. Life is beating you up. You feel all alone with no one on your side. Everyone else's life looks better and you really don't know if there is going to be a turn around.

It's easy to allow bitterness, jealousy, anger, offense to come in, take root and set up shop. It's easy to allow the Devil to tempt you in this area or that area. It's easy to become worried, stressed out and be overcomed with discouragement.

But you have to remember that our time here on earth is like a vapor. Our time here on earth is short. We need to always remember that the Bible tells us:

+If we keep our love pure and holy then we will be able to eat from the Tree of Life (Revelation 2:7)

+If we stay faithful then we will be given the Crown of Life (Revelation 2:10)

+If we follow the will of the LORD we will be given a New Name (Revelation 2:17)

+If we stay faithful we will be given white garments and will never have our names blotted out of the Book of Life (Revelation 3:5)

In other words this morning, if we allow the HOLY SPIRIT to reside and control our inner sanctuaries, our inner cores; our hearts then one day we will be enjoying everlasting life on the New Heaven and New Earth. We will be able to walk on streets of gold and will be basking in the light than comes from God Himself.

But in order for that to happen we have to allow the LORD to forgive us of our sins, be born again and be infilled with God's Holy Spirit. In order for that to happen we have to allow the Holy Spirit to constantly renew our hearts and minds.

One of the greatest psalms to have ever been written is Psalm 91. It was not written by King David, King Solomon or the Sons of Korah. Jewish Bible scholars tell us that it most likely was written by Moses.

Listen to the words of this Psalm again and allow them to resonate in your soul:

Psalm 91 (CSB)

The Protection of the Most High

1 The one who lives under the protection of the Most High

dwells in the shadow of the Almighty.

2 I will say concerning the Lord, who is my refuge and my fortress,

my God in whom I trust:

3 He himself will rescue you from the bird trap,

from the destructive plague.

4 He will cover you with his feathers;

you will take refuge under his wings.

His faithfulness will be a protective shield.

5 You will not fear the terror of the night,

the arrow that flies by day,

6 the plague that stalks in darkness,

or the pestilence that ravages at noon.

7 Though a thousand fall at your side

and ten thousand at your right hand,

the pestilence will not reach you.

8 You will only see it with your eyes

and witness the punishment of the wicked.

9 Because you have made the Lord—my refuge,

the Most High—your dwelling place,

10 no harm will come to you;

no plague will come near your tent.

11 For he will give his angels orders concerning you,

to protect you in all your ways.

12 They will support you with their hands

so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.

13 You will tread on the lion and the cobra;

you will trample the young lion and the serpent.

14 Because he has his heart set on me,

I will deliver him;

I will protect him because he knows my name.

15 When he calls out to me, I will answer him;

I will be with him in trouble.

I will rescue him and give him honor.

16 I will satisfy him with a long life

and show him my salvation.

Moses knew what it meant to have life hit him with everything that it has got. He knew all too well what it meant to fight the Devil, the world and temptation. Moses knew what it meant to be both victorious and a failure. Moses knew what it meant to talk to the LORD, argue with the LORD, be blessed by the LORD and be disciplined by the LORD.

Moses knew what it meant to have the Shekinah glory of the LORD all around him and in him. The Bible tells us that for a time Moses had to wear a veil because his face shown of God's glory and honor (Exodus 34:29-35).

And Moses knew that the only way he could stay true, holy, pure and victorious was to continually allow the LORD to rule in his inner place, in his core being. Moses knew that if he allowed himself to rule his heart and mind then things would turn into a disaster.

Today, what Moses knew he wants to share with us. What King Solomon knew he wants to share with us. What Paul knew he wants to share with us. What Jesus knew all so well He wants to share with us.

Today, we need to guard our inner sanctuaries. We need to guard our hearts where the real us resides. We need to allow the Holy Spirit to infill us, purify us and lead us day by day.

If we do that we will be surprised at how in the midst of adversity we can sing instead of curse.

This is what happened to the Apostle Paul and Silas. In Acts 16, we read where they were falsely arrested, beaten, put into the inner prison with their feet twisted in stocks. All they had done was share the message of Jesus Christ. All they had done was to tell people that they could repent, be born again and be filled with God's Holy Spirit.

The Devil had hit them hard. Their backs, their legs and their feet had been badly beaten. Their clothes had been torn and they had been put into the worst part of the prison. The darkness and the smell must have been overwhelming.

It would have been a great time to allow bitterness, anger, worry, anxiety and hated to come into their hearts and take root. It would have been a great time for the Devil to have rushed in their inner sanctuaries and upset everything. It would have been a great time for them to have rethought their mission and their allegiance to the LORD. It would have been a great time for them to have just quit and gone back home to mend tents and to live a quiet life.

But they didn't. Instead, they allowed the Holy Spirit to shine through them. Instead of opening the door to worry, anxiety, bitterness, jealousy and sin they allowed the Holy Spirit to give them a song. Here in the middle the darkest part of the prison with their backs ripped open, their feet twisted in stocks and their pain level reaching to a 9 or a 10 they opened their mouths and allowed the Holy Spirit to sing through them.

They sang so loud that they caused an earthquake or at least the LORD caused an earthquake. The prison was shaken with their praise. That shouldn't surprise us. If we allow the Holy Spirit to live inside us and work through us we will see some amazing things happen.

But what is greater than the earthquake was the fact that the jailer and all his family came to faith. I image quite a few of their fellow prisoners came to faith as well.

King Solomon tells us that from our inner sanctuaries, our inner core; what he calls our heart comes the waters of our lives. From our hearts comes our attitudes, the way we think and the way we look at life. He reminds us how vital it is for us to guard what type of water flows from our hearts.

The Devil, the world and sin wants to pollute our water sources. The Devil, the world and sin wants us to be bitter, to be negative, to look down, to be defeated and to live a life of hell here on earth and one in hell forever.

But Jesus wants to rescue us, redeem us and live inside of us. His Holy Spirit wants to cleanse the springs of our hearts. His Holy Spirit wants to give us a song to sing in the midst of our pain. His Holy Spirit wants to help us to look up to the heavens. His Holy Spirit wants us dwell, breathe and rejoice in a life that is true, honorable, just, pure, excellent and praise worthy (Philippians 4:8).

This morning what water flows from your inner spring?

Who is in control of your inner heart?

Who is in charge of guarding your inner core, your inner sanctuary?

This morning:

I invite you to allow the Holy Spirit to cleanse you and renew your spirit.

I invite you to allow Jesus to forgive you, redeem you and infill you with His Holy Spirit.

I invite you to allow God's Holy Spirit to not just reside in your heart but to rule and reign in your heart and life.

I invite you to allow the Holy Spirit to live continually in your life so that in the midst of the struggles of life you like Paul and Silas can have a song of victory.


So that in the midst of the struggles of life you know that you are in God's hands.

So, that in the midst of the struggles of life you experience victory, peace and joy.

So, that you can live the best life here on earth and be better prepared to continue to live the best life on the New Heaven and New Earth!

Closing Hymn:

Traditional - Just a Closer Walk with Thee

Steve Green - Guard your heart

1 Yom Kippur falls on the Hebrew calendar date of 10 Tishrei - October 8 at sundown - nightfall on October 9