Summary: The locusts can destroy..alright......but let me tell you MY GOD can restore everything that has been lost! Hurray!

God will make up

Joel 2:25"Then I will make up to you for the years that the swarming locust has eaten…..”

Before I delve into the message, I just want to talk about the locusts that God mentions in the Bible that can cause great, great damage. Locusts will swarm into your fields and eat all your crops, rendering months of hard work useless in a very short period of time. Imagine your life being damaged by such locusts rendering it totally useless; swarming locust, the creeping locust, the stripping locust and the gnawing locust, the great army..” (Joel 2:25);however, the good news today is that God will make up for all the loss. The locusts can destroy..alright......but let me tell you MY GOD can restore everything has been lost! Hurray! This is not for people who have perfect lives and vacationing abroad in an exotic island, this message is for people who have lost precious things in their life; may be confidence, marriage, loved ones, reputation, finances, abuse,ministry and much more, I have come to tell you not to give up hope but trust God….stay tuned till the end…..

I wonder if I would ever be able to transfer what God had put in my spirit; however, this would heal scores of people and give them an expectation in life. It isn’t over friend………all you have to do is faithfully and carefully wait upon God. I remember a friend of mine ask me, ’I have lost precious days of my youth with my husband who had strayed away to another woman, now what?’ She was bitter and was trying other mystical ways to get back her husband, nothing worked though; I taught her to pray, fast and read the Bible - BANG - the miracle happened, her husband came back and after their reunion they had another child. Anybody listening? God will make up…..

Some parents have been suffering for years with their rebellious children, their lifestyle at times scares them; however, I would like to encourage such parents to hold on to God and keep faithfully following God and also helping in the activities of the church – don’t grieve God in any way- be true to Him and He will be true to you and His Word. Did He not say ”If you love me and obey me, I will bless thousand generations?” He will do it! You would one day suddenly open the room of your daughter and would find her on her knees with tears streaming down her face and praying to God, this is an awe moment and worth million diamonds. God will make up….

I would like to give few examples (including my own testimony towards the end) and explain the above subject, I sincerely request you to read the entire article and be blessed, don’t skip details:


Wait,…… until you know how the matter turns out….” Ruth 3:18

Is this what you call as squeezing? Yeah, God did not allow me to move an inch……until I sat down to write this entire message, I was struggling within myself to open it up; nevertheless, God triumphed. WAIT……WAIT…..WAIT….."Wait,…… until you know how the matter turns out….” These words from Ruth 3:18 started it all! Ruth was a widow, lost not only her husband but her brother-in-law and father-in-law too, was far away from her parents, home town and all dear ones, left alone with her mother-in-law Naomi in a new town, no job, no bank balance, no relatives, nothing….nothing….and nothing. Are you in that situation today? WAIT…until you reach the end of the message to see God’s wonders unfold for this barren widow from an idol worshiping background who believed God with all her heart. There are no words to explain the immeasurable things that God is able to do for those who trust Him wholeheartedly, anybody listening? Is everything crumbling down and collapsing in your life, then God has halted by to speak to you today! Hearken!

Well, let me tell you right away, this is not going to be easy like sandwich and pizza that reaches you in a jiffy, there is hard work, pressure, stress, struggles, hot sun, loneliness, rejection, humiliation, uncertainties and lot more …..that one has to go through during the process. I heard someone say, ”Pressure makes you precious”, did you hear that? The whole town saw the hard work of the widow Ruth, her good character, her patience, her loyalty and obedience towards her mom-in-law Naomi and now God started moving in her life. Did Ruth know that she was going to become the boss of that very field she was working in? Did she ever imagine that she would get a righteous, good husband like Boaz?......No…she did not have that picture….all she had was the knowledge of the God she served. Amen. She knew He was faithful and that He would take care of her. He did bring abundance into her life. This one scripture tells it all: Ruth 4:13”Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife. And the LORD enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son.” Did you see that? God is able to do amazing things for those who persevere until the end….!

MY TESTIMONY: Midway, after serving the Lord for nearly 15 years, I never imagined that I would reach a stage in a new city where I would not have money even to pay electricity bills and rents for the buildings that we were using for ministry and our home. We were giving eggs and free food for our Abide School children but everything was running on debts…things were getting crazy. Do you know the meaning for jammed-in? It says: hemmed in, squeezed, closed in, confined; every word suits our situation. Now, we prayed, fasted, waited…….nothing was moving….dark…..dark…dark…however, we did not open our mouth to none for help, my husband and I were crying before the Lord, we were using our credit card to manage the situation though. This was pseudo life/ministry, none knew the critical condition of our life, if only the veneer peals away, people can see how grotesque it was on the inside.

One day, the credit card agent called me and asked when I would give the principal amount because we were only paying our interest which were huge. I told him that I was an ex-banker myself, he asked then why I was not seriously thinking of clearing the dues. Though I wanted to disconnect the phone, he kept talking to me for half hour and also gave me advice to clear the ore loan in installments because I was sinking if I don’t take action. Here preacher, teacher….and plethora of other titles were staring daggers at me, what use? I had to listen to a young sales guy advice me on money management. I WAS DONE. No words……I just wanted to vanish away………humanly we had no avenues to clear the loans and also further run our ministry. JAMMED IN! My bank balance was glaring blank at me! At this juncture, after I disconnected the call, I called my daughter ( B.Tech, MBA ) who was also in the ministry along with me ( with no salary too) and told her, ‘please go and work, we are sinking because of this loan’ ….If I don’t write this then my devotion would not be rooted in integrity …I say it all.. I wanted it to be extremely honest and personal, show the author who she is, warts and all…..

Hey friends, before you say, ‘Bala, you are strong…courageous…full of faith……whatever….whatever….read the above and understand.. FAITH GROWS ONLY IN THE MIDST OF TRIALS. Does not the Bible say: “My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing” (James 1:2–4).

I further do not want to explain my emotions and how I broke down that day. I went to pieces……But we did one good thing – NEVER GAVE UP! I mustered up my strength… daughter let that moment go…..she understood my emotions…..we were in the church most of the time…I mean…all the time… the feet of the Lord. We didn’t look for bank loans, we didn’t make frantic calls to relatives for help….all we did is CALL UNTO GOD. Psalms 25:1 ““Unto thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. O my God, I trust in thee..” God sometimes has to send gigantic problems in order for us to totally rely on Him because none can solve that problem except God. Are you listening? When I threw up my hands in total surrender, God walked in !

After a few days, I received a SMS..just few words that changed our said..”..more than a lakh was credited into our account”. We paid back the Credit card dues in FULL and we had balance in our hands, we still do have balance on our hands and able to bless many other Christian ministries. God solves it like magic, I write this to encourage someone out there not to give up hope even if the situation is festering and pretty bad….just hold on ONLY to God.

Wait,…… until you know how the matter turns out….” Ruth 3:18

Joel 2:27"Thus you will know that I am in the midst of Israel, And that I am the LORD your God, And there is no other; And My people will never be put to shame.”

When you are challenged on all sides, trust God and watch the labyrinth of possibilities that proliferate from every decision that you take! God bless you!


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