Summary: Introduction 1.


1. A number of years ago, when Margaret and I answered God's call to go into ministry, one of the most important things we had to do was to sell our house. The equity in the house would help pay for all our living and schooling costs for three years. We decided to try and sell the house privately. That way we would not need to pay any real estate commission. We placed ads in the newspapers and had a for-sale sign made.

2. One thing we felt strongly about was that we were not going to be in the business of trying to sell our house on Sunday. We wondered if we should even leave the for-sale up on Sundays. Some of our friends said that we should. It was on Sunday that most buyers drove around looking for houses. To leave the sign out would not be doing any work. Maybe they were right and maybe they were not, but for us it was an important issue. As we prayed about it, I realized that some people would probably think that we were being fanatical. And yet we thought that the decision to take it down could also be a strong witness to our faith. A faith that tries to follow God’s word, not out of necessity, but out of a desire to serve Him. And if we believed He had called us into ministry, could He not also enable us to sell it, even by not advertising on Sundays. So we decided to take the sign down on Sundays.

3. On a Friday evening we put up our for sale sign. That attracted a lot of attention. Only a few neighbours knew of our plans. Late Saturday night, I took down the sign. That Sunday afternoon, many of my neighbours came over surprised we had sold the house so unbelievably fast. Many of them were not believers and we explained to them why we had taken it down.

4. I told them taking the taking the sign down was not that a hard and fast rule, but something we felt convicted of. That day and the next I had witnessed more to my faith then ever before.

5. We took, what for us at least, was a bold step in faith. We did something that let other people know that we were different. And because of it we had the opportunity to share about our love for Jesus and our trust in Him.

6. Being bold about our faith is not necessarily easy for most of us. As I look back over my life, there have been many opportunities for me to be bold in faith, and I have to confess that I often failed to take these opportunities.

7. I ask each of you this morning, "Are you bold for Jesus Christ? Do you stand before those who do not believe and tell them what Jesus Christ means to you?"

8. Many of us seem to face a major crisis each time we feel that we should take a stand or share our faith with others. Perhaps it means not going out with the boys after work. Perhaps it means telling your classmates why you go to church when it is time to deliver a speech. Perhaps it means sharing God’s love with the neighbour next door. Perhaps it means telling a saleslady that she has undercharged us and when she asks why we told her, letting her know it is because Jesus would want you to. I rememeber telling board member (NRYH) that it bothered me when he uses Jesus’ name in vain.

9. To be bold does not mean to be arrogant and to insensitively push our faith on people. It means taking a stand based on our relationship with Jesus and then letting people know why we took our stand. Letting people know that we are serious about our faith. That we have a deep desire to follow and obey Jesus. That Jesus is Lord of our lives.

10. Are you bold for your faith? Do those around you who are not believers know that you are different? As I said, this can be hard for many of us.


1. Today we look at how we can overcome this struggle and become more bold in our witness and walk. We take a look at the Peter and John. The day of Pentecost had just taken place. The believers were filled with the Holy Spirit. Peter had healed a blind beggar at the gate of the temple. Because of this many people came to see what happened. Peter pointed to Christ as the one who really performed the miracle and he proclaimed the good news.

2. As a result two things happened. The number of believers grew to 5,000 men. And Peter and John were arrested.

3. They were brought to the Sanhedrin, the supreme court of the Jews. The very court that had condemned Jesus to death just over a month earlier. Here stood Peter and John. Before the Sadducees, priests, learned scribes, respected elders and Pharisees.

4. But Peter was not afraid. As we read, He spoke with boldness. The court asked "By what power or what name do you do this?" What was it that enabled to do this? What is it that enables us to be bold?

5. First, Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit. He was not filled with fear or his own concerns. He emptied himself of self and instead allowed the Spirit to control. To be filled is to be empowered by God to serve Him. It is something God does and yet we have a role.

Eph 5:18 Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

What it means is that we submit ourselves to God and His will for our loives. That we daily ask God to take us and use as He sees fit. "Empower me, O God to do your will."

7. Second, Peter said in vs. 10:

then know this, you and all the people of Israel: It is by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but whom God raised from the dead, that this man stands before you healed.

Peter had a deep relationship with Jesus. Whatever he did in Jesus’ name. By His power and for His glory. A deep conviction that Jesus was the only way to God.

Acts 4:12 Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.

He entrusted His life to Jesus. He knew that Jesus had given His life for him and that he was called to continued in the ministry of reconciliation, of salvation Christ had begun.

8. When we live close to the Lord. When we love Him and want His name to be glorified, we can be bold in our actions. Even the mildest mother can become very bold when it comes to protecting her children. Because she loves them and would die for them.

9. Friends there is much pressure in the world today for us to not say that only those who place their trust in Jesus are saved. But may we believe this and may we be bold enough to say this. Last fall at the Reformation service, David bast shared how we live in a world that says "whatever." It is in this world that we must be bold to say that salvation is found in no one else, but Christ.

10. As I wrote these words, I was listening to some music. A song sung with must enthusiasm by a young Christian group. They are singing over and over again, with power, "I’m not ashamed of the gospel, I’m not ashamed of the one I love." Can we say or sing that with deep conviction. "O Lord., may our love for you grow. May we be bold for you. May we like Peter, be able to say:

Acts 4:19-20 "Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard."

11. How do we grow in our desire for the Lord? One way is to spend time in prayer. After Peter and John were released they joined the others in prayer. They praised God. And they admitted to Him their complete dependence on Him. They asked for courage and boldness.

Acts 4:29-30 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness. Stretch out your hand to heal and perform miraculous signs and wonders through the name of your holy servant Jesus.

12. Being filled with the Holy Spirit, loving our Lord and spending time in prayer. This we need to be bold.

13. But there are two obstacles within us we have to overcome. Most, if not all, of us have two deep loves within us that can prevent us from being bold. The love of human affection and praise and the love of comfort and security. In 1 Thessalonians 2, Paul talks about his boldness in proclaiming the gospel:

1 Th 2:2 We had previously suffered and been insulted in Philippi, as you know, but with the help of our God we dared to tell you his gospel in spite of strong opposition.

14. He goes on to say that he was not concerned with being accepted by people

1 Th 2:4 On the contrary, we speak as men approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please men but God, who tests our hearts.

1 Th 2:6 We were not looking for praise from men, not from you or anyone else.

Friends, do we spend more time trying to please man than trying to please God?

15. And Paul was not worried about his own comfort.

1 Th 2:5 You know we never used flattery, nor did we put on a mask to cover up greed--God is our witness.

He was not greedy for self gain and comfort. Christ came first. If the love for acceptance by others or the love of comfort dwells in us, they can stop us from being bold.

16. To speak the truth may mean that some may not accept us and our lives may not be as comfortable and secure. That was the case for Peter and John. But most important, was that God’s kingdom was growing. People were being saved.

17. And I believe that when we seek to follow the Lord, He will show that He is faithful. Remember we were trying to sell our house. As the time to move came near, our house had not sold. On Sundays, we could see cars drive by and look at other houses on our street that had for sale signs before them. I was tempted to put the sign out. If they stopped, I could have asked them to come back or call back on Monday. But if I did that, what would that have said about my trust in the Lord. Was God a God we could only trust and be bold for when it seemed easy?

18. I debated calling a real estate agent, but they would want the sign up on Sundays. There were only a few weeks left before our move.

19. There had been a Christian couple who had looked a month or so earlier. They had made an offer but it was too low. By now they might have bought another house. But they had not. I called them and told them that if they would increase the offer by $1500 they could have the house. They came over, looked at the house, and they sat alone in the patio praying together. After a long time they came in and agrred to by the house.

20. God had been faithful. To make a stand, no matter how big or small, is not easy, but when we do we experience the grace of God.

21. May God make us bold. May we not be ashamed of the one we love. And when we are, people will come to know the Lord.

22. Let us pray!