Summary: Resurrection Day Sermon - looking at some of the last words of Jesus - IT IS FINISHED and then one of the first words of Our Risen Lord - "GO"

Scripture: John 19:29-30; 20:11-18

Theme: Resurrection Sunday

Title: Last Words, First Words


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

Christ is Risen! He is Risen Indeed!

This morning, I want to talk to you about last words and first words. In particular, some of Jesus’ last words on the Cross of Calvary and then some of the first words that Jesus spoke on the Day of His Resurrection.

In verse 30 of John chapter 19 we read Jesus saying the common Greek word –tetelestai (ta tel e stai) which is translated in most of our Bibles as:


In John 20:17 we find Jesus saying another small word - p??e?? (po-ryü'-o) which is translated in most of our Bibles as the word:


It is those two little words that I want us to dwell on this Resurrection Sunday –



Pain doesn’t usually bring about our best moments. When we are hurting, when we have a headache or we don’t feel well, we are usually not the most pleasant of people to be around. Usually we tend to lash out or say things that we later wish we had not said.

But that is not the picture we see of Jesus. The Bible tells us that that he was in immense pain on the cross. His hands and his feet had been pierced by nails and his back had been ripped open from all the beatings. And yet, we see Jesus forgiving people, looking out for his mother and sharing the Good News of Salvation.

Have you ever thought about what Jesus could have said while hanging on the cross? What most people did say when they were wrongly accused and unfairly put to death?

+Jesus could have been cursing all those around him. He could have spent his time being vengeful and attacking those who had falsely accused him.

+Jesus could have said – “Just wait, you will regret this?” And then sent legions of angels to destroy mankind.

+Jesus could have said – “My Father, I and the Holy Spirit hate you.” And then cause the earth to melt and destroy all creation.

+Jesus could have said – “Go to Hades” And sent everyone to Hades where we really all belong.

But that is not what we hear coming out of the mouth of Jesus. Instead, as I have said – we hear words of comfort – “John, take care of my mother”. We hear words of forgiveness – “Father, forgive them”. We hear words of pain – “I thirst”. We hear words of surrender – “Father, into you hands I commit myself”.

And we hear the word – (tetelestai (ta tel e stai) - It is finished.

Jesus was not speaking defeat.

Jesus was not telling everyone when he used the words– IT IS FINISHED – that the dream that he had for world was gone. The dream that he had for his disciples was gone. The dream that he had for himself was gone. Jesus was not saying – It is over – it didn’t work – Sorry, but it looks like I am finished. I made the wrong people mad.

Those words were not the words of someone who thought they had made a mistake or that all was lost. Just the opposite.

Tetelestai (ta tel e stai) is a WORD OF VICTORY!

The word itself was used in common times as a word of transaction or completion. When a document was signed, when a debt was paid or when a job was done a person could say Tetelestai (ta tel e stai) . It is finished.

It was a happy word. It was a word of success and triumph. It was a word that said – “JOB WELL DONE”. It was a word that spoke of a person being free from a debt. It was a word that spoke a person who was enjoying a time of freedom and victory.

Jesus is saying:




The fact is, Jesus was just getting started. Jesus was just getting to the good part of the mission that He and the Father and the Holy Spirit had wanted to happen for so long.

The mission of Jesus was getting ready to go into high gear. He had come to earth to be a human – God in Flesh. He had come to earth to make it possible for the debt of sin that man had brought upon himself to be paid for and removed. He had come to earth to make it possible for the power of sin to be broken.

It is finished – was a cry of Victory:

+The penalty of sin is finished – I have paid the price.

Sin brought death into God’s world. The first humans, Adam and Eve had invited sin into the world. We have done the same throughout the years. We have joined them into inviting sin into our lives and into our world. That invitation of sin brought us under the penalty of sin which the Bible says must result in both physical and spiritual death.

Sin brought a penalty that humanity cannot pay. We do not have the ability to pay for sin and then experience everlasting life. It is impossible for us. We were never created to either sin or to pay the penalty of sin if we did rebel against the LORD God Almighty. We were created in the image of God Himself to be a reflection of Him in His Creation. We were created to live a life of obedience, favor and blessing. We were created to be without shame, guilt or burdens.

The Bible tells us that the LORD our God in His infinite mercy and love made a way to do what we could not do. God in Flesh – Jesus Christ made a way for the penalty of sin to be both paid for and the power of sin to be broken. The Bible tells us that on the cross, Jesus took our place. Jesus paid the penalty of sin. Jesus paid the price that we could not pay. On the cross, Jesus broke the power of sin. Sin no longer has any power over us unless we give it that power.

The Apostle Paul in Colossians 2:15 writes this truth:

“Jesus disarmed the rulers and authorities and made a public example of them, triumphing over them in it.”

Rulers and authorities meaning the powers of evil/darkness/sin

2 Corinthians 5:21

“For our sake God made Jesus to be sin who knew no sin, so that in Jesus we might become the righteousness of God.”

Jesus, God’s One and Only Son – paid the penalty of sin for all mankind.

Jesus, God’s One and Only Son – broke the power of sin.

Jesus was more than a great example on the Cross.

Jesus was more than a nice little picture of Agape Love and Sacrifice.

It is important that we get all of this deep down to the depths of our hearts, our minds and our souls. It is important that we remind ourselves of just what Jesus accomplished on the Cross. It is important for us to remind ourselves how important Jesus’ Resurrection is to our world, to all of creation and to time itself.

Jesus paid the penalty for ever man, woman and child’s sin on this planet – from the beginning of time to the end of time.

Jesus broke the power of sin that Satan had on this world. When Adam and Eve sinned, they in effect gave our world and all of creation over to Satan’s control. We humans allowed Satan in effect to steal our birthright. We allowed Satan to have control over our world and over our lives. Satan brought his power - his authorities, spiritual forces, cosmic powers of darkness into our world. Satan was determined to destroy God’s beautiful planet and God’s beautiful creation.

The acceptance of sin into our world did not come from God. It came as a result of our rebellion. It came when we agreed with Satan that we should not listen nor obey God. It came when we agreed with Satan that we should be in control and not be under God’s authority. It came when we tried to be our own gods instead of surrendering to the true God of all Creation – God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Sin has never been God’s problem. God can not sin nor can God cause us to sin. Sin is the very absence of God.

Jesus Christ took on OUR FLESH so that He could deal with OUR PROBLEM. Jesus became Us so that He could make a way for us to be free from sin and so that our debt could be paid.

Recently, I was listening to a story that Dr. Tony Evans was sharing. It was about his son, Tony Evans, Junior. Tony Evans, Jr was flying in to spend some time with his dad and attend a wedding.

Tony Evans, Senior had gone to the airport to pick up his son. He was surprised to see that his son was the third person coming out the departure door. He thought that either his son had flown first class or had been close enough to be one of the first ones out the door.

As they were walking to their vehicle, he asked his son about it and his son just told him that when he went to buy his ticket he said – I am Tony Evans; not Tony Evans, Junior. Now, the father because of all the times he has to fly has a platinum card that gives him all kinds of benefits and comforts. The lady selling Tony Evans the son didn’t hear the word Junior, just Tony Evans and so she credited the son with the father’s benefits.

Tony Evans, the son had not paid the price for a first-class experience. He did not have a platinum card. He did not have the ability to get all those wonderful benefits. But the lady gave it to him anyway because she thought he was the father. Both of the men had a laugh about it. Well, more Tony, Jr than Tony, Senior.

In the same way, we don’t have a redemption card or a “Be Free” card but Jesus does. We can’t pay for our sin. We do not have the ability to pay for our sin and we don’t have the ability to have power over sin – but Jesus does. And Jesus said that He would give us His Holy Spirit so that we could be born again and that we could be infilled with His Holy Spirit so that we can have power over sin.

This morning, those words – “IT IS FINISHED” speak volumes to us:

+It is finished – the LAW OF DEATH, HELL AND THE GRAVE is finished.

+It is finished – Satan’s rule – Spiritual enslavement – is finished.

+It is finished – Every sin, every wrong doing, every missing the mark, every wrong deed or action, every evil word, every evil thought, every theft, every act of adultery, ever lie, every blasphemy, every act of idolatry, ever sin of any kind is finished. They had all been paid for by the blood of Jesus.

+It is finished – Jesus says, I have done this part of the mission. It is good.

+It is finished – I am taking the keys of Hell, death and the grave from Satan. I am freeing the captives – I am making sure that all those who have followed me and who choose me to be the Lord and Savior will be born again, will be redeemed and will be infilled with My Holy Spirit.

+It is finished – No longer do we have to be enslaved by Depression, Addictions, Evil thoughts, Evil Actions and Evil Lifestyles


Do we believe that it is finished?

Do we live like it is finished?

Do we believe that in Jesus’ name we can be free from both the penalty and power of sin?

Do we believe that in Jesus’ name we can be infilled with His Holy Spirit and live a life of power, of favor and anointing?

Do we believe that the battle that Jesus said that He won on the cross has actually been won?

Do we live like we are a Chosen People, a Royal Priesthood, Citizens of Heaven and People Anointed and Empowered with the God’s Holy Spirit?

Or do we find ourselves being afraid, weak, enslaved and worried?

Do we find ourselves living like Good Friday and Resurrection Sunday never happened?

Being defeated by Sin. Believing that the Devil is in Control. Believing that things will never get better. Believing that we can’t live an abundant life. Believing that the last days are going to days in which the Church will be destroyed.

My friends, Jesus did not die on the cross for us to live a defeated life.

Jesus did not die on the cross so that we would have to live a life of addiction, depression, anxiety and defeat.

When Jesus said “IT IS FINISHED”

– He meant that the Power of sin has been broken. Once and for all. The penalty of sin has been removed. Once and for all. He meant that the Age of the Holy Spirit was at hand. He meant that we could begin to enjoy a life of newness, joy, peace and holiness.

Today, is the day of salvation not condemnation.

Today, is the day of the outpouring of God’s Holy Spirit not the drying up of Revival and Redemption.

Today, is the day of Power, of Anointing, of Favor – as we bow before our King, our Messiah, Our Savior and LORD and ask for Him to lead us into His Promise Land – both here on earth and in heaven.

The Early Church understood this because it took to heart one of Jesus first words after He was resurrected.


Early on the first day of the week the Bible tells us that Mary Magdalene and others came to the tomb of Jesus to put spices all around his body. But when they got there the rock had been removed and Jesus’ body was gone.

In verses 11ff Mary is distraught. She thinks someone had stolen Jesus’ body. She thinks that someone has taken the body and thrown it into some ditch to desecrate the name and mission of Jesus. She thinks that someone has decided that it wasn’t enough that Jesus had to die on a cross but that his remains had to be desecrated as well.

She is sobbing, weeping out of control. The past few days have been too much. She collapses. She has no more strength – emotional or physical. She is at her end. The man she so loved so much not only has died but his body has now been stolen. She can’t think straight. She can’t see straight for all the tears.

It is here, right here, that the story gets good. Suddenly, this man appears who she doesn’t recognize. You know the story. She thinks that he is just the gardener. Her grief does not allow her to see who he really is. Surely, he will know where they threw the body. She doesn’t know how she is going to do it, but she is determined to go and bring Jesus’ body back. It is the least that she can do for the one who did so much for her.

But then suddenly, she hears the most wonderful words of all – “Mary!”

“Mary” – she hears her name and all the doubt, all the sorrow, all the pain is removed.

Jesus is not absent. Jesus is not in some ditch. Jesus is here right in front of her – she can see him; she can touch him. Jesus is not dead – He is alive. Jesus is not some victim – He is The Victor – He is The Victor over death, hell and the grave.

Jesus is Alive.

And Jesus has a mission for her – we find it in verse 17 -


“Go and tell my brothers – Go and tell everyone that I am not dead. Go and tell them that the penalty of sin has been paid, the power of sin has been broken and now we have a job to do

Go and tell everyone that I am alive.

Go and tell everyone that I am who I said I was – I did what I said I was going to do, and I am sending My Holy Spirit who will be your comforter and guide. Go tell everyone that a new age has come forth – the Age of the Holy Spirit.

You no longer need the Temple – each one of you will be God’s temple. God will reside in your hearts and lives now and forevermore.

You no longer need to sacrifice anymore animals, birds or food – I have paid the penalty. I have paid for every sin both yesterday, today and forever. All you need to do is to accept my grace, my mercy and my love. All you need to do is to share with one another, encourage one another and be Jesus to one another.

No longer do you have to be ashamed, enslaved, be addicted or be bound by sin. You can be free today and forever more.

Mary – Go tell them that it is both Finished and Started.

Adam and Eve, Abraham, Moses, Elijah and billions of others are enjoying Paradise. They have been set free.

You have been set free – be filled with my Holy Spirit.

Live a life of freedom. Enjoy a life of favor and blessing. Enjoy a life of worship and of being a citizen of Heaven.

However, for a little time you do still have to live in this world. But I will be with you.

One day, the Father, I and the Holy Spirit will bring about the time of full redemption – there will be a New Heaven and a New Earth – but right now you, my brothers and billions of other people can still live the Abundant life of salvation and be filled with My Holy Spirit – right here and right now.

This earth is no longer under the rule of Satan. He has no power over you. I have broken that power. The only way he can rule over you is if you choose to allow him to be your lord. But I am Your Lord – I am Your King – I am Your Savior – I am Your Messiah.

Mary heard, accepted and received the word.

In time the Apostles and others not only heard the word – they received the Word and began living out the words of Jesus.

The Book of Acts tells us that when the Early Church prayed together God sent His Holy Spirit and amazing things happened:

+People were rescued and redeemed. They were baptized – hundreds and thousands at one time

+People were infilled with God’s Holy Spirit – they became one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

+People were freed from all kinds of sins – adultery, murder, lying, cheating, blasphemy, idolatry and a hundred other sins

+People were healed of all kinds of diseases and illness

+People were redeemed who were once thought unredeemable - Samaritans and Gentiles

+What looked like a defeat on the cross was only a set up for God to spread His Good News all over the world – from Jesus to the disciples to the 120 to the 3,000 to the 5,000 to now billions of people – accepting Jesus’ grace, being infilled with His Holy Spirit and living a life that is radically different than anything this world has ever seen.

Who can sing after they have been beaten and put into prison?

-Those like Paul and Silas who have been infilled with God’s Holy Spirit.

Who can be a vessel of healing and wholeness?

- Those who like Peter have been infilled with God’s Holy Spirit.

Who can be a vessel who can see into the windows of heaven?

- Those who like John have been infilled with God’s Holy Spirit.

God’s words to us this morning are:


Jesus is saying to all of us this morning:

It is finished – I have done the work – I have paid the penalty of sin. I have broken the power of evil. The Devil is defeated. He is no match for my Father, for me or for the Holy Spirit. Don’t give the Devil credit for anything – He is a defeated foe. He can only lie – He is the Father of Lies.

It is finished – I have done the work – I have brought My Holy Spirit to cleanse you, purify you and empower you. All you need to do is to accept me as Your Savior and LORD. Allow my grace to cleanse you – to take away all the shame, the guilt and the sin. Receive My Holy Spirit – allow My Holy Spirit to live within you today and forevermore.

And then – GO

Go tell a World that I am alive

Go tell a World that they can be free.

Go tell a World that they can be Born Again – They Can be A Whole New Creation

Go tell a World that they can live a Holy Spirit Life

Go and LIFE OUT THAT LIFE EACH AND EVER DAY. Be bold enough to enjoy Your Salvation

Be bold enough to live An Abundant Life of Anointing, Blessing and Favor

Be bold enough to be My People – Free, Empowered and Enjoying the LIFE that I have made possible.

This morning, we serve a Risen Savior!

This morning, we close not with a note of defeat but with a song of praise –

Closing Song/Communion/Blessing