Summary: This is a sermon about Jesus 3rd appearance to His Disciples. An appearance that reveals that Jesus wants to help them and us become fruitful, successful and live an abundant life.

Scripture: John 21:1-14

Title: Fishing With Jesus!

Theme: The Risen Jesus leading us to enjoy a life of Victory!


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

I want to talk to you today about the Risen Lord seeking to be involved in our every day lives. I want to talk to you today about God – Father, Son and Holy Spirit being your co-worker; your companion and guide each and every day. I want to talk to you today about how it is God’s desire and will for you to be victorious in your day to day living.

That is what we see in our passage this morning as Jesus comes to the shore line to be with His Disciples. Let’s take a few moments and look at what John shares with us this morning:

I. The Scene Take Place After Easter – v. 1-2

The Apostle John shares with us what is happening. The disciples have traveled back to the region of the Sea of Galilee. In this passage John refers to it as the Sea of Tiberias which is what the Romans wanted it to be called in honor of Tiberias Cesar (who reigned from 14 AD to 37 AD).

Jesus had already appeared to a number of people. He had appeared to Mary Magdalene and some other woman along with the two people going towards the city of Emmaus. He had appeared to the disciples twice. The first time on the day of His Resurrection and eight days later to help Thomas understand His Resurrection.

But those appearances were not a normal day to day experience. You just never knew when Jesus was going to show up or to whom He was going to appear. It was all a mystery.

The disciples were back in area of Galilee because that is where Jesus told them to go (Mark 16:7). He told them to go there and wait. And that is what they were doing. They were waiting for further orders and instructions.

But waiting is hard. Waiting is hard if you have been used to getting up every morning ready to do something with Jesus. For the past 3 ½ years that had been their life. They had woken up and found Jesus either right beside them or at least somewhere close by praying.

They had gotten used to getting up and following Jesus wherever He wanted to go. Jesus was their leader and they were His disciples. It was their job to obey His commands and follow His directions. That was what disciples did.

One day it might mean going down to the city or Jerusalem or father down to the city of Jericho. Another day it might mean going north towards the city of Capernaum. It might even mean going over to the area of the Gadarenes or the area of the Samaritans.

At times it meant they would all get in a boat and travel around the Sea of Galilee. Jesus would stop at different points and either go on land to teach, heal and free people or He would stay on the boat and preach to the crowds that gathered. Sometimes it would be them going out to teach, preach and heal. Every day was an adventure. You just never knew where Jesus was going to take them or what He was going to have them do. Their job was to listen, obey and follow Jesus.

All they knew was that over the past few days Jesus had not shown up and I am sure they were getting quite bored. They were no doubt wondering what they were going to be doing next. Jesus’ mission had been fulfilled. As Messiah He had come down from Heaven above and had given His life for His people. The penalty of sin had been paid for and the power of sin had been broken.

There were questions that hung in the air:

+Was it time for them to begin to bring about the Kingdom of God here on earth?

+Was it time for them to help the nation of Israel to rise up and cast off the yoke of Rome?

+ Was it time for them to go to Jerusalem to make those in authority at the Temple leave so that the Messiah could rule over His Temple and His People?

I am sure that they had a lot of different thoughts going around in their heads. What would we think about with all the things that had gone on the past few weeks; the Triumphal Entry, the Last Supper, the Trial, the Crucifixion, the Burial and the Resurrection? How would all that affect us? What would we do while we waited?

For most of disciples they were back home. They had been united with their families and loved ones. I am sure that their children, their spouses and their parents were glad that they were back home; safe and sound. I think they were also wondering what was coming next. They had watched their loved one’s step away from their normal lives and travel around with Jesus for the past 3 ½ years. What was next? Would there even be a next?

II. They went fishing – v. 3

Peter steps forward and states that he is going fishing. He is tired of just waiting around the house. Jesus has not shown up and so instead of just sitting around he is going fishing.

Maybe his family needed some money. Maybe some of the other disciple’s families needed some money. After all, without Jesus the people who supported the ministry had probably gone back home as well. Without Jesus there was no mission, no income and no direction.

Peter wasn’t the type to sit around. He was a man who liked action; he liked to be doing something. He decided that at least for himself until something happened, he was going back to do what he knew best – fishing.

John tells us that he along with his brother and some others decided that they would go with Peter. I am sure if they had all been sitting around together their parents, their spouses and even their children might have been glad to see them go and do something. No one likes a bunch of people just sitting around being under foot.

While some people feel like the disciples were committing some major sin or at least doing their best to abandon their mission, I don’t think that is what is going on here. I think those who look at this passage that way have read way too much into the passage. I think these men just got bored and decided to do what they loved and what they were good at. They wanted to go fishing.

After all they had been professional fishermen. They had known what it was to cast a net, feel the water on their faces and experience the joy of pulling up a net full of fish. They knew what it felt like to see a great big catch and know that today they would be more than able to feed and take care of their families. They knew how to fish, where to fish and they enjoyed fishing. It was in their DNA. No doubt, their fathers and grandfathers had been fishermen.

But the Bible says that this particular trip was not very fulfilling. At least not at first. All night long they had paddled all over the Sea of Galilee. They had tried all their favorite spots. They had waited and looked for any ripples on the water. They had talked and talked and talked some more. They had casted their nets tens of times hoping to bring up a net load of fish. However, each time their nets were only filled with droplets of water and perhaps a little alga.

By the next morning their nets and their stomachs were both empty. They hadn’t been able to catch even one little fish. Not even one little sardine or muhst. I am sure that they were tired, frustrated, perhaps even a little cranky and somewhat baffled.

I mean at least four of those in the boat had made their living by fishing. Peter, James, John and Andrew were known to be skilled fisherman. What had happened? Had they lost their touch? Or where they just rusty? If they couldn’t fish how would they take care of their families now that Jesus’ mission was finished?

That little phrase “They caught nothing” is powerful.

Have you ever felt that way? You’ve worked for hours getting the house clean only to have a couple of children or a spouse be able to mess it up in a matter of minutes. You’ve worked on a project or a paper on the computer only to have it crash and when you finally got it back all your work had been lost. You tried to go shopping but the stores didn’t have what you needed, and the traffic was just horrible. You have had one of those days that seems like nothing you did worked out. You have had one of those days when instead of feeling like you made some progress you felt like you lost ground.

You felt good about not gossiping, not complaining, not doing this or that and suddenly before you knew it you had messed again. Your addiction had gotten you again. You took a smoke, you took a drink, you grab another bowl of ice cream or a piece of pie, you talked about someone, you watched something you shouldn’t have or thought about something you shouldn’t have thought about. Now, you are back on square one all over again.

I believe we all have had days or nights like this. We all have been right there with these men in this boat doing our best to be productive only to come up with empty nets. We all have had a time when we feel like we have wasted our energy, wasted our time and perhaps even wasted some of our money.

In the book of Ecclesiastes, the writer talks to us about “striving after the wind” or “straining under the toil of the sun”. In other words, doing our best to get something done only to find out we feel like we have gotten nowhere. That is where Peter and his friends felt that next morning. But then …

III. The Stranger – v. 4- 6

Suddenly, a stranger shows up on the shore line. John tells us that they were so desperate that they were ready to act on his advice.

The man on the shore begins by asking them if they have caught any fish.

Now, if you have been fishing that question either makes you feel really good or really bad.

What everyone wants to do is to say things like – “Yep, we have caught the mother lode.”

“Yep, see all this string of fish”. “It has been a great night”. “Meet us over there and we will be able to sell you some.”

I am sure there were many mornings that the local fish market owners walked down to the shore line to get the freshest fish. But this morning these disciples didn’t have anything to talk about. They didn’t have any fish at all. All they had was aching backs and sad faces.

I like the way that John writes their answer – “NO.”

No explanation. No going into what kind of night it had been. Just a plain and simple “NO”. That pretty much tells me that they were not happy. They didn’t want to talk about it. They were tired, they were hungry, and they were empty.

They had used muscles that they had not used for a while. They had mistakenly thought they could just step back in the boat and be able to haul in a big catch. They may have even bragged a little to their families to be ready when they got back. They would be celebrating with some fish and chips. There might even be a new dress or shawl in the mix.

I am sure that their pride was a little hurt. Their reputation around that area was that of being highly successful. And the fact that they had four of the best in their boat didn’t help matters.

The fact that they listened to the stranger on the shore tells me that they were desperate. They didn’t know him at the time, but they were willing to try anything. If you have been fishing, you know there are times you are willing to try anything. If someone has an idea it is at least worth the effort to try. Who knows maybe it will work? Who knows maybe they know something you don’t? When you are not catching fish, you will almost try anything. But then the Bible tells us about:

IV. The catch and the Recognition – v. 6 - 8

In a matter of seconds, the Bible tells us that some amazing things happened.

They cast the nets to the right of the boat and bam – all kinds of fish rush into their nets.

They then looked out and suddenly recognized who that stranger was – it was Jesus. It was the Risen Lord – the Messiah!

Peter forgets about the fish and dives in to go and see Jesus. After all, who wants to fish when you can be with the Risen Lord? A moment with the Risen Lord is worth more than any net load of fish.

The rest of the disciples, however, took stock and proceeded to pull in the load of fish and came on shore.

Sure enough, there was Jesus cooking some fish on the shore waiting for them. He didn’t say much right then but just asked them to bring a couple more fish for them to eat that morning. He had already made some bread so everything was just about ready for them to have some fish and bread for a morning meal before they would go and sell their catch and pay some bills.

Now, this is a great story. It is a miracle story. It is a story can speak to each and every one of us.

+It is not a story about a lack of faith or a refusal to do the mission.

Jesus did not fuss at the disciples. Jesus does not berate them or tell them that they were without faith or devotion. It is important for us to understand this so we can understand the truths of this story. Jesus does not criticize them for going back to what they knew best – fishing.

+Jesus helps them

Jesus teaches them that there are some things that He can see that they cannot. Jesus teaches them that they need Him to be successful no matter what they are doing and that He is more than willing to help them.

From their advantage point they couldn’t see the fish. They were right there within a few feet of them, but they couldn’t see them. However, Jesus could. Jesus can see things that we can’t see.

Remember the story of Samuel when he went to the house of Jesse to anoint the next king? You find it in 1 Samuel 16.

Samuel was upset that God had rejected King Saul. In fact, the Bible tells us that Samuel was grieving. Samuel had known that bad things would happen when Israel rejected God for a king. What he didn’t know was that bad things would happen so quickly. He had grown to like Saul and was grieving that God was having to replace him.

The Bible tells us that Samuel was instructed to go to Jesse’s house to anoint the next king of Israel. After getting there he has all of Jesse’s son go before him to see who God has picked. In the natural Samuel thought Eliab was the perfect choice. Eliab was the first born and he already looked like a king.

But God interrupted Samuel and told him that he didn’t have the right vision. God was looking on the heart and not on a man’s outward appearance. This dance between God and Samuel went on and on and on. Each time a son came forward Solomon thought – “This one LORD? He is tall, strong and handsome”.

But each time the LORD reminded him that while Solomon could see the outside God could see the inside. And when God looked on the inside, He did not see a “king” inside any of the first seven sons of Jesse.

Finally, Jesse’s 8th son, David was called from the fields and brought in. Solomon took one look at him and thought – “He’s too small, he’s too young”. “He doesn’t look like a king.” “Now, what am I going to do?”

And sure enough at that time David didn’t look like a king. It would take a couple more decades before David looked like a king. Right now, he looked like a shepherd boy. But in his heart, there was a deep and passionate love for God and for the people of Israel. In his heart he had all the makings of a king. David had all the makings of being a great king. A king that would bring peace and prosperity to the people of Israel. A king who would be able to lead his people politically, militarily, morally and most importantly spiritually.

The same is true of many of the other people we find in the Old and New Testament. When people saw Abraham and Sarah in the natural all they saw was an old man and woman whose time had passed. However, God saw a couple who were still able to have the Promise Child after both of them were over 90 years old.

When people saw Moses in the natural, he was an old man taking care of a few sheep. A man who had seen his best days. A man who once may have been destined for greatness but now only for the backside of the desert. When God saw Moses, He saw His chosen one who would lead His people out of slavery and out of Egypt. He saw Israel’s greatest Law Giver. He saw a man whom He could trust, a man who He could talk to and who would do great things.

When people saw Ruth in the natural, they saw a young widow down on her luck living in a foreign land and having to survive off the goodness of others. When God saw Ruth, He saw a mighty woman of God, the future great- grandmother of King David.

What we see is not always what God sees. We need to let God show us things in the supernatural. We need to let God open up our eyes.

All night long those disciples had searched and searched for those fish. All night long they had thrown their nets, they had discussed different strategies and they had visited all the good places they had used in the past. Nothing they had done however was successful.

But Jesus saw the fish. Jesus knew where the fish were swimming. Jesus knew that they were just about 10 feet to the right of their boat. Jesus knew where He, His Father and the Holy Spirit had put them.

This morning, we may not understand everything or be able to see everything. That’s okay. We are not supposed to have that ability. But Our Risen Savior – Jesus the Messiah does. Jesus has the ability to see everything. Jesus has the ability to lead us in the right direction. Jesus knows where the fish are, who the right person is to be in leadership and what direction we need to be traveling. Jesus knows everything and Jesus will lead us to Victory and Celebration

V. Jesus leads to Victory and Celebration – 9- 14

The Bible tells us that one touch of God’s favor, God’s blessing, God’s anointing can change everything. Jesus said one thing and suddenly everything changed. One word from Jesus, one command from Jesus, one insight from Jesus and everything can change.

Those disciples went from having one of the worst nights of their lives to experiencing an amazing miracle and being able to eat a meal with the Risen Christ. Actually, it was even better than that – because Jesus fixed the meal. God in Flesh – the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS fixed their breakfast. Now, if that doesn’t make you have a great day then nothing will.

Jesus’ words and presence made this fishing trip one to put down in the Bible. This event was included in one of John’s Victory Stories. Stories that remind us that God is on our side. That more than anything God wants us to enjoy life. That more than anything God wants to bless us and rain down all kinds of blessings on us.

That is the God that we serve. Not a God who just gives a couple of fish but one who has the nets straining. A God who is able to put 153 fish into our lives. A God who is able to let us know that nothing is out of reach. A God who loves us and wants us to be successful.

There has been so much speculation concerning why 153 fish that it has all become confusing. The simple truth is because God wanted 153 fish.

Just like the day that the LORD made 180 gallons of wine for that young couple at the wedding in Cana of Galilee. Why did God do that? Why that much and for what reason?

I think because God wanted to – its just that plain and that simple. God called 153 fish to jump into that net. God wanted to make 180 gallons of wine. God wanted to take 5 fish and 2 loaves and feed over 5,000 people. God wanted to anoint 70 people to go out and teach, heal and free people from ignorance, disease and the devil.

God just wanted to. It is His creation – He is God – and He gets to do what He wants to do. And one of the things that He wants to do is to bless us humans. He wants us to be victorious. He wants us to live an abundant life.

So many people don’t understand this simple truth. They think that God has made our world so that we will suffer, complain and have a difficult time. They think that God has something against us and that is the reason why we have so much heartache, disease and death.

The fact is none of that is the truth. God does His best to enable us to live an Abundant Life. God does His best to make sure we are empowered in and through His Holy Spirit.

God has given us all we need on this earth. The Problem is we humans don’t want to share. Out of greed we have collectively created all kinds of problems and diseases. We wouldn’t have hardly any of the cancers we have today if we would just treat our world and one another the way God designed for us.

So many of our problems have resulted in us listening to that Old Liar = the Devil. He tells us that we can harm this planet, we can twist things and turn things upside down and not have any dire consequences.

We need to understand that if it has to do with greed, immorality, sin, disobedience that in the end all we will be doing is hurting ourselves, others and all of creation.

However, as you read the Bible you find that God loves nothing more than for us to experience victory and live an abundant life. God loves nothing more than for us to enjoy a life of holiness. God loves nothing more than for us to enjoy a little bit of heaven here on His Good Earth.

Peter got to walk on water. Lazarus got to come out of the grave. That little boy got to watch his lunch feed over 5,000 people. Esther got to free her people. Joshua got to see the sun stand still. Moses got to part the Red Sea. Peter got to heal people with his shadow. Paul and Silas got to see the jail bars come open. Zachariah got to see an angel. Nehemiah got to build a citywide wall in just 52 days. Solomon got to build the House of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. Daniel got to see visions and interpret dreams.

Over and over again we read of victory after victory; success after success, abundant life after abundant life.

Today, that same God is alive and well. The Jesus that stood on that sea shore is our Jesus. He is ready, His is willing and He is waiting for us to listen to Him – to follow His words and to experience an abundant life. He is waiting for us to receive a life of goodness, favor and blessing. He is waiting for us to be ready to cast a net at His leading. He is waiting for us to sit down and celebrate life with Him.

That is the part of the story I enjoyed the most. Jesus and the boys sitting around the fire sharing food, fellowship and fun. Jesus smiling as He tells the boys that He watched over them all night long just waiting for them to be victorious in the morning. Jesus smiles as he watches them look at Him and wonder how in the world did He come back to life. Jesus smiles as they share stories and as He begins to tell them about the coming of the Holy Spirit. Jesus smiles as He tells them that He has some work for them to do – they wouldn’t be going back to fishing; instead they would be tending to the flocks of people who would be coming to faith through the power of His Holy Spirit.

Jesus can see what we can’t. Jesus has victorious and successes for us that are more than can even imagine.

The questions this morning are:

+ Will we walk with Him, listen to Him, obey His words?

+Will we cast our nets one more time when He tells us and where He tells us?

+Will we take the time to set around the fire with Him?

+Will we jump out of the boat because more than anything we love Jesus and want to be with Him?

+Will we allow ourselves to be bold enough to ask the LORD to help us live abundantly?

+We will allow ourselves to receive an anointing for success and victory?

I believe that we will. I believe that we will and we will reap all the benefits of our listening, our waiting and our obedience. I believe that the LORD will amaze us as we walk with Him each and every day. I believe that the LORD will give us supernatural vision, supernatural blessings and supernatural favor. I believe that the LORD will bless us as we do His Will. I believe it because the Bible says that it is true. I believe it because that is what God promises and God always does what He promises!

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