Summary: Jochebed the mother of Moses taught him 2 powerful principles that helped him become a great man of God.

Intro: It’s been said, if God wants to do a great work, He'll choose a man; if He wants to do an extraordinarily great work, He'll choose a woman

When you read Hebrews 11:23-29 we see a striking picture of Moses. Moses made some difficult decisions. He chose to be a slave of God instead of a son of Pharaoh, He chose to suffer with his people rather than enjoy the pleasure of sin. By faith he did many things. How is it that a man raised in Egypt had that kind of faith?

I would wager that like many other men of faith Moses was greatly influenced by His Mother Jochebed.

We relate to our mothers differently at different age groups. When you're age four, you might think my mom can do anything.

By the time you're 12, you're thinking mom doesn't know everything. By age 14, you're already saying mom doesn't know anything. At age 18, you're saying mom is so out of step with the times. She's so backwards.

At age 25, though, you're thinking, well, mom knows a few things. At age 35, you're thinking, before we decide, let's get mom's opinion. At age 45, you're saying, I wonder what my mom would say about this. And at age 65, you're saying, I wish I could talk to my mom just one more time.

You may feel that way today. We can imagine that Moses was somewhere between the what would mom say, and I wish I could talk to mom again stage.

The story of Israel and their release from Egypt really begins with a Mother not Moses. Israel’s deliverance from Egypt begins with two women named Shiphrah and Puah. Many Jewish Rabbi’s believe Shiphrah to be another name for Jochebed.

Jochebed is considered the greatest woman ever. How did she come to be considered that way? She was the mother to her children. She loved, protected and taught them about her God!

By example and explanation, she taught Moses to be brave and risk his life to save his brothers just as she and Miriam had by disobeying Pharaoh’s order. There is no more permanent or precious impression on our souls than the sacrifice of our mother’s love. What imprint did Jochebed leave on Moses?

I. She taught Moses that God is good (Moses rejection of Pleasure)

Can you think of a more difficult or dangerous time to declare God’s goodness? These were dark days for the people of Israel. Enslaved by a fearful king. Forced to kill their children, the future of their people. Yet I believe that through her actions and affection for her son Jochebed taught Moses the goodness of God.

It is easy to agree that God is good when things go our way. However, the truth of our belief in His goodness is revealed when the pressure is poured on us.

What pressure did Jochebed face? (No matter what decision she made it was risky)

The order to kill the male children that were born in Egypt

The order for Pharaoh’s people to throw boy children into the Nile.

In Psalm 100: Tells us that Yahweh is good. Jochebed connects her baby boy to God’s goodness. The word beautiful is the Hebrew word tobe used in Psalm 100:5 of God. Jochebed saw the goodness of God in Moses!

By faith. Faith is the conviction of the truth of anything. In the face of crushing and depressing circumstances she was convinced God is good! How is it possible for Jochebed to be convinced that God is good?

God is good when we get a good diagnosis from the doctor, when we get the promotion, the raise, when the final score favors our favorite team. However, would you say God is good in the cemetery as well as the nursery? Would you say God is good in the unemployment line as well as the grocery line?

God promise to bring beauty from all things not each thing.


1) When we trust that God is good we make right decisions (Exodus 2:2, Hebrews 11:23)

We obey God and sometimes have to disobey man!

2) When we trust that God is good we can release things into His care

There are times in our lives when we have to recognize that we have done all we can, said all we can and given all we can at that point we have to release it and trust God!

Just know when you release you child, your family, your finances, your health to God,

Not all the babies will survive, not all the families will be restored, not all the finances will be provided, not all the marriages will be restored. However God is still good and will be glorified by the way He works in your life!

II. She taught Moses that God is a covenant God (Moses chooses Israel)

A) The promises of God

Hebrews 11:23-24 makes clear that when Moses matured or grew up he refused to be called Pharaoh’s son. Instead threw his hat in with the Hebrew people.

You must imagine that Jochebed taught Moses about the promises of God.

The promises to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to make them great a great nation and to bless all others through them.

Moses was basing His choice on the character of God.

When you teach your children about the covenant, faithful character of God you are influencing them to trust God’s promises because of His unchanging character.

Malachi 3:6 “Because I, Yahweh, have not changed, you descendants of Jacob have not been destroyed.”

Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man who lies, or a son of man who changes His mind.

Does He speak and not act, or promise and not fulfill?”

What had Jochebed taught Moses? Faith is really trusting God’s promises. So faith means seeking God’s promises and obeying God & His principles no matter the circumstances and in spite of the consequences.

-- By refusing to be called Pharaoh’s son Moses risked suffering alienation from his adoptive family. (we are supposed to be aliens and strangers it we shouldn’t feel at home)

-- By refusing to be called Pharaoh’s son Moses suffered the loss of honor, pleasures and wealth.

B) The people of God

11:25 He chose to suffer with the people of God.

He believed that God would keep and fulfill His promise to His people. Faith that believes the covenant promises of God will choose the eternal with pain over the temporary with pleasure. Why? Because the pleasure ends but God’s promises are yes and amen in Jesus forever.

11:26 “for his eyes were on the reward”

There is not only a great reward for you as moms or parents. There is also a great assignment for you. Now I assume this is what every Christian parent wants. I've talk to enough over the years to sum it up by saying this. A Christian parent would say this: "I want my child, my daughter, my son, to grow up and love God and serve God." Psalm 127, "Children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is his reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth." You know one translator says you could translate the word "heritage" into "assignment." "Children are an assignment from the Lord." See, you thought you'd grow up, get married, have kids, and your homework's done. Oh, no. The real "homework" is in the home. You do the work in the lives of those children. They're an assignment.

And he says they're "Like arrows in the hand of a warrior." And that terminology assumes that children are to be launched. And it presupposes that you know what that target is. And it assumes you've arrived at that target first, so you can live it out for them.

But they must be prepared with the promises of God.

1) His promise of judgment to those that reject Jesus

2) His promise of salvation to those that receive Jesus

If you want your children prepared to face the world we live in they can only do it if they understand God is good. And live that goodness and Christ likeness in your home.

Don't be like that family who brought their child to be dedicated at church, their little baby.

And after the church service, they were driving home. Baby had been dedicated. And the oldest son, Johnny, in the backseat was crying, was wailing, and carrying on.

Finally, his mother said, Johnny, what is wrong. And Johnny said, it's that pastor. That pastor said that he wanted us to be brought up in a Christian home, but I want to stay with you guys.

If you want them to thrive and not just survive, teach them to trust the goodness of God and make decision based on His character not their circumstances, teach them to believe and respond to the promises of God.