Summary: A Great Quest was recorded in Luke 11:1 that one of the unnamed Disciples of Jesus said to him “Master teach us to pray”. John the Baptist taught his disciples on prayer, Master now you teach us to Pray?

Theme: Prayer Life of Jesus

Text: Heb.5:7-10

Joke: One believer skipped a Sunday service and went for hunting. As he met with a Lion he lost his balance and fallen and caught in a branch of a tree. The ferocious Lion charging at him from a distance, and he couldn't move. He prayed "Oh Lord, I'm so sorry for skipping service today, Please forgive me and grant me just one wish.... let this Lion have the born again experience. Please, Lord!" before he could conclude that prayer, Lion was already on its knees and said, "Dear Lord, thank you for giving me tasty food today, Amen".

The author of the Hebrews described the life of Jesus comparing with angels, Moses, Joshua, High Priest, Lamb of God, Judge, as greater than anything on the earth. Then he records how Jesus was spending his time in Prayer.

Great Quest: we have seen many questions raised by many disciples, priests, followers, and leaders of his days. Among them the greatest quest was recorded in Luke 11:1 that one of the Disciples said to Jesus “Master teach us to pray”. This quest was asked by only one unnamed disciple. John the Baptist taught his disciples on prayer, Master now you teach us how to Pray?

1. Why Jesus offered Prayers?

I think of the following reasons:

Firstly he wants to set an example to his followers about prayer,

to use it as the Key. Peter was promised with the Keys of Heaven and Hell (Mt.16:19, Mt.18:18), to bind the strong man (Mt.12:29, Mk.3:27), Ezekiel. 7:23 calls us to make a long chain to bind the satanic forces (2 Pet.2:4, Jud.1:6, Rev.20:1-2).

Secondly he wants to be a true practicing Jew.

The Jewish prayer book ‘Siddur’, calls for a Jew offer prayer three times in a day. One in the morning prayer (shacharit), one in the afternoon prayer (minchah) and one in the evening (arvith or maariv ). Jews believe that the morning prayer was introduced by Abraham, noon prayer by Isaac and the evening or night prayer by Jacob.

Thirdly he wants to have communication with trinity without interruption. That is the only key for all of us.

Jesus Prayed to have intimate commune with God. Isolated intimacy with the father was his main motivation (Mt.14:22-23, Mk.1:35). His prayers were with such intensity of focus that at the end of His life He even sweat great drops of blood (Luke 22:44). Coram deo was his anthem.

CORAM DEO is a Latin phrase refers ‘in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the honour and to the glory of God’. Prayer requires a wrestling in the Spirit with passion and fervency. More prayer equals more help and more blessings from God.

“Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known unto God; and the peace of God, which passesth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Jesus Christ” (Phil.4:6-7). This was true in the life of Paul, he learned this technique from his Master Jesus Christ.

LACK OF PRAYER Leads TO BINDINGS: Israel was chained by Assyria and Judah by Babylonians. 2 Ki.33:11 Manasseh bounded with two fetters of brass chains. All noble were chained (Nah.3:10). Peter was chained for preaching the Gospel and he was sleeping. Whereas the church was praying for him to be released and used for God (Ac. 12:1-7). The great judge Samson had slept in the lap of a prostitute and lost his God given Glory (Jud. 16:19-21).

2. Patterns of Prayer:

Jesus prayed alone (Lk.5:14). Jesus used to pray long prayers as well as short prayers. He prayed early morning, in afternoon, in evening and in nights. Jesus often withdrew for prayers (Lk.5:16). Jesus spent the whole night lonely in prayer (Lk.6:12).

Franck DeCensom one of the contributors to the says Jesus’ prayer life reveals that Jesus was ‘having advanced intimate relationship with the Father and also having friendship with God’ (Jn.8:16, 16:32, 8:28-29).

His ministry for 24hrs a day, seven days a week did not prevent him to spend time in prayer, he engaged himself in conversation with Father and with the Spirit (Lk.5:15-16).

Frank says “Spending time alone with God does not mean that we are avoiding ministry. Rather, it is a solid response to the realization that without His strength and leading, we will soon become empty vessels of no benefit to those who need of His touch” (Franck DeCensom).

Jesus prayed with his close circle disciples (Lk.9:28). His prayers demonstrated empathy and genuine love for God and for people. Jesus taught us to have persistence in Prayer. Lk 18:1 challenges to ‘pray always and not to give up’. Jesus had the strong conviction that prayer is not for what he wills but for what God wills (Mt.26:39). Jesus prayed for his followers to be one (Jn.17:9).

"The Life of Jesus provides the model for our prayer lives. God is seeking to mould us into the image of His Son (Colossians 1:27-28). If we are to act like Christ, our prayer life must be conformed to Jesus. Many of us are unwilling to pay the price that Jesus paid when it comes to prayer and interceding with God. Jesus' prayers came with vehement cries and tears and, ‘because of his Godly fear', He was heard by the Father."(Henry and Richard Blackaby author of Experiencing God Day-by-Day).

3. Aftereffects of Prayer:

The prayer life of Jesus had great impact on him and the people around him. “Jesus went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning" (Luke 9:28-29). "And as he was praying, heaven was opened" (Luke 3:21). Jesus released people (Mt.4:23-24). Jesus said I give you the power to release and tread upon and to release (Mk.11:4,Lk.10:19). Satan bounded her for 18 years (Lk.13:16). No one was able to bind the man who was possessed by Satan (Mk.5:3-4). But Jesus commanded the evil spirit to go out of that man (Lk.8:26-35). Moses had the same experience that his face was radiant and shining(Ex.34:29). Elijah’ prayer life was so powerful to shut and open the doors of heaven(1 Ki 17:1, Jam.5:17-18).

Story: An atheist and a Pentecostal lady lived as neighbours. She used to pray every day loudly for all her needs. Atheist was telling within himself "She is crazy, Doesn't she know there isn't a God?" he used to tell her that there is no God why you unnecessarily shouting vainly. But she kept on praying.

One day, she ran out of groceries. As usual, she was praying to the Lord explaining her situation and thanking Him for what He was gonna do. AS USUAL, the atheist heard her praying and thought to himself.

He went to the grocery store, bought a whole bunch of groceries, took them to her house, dropped them off on the front porch, rang the doorbell, When she opened the door she saw the groceries, she began to praise the Lord with all her heart, jumping, singing and shouting.

The atheist told her, "You crazy lady, God didn't buy you those groceries, I bought!".

She shouted hallelujah. When he finally caught hold her and asked her what is the matter?.

She said, "I knew the Lord would provide me with some groceries, but I never knew he was gonna make the devil to pay for them!"

Early Christians: Cornelius, a centurion, prayed regularly (Ac.10:2). John and Peter went to temple at 3 pm for prayer(Ac.3:1). Today: God astonished to see that no one is there to Pray (Is.59:16). Having a form of Godliness and but denying its power (2 Tim.3:5).

Conclusion: Prayer is a powerful weapon. Take and use for the glory of God. A weak christian who prays is more powerful than an army with a king. So pray lonely, pray honestly and pray sincerely. Amen.