Summary: This is the prayer of any leader of a group of believers. It is Paul's desire for the church in Philippi. To know that we have peace from God; There is joy in partnering with others; We should develop a passionate affectionate for one another; And, I need to pray for a love that abounds.

The prayer of your leader

Philippians 1:1-11

Philippians because it hits on so many different topics hat I wanted to share with you, not only today, but in the weeks to come.

As you reflect on the passage this morning, it reflects how I feel about this church, this community, and you as individuals, and what I hope for us as we continue on our journey. This journey that we are on together once more, the journey to become more and more like Jesus as he shapes us and molds us, His followers, to reflect Him and our Heavenly Father. This passage in Philippians ends in a prayer. I am going to pray this prayer for us as church body, and challenge us to respond and pray it for each other as well.

Before we get to the prayer, here some biblical truths Paul wanted the believers in Philippi to know, and God wants believers (followers of Jesus) to know today.

I. We have PEACE from God. (vs. 1-2) ***


Paul is talking to the Saints (believers), and extends them Peace.

God’s peace comes through knowing Jesus as Savior and Lord. It means we can trust Him. HE is in control. We can depend on Him. We can be at ease because of Him. Paul’s in jail, the church is worried about Him, and perhaps what might happen to them. Grace and peace to you.

John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."

My hope is that you have the PEACE of God in your life this morning – regardless of any trouble or concern. . If you want PEACE in your life; in Your church; in your work; in your family, then Jesus needs to be a part of it. Going through changes in your church or life, you have concerns about the future, facing anxiety or uncertainty - seek the Lord because He gives you peace. IF you don’t seek Him today, right now. Let God know you need Him to come into your life, you want the peace that Jesus brings.

** And as followers of him we get to be the agents that extend it to other in Jesus’ name (through our words and actions). Just as Paul did. We have peace from God, and have the opportunity to pass it on to others.

(Another biblical truth we learn)

II. There is joy in PARTNERING with other believers. (vs. 3-6)

– I have been thinking about you all, preparing to come, and it has brought me joy. I have looked forward to arriving here, since I first received the call from an elder to invite me to come and serve. I looked forward to reconnecting with you, to getting to know some of for the first time. I have a grateful and hopeful heart as I anticipate God working through all of us, bringing us together, and growing us together, as the family of God. I also look forward to God using us to minister and reach out to others who don’t know Him.

- But this not something that is designed for each of us to do on our own.

- We are called to do it TOGETHER. Not just you with me the pastor, but all of us together.

- Can you partner with yourself? Is that possible? NO of course not.

(Consider this question)

- Am I willing to join with other believers (not just the pastor), to encourage, to be encouraged, to care and be cared for, to love and be loved. To live out the “one anothers” in scripture, as I walk with God.

- In the months to come, you will be hearing about different opportunities you will have to do just that.

(opportunities NOW = joining others in SS; serving together in ministry (VBS this week; youth group; children’s church; music ministry; women’s ministry); getting involved in Bible study currently going on, or starting one.

1 Cor 12:21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!"

*** “we can’t say I don’t need you.” *** WE NEED EACH OTHER

There is a sign on the window when you walk in the church, on the office door, on your bulletin every Sunday. They say the same thing…. “YOU ARE NEEDED HERE!”

I NEED YOU, YOU NEED ME, WE NEED EACH OTHER. – turn to your neighbor and tell them that.

I need you; you need me.

LISTEN TO THIS STORY - There was a man all alone; he had no children or siblings. He was always working, never stopping, and yet he was never content with what he had. HE said to himself, "Why am I working so hard, not getting any enjoyment from what I do?" … King Solomon says – “this a miserable life, without meaning.” (being alone, doing things alone, for ourselves, not having any partnerships is miserable) - Eccl 4:8

Eccl 4:9 Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work.

There is Joy in partnering with other believers.

Joy not just in partnering, but seeing something brought to completion after it was started.

- God began something long ago here at New Life.

Orrin Roe Jenks came here and had a tent revival. A church started. Mr. Watkins began the search process for a pastor, and a work was started here.

- Whatever the Lord had in mind then (I don’t know), it has not been completed. (We do know it includes having people know Him through J.C. and grow in that relationship) The Lord still has something in mind for this church, and it includes each of us as individuals of this congregation.

For me I joined the journey of this church 10 years ago as Associate Pastor. Even though I left here, I remained your partner. Now I get to rejoin you on that journey. Partnering together on a journey with God, means he is working in us and through us, and that He is going to carry on that work until completion, the day of Jesus’ coming.

Heb 12:2 Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. NIV

It is easy to get stuck on our journeys with God. To get discouraged. To grow weary and lose heart. That is why we need our focus on Jesus, and other believers to partner with as walk together with Him.

A few things I want us to ponder.

- Do I understand that my spiritual life is not designed to live in isolation, but in community. A partnership requires more than 1. We as individuals must address the question “Am I willing to be a partner with other believers?”, certainly that is our call.

1st Cor 12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.

EACH one of us, who have made a commitment to JC, comprise HIS body. As parts of the same body, we get to partner together to help one another reach the end result of being made perfect in Jesus Christ.

- I believe that we all want to hear the response “well done good and faithful servant” from the master. My hope is that we want to join with each other, love one another, encourage one another, pray for one another (living out the one another’s), and partner with each other because we want our brothers and sisters to hear “well done good and faithful servant” too. There is joy in knowing we were a part of someone’s walk who hears those words.

**** Biblical truth: We have PEACE with God; there is JOY in partnering with others… 3rd…

III. We need to develop PASSIONATE affection toward others. (vs. 7-8)

- I was reflecting on this a few months ago.

- Since my wife and I graduated high school (19 years ago – there has been no place either of us have lived longer than in our last town. Aside for the places we grew up, we have lived in their the longest.

(each of went to Aurora U. for 4 years – I helped at the Aurora AC church for another year after college. –

5 years in my college town; 2.5 years of seminary; 3.5 years of ministry here in here; then 7 years of ministry in our last place of service.

- My wife and I celebrated our 13th anniversary in June.

- we have spent more than half of our married life (7 of 13 yrs) with the people of our last ministry place. WE have developed a Great affection (a passionate affection), for the people there. They are, and will remain in our hearts.

- I am going to ask you to continue to pray for that church as they work through the process not just to find a new pastor, but to deal with the loss they feel. By the way, I asked them to pray for you too – I just told them they could NOT pray that the church would burn down. I assure you that our relationship with them was not just a pastor/church relationship, but a labor of love. Thank you for the extra time to say goodbye.

I have been praying that God would give me the same affection for you as I had for them. Indeed there is a certain level of affection – we love you (the people – we feel at ease with you), and we love the community – but we want that love to grow more and more.

Pray that God would deepen the affection I already hold for you and this community. I ask you to pray for me about that – and if you dare, make that your prayer as well. I know it is already occurs.

Let me share some examples I have seen and heard about just over the last few days. I am sure there are more going on.

*** The man that shared last week about a list of men that he has been praying for that God has put on his heart. Men, who at one time attended this church. He has a “passionate affection” for them, to see them walk closely with the Lord and and

*** The summer ministry team, and group of people shared the love of Jesus with 14 different children.

A few examples of those who have a passionate affection towards others. Showing it in different ways.

Keep this up!!! I look forward to seeing more of it happening. Doesn’t matter your physical abilities, place of employment, place in life, or the place you live “in chains or defending and confirming the gospel”. We all have been given this invitation to express this passionate affection toward others.

Think to yourself - Do I respond to non-believers and believers alike with this passionate affection? … 2 diff responses…

Jewish leaders in Paul’s day - 1st response…

Paul and Barnabas are on their 1st missionary journey. They are in Posidian Antioch (the western part of modern day Turkey), teaching Gentiles about the grace of God. On a Sabbath it says in Acts 13:44 “almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. 45 When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy and talked abusively against what Paul was saying.


Jesus’ response in the gospels..

Matt 9:35 Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. 36 When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd.

I don’t need to tell which response we should imitate. WE want to have the response of Jesus.

*I will warn you, it takes being involved with the lives of others to gain this passionate affection. It is work. But, it is also rewarding.

We need to ask ourselves…

- Are there people in my heart, people I long for with the love of Christ?

- Am I willing to open myself up, to say to the Lord “use me to show your love to others – to a have a passionate affection towards others. You want to be dangerous, have dangerous prayer – “Lord, make my heart ache for people.”

John 13:34 "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. 35 By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."

A passionate affection means, living out the “one another’s”.

The truths we’ve learned God gives us PEACE; there is joy in PARTNERING with other believers; we want to develop a PASSIONATE affection toward others…. and now for the Prayer (read vs. 9-11).

IV. Am I willing to PRAY for a love that abounds. (9-11)

This prayer is for our love to abound and grow in knowledge and depth of insight

- to know who Jesus is, what He has done for us, and how to respond to Him.

Similar to Eph 3:17 (which says) And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, 18 may have power, together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, 19 and to know this love that surpasses knowledge — that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.

In our passage this morning Love is a noun. However, we also know that love is also a verb, an action. Not just an object.

(1 cor 13 teaches us that love is active). Love is… patient, kind, doesn’t boast, not self seeking, keeps no records of wrong. And then some. – Love involves action.

Jesus says to Peter do you love me? FEED my lambs; TAKE CARE of my sheep.

(today is not the day to get into Peter’s responses, but Jesus tells Peter (and ultimately us), that loving Him requires an active response back to Him and others.

The prayer in Philippians is that “your love may abound” “so that you may be able to discern what is best”

You love may abound with these results “to discern what is best”.

Best = to know the difference between good, better and best.

So when we ask “lord what do you want us as individuals and church to do?”, it is whatever is best, and it must start with the scriptures. (starting point with the Gt. Commandment and Gt. Commission)

- loving God and loving others (making disciple = walking with the Lord and loving Him, and letting him use us to help other become followers of Jesus)

(another result of our abounding love is) - so that you may be pure and blameless = be good stewards of our gifts of the people God sends and the resources He gives us).

Take a moment to think about this…

- Is my love for Jesus growing? Am I maturing in my faith (abounding more and more in knowledge and depth of insight – to discern what is best.)? Am I becoming more and more Christ-like in my thoughts, actions and words (pure and blameless)? Is there fruit being produced in and through my life – others being encouraged to know and grow in their walk with Jesus – to know Jesus and grow in Jesus.

Review: God gives us PEACE; there is joy in PARTNERING with other believers; we want to develop a PASSIONATE affection toward others; and Are we willing to pray for a love that abounds?

Take out the Commitment Card – if you are willing to say, I want to join God in this. That you want to apply these biblical truths and want to respond to this prayer, to respond to God’s invitation – to know and Grow in Jesus, and help others do the same. I am going to ask you to commit to doing that praying that for yourself and others.

For some, you say, I want more information on Knowing Jesus. (check the appropriate box)

Other, you say, I want to make a decision to follow Jesus. (check the appropriate box) (perhaps a rededication)

Finally, those of you here who are followers of Jesus, if you say, I accept the challenge (write - I accept)

After you fill it out, you can put it in the offering plate during the love offering. My prayer for you is from vs. 9-11 from (TLB)

Phil 1:9 My prayer for you is that you will overflow more and more with love for others, and at the same time keep on growing in spiritual knowledge and insight, 10 for I want you always to see clearly the difference between right and wrong, and to be inwardly clean, no one being able to criticize you from now until our Lord returns. 11 May you always be doing those good, kind things that show you are a child of God, for this will bring much praise and glory to the Lord.