Summary: How many families do you know who are destroyed by violence and anger and bitterness. There may not be a physical murder but many of us can attest to families who emotionally murder each other, spreading seeds of resentment that often poisons the current and future generations.


Ten Commandments That Build Strong Families - Part 6

Exodus 20:13

Were in Part 6 in the series “Ten Commandments That Build Strong Families.”

Exodus 20:13 is very simple, just four words: "You shall not murder."

Some of you are saying, we can skip this one. Probably your urge to murder doesn't happen very

often, except when you're on a packed, stalled subway or highway. A lot of you may think you

don’t need this you think.

Clarence Darrow once said, "I haven't killed anybody, but I've read a whole lot of obituaries with



The very first murder happened in a family. Cain killed his brother. In fact, today, most violent

crimes and most murders occur between family members. Domestic Violence is the largest

destroyer of marriages and families.

How many families do you know who are destroyed by violence and anger and bitterness. There

may not be a physical murder but many of us can attest to families who emotionally murder each

other, spreading seeds of resentment that often poisons the current and future generations.


God is saying “Value the way you treat your family!”


Violent, selfish, controlling, angry and unforgiving emotions kill families.

One of the most important life skills that you must learn is this: conflict resolution, how to

resolve a conflict and how to restore or reconcile a strained or broken relationship. If you don’t

learn this you’re family life will be miserable!

We’re imperfect and different, we will rub each other the wrong way. Conflict happens so easily

in families. If you run from conflict by staying away from your family, it’s not going to work,

you’re going to be miserable and unhappy much of your life because God made your family to

fill a special place in your heart and avoiding them will always keep that place empty and lonely.

Conflict resolution is an important skill for a strong and healthy family. You have to know how

to resolve a conflict, if you’re a parent, with your spouse, with your children, with friends, in the

community, at church, in a ministry group – literally everywhere.


Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


Here’s the problem. Nobody teaches you how to do it. Most of our parents were not very good

models of conflict resolution because nobody taught them. You didn’t ever take a class on how

do you restore a broken relationship. Yet this is one of the most important skills to your

happiness in life.

We’re going to look at the seven steps of how to resolve a conflict and restore a broken

relationship. We’re not going to get relief from conflict by killing our relatives, we’re going to

learn how to live in PEACE with them!

Matthew 5:9 says this “God blesses those who are peacemakers. They [peacemakers] will be

called the children of God.”

The proof that you are really a child of God is you’re a peacemaker.

Peacemaking is not: avoiding, or appeasing. Some people think “I know how to keep peace in my

marriage; I learn not to rock the boat. I sweep everything under the rug. I swallow it. I grin and

bear it.”

That’s not peacemaking; that’s cowardice. That doesn’t help or heal your family. Peacemaking

is not running from the problem. It’s not appeasing. Appeasing means always giving in. You

always let them get their way. It’s peace at any price. That’s called codependency. Jesus Christ

never ran from a legitimate conflict. He knew how to deal with it face on and how to resolve it

and how to restore a relationship.

The Bible says God blesses those who are peacemakers.

There are 3 reasons why we need to deal with our anger and resentment towards our

family members?

o Number one, it blocks my fellowship with God.

Unresolved conflict blocks my fellowship with God. You cannot be right with God and wrong

with other people.

God says you can’t be right me and wrong with others. The Bible says in 1 John 4 “You can’t

love God whom you’ve never seen if you don’t love the people you do see. To claim that you love

God while hating others makes you a liar.

o It blocks my prayers from being answered

It keeps my prayers from being answered. Did you know that when you’re out of whack in

relationships the Bible says God cannot hear your prayers? Why? Because God is love and the


Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


number one thing God wants you to learn as his child and representative is to learn how to love.

And if you’re in conflict with people you aren’t loving them at that moment.

First Peter 3:7 “Husbands, be considerate of your wives, and treat them with respect... so that

nothing hinders your prayers.”

We need to resolve conflict within our families, The Word says “Love God with all your heart

and love your neighbor as yourself.”

o STAYING IN CONFLICT blocks my happiness!

You can be the most famous and wealthy celebrity on the planet and if your relationships are

sour, life is sour. If your marriage isn’t working or if you’re out of harmony with your kids or you

don’t really have any close friends or you’re out of fellowship with your own family it doesn’t

matter how much you have, peace in your family is worth everything!

A happy family is not a family with a lot of material stuff, a happy family is one with peace and

joy in each other’s company.

The Bible says in James 3:18 “Those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a

harvest of goodness.”

If you want God’s goodness in your family, become a peacemaker!

How do you do that? You plant seeds of peace.

Whatever you sow you will reap. If you sow gossip people are going to gossip about you. If you

sow anger in your children they’re going to be angry at you. If you sow bitterness you’re going

to get bitterness back. If you sow resentment you’re going to get resentment back. It works either

way. If you’re generous with people, people will be generous with you. If you’re kind with

people, people will be kind to you. If you’re generous with praise people will be generous with


If you plant conflict you’re going to reap more conflict than you can imagine. And if you plant

jealousy you’ll get that back. On the other hand if you learn how to plant seeds of peace, your

family life is going to have a lot of peace.

Let’s look at these seven steps to resolving conflict in your family.

If you want to be a peacemaker...



Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


You make the first move. Don’t wait on somebody else. Take the initiative. I know what you’re

thinking – “It was all their fault. When they make the first move, I’ll be glad to resolve the

conflict.” No. God expects you to make the first step. That’s what’s called BEING a


God says reconcile your relationships – have harmony in your relationships. Don’t leave certain

family members out because you find them annoying. Jesus supped at the table with Judas. If

you’re out of whack with someone right now Jesus says: RECONCILE

Jesus said in Matthew 5:23 “If you’re standing before the altar in the temple and you’re giving

an offering to God and you suddenly remember somebody has something against you [It doesn’t

matter if you’ve got something against them or they’ve got something against you] you leave

your offering there beside the altar, go at once and first be reconciled...

Top priority in your FAMILY first be reconciled to that person. Then come and offer your gift to


Reconciliation takes priority. Don’t procrastinate, don’t postpone, don’t delay, don’t make


Some of us have relationship conflicts that have gone on for months or years or conflicts that go

back generations. God says stop relational death in your FAMILY. You don’t realize how

much separation and resentment in your family is hurting you spiritually. It doesn’t matter

whether you’re the offended person or you are the offender or it’s a little of both. God says you

make the first move.

Conflict is never resolved accidently. It’s always intentional. Conflict never resolves itself.

Time heals nothing. And the more you put it off the worse the problem gets.

Write this down. The only way to resolve a conflict is to face it.

Genesis 3 “Adam said to God, ‘I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked;

and so I hid.’”

Notice he says I’m afraid because I was naked. What’s he talking about? I feel vulnerable. I feel

exposed. I’m not covered up. So I was afraid and I hid. In relationships. We hide. We’re afraid.

We’re afraid of vulnerability. We’re afraid of being exposed. When we hide, that does three

things. It makes you distant. It makes you demanding. And it makes you defensive.


Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


The Bible says this in 2 Timothy 1:7 “God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but a

spirit of power, and love, and self-discipline.”

We must very practical steps, cannot be done unless you get filled with God’s love because it’s

the love of God that’s going to eliminate the fear. And then you have the courage to make the

first step.

How do you get that love? You ask God for it.

Here’s the second step:


If you don’t know how to reconcile with your family members, how to approach that person who

regularly gets under your nerves, ASK GOD – HE MADE THEM! Ask God for wisdom. James

1:5. “If you want to know what God wants you to do, ask Him and He will gladly tell you.”

1. Make a decision to reconcile

2. Ask God for wisdom as to how to approach the person.

say “God I really need your help. I need you to fill me with love. And I don’t know what to say,

we always end up arguing. God help me plan a peace conference.

Ask God to give you the right attitude and be ready to reconcile.


When you get together, don’t start with what they’ve done wrong. Don’t start with accusations.

Start with searching your heart to see if you’ve been judgmental or unforgiving or critical

towards them.

The conflict may be mostly their fault. But in every conflict each person can find something to

confess. Look inside and see if you made any mistakes, or had a poor response in the


Always look at what’s going on inside you.

The cause of most conflict is self-centeredness, pride and ego.

It’s very easy to hurt people when you’re full of yourself.


Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


The Bible says in James 4:1 “What causes fights? What causes fights and quarrels and

conflict among you? They are caused by the selfish desires that are continually at war inside


The truth is you can get along with anybody that you choose to get along with.

It’s always more rewarding to resolve a conflict than to dissolve a relationship.

The second cause of conflict is pride.

In pride I’m stubborn. I get my feelings hurt easily. When my ego gets wounded, we will have a


Proverbs 13:10 says this “Pride only leads to arguments.”

Here’s what Jesus said. Matthew 7:3 and 5 “Why do you notice the little piece of dust in your

friend's eye, but you don't notice the big piece of wood in your own eye? First, take the wood out

of your own eye. Then you will see clearly to take the dust out of your friend's eye."

Ask yourself, am I being over sensitive? Am I being ungrateful and I just haven’t shown

gratitude to this person and that’s hurting. Am I being over demanding? Do an honest



It’s very important to listen for hurt because there’s always hurt in a conflict. We think we argue

over ideas. But we actually argue over our feelings. Any time there’s a conflict somebody got

their feelings hurt. Somebody felt abused. Somebody felt slighted.

Hurt people hurt people. The more I’m hurting the more I lash out at everybody else. People who

aren’t hurting don’t hurt others. People who are filled with love are loving to others. People

who are filled with joy are joyful to others. People who are filled with peace are at peace with

everybody else. But if I’m hurting inside I’m going to hurt you. And the more I hurt the more

I’m going to hurt you. The more I’m going to lash out.

When people feel they’re not listened to they get mad. If you want to connect with people you

must start with their needs, their hurts, and their interest.

If you want to connect with people, that’s where it starts. Listen for their hurt.

James 1:19 says this “Be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.”


Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


Philippians 2:4-5 says this “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to

the interests of others. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus.”

Romans 15:2 “We must be considerate of the doubts and fears of others Let's please the other

fellow, not ourselves, and do what is for his good and thus build him up in the Lord.


The truth sets you free but you’ve got to say it with love. Say it with kindness.

People say, I just tell it like it is! That’s called being rude. Don’t be proud of that. It means you

don’t really care about other people’s feelings, you just want to get it off your chest.

Ephesians 4:15 “Speak the truth in love.”

The truth is not enough. It’s not just what you say; it’s how you say it. If you say it offensively it

will be received defensively. Seek to speak to your family in love. Parents, the moment you start

yelling at your kids they’re not listening to a word you say. All they’re hearing is emotion. And

they will remember the emotion and will not remember the words.

You are never persuasive when you are abrasive. You never get your point across by being


People are always more receptive to the truth, even hard truths, if it’s said with kindness and

consideration and respect.

Truth without love is resisted. Truth with love is received.

Proverbs 12:18 “Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”

Ephesians 4:29 “Do not use harmful words, but only helpful words, the kind that build up and

provide what is needed.”


This is the sixth key to resolving conflict and restoring relationships. Focus on fixing the

problem instead of laying the blame. Learn to attack the issue, not each other. In marriage and

partnerships, realize you’re both on the same team. Stop wasting energy on the wrong thing,

seek solutions instead.

Colossians 3:8 “You must rid yourselves of all such things as these: anger, rage, malice, slander,

and filthy language from your lips.”


Ten Values That Build Strong Families - Part 6


That means no insults. No belittling, no labeling. Fix the problem not the blame.

Finally the seventh step is...


Reconciliation means reestablishing the relationship. That means bury the hatchet. It means come

to be at peace with each other. Stop holding onto any hurt, Reconcile.

Resolution means we resolve every disagreement. And that isn’t going to happen. Because the

truth is, there are some things in your marriage, your friendship with other people, you’re just

never going to agree on, because we’re all different. But you can disagree without being

disagreeable. That’s called maturity. That’s called wisdom. That’s called Christlikeness, being

like Christ.

We can walk hand in hand together without seeing eye to eye on everything. Let something’s go.

Choose your battles and turn a blind eye to some inconsequential things.

If you focus on restoring your relationship, oftentimes the issue becomes insignificant.

In the world where there is constant conflict, wars, division, arguments, stress between people,

there is prejudice and racism and clashes, violence and tribalism and terrorism and partisanship

and people attacking each other constantly. As a result we have broken relationships. And we

have broken lives and broken hearts and broken families.

My challenge to you is will you commit to becoming an agent of reconciliation in a world filled

with conflict?

Become a bridge builder not a wall builder. Look for ways to bring people together rather than

tear them apart. Promote PEACE because this is your ministry from God.

Even relationships you thought were dead or hopeless will be restored to life, if you focus on

having peace first with God then ask him to help you to live in peace with your family members.

Second Corinthians 5:18-20 says this “God has restored our relationship with him through

Christ, and has given us the ministry of restoring relationships.”

“God blesses those who are peacemakers. They will be called the children of God.”