Summary: Let’s take up this idea of goodness.



INTRODUCTION: James Hunter, writing in Leadership magazine, said, “We Americans generally want to think of ourselves as good people. That, in many respects, is where the trouble begins.” Let’s take up this idea of goodness.

I. Goodness Defined

How often do you hear someone say, “That was a good movie.” “That was a good meal.” “He’s such a good friend.” “That was a good joke.” We’ve all heard or said those things. What about this one; “You pay me to be good. You all are just good for nothing.”

When you come to the Bible the word “good” means so much more. The Hebrew word is “tob.” See Ps.25:8. The Greek word here “agathos.” See 2 Thess. 1:11; Rom. 15:14; Eph. 5:8-9. It means that which is morally pure; pleasing to God; beneficial to others. What can we say about goodness?

A. It Begins Upward Only God is good. Mark 10:17-22. The only way I can be good is to have God.

B. It Blesses Inward “Goodness consists not in the outward things we do, but in the inward thing we are.” Edwin Chapin.

C. It Benefits Outward It is beneficial to others.

God is the source of, course to and force behind all goodness. I can’t produce it on my own. James 2:17; I Pet. 2:3.

II. Goodness Demonstrated

Goodness has to be experienced before it can be expressed. It has to be worked in before it can be worked out. Read Matt. 12:33-35. What does goodness look like? You see it in:

A. The Good Seamstress Acts 9:36. Gorcas was a dressmaker. She was a Christian businesswoman. Study the passage and you will see her redemption, resurrection, revival and reputation. She did what she did because of who she was.

B. The Good Servant Acts 4:36; 11:22-24. Here is Barnabas the landowner. He was a real estate man. The words “good” and “full” come from the same root word. He was forgiven, full, following and fruitful.

C. The Good Samaritan Lk.10:25-37

D. The Good Shepherd John 10:11. Jesus didn’t come as a good cowboy to rustle but a good shepherd to redeem. Study Matt. 7:17; Rom. 12:21; Col. 1:10; Eph. 2:10; 2 Thess 2:17;

2 Tim.3:16-17; 3 John 11.

II. Goodness Developed

How can one develop goodness?

A. Decide About Salvation Many people think they are good. Compared to what? God is the author and standard of goodness. None of us measure up. That’s why we need Jesus. See Rom. 2:6-8.

B. Abide In The Savior John 15:4

C. Reside In The Scriptures Rom. 10:17; 2 Tim.3:16-17; Heb.10:24. “The heart of a good man is the sanctuary of God.”

CONCLUSION: Reckon what it will be like when on that day we hear Him say, “Well done

thou good and faithful servant.”?