Summary: Jesus brought the Good News of salvation to the world, and He called ordinary folks to join Him in sharing God's redemptive love everywhere and by ministering to needs beyond the walls of worship facilities.


Study of the Gospel According to Mark

As you read Mark, be aware that you are reading the very first written account of the ministry of Jesus – a fact well documented by credible Bible scholars. Quite naturally, we want to know who Mark was, and we find that he is mentioned frequently in the New Testament.

What we know about him is that he was the son of a very well-to-do woman in Jerusalem; her name was Mary, and her home became the center of early church get-togethers. So, you can imagine that Mark was there when Jesus’ closest followers came to his mother’s house for a “church council” meeting. Peter the chief elder referred to Mark affectionately as “my son.”

Mark was also the nephew of Barnabas who talked Paul into letting the youngster go with them on one of their missionary journeys - which, you may recall, resulted in Mark’s falling out of favor with Paul by leaving and going back home. However, it’s interesting to note that, years later, when Paul was in prison, facing execution, he asked Timothy to bring Mark with him, “for he is a most useful servant to me.”

I suppose Paul saw in this young man a Christian who had the ability to write; and, apparently having redeemed himself, he could now be counted on to carry out Paul’s wishes. This explanation is plausible because Mark had served as Peter’s scribe and, as such, had written much of what Peter related to him about his eye witness account of the ministry of Jesus.

MARK SERMON I – MARK 1:1-31 . . .


Mark’s purpose in writing is stated very simply but clearly, basically saying, “This is the story of how Jesus Christ, the Son of God, brought the good news to men” (Mark 1:1). Following that brief introduction:

Mark picks up the story thirty years after the birth of Christ – with an account of John the Baptist setting the stage for Jesus’ ministry by preaching repentance and baptizing those who repented (Mark 1:2-8).

As a way of identifying with John’s pronouncement of the coming of the messiah - “one mightier than I” - Jesus presented Himself to John for baptism (Mark 1:9-11) – which was to become the church ordinance by which repentant sinners would identify themselves with Christ and His Church.

Whereas Jesus’ baptism may be looked upon as a prediction of His “death, burial and resurrection,” our baptism represents a declaration of our repentance (death to sin and burial of the old nature) plus our identification with and commitment to Jesus Christ (resurrection to a new life in Christ).

John’s preaching had become popular with the people since, for such a long time, they had waited to be rescued from servitude at the hands of evil empires. So, when this powerful preacher came on the scene announcing the imminent coming of the promised Messiah, people excitedly came to hear John preach; and that gave John the chance to call upon every one of them to repent, “for the kingdom of God is at hand.”

Then Jesus came! John pointed to Him and declared “He is the One!” “Hear Him! Follow Him! Commit your way unto Him, for He has come to usher in the Kingdom of God – and you can be a part of it.

Mark began his gospel with the preaching of John the Baptist so that folks might understand that prophecy was being fulfilled before their eyes and they were witnessing the transition of preaching power from the one who prepared the way to the one who was (is) the Way.

Only briefly did Mark mention the temptation experience of Jesus (Mark 1:12-13). I suppose he assumed that, as subsequent events unfolded, it would become clear to the reader that Jesus indeed passed the initial test of doing battle with Satan - since Jesus obviously emerged from the wilderness victorious and began His ministry which would culminate in His crowning achievement of defeating Satan once and for all!

Having described events that paved the way for Jesus to launch His task, Mark then tells how Jesus went about it --- Mark 1:14-15 . . .

Preaching the gospel of a kingdom not of this world had not set well with the religious rulers in Jerusalem, so the inevitability was that anyone advocating a new kingdom would be considered a threat to the hierarchy and, therefore, must be silenced. So, for that reason, John was arrested.

However, the “powers that be” had not anticipated there would be a successor to John. Were they in for a shocking revelation! One “mightier” than John - Jesus of Nazareth - took up where John left off by preaching repentance as the first step in the process of establishing God’s kingdom.

Jesus’ strategy was to go to a place other than Jerusalem to begin his ministry, and to enlist helpers from among ordinary folks not associated with the ruling class – Mark 1:16-20 . . .

Who were these people chosen by Jesus to be His first followers? They did not come from the educated class or the aristocracy; they had little or no wealth. They were fishermen – plain, ordinary folks who worked hard to make a living for their families!

These men were going about their daily tasks when Jesus called them to a much greater task. Most likely this was not their first encounter with Jesus; so when He summoned them and invited them to follow Him, they were ready to answer His call. Be ready when the Master calls!

Notice the logical progression with which Mark told the story of how the ministry of Jesus took shape: Jesus recognized John’s preaching as an indication that it was time for Him to emerge from obscurity and go forth to accomplish the task for which He had been sent into the world.

Jesus was baptized by John to signify His obedience to God’s Will . . . He received God’s commendation and approval for the task ahead . . . His experience of testing proved Him capable of dealing with His enemies . . .

He put together His team . . . He was now ready to launch His campaign to win the hearts, minds and souls of all who would repent, believe He was the Son of God, and receive Him as their personal Lord and Savior.

What better place to begin than the synagogue? There, the Master Teacher stood before the congregation and taught them - Mark 1:21-22 . . .

Everyone who heard Jesus that day knew in their hearts and minds that this Teacher had come from God because of the way He taught. Unlike ordinary teachers who imparted words of wisdom by quoting rabbis they had learned from, Jesus quoted no one yet spoke truth that was deemed to have come directly from the Lord God. Shouldn’t we, as they, be astonished at His teachings?

Hearing His Words and taking Him seriously should have a powerful effect on our lives, as was the case in the life of a man possessed by an evil spirit who heard Jesus teach in the synagogue --- Mark 1:23-28 . . .

This victory of Jesus over an evil spirit was the first of many during His ministry of healing; whether you or I believe in the casting out of demons, those folks did - and for good reason: Such miracles occurred right before their own eyes. “Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief!”

The most significant outcome of this act of divine healing was that the word spread quickly throughout Galilee and beyond. Folks, it is so important that followers of Jesus spread the Good News - as we go, wherever we go!

By design, to do this constitutes the essence of God’s plan for redeeming those who need salvation – you, me, all people everywhere.

Mark reinforces the concept of sharing the ministry of Jesus beyond the walls of the church building by telling what happened immediately after Jesus ministered in the synagogue - Mark 1:29-31 . . .

This private encounter that occurred in a home tells us a lot: It tells us that: Jesus did not have to have a crowd or an audience to do God’s work; He was willing to go into a home; and, so should we . . . His disciples took everything to Jesus because they had learned that He was concerned about everyone; and so, should we . . . The person whose life was changed began to minister to others; and so, should we. The Master has come and calls you and me to follow. How shall we respond? Amen.