Summary: What does it mean to be “Presence Driven”? – It means that we live tuned in to the never-ending presence of God and let His presence guide our lives!

Psalms 140:13 - Surely the righteous shall give thanks unto thy name: the upright shall dwell in thy presence.

Sermon Illustration: This is a true story not just an illustration. The year was 1985. I was on my very first international mission’s trip into Old Mexico. We were taking a van full of clothes, sound equipment, pots and pans etc. to a missionary in one of the dump areas of Monterrey. As we approached the border I was selected to drive the van because at that time I was not married, had no children and if I got arrested it would be easier to negotiate a release for me than any of the others travelling with us. As we neared the first border I began to pray and I sensed a strong presence of God in the van with me. I became very peaceful as I drove along. The first border was not very difficult we tipped our way across that border but were told that they would not give us the sticker for the interior which was the second border about twenty miles away. As we were driving through the borders I once again began to pray and again I sensed the strong presence of God. As we were waiting in line for the second border I noticed that they were really only looking for the sticker that we were supposed to have on our windshields from the first border crossing. I asked God to help me through this border because I knew we did not have a sticker. The first of four cars in our caravan went through without incident. The second went through and then the third. Now it was my turn. As I was pulling up to the border guard he waved his hand, turned around, knelt down to retie his boot as I drove on through. The van was delivered without further incident and for many years God has received the glory!

What does it mean to be “Presence Driven”? – It means that we live tuned in to the never-ending presence of God and let His presence guide our lives!

• There are all kinds of things that try to drive our lives today.

o Family Circumstances

o Finances

o Bossy Christians

o Monday Morning Armchair Mentors etc.

• Today we will talk about being driven by the presence of God.

I. God’s presence is always there. (David, Jonah...)

A. Psalms 139:7-14

1. Where can I flee from you God?

2. I can’t say darkness will cover me because you are light!

3. You created me therefore you are part of me. (How can we hide from a God who is part of us?)

B. Jonah 2:1-10

1. Jonah cried to God out of the whale’s belly! (He was swallowed by a fish, he prayed and God heard him from the fish’s belly!)

2. He said, floods were around me, seaweed was wrapped around my head, I went to the bottoms of the mountains, I was in the belly of hell…

3. His testimony:

a. God – You brought up my life from corruption

b. When my soul fainted you still heard my prayer

c. You delivered me from the belly of hell - the fish vomited him up on dry ground!

II. God has always had a plan for you. We discover God’s plan by living in His presence!

A. Many complain about not knowing God’s plan for their life. They are telling on themselves.

1. When you spend time with God you get to know God!

2. I can’t spend your time for you. We all have to spend our own time with God!

B. The plan of God for your life is found in the will of God for your life.

1. 1 John 2:17 - The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.

C. Jesus will pray for you according to God’s will for you!

1. Romans 8:27 - And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God's people in accordance with the will of God.

D. Walking with God activates the will of God in our lives!

1. 1 Peter 4:1-2 - Therefore, since Christ suffered in his body, arm yourselves also with the same attitude, because whoever suffers in the body is done with sin. 2. As a result, they do not live the rest of their earthly lives for evil human desires, but rather for the will of God.

III. The active presence of God in our lives produces many things.

A. We had a strong and fruitful ministry many years before we ever came to pastor this church. We have tried and proven God over and over.

1. Have we ever had questions? Yes! However, I have noticed that the questions surface more frequently when we fall out of consistent fellowship with God!

2. We will never completely understand God’s ways this side of heaven. (His ways are higher than our ways because He sees things in the expanse of eternity)

B. Being “Presence Driven” will keep you on track!

1. In Exodus 18 – Moses’ father-in-law Jethro brought an offering and other sacrifices to God and Aaron and the elders of Israel gathered together with Moses and “ate a meal in the presence of God”! The Result: God brought unity to the leadership to structure their journey through the wilderness into the promised land!

2. Luke 1:19 – The priest Zachariah (father of John the Baptist) was notified by the angel Gabriel (who stood in the presence of God) that his wife was pregnant with the forerunner of the Messiah. The Result: Through his muteness Zachariah became convinced that his baby was the forerunner of the Messiah who would preach in the power of Elijah!

3. Acts 10:33 – Cornelius told Peter that all these Gentiles are here “in the presence of God” to hear what he had to say. The Result: The Holy Spirit fell on the Gentiles!

4. 2 Timothy 4 – God used the Apostle Paul to give Timothy his charge in the presence of God. The Result: Timothy became the pastor of the Church at Ephesus and a strong supporter of the work of the Lord!

Challenge| Call to Prayer: What would happen today if we allowed ourselves to be “Presence Driven”?

• How would it change us personally and how would it benefit God’s global work?