Summary: This vision points us to the great power of the Spirit.

- The last vision concerned cleansing our souls; this vision concerns our work for God.


1. The solid gold lampstand symbolizes our work to shine the light to the nations.

- Zechariah 4:2, 10b.

- 2 Corinthians 4:4, 6-7.

- The obvious symbolism of a light points toward shining a spiritual light that draws people toward God.

- The broad vision for the light of God going to the whole world is alluded to in v. 10b.

2. The channels symbolize the work of the Holy Spirit.

- Zechariah 4:2.

- It speaks of channels flowing from a bowl. The bowl is a reservoir for the oil. Some argue that there are 49 channels; others that there are 7. Seven is the number of completeness or perfection, speaking to the sufficient supply. (If it is 49, that points to an even great abundance.)

- The main point here is that oil is often a symbol in Scripture of the Spirit. That is clearly (v. 6) the imagery here.

3. The two olive trees symbolize the high priest Joshua and king Zerubbabel.

- Zechariah 4:3.

- We cannot be certain about the identities but these two are the main characters in Zechariah up to this point. They symbolize the priestly and kingly aspects of Christ’s ministry.


- Now let’s see how the angel applies this vision and what He intends for us to get out of it.

1. Victory is not by our strength, but His Spirit.

- Zechariah 4:6.

2. By that Spirit, the biggest mountains can be torn down.

- Zechariah 4:7.

- The first two lines speak of the power of the Spirit to make a mountain into a mole hill. The third line reference to “capstones” has in mind the building of a temple after that “excavation work” has been done by God.

3. By that Spirit, great works can be completed.

- Zechariah 4:8, 10a.

- The work of the Spirit is not merely destructive, though. The Spirit will empower Zerubbabel to complete the work before him.

- This is a big deal because this project has obstacles on all sides: enemies around them who do not want them established, indifferent Jews unwilling to do the hard work of rebuilding, lack of financial resources, etc.

- Verse 10a has a great line. Do not despise the day of small things. God’s work may start small, but He is working toward big things.

- I should note that this work was not accomplished in one magical moment. History tells us that it was years of work. But God saw to it that it was done.

- Old story of lumberjack buying a chainsaw, but not turning it on.

4. By that Spirit, the light of God illuminates our lives as a witness.

- Zechariah 4:11-14.

- This light shines on the two “olive trees,” which symbolize Joshua and Zerubbabel. We know that God does much of His work in the world by shining His light on our changed lives.

- Further, the reference here brings to mind Jesus in John 15 speaking of the vine and the branches.


- In all, this is an encouraging passage for those who feel spiritually overwhelmed. Maybe the task before them seems too big. Maybe their strength seems too small. The point God makes through this vision is illuminates the power of the Spirit to accomplish His desires. Yes, we have a part, but it’s not as big as the Spirit’s role.

- This dependence on the Spirit is wonderfully freeing.

- This passage points us toward the need to continually ask for more of the Holy Spirit to empower and transform.

- Someone once asked Dwight Moody why he was always talking about the need to be filled with the Holy Spirit. Wasn’t once enough? His response: “I leak.”