Summary: The prosperity gospel tells us that "favor" means God makes our lives easier and more prosperous. But here, Mary is called "highly favored." What does that mean for Mary and what can we learn from her?

PROSPERITY GOSPEL: Some people today teach that having “God’s favor” means unlimited blessings.

- This is true of prosperity gospel preachers, but it’s also true of a lot of American Christians who know a lot more about America than the New Testament.

WHAT DID "FAVOR WITH GOD" ACTUALLY MEAN FOR MARY? An opportunity to be used powerfully by God.

- Luke 1:28, 30, 31.

- Notice that the result of this “favor” is that God desires to use Mary to bring about His plan.

- Some will not be interested in this, but to the thankful believer, this is a tremendous privilege and opportunity.

- The great names of Scripture are ones who were used greatly by God, not ones who just sat back and enjoyed God’s blessings.

WHY THAT'S NOT APPEALING TO MANY CHRISTIANS: Many come to church with a consumer mentality.

- The focus is on “what I can get out of it,” not what I can do.

A BETTER MENTALITY: We should see ourselves as grateful servants.

- Luke 1:38.

- We are thankful for all Christ has done for us. We desire to serve Him in appreciation.

BECOMING "FAVORED": Can God say of you, “When I want My will carried out, I know I can count on her”?

- Clearly, Mary was in a unique position, but there is a principle here that I think is true beyond her. Those favored with God are not the ones kicked back by a giant pool with their Mercedes parked out front. The favored ones are those God can look at and say with confidence, “I need something done and I know I can count on her.” Those are the ones God delights in. Those are the ones God favors.

- This, of course, is completely different than the shallow “favor” preaching that some put forward today.

- The question, as we close, is this: is this something I want for my life? Do I want to be one of the ones God can depend on?

- As a pastor, you know how incredibly valuable dependable people are. There are many who will show up when it’s convenient or when it will be entertaining. Far fewer, though, can be counted on day in and day out. Those are people you treasure and value as your reliable partners. I want God to look at me in that way.