Summary: When the natural structure of the family is ignored and replaced by a man-made family structure, the things of god become neglected and the worship of God becomes replaced with self-filling desires that feed the flesh and promotes a society that is driven by greed and power.

Ezekiel 22--

If there is one thing that can be said, it is that mankind has remained consistent in it’s evil and wicked ways. The sad thing about this, is that mankind has failed to learn from the past. We have failed to recognize that God’s standards have not changed.

Albert Einstein is credited with saying that the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Throughout history, we have seen God enact vengeance on those who continually reject his ways and continue to try to subvert His laws and precepts. The predictable response from God is to enact his Grace upon mankind and eventually destroying those who remain in disobedience to Him.

In Ezekiel 22, God calls upon Ezekiel to pronounce judgement on Israel because of their many sins, or abominations that have taken place. Much like today, many of those who lived in Ezekiel’s day felt like what they were doing was acceptable and, in some cases, many felt as if they were promoting equality and acceptance of various lifestyles and preferences.

IN SHORT, IT COULD BE STATED THAT WORSHIP OF GOD WITHIN ISRAEL HAD BEEN REPLACED WITH SELF-FILLING DESIRES THAT FED THE FLESH AND PROMOTED A SOCIETY THAT WAS DRIVEN BY GREED AND POWER. Instead of there being a hunger for more of God, there was a hunger for more of self. By defiling her worship, Israel had rendered herself unclean and had defiled temple, city and land. From such defilement God could only withdraw and judge his people with national destruction.

It seemed like each person in Israel competed to see who could commit the most atrocious crimes. A society that was abusive to outsiders and oppressive to insiders. There was bloodshed in the form of human sacrifices that gives the impression that there was no value placed on human life. Whether it was sacrificing babies to fulfill a personal need for freedom, much like abortion, or sacrificing the lives of those who are “not like us” to fulfill a personal need for superiority. There was contempt for orphans and widows, and they were often looked at as a burden to society.

The family structure has been eroded to nothing. Mother and father were being treated with contempt much like today. Sexual relations between two people that were united before God became something that was out of the norm, and replaced with incest and rape. Many of the leaders and common people flocked to the hills to the sex shrines and fornication became unrestrained. Anyone and anything was fair game when it came to sex. Neighbors, daughter-in-laws, sisters, cousins, daughters, brothers, son-in-laws, and the list goes on.

“The Jews were commanded to honor their fathers and mothers (Exodus 20:12), and so are believers today (Ephesians 6:1–3). God even attached a special promise to this commandment—‘that your days may be long upon the land’—and now the Jews were about to be exiled from their land.” (Wiersbe)


Murder became more common, usury was rampant, extortion was common. The Holy things of God were met with contempt and the sabbath was rejected. Slander towards those who preach the Gospel becomes common place and contempt for the Word of God increases.

God told Ezekiel to let them know that they will feel the wrath of God, and they will know that it is God doing it. He even says to let them know that He knows they have not yet been cleansed by the rain.

Much like today, IF WE KEEP ON THE SAME PATH WE ARE ON, WE WILL FEEL THE WRATH OF GOD. We need a cleansing of the Holy Spirit.

(Eze 22:30-31) So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one. Therefore I have poured out My indignation on them; I have consumed them with the fire of My wrath; and I have recompensed their deeds on their own heads,” says the Lord God.

A. God looks for men who will bring strength, stability and security but instead He only finds those who are weak and unable to stand against the enemy. They lack character and wisdom.

B. God also looks for a man who will pray. To stand before God on behalf of the land is one of the most powerful things a man can do. To stand before the creator of the universe and petition to Him the wants and needs of society is the greatest privilege a man could ever ask for. But God was unable to find one who could be trustworthy enough.

Fortunately, God did find a Man to stand in the gap. This is a powerful description of Jesus and His work for His people. He is the wall of strength, stability, and security for God’s people. He is the one who ever lives to pray for His people (Hebrews 7:25). God found no one in Ezekiel’s day, but in Jesus Christ has provided this ultimate wall-builder and Man in the gap.

MY QUESTION TODAY IS, WHO HERE IS WILLING TO STAND IN THE GAP? God found no one in Ezekiel who could stand in the gap. But that doesn’t mean that it is not possible. Moses stood in the gap when God was going to destroy the Israelites in the wilderness for creating a golden calf. In Genesis 18 Abraham intercedes for Sodom. Stephen prayed for those stoning him (Acts 7:60). Paul prayed for Israel’s salvation (Romans 10:1).

When we read Ezekiel 22:40 (“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.”), we can see that God is moved when someone is willing to stand in the gap on behalf of others.

Where did He look?

1. Prophets (26:28) - the evangelists of our day

2. Priests (21:26) - the church leaders of our day

3. Princes (27:27) - the corporate leaders of our day

4. Politicans (26:27) - the government leaders of our day

5. People (entire passage) - that means you!

He could not find one to stand like Daniel before Nebuchadnezzar.

… like Esther before Xerxes.

… like Stephen before the Council.

… like Paul before Agrippa.

What is He looking for?

1. Confronting sin. Ezekiel 22:26 Galatians 6:1 Matthew 18:15-17

2. Resolving conflict. Matthew 5:9

3. Teaching truth where it is lacking. Ezekiel 3:17-21

4. Praying for folks. James 5:16 Psalm 106:23

5. Helping families with home problems. Titus 2:3-5

6. Doing things that need to be done.


Six points to take away…

1. God wants someone to stand in the gap

2. God wants someone to look beyond situations and towards the possibility

3. God wants someone who will expect Him to honor our efforts according to His Word.

4. God wants someone who will continue to stand even when they themselves are struggling.

5. God wants someone who won’t pick and choose but will see other’s as Christ sees them.

6. God wants someone who won’t blend in with the world.