Summary: An advent series looking at letting go of what we hold onto which holds us back from experiencing Jesus.

Letting Go?!

December 1, 2019

Have you taken inventory lately? As I approach this Christmas season, it seems like I’ve been doing that . . . which leads to this message. Do you have a lot of STUFF in your house? I mean, more stuff than you need? Can people mistake your home with an episode of hoarders? Oh, by the way . . . Merry Christmas!!

Well, for the next 4 weeks, we’re going to look at what it means to Let Go of stuff. Not just material goods, but some of the stuff we hold onto which holds us back from truly experiencing the power and presence of God. It’s a reminder that this world is really not our home.

We tend to accumulate stuff. We accumulate clothes and electronics and we accumulate hurts and junk and seeds of discontentment and jealousies. So, we’re going to talk about letting go of some of the stuff that weighs us down and holds us back and so that we can really live the life that would be honoring to God.

Today I want to talk about letting go of stuff - - the stuff that weighs us down. Here’s a thought which goes against the worlds ways - -

It's better to have less of what doesn't matter and more of what does matter. Let me say it again . . . It’s better to have less of what doesn’t matter and more of what does matter. The problem is everything in our culture screams the opposite.

We can go all the way back to the beginning of the Bible, in Genesis to see this at work. God had created Adam and Eve. Everything was great, they had one thing they couldn’t do . . . Don’t eat from that tree. And, they were good with that!

Then that sneaky serpent slithers along and tells them - “Did God really say you can't eat from that tree?” Satan’s implying we’re lacking something, that God is intentionally holding back on us. That He really doesn’t want us to be fulfilled, content and joy-filled. So, Adam and Eve believe something’s missing in Eden.

They don’t recognize they have all of these blessings. They believe - what they don't have is what they need to be happy, fulfilled, and complete. And we’ve bought into this as well. We believe there’s something else out there that we need, which is better, which will fulfill me.

If one 84" 8K super Smart TV is good, then a 128" TV is better.

Solomon said this in Ecclesiastes - -

6 Better is a handful of quietness than two hands full of toil and a striving after wind. - Ecclesiastes 4:6

In other words, it's better to have less of what doesn't matter and more of what really does matter. Why? Because your life is too valuable. Your calling too great, and your God too good to waste your life on stuff that does not matter or last. Jesus warned us about this.

There's a powerful story about two brothers who were excited about their inheritance. One of them asked Jesus -

13 “Teacher, tell my brother to divide the inheritance with me.”

And Jesus warns them saying -

15 “Beware, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” - Luke 12:15

That’s a pretty blunt in your face warning. It didn’t just apply to those days, but maybe even applies more to our day.

Beware! Be on your guard! That’s pretty in your face. The enemy wants you to believe you need more, because he’s out to steal, kill and destroy you.

Jesus is reminding us there’s a battle for our spiritual lives. And that battle is as dangerous and important as if there was a thief lurking around the corner waiting to jump out at you. Be on your guard against all kinds of greed. Because life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.

Yet everything this Christmas season will tell you the opposite. Every store wants you to run out there for their specials. They want you to believe you need what they’re selling.

You are not what you have. You aren’t what you drive, you aren’t what you wear, you aren’t what you own. You aren’t the stuff that you have. The lie is what you don't have is exactly what you need to be happy, fulfilled, joyful, significant, to feel good about yourself, to be important, to be popular, to have a house like Joanna Gaines.

What if the stuff you have is actually robbing you from the life that you want? Is that possible? The more you strive for more, the more you realize you can’t attain it, and that makes you want it all the more. Remember, Solomon said, better as one handful with tranquility than two with toil and stress and anxiety, it's chasing after the wind.

So, today I want to encourage you to get rid of stuff! I know it, it’s so difficult to do. We think the minute I get rid of that thing I have not used in 20 years, I’m going to need it.

Our lives don’t consist of the abundance of the junk that we have in our drawers, or in your closet, in your attic, in your garage that’s overflowing so that you can't park your car in the garage.

Your life doesn't consist of your stuff.

Watch this video about the story of the rich young ruler from Matthew 19 -

Did you hear what Jesus said to Him? Go and sell your stuff and give to the poor. In other words, you'll have less of the stuff that doesn't matter. And you'll have more of what really does matter. You’ll have more of the kingdom of God! And the problem was - this guy was so into his stuff that he went away sad. He couldn’t part with what he thought he needed to make him who he was. His identity was tied to his stuff. Catch that! We easily fall into that trap, too!

Let me say, it’s not wrong to have stuff, it’s not wrong to have nice stuff. God is a generous God and blesses us. It's wrong when your life is defined by your stuff. It's wrong when you believe that more stuff is actually what you need to be fulfilled and happy. Stuff will not fill the void in your heart and spirit. It’s a spiritual void - - which can only be filled be God’s grace, love and power.

You see, our battle is spiritual. If we give stuff away, we’re afraid we’re going to need it later. You’ll hear more about this on January 5. That’s going to be a really important message as we start the year with a two fold challenge. I think it’s really going to be cool and transformational in our lives. Commercial over!

So, out of fear, we keep stuff. Now, I’m not saying go give your car away and expect God to replace it with a new 2020 car. I’m talking about all the stuff we hold onto . . . believing we need it. If we can let go of that stuff and bless others, we’re then trusting that God will provide what we need.

Now, most of you know I’m a coupon guy. I was way worse than I am now. If we didn’t have a coupon, we weren’t buying it. I love to get a deal. Sometimes, I thought I would buy something just because it was a good price. Have you ever done that? You thought, man, I can’t pass that up, it’s too good of a price!!

But this year, as I thought about this series of messages, something was changing in me. Seriously . . . I love a deal. And I really enjoy Black Friday online shopping! So, as Black Friday was coming, around early November, I’m getting these ads, and you know what, I didn’t really look at any. I wanted to buy stuff, I told Debbie, I want to get stuff . . . but I had no need for any of it. I couldn’t justify it. Could I replace my laptop or phone or get something else, sure, but I don’t need to. So, I didn’t! I didn’t get anything! It actually was freeing, it took restraint, I’m serious.

I told Debbie this year for every new piece of clothing I get, I have to give one away. I can’t come out with more. That’s my goal. I already have so much!

As we move to Christmas shopping, can you make the effort not to let stuff weigh you down. Better is one handful with tranquility than two handfuls with a toil and chasing after the wind. Have you ever chased after the wind? You can’t catch it!

Did you know that 62% of people go shopping and buy stuff to cheer themselves up. I feel down and depressed so I go shopping and get more financial struggles, because that's gonna make me feel so much better. It’s our new entertainment. You see, when we buy stuff, it makes us feel more powerful. It gives us a sense of significance to buy something I don't need with money I don't have - to impress people I don't like.

But here’s the remedy for it all. It’s to give more. Listen to what Paul told Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:17-19 - -

17 As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty,

nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches,

but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

18 They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,

19 thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life. - 1 Timothy 6:17-19

This is such a powerful passage for us. Look again at verse 17, Paul says, As for the rich in this present age!

And we breath a sigh of relief. Glad he’s not talking to me. I’m not rich. I work hard and barely scrape by. He’s talking to my bosses and the owners of the companies. He’s talking to all of the professional athletes and actors/actresses, musicians. That’s who really needs to read this. Oh, don’t deceive yourselves friends.

If you drove here this morning, you’re in the top 5% of rich people in the world. If you can eat 3 meals a day, order a pizza, if you have a warm place to live, if you have your clothes, then you’re rich. This passage is for us. For all of us. Paul wants us rich folks to do something.

We're incredibly blessed. This verse is for us to hear and internalize. Paul’s command is for those who are rich, you and me, not to be arrogant, not to put our hope in wealth which is so uncertain but where are we to put our hope?

Put your hope in God! And this is what’s so cool. I think we skip this part of the passage. Because look at what God does for us . . .

. . . who richly provides us with everything to enjoy.

Do you see that! Hold on for a moment! What does God do? He richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. God wants us to enjoy this life. He gives to us abundantly, so that we can have pleasure and enjoyment in life. Did you ever hear that? Did you know that? But it doesn’t come through accumulating stuff! That’s kind of the kicker in this.

We shouldn’t feel guilty about our blessings. God is a God who blesses. We don't feel guilty if we have nice stuff, we just don't let the stuff have us. Then Paul commands those rich people - -

buy more stuff! Go splurge on yourself, you deserve it! Buy extra storage for your stuff! Nope! Instead, God commands us -

18 They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share,

To do good, to be rich in good deeds, to be generous, and willing to share. You may not be liking what I’m saying this morning. Because we tend to find our self-worth in our stuff. It feeds our ego. And our ego is like our stomachs. It always ends up on empty and we need to feed it more and more. So, Paul tells us what God wants us to do. And when we do this - when we share, are generous, are rich in good works - - when we do this, this is our reward - -

19 thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.

The result is that we can take hold of that which is truly life. That means we take hold of the life God offers us. It’s the life Jesus spoke of in John 10:10, when He told us He came to offer us life abundantly. That’s the life we have offered us.

Our lives don’t consist in the abundance of stuff. But when you're a blessing - - when you choose, and it’s a choice, when you choose to give out of your abundance, when you choose generosity, you will experience a blessing. That’s is truly life. Less of what doesn't matter, more of what does.

I can’t tell you the last time I got all emotional about receiving stuff. But when you give something away, and someone is grateful and so appreciative, that gives me life and joy. It’s always nice to receive stuff. I’m not going to lie! I like to get, but I’m realizing it’s better to give and live the abundant life.

Better is one handful with tranquility, with contentment, with peace, with joy, with simplicity, with the ability to be generous, with the heart to be a blessing, than two handfuls with toil, gaining more and more and more, stuff, with toil. Chasing after the wind. Striving for less of what doesn't matter, and more of what does. This world is not our home! Are you investing in Heaven?

Less of the stuff that just accumulates and gets in the way of what matters, more intimacy, more peace, more joy, more deep and committed relationships, more generosity, more blessings that are truly blessings, less of the distractions, less of the bills.

More of the life that is truly life because your calling, your life, is too valuable and great. Our God is too good to waste this one life on things that don’t last. Why is one handful living better? Think about it. When you've got one handful, what can you do if someone's down? You can help them up. You can give them a hug, you can give them your hand. Better is one handful.