Summary: The Bible doesn’t promise that life on earth would be pleasant for believers. Neither is it the will of God for us to just strive or survive; His plan is for us to thrive and be fruitful.


"12 Then Isaac sowed in that land, and reaped in the same year a hundredfold; and the Lord blessed him. 13 The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous; 14 for he had possessions of flocks and possessions of herds and a great number of servants. So the Philistines envied him. 15 Now the Philistines had stopped up all the wells which his father’s servants had dug in the days of Abraham his father, and they had filled them with earth.” Genesis 26:12-15.

He was in a foreign land. Isaac was different. He spoke a different language. And as he tried to settle in the land God had promised his family, Isaac faced multiple oppositions. He was forced out of his location once he became successful. And every time he worked hard to establish himself into a new place, his efforts were frustrated by the hostility of those around him. The Philistines filled the wells that his father had dug. In response, Isaac opened them up and dug more wells. Despite the hostility, he kept moving forward and digging wells, naming them after each particular dispute. Esek means strife and Sitnah means hatred. Isaac was driven from his dwelling place and settled in the Valley of Gerar. Isaac refused to stay in a contentious place; he left places hostility. Isaac chose flight! While at the Valley, Isaac dug another well and he struck fresh water. He was happy but his joy was temporary once again as the people there, out of envy disputed the ownership of the well with him. In all of the conflict, Isaac handled the struggles with faith and maturity. Finally, he dug another well that brought about no opposition. It was named "Rehoboth," signifying the hope he had that this was the place God prepared for him.

Friend, there will always be people who will resent you. Even when you're sold out to following Jesus, you aren’t guaranteed a life full of open doors. You will still experience obstacles and opposition; disappointment and loss; hostility and heartache. Do not be discouraged when or if opposition comes. Success breeds attack, even when God is the one giving you the blessings.

The Bible doesn’t promise that life on earth would be pleasant for believers. Jesus said we are like sheep among wolves. Sadly, we meet some of these wolves in our day to day activities. “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves." Matthew 10:16.

Sheep and wolves are not known to be friends; sheep are never safe among wolves. Wolves ravage and kill them for food. In every environment, we have two kinds of people: wolves and sheep. Being sheep in the midst of wolves means that the disciples are living in constant danger.

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil;

My cup runs over" Psalm 23:5.

Don't be afraid because somebody does not like you in your place of work or neighbourhood. God will still elevate and make you flourish and prosper. The same people in your environment, who are determined to bring you down will be the very ones in whose presence God will bless you.


Work can be rewarding, and working with people can be fulfilling. Yet, sometimes the workplaces can be unhealthy. A clear indication of a hostile workplace is an environment where people are always throwing others under the bus and get recognition for this.

Everyone needs a healthy environment where they can grow, mature, blossom, and remain fruitful. No one likes a difficult, stormy or contentious place. We often hate to be attached to a place that is hostile. We love to avoid anything and everything that is contentious. A good environment is one that nurtures the physical and emotional wellbeing of its employees and creates avenues for growth. If you’re not happy with your environment, that anger can carry over into your personal life, damaging everything from your self-esteem to your relationships.

A hostile work environment as an unwelcome or offensive behaviour in the workplace, which causes one to feel afraid or intimidated. It is a toxic workplace where one or several employees feel threatened. A hostile workplace is an environment in which abusive behaviour prevents an employee from giving their best. It makes your job boring, and drains your energy. A hostile workplace is an environment created by a boss or co-worker, whose actions, communication or behaviour make doing your work unexciting. It is any place where the work, the atmosphere, the people, or any combination of those things cause serious hardship. A toxic workplace is an environment where people are constantly gloomy and there is always tension in the air. It is an environment where people lack zeal, passion and enthusiasm for work. A hostile workplace is an environment where people are always looking forward to the next opportunity. It is a place that does not take into consideration its employees’ needs. A hostile environment can impact your health and total well-being. It can lead to burnout, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. Many people are battling with threat. They are under severe pressure and don’t enjoy job's satisfaction.

Below are some signs that prove you're working in a hostile workplace or environment:

1. When the thought of waking up and going to the office or business place is depressing.

2. When you are given too much work to do.

3. When your bosses are hindering your growth.

4. Your colleagues are rude and disrespectful toward you without any reason

5. When your efforts and hard work are not acknowledged and appreciated.

6. When your mistakes are announced publicly

7. When work leads to burnout, fatigue, and illness

8. Favouritism takes place over merit

9. When unreasonable pressure is put to meet deadlines

10. You work hard with no positive feedback and recognition

11. When gossip and rumors has taken over.

12. When your success provokes side talk and hostility

13. When there's constant fights.


To thrive is to be successful. It is to gain wealth or possessions. To thrive is to bloom in the place of your calling. It is to make advancement regardless of the surrounding situations. To thrive is to stand out in the place of limitation. It is to blossom. To thrive is to be prosperous in the midst of famine. It is to flourish in an unfavourable environment. To thrive is to reach a desired level of greatness and accomplishment despite the oppositions. It is to excel where others want you to fail. To thrive is to make progress despite the overwhelming obstacles. It is to be healthy in an unhealthy location. To thrive is to grow. It is to go from strength to strength.

It is not the will of God for us to just strive or survive; His plan is for us to thrive and be fruitful.


1. Be confident in your abilities.

Staying in a toxic environment can often cause you to doubt yourself, your abilities and purpose. Hence, you must learn to speak positively to yourself when faced with tough situations and remember that challenges are meant to strengthen you. Be prepared and empowered for each day.

2. Maintain a positive attitude.

A merry heart is good medicine to the soul which uplifts the spirit and alters one’s appearance. You can wake up each morning dreading what lies ahead, or you can wake up thankful for all the blessings you enjoy but sometimes take for granted. Philippians 4:4. Realize each day is a true gift from God. Psalms 118:24. Start your day off with thanksgiving and praise. Be content with what you have. Change your thoughts. Don’t worry about tomorrow. God wants us to be joyful.

3. Stay focused on your assignment.

If you love your work or assignment, but can’t stand the people you work with then make sure to keep your goals in mind. Create lists to keep you busy. A list can help you stay focused on your tasks instead of the toxic atmosphere around you and gives you a reason to keep going every day. God has a plan for your life. Rise above the hate; stay focused on your job and your performance. Keep your eye on the prize. Remember, where you are going is better than where you've been, Don't be frustrated. Be prudent. Refuse to be distracted. Avoid laziness and procrastination.

4. A lifestyle of prayer.

Prayer change things; it helps us overcome. The plan and wisdom for defeating the enemy will be revealed to us in the secret places of prayer. Prayer should be deliberate, consistent and fervent.

5. Have faith.

Faith is living in a thankful way even before we see the answered prayer. “Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and shall ye shall have them.” Mark 11:24. Have a total trust-unconditional faith in God and His promises.

6. Be humble.

Being humble doesn't mean you lack self-confidence or that you never stand up for yourself. Rather, it involves admitting that you don't know everything and being ready to learn from others. Humility also means being willing to apologize.

7. Be reliable, on-time, and consistent.

Consistency builds integrity. Be knowing for excellent work, punctuality, and reliability.

8. Don’t live in fear.

Everyone experiences fear. Fear is a basic human emotion. It is a tool the devil uses against us to make us miserable and destroy our lives. 2 Timothy 1:7. We must not live in fear.

9. Identify a support system of trusted individuals who will listen to you without judgment, and hold you accountable for your actions, behaviour, and provide sound advice when needed.

10. Sometime you must learn to be silent.

It is wise to keep silent. Silence is best in times of anger. It can help us avoid sinning. God may call us to close our mouth, open our eyes, and ponder a situation carefully and wisely first.

11. Take criticism positively.

Positive criticism brings to the surface flaws and inadequacies you were blind about, thereby helping you to correct them. Rather than seeing criticism as a negative thing, we must learn to accept it as an opportunity to work on our shortcomings.

12. Practice discernment.

One of the redeeming attributes of snakes is to know when to avoid confrontation. Jesus is telling you to do the same. There will be times when its best to be shrewd.

Discernment is our ability to test what is good. To discern means to detect with the eyes and with senses other than vision. It also means to read character or motives. Be wise. Be discerning.

13. Do something after work that can help relieve stress.

Stress is a sign of inability to cope with work and environment. Seek prayer for comfort. God has designed prayer as a stress reliever. Philippians 4:6-7. Meditate on the Word of God. Praise and worship; it will take your minds off of yourself, your problems, and refocus them on God. Avoid bringing work issues home with you. Take a warm shower or bath. Water has a calming effect on the mind and soul. Do some light exercises. It releases endorphins. Try reading a Christian book.

14. Be different from the world. Be holy!

The world is desperately in need of people who are different. These are people who will carry their faith into the office, business place, society, school, and into the home. God put us in that environment to be lights. So stand out from the crowd. Refuse to compromise. Influence your environment; don't let it influence you. Be different. Shine your light. Be separate. Be holy.

15. Increase your capacity to work with different personalities.

You will naturally find some people easier to work with than others. We should not show favouritism by being kind to only those we like. We are not perfect, so if we are going to thrive in our environments then we must increase our capacity to work with everyone and with diverse personalities. When we learn to get along with all the various types of people in our environment, particularly those we find challenging, there is a double benefit. God will often bless us through people we don't even like! Don't be associated with one group or clique.

16. Harbour no grudge.

When you hold onto a grudge, you’re also holding onto your wound and you’re not allowing God to heal it. Learn to forgive quickly and forget the hurt. Doing so amounts to obedience. Let it go; let God act. Ephesians 4:31. Do not occupy your thoughts with what another has done to you.

17. Live in peace with all men.

Peace isn’t easy, but as Christians, we can live in peace even if the person we are at odds with doesn’t see eye to eye with us. It's a new day! Let go of past histories. Live peaceably with all.

18. Have an exit plan.

It is possible that things could improve, in which case it might make sense to stay. But if all of the above fail and you can’t see an end to the hostility, then its best to plan an exit strategy. You’re not a slave to your employer. If it’s unbearable and you feel like you would be better off somewhere else, its okay to move on. Have a plan. Give yourself a time frame to find a new job and resign. Maybe even decide to save more of your money, so that you have a safety net if you quit and still don’t have another job lined up.


Hostility within the will of God is common! Are you in a toxic place? Are you facing hostility? Sometimes, our location become so hostile that we seriously want to quit. Whether it is an office situation, a business issue or a family matter, or in any situation we may find ourselves. Sadly, hostility can be with a husband, wife, child, or parent. It can even be in a place of ministry. Whatever it may be, God is with you! He's right there with you; hence its not over! God can use people to get you to your time and place of ease. Maybe He's using the toxic people in your life now to shake you up for a coming blessing. So don’t give up. Keep praying and believing God for a change. Be diligent and be humble. Keep praising. Thank Him for you’ll thrive in the hard and hostile environment. The difficulty place won’t defeat you; it’s going to usher you into greatness.

If you are willing to surrender your life to Jesus Christ, then pray this prayer: LORD Jesus, I come to You right now. I know I am a sinner, please forgive me. With my mouth, I declare that Jesus, from today, I accept You as the LORD of my life. Change my heart from a disobedient heart to a heart that will obey You. With my new heart, I believe that it is because of me that You came into this world; You died for my sins, take away my problems, fill me with Your Holy Spirit, write my name in the Book of Life, and make me brand new in Jesus name.


1. I receive power to prosper in my environment, in Jesus name.

2. I uproot the tree of bitterness and hatred from my life, in Jesus name.

3. I receive the grace to forgive everyone that has offended me, in Jesus name.

4. I put away all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking and malice, in Jesus name.

5. Thank God for answering your prayers.