Summary: This sermon is about our eyes being Eye Gates that allow us to live an Abundant Life in Jesus Christ - 1. Focus On Jesus - Hebrew 12:2; 2. See Yourself as a Nevertheless Person instead of a Now Way Person - Luke 5 and Luke 10

Scripture: Luke 11:34; Matthew 6:22

Theme: Eyes

Title: Eye Gates - Supernatural Seeing


Grace and peace this morning from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

What an amazing year so far! Each day has been filled with God’s grace and wonders. Each day the LORD has given us time to grow, to deepen our walk with Him and the ability and power to reflect His Glory and Honor. Each day we have been given opportunities to share our life with our family, friends and others.

Isn’t that wonderful?!

We have so much to be thankful for this morning!

Today, I want to talk to you about your Eye Gate.

Now, that may seem like an odd term; Eye Gate but it really isn’t. You will see what I mean in a few moments.

Most of us grew up learning all kinds of children’s songs. Songs like:

1. Jesus Loves Me This I Know

Jesus loves me this I know

For the Bible tells me so

Little ones to Him belong

They are weak but He is strong

2. This Little Light Of Mine I Going Let It Shine

This Little Light Of Mine,

I'm gonna let it shine,

This Little Light Of Mine,

I'm gonna let it shine,

Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine

3. If You’re Happy and You Know It Say AMEN

If you're happy and you know it

Say "Amen!" Amen!

If you're happy and you know it

Say "Amen!" Amen!

If you're happy and you know it

Then your face will surely show it

If you're happy and you know it

Say "Amen!" Amen!

4. Deep and Wide

Deep and Wide, Deep and Wide

There’s a Fountain flowing Deep and Wide

Deep and wide, Deep and Wide

There’s a Fountain flowing Deep and Wide

And of course most of us learned another great song that had these words:

Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see,

Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see.

There’s a Father up above looking down in tender love,

Oh, be careful, little eyes, what you see.

That is not only a great little song it is a very true little song. We do need to be careful today what we see for there is a great deal of things out in our world that we would be better off if we didn’t see.

Proverbs 4:25 says, “Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you.”

Again that is just good common sense advice. How many times have we stubbed our toes or almost fallen because we simply were not looking where we were going?

However, when Solomon wrote those words he wasn’t just talking in the natural. He was trying to teach his children the proper way to live according to the LORD. He wanted them to have a single mindedness when it came to the LORD. He wanted his children to be careful what they saw and what they absorbed through their eyes or their EYE GATES.

After all it was through the eyes that Adam and Eve were first tempted.

“The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So, she took the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too.” – Genesis 3:6 (NLT).

Adam and Eve both saw the fruit (rebellion, disobedience) and at first it looked good to the eyes. It looked pleasing and desiring. That is the way it is with sin and the Devil works overtime to get us to get our eyes off of the right things and onto the wrong things. We must be careful what we open our Eye Gates and allow to come into our hearts, minds and souls.

It wasn’t until my dad turned 24 – 25 that over half of the United States had a TV. That was back in 1954. My dad and my mom grew up without a TV. Their families had a radio but it was not until after they were married that they had a TV in their home.

I remember growing up that when you turned on the TV you could only get three or four stations at the most – ABC, NBC, CBS and at times in our area, KET (Kentucky Educational Television).

Each night around midnight the stations would go off the air. An announcement would be made by a member of the station personnel thanking everyone for watching and letting them know that the broadcast day was now coming to a close. We would be invited to tune in the next morning at 6 AM and then the National Anthem was played. After that all you could see would either be a test pattern or static depending on what station you were watching.

Now, of course everything is so different. There are thousands of TV stations all over the United States and that is not counting how many internet channels exist. You can turn on your TV and find something 24 hours a day. Perhaps not good but you can find something to watch.

More and more people are turning away from ABC, CBS and NBC and adopting for media outlets like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon, not to mention YouTube, Facebook and thousands of other apps that can feed your eyes, heart and mind. And what was once censored on the Big Three is no longer censored and if you are not careful your home theatre can look more like an old Blue Mermaid Theatre than a Christian Home.

Even though he lived over 500 years ago, the German Reformer, Martin Luther gives us some sound advice when it comes to what we allow through our Eye Gates – what we allow our eyes to focus on and meditate on.

“We cannot prevent the birds flying over our heads, but we can prevent their making nests in our hair.”

The Bible tells us that our eyes are the windows of our souls. Because of that we must be very careful what we allow through our Eye Gates.

So, this morning – Be Careful – Allow the Holy Spirit to be Your Guide.

And rather than spend the rest of the time this morning warning you about what you should not see or what is harmful for you I will ask that you read the passages of Scripture that are in your worship folder.

Instead this morning, I want to tell you what you should see – what you should open your Eye Gates for and what you should focus your attention on this morning.

I. First and Foremost – FOCUS ON JESUS – Hebrews 12:2

When it comes to our eyes the writer of Hebrews has some of the best advice of all – “Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” – Hebrews 12:2

Leanna Shepard in her little blog What “Looking to Jesus” Really Means gives us some great advice how to focus our eyes, our hearts and our minds on Jesus:

+A. We get rid of any distractions.

We get rid of anything that causes us to focus more on it than on Jesus Christ as Our Savior and LORD. We make sure that we read our Bible and pray regularly. We make sure that we are not allowing negative habits or negative people to take up all of our time keeping us anxiety ridden and. And we do a periodic Spiritual Check-up on ourselves. We ask ourselves such questions as:

- Are we finding ourselves focusing more on the world around us than our life in Christ?

-Are we allowing other things to come in and take away our First Love for the LORD?

+B. We take our eyes off of our Storms (our problems, messes and burdens) and back on Jesus.

It is tempting to get caught up in our own messes, our own problems and focus on all those things that are pulling us down instead on the One who can still storms and take away our burdens.

Leanna puts it this way:

“Fierce storms come upon us without warning. These could be storms of heartache, loneliness, or temptation. Instead of stepping back to see the big picture—to see that God is still in control, we get caught up with the dark, grim reality threatening to overtake us and completely miss the fact that the sun is indeed still shining.”

+C. We remember Jesus’ love.

We have to remember Who We are and Whose We are – We are sons and daughters that have been redeemed through the Blood of Jesus.

This morning:

-When we focus on Jesus we find ourselves focusing on things that Bring Hope and Life.

-When we focus on Jesus’ Life, His Mission and His Resurrection we find ourselves rejoicing over the fact that all of our sins are forgiven. Jesus has washed us as white as snow. We are no longer creatures of shame and guilt. We are no longer under the control of sin or the Accuser of Our Soul – the Devil.

-When we focus on the reality that Jesus is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords we find ourselves experiencing a peace that passes all understanding. This morning, there is no power greater than Our Lord and there is no better place to be than in the center of His Will.

The first and best thing we can do with our Eye Gates is to focus on Jesus.

II. Secondly, we are to see ourselves as “Nevertheless People” than “No Way People”1

Nevertheless is a great word – we find it many times in the King James Version. It is a great way for us to see ourselves – to be Nevertheless people.

In Luke chapter five we read the story of Simon Peter and Jesus. Jesus is already teaching, preaching, healing and casting out demons through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. He comes by the shore line where a crowd is gathered to hear him preach. He needs a place to preach so that everyone can hear him and he asks Peter to use his boat.

After he preaches he tells Peter to go ahead and cast out his net again. Peter at first is hesitant.

+First of all it is no longer dark and what fish may have been there have already gone down deep to get away from the light.

+He is tired – He has fished all night and caught nothing.

But then we read verse five

Luke 5:5 King James Version (KJV)

5 And Simon answering said unto him, Master, we have toiled all the night, and have taken nothing: nevertheless at thy word I will let down the net.

“Nevertheless at thy word, I will let down the net.”

Peter was willing to go against all logic, all known fishing knowledge and reason to obey Jesus. I am sure all those other fisherman around looked at Peter and just smiled. They no doubt were Peter’s good friends but they just knew that they would later on have a good laugh about how he allowed a stonemason turned rabbi to make a fool of him as a fisherman.

Jesus might be a good preacher, he might be a good teacher but he didn’t smell like fish. He didn’t even have a boat. He might even be able to heal a person or two but he doesn’t speak fish. Fishermen speak fish. Fishermen know how to fish. Fishermen live, breath and think fish.

But by the end of verse six, everything changed. Peter went from being the potential fool to being the smartest fisherman along the Sea of Galilee. As they were pulling in the nets full of fish, everyone wished that they had obeyed Jesus.

Jesus not only spoke fish; he spoke a lot of fish. This man was more than just a rabbi. He had power over creation. He was the Messiah, the Son of the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY.

That “nevertheless” transformed Peter from being a rather good fisherman to becoming one of the greatest disciples of Jesus. All of this happened because Simon Peter chose to see as a “Nevertheless Person” rather than a “No Way” Person.

Rather than telling Jesus “NO WAY” Peter obeyed. He went against logic, reason and what he knew as “Fishing Facts” as a fisherman. He put all of his natural self to the side to obey Jesus. And as a result he participated in the first of many miracles. Peter later on was able to cast out demons, bring healing and wholeness into people’s lives, raise the dead (Dorcas) and help bring thousands of people into the Kingdom of God. It all started with that “NEVERTHELESS”.

Back in the book of Numbers we have a story of some “NO WAY” people. We find their story in Numbers chapters 13 and 14. It is one of the saddest story in the history of God’s People.

The Children of Israel were right at the brink of entering into the Promise Land. They had just months before witnessed the 10 Plagues, the Crossing of the Red Sea and were enjoying the presence of Pillar of Fire and the Pillar of Cloud guiding them along their path. Everything was set for them to take the Promise Land.

But then Moses sent out 12 spies to view the land. He wanted them to come back and give the okay. They were supposed to come back and say that the people living in the Promise Land were no match for their God or them.

But when they came back 10 of the 12 spies (83%) of them were “NO WAY” people. They were the leaders of Israel’s 12 tribes. Their word carried weight. And the weight they carried was a “NO WAY” weight.

They allowed their eyes to be deceived. The Canaanites were powerful to be sure. But they were no match for the Egyptians much less for the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. They forgot about the LORD and focused on their own strength.

“We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we are.” (13:31).

Instead of saying that and then saying, “NEVERTHELESS” we will obey the LORD our God they said “NO WAY” and back down from the challenge. Their “NO WAY” ended up being words of rebellion and disobedience. Their “NO WAY” lead to them and all those over 40 to be buried in the wilderness instead of eating from the fruit of the Promise Land.

God’s People allowed the “NO WAY” of their leadership to lead them to their death. They allowed the “NO WAY” of their leaders to cause them to miss the blessings of God for 40 years. They lived beside the Promise Land but they never ate of its fruit nor enjoy its beauty. All of this happened because all they could see was “NO WAY.”

It would have been different if it had just been Moses who was telling them to go into the Promise Land. It would have been different if it had been Joshua who was telling them to go into the Promise Land. They were both mere humans.

But, it was the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY who was telling them to go. And unlike Peter with Jesus who said “NEVERTHELESS” they crossed their arms and said “NO WAY”.

In the natural the Amalekites, the Hittites, the Jebusites and Amorites were strong. But not as strong as the Egyptians and certainly were no match for the LORD.

Today, we need to see ourselves as “Nevertheless People” who are will obey all of God’s commands no matter how they sound than be “NO WAY” People who will only fuss, complain and die in the wilderness.

I remember years ago we had a church project that involved transforming the sanctuary. We had more than a few people who said there was “NO WAY” the project could get done. They had never raised enough money to fix their sanctuary. It couldn’t be done. They were too small and too poor.

God gave me the idea of putting a smiley face on exactly how much of the walls we could fix as we were raising the money. One person came up to me and said they would give $1 to the project – the last dollar because they couldn’t see us ever getting enough money.

Week after week went by and that smiley face started marching around the walls. Pretty soon it was halfway but still the “NO WAY” people held their ground. Yes, we had a great start but now it would slow down and stop. They knew these people. They knew their hearts. No way they would dig deep out of their own pockets and fix the church. It hadn’t happened in 70 years and it wasn’t going to happen now.

Well in a matter of just week we were about 2 feet away from making it all the way around the room. We had the money to fix the walls 99% of the way. To that person’s credit they not only gave the last dollar but help us make it all the way. In the end they joined the team and became a “NEVERTHELESS” person.

Nehemiah was a “NEVERTHELESS” person and in 52 days rebuilt the walls of Jerusalem that has been torn down for over 140 years. For 140 years people kept saying “NO WAY”. And for 140 years there had been no wall to protect the city of Jerusalem.

But then came “NEVERTHELESS” Nehemiah. Despite severe opposition, a meager labor force and the major task of pulling down, finding new stones and putting the wall back it was done in 52 days. 52 days of work that could have been done any time during that 140+ years. It all happened because Nehemiah was a “NEVERTHELESS” person.

The Bible is full of Nevertheless People – Abraham, Sarah, Moses, Deborah, Gideon, David, Hezekiah, Daniel, Mary, Joseph and Peter to name just a few. People who heard God, who saw the vision God gave them and when others said “NO WAY” they said “NEVERTHELESS” and accomplished great things for God.

In Luke 10:25-37 Jesus shares with us the Parable of the Good Samaritan. He was a Nevertheless Person.

When others saw the man (the Levite and the priest) they just glanced at him and walked away. They refused for some reason to not really see the man. They didn’t stop nor did they see if he was alive. All they did was glance and tell themselves that there was “NO WAY” they were going to get involved. They had urgent business to attend to and they couldn’t stop.

Perhaps the Levite was coming back from working in the temple and the priest was going on a mission. It really doesn’t matter what they had been doing or where they had been because it a matter of seconds they were off screen. They left the man with barely anything on, bleeding and dying.

Those chose to close not only their eye gates but their heart gates as well.

The Samaritan was different. He saw the need even though it meant he ws going to have to get dirty. He didn’t know if he can help the man but he stopped to give it a try. He didn’t just view the man, he saw the man.

In his wonderful book, “A LIFE BEYOND AMAZING” Dr. David Jeremiah lists nine acts of compassion that the Good Samaritan did for this man. Nine acts of compassion because he opened his eye gates and allowed this man into his life and his heart.

+He gives his eyes to the hurt man – He doesn’t look away

+He gives his heart when he had compassion and stopped

+He gives his donkey to him so that he can ride it

+He gives him his own feet as he chose to walk and allows the man to ride

+He gives his hands as he binds up the man’s wounds

+He gives his supplies as he uses his wine, his oil and strips of cloths

+He gives up his time as all of this slows him down and perhaps even makes him either be late or miss an appointment

+He gives his money to take care of the man – not just on this trip but on a return need if the man’s needs exceeded the amount he had given the innkeeper.

The other two men were nice I am sure. After all one was a priest while the other one was a Levite. They both loved God and wanted to do their best to serve God otherwise they would have never been either a priest of a Levite.

But they suffered from “NO WAY” minds, hearts and eyes. They couldn’t fathom living a “NEVERTHELESS” life. And so they were willing to let others fall through the cracks.

Who knows who the man hurt could have been? It could have been a brother Levite or priest. It could have been a young prince. And it could have been just another traveler on his way and was attacked. They didn’t take time to see.

The Bible doesn’t tell us the identity of the man because it doesn’t matter. The identity of the hurt man doesn’t matter. What matters is who will help him. Who will put their “NO WAY” vision to the side and put on their “NEVERTHELESS” vision that has compassion?

This morning, we need to guard our eye gates. There is a lot around our world that we don’t need to see or allow ourselves to see. There is a lot around our world that we need to make sure that our children/grandchildren do not see if we can help it.

But there are a great many things that we do need to see. There are some very important things that we need to see:

+We need to see and focus on Jesus

+We need to see and focus on becoming a “NEVERTHELESS” person instead of a “NO WAY” person

+We need to see and focus on becoming a “GOOD SAMARITAN” people rather than just be righteous and holy like the priest and Levite.

They were good people but they were people who didn’t want to get dirty. They were good people but they were people who didn’t know how to give to others. They were good people but they looked out for themselves and their own needs rather than the needs of others. They were people whose view of God was too inclusive and was too weak.

This morning, what do we allow to come into our EYE GATES?

Do we have the Holy Spirit as our Eye Gate Filter?

Or do we just allow anything to come in and find ourselves seeing the wrong things, thinking the wrong things and at times even doing the wrong things?

Let me challenge you this morning:

+Learn to focus more and more on Jesus.

You can do that by reading the Bible more. You can do that by talking to God more. You can do that by allowing the Holy Spirit to guide you more. You can do that by increasing your hunger for holiness and righteousness.

And then let me challenge you to be more of a

“NEVERTHELESS” Person than a “NO WAY” Person.

Listen for God – be open to the Holy Spirit – even when it goes against logic and man’s wisdom – obey the LORD.

If God says Fish – then throw out the net

If God say build a wall – then start picking up some stones

If you see someone in need – See them, help them and share with them

That is how miracles become realities.

“NO WAY” people can only lead to a life in the wilderness, going around and around for 40 years until everyone who is a “NO WAY” person is dead and gone.

“NEVERTHELESS” People show the way towards healing, cleansing, wholeness and New Life”.

Open Altar/Prayer/Blessing

This morning, do we see more things as “NO WAY” or as “NEVERTHELESS” People?

1Thankful to Joel Osteen for this terminology