Summary: Choices in life define us in the present and determine our future. Choosing God's Way followed by a life that is true and striving to please Him in all that we do guarantees the believer no separation from God our Father.


Remember that famous declaration made on June 8, 1941 to the American people: “We have nothing to fear except fear itself”.

In his “Declaration of War” speech to Congress and our Nation the day after Japanese forces attacked Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt spoke those words to challenge Americans to respond to our enemy with the courage of victors not the cowering of victims.

Indeed, a nation that is strong, and united in its resolve, has nothing to fear from enemies who would destroy her. We as a nation can only be paralyzed by fear itself.

In like manner, Christians who say we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us, and who are united with Christ, have no reason to fear enemies who would destroy us insofar as our relationship to God is concerned. We as people of God can only be paralyzed by fear itself.

That said, let it also be said that: We must make a distinction between fear of the kind FDR talked about and fear of the kind Christians should, or should not, concern themselves with. There are basically two kinds of fear we must deal with – unhealthy and healthy.

Many people suffer from “fears” that medical professionals consider to be harmful to one’s health. So many “phobias” exist among so many people that we don’t even know how many there are . . . On the other hand ---

There are some “fears” we must label “helpful, not harmful” when we consider the context in which these “fears” are described and we see there are good reasons why we ought to cultivate a healthy “fear” of whatever it is . . .

As Christians, we ought to be concerned with both healthy and unhealthy “fears” which we confront in the spiritual realm of our lives and must deal with – using God’s Word as our guideline. “Fear” of God, for example, is a characteristic we dare not go through life without.

In the biblical context of fear, we approach the throne of God with a sense of awe and wonder; we live, and move, and have our being, with the aim of pleasing God, not displeasing Him, for we fear the wrath of God upon those who choose to go their own way instead of His way; we understand that this healthy “fear” of our Maker is the beginning of wisdom.

However, for that very reason – understanding “who God is” versus “who we are” plus humbling ourselves before Him and seeking to do His Will – we readily accept, and cling to, our Lord’s assurance that there is absolutely no reason to fear the most intense fear of all - “separation from God and His love” (spiritual death)!

In the context of Christian doctrine, fear of separation from God is a holy concept of fear which all right-thinking, reasonable, really-smart folks possess! We had better fear “separation from God” just as surely as an infant fears separation from a mother’s love and security – Separation Anxiety Disorder. SAD!

1st Century Christians sadly feared their plight of possibly being “cut off” from the love and security which their personal relationship to God gave them. Their fear was due to persecutions being carried out against them by evil doers - in government, in pagan cultures, in religious sects whose goal it was to stamp out “followers of Jesus” at all costs.

Their greatest fear was that the forces of evil might somehow succeed in attempts to separate Christians from the Lord their God who had redeemed them and promised them an inheritance – to dwell in the House of the Lord forever.

Thus, the Apostle Paul sought to reassure believers that separation from God could never happen because of God’s incomparable love for them in Christ Jesus – Romans 8:1 and 28-39 . . .

Fear no accusation . . . Fear no recrimination . . . Fear no condemnation . . . Therefore, fear no separation, the reason being our Father’s justification . . . God is greater than anything or anybody that tries to stamp out your divine connection!

You see, God has already “stamped out” criticism of critics, accusations of accusers, distractions of detractors, slander of slanderers, hate of haters, spite of despisers. He did this by not sparing His Own Son but sending Him to die for us all so we might be spared the penalty of sin and be saved, sanctified and glorified!

God is for us! So, why should it matter who is against us? It doesn’t! Be it here or at the final judgment, God’s irrevocable verdict “not guilty” renders any charge against “God’s elect” of no consequence. God’s declaration of innocence based on the blood of His Son (shed for the remission of sins) cannot be overturned!

Folks: God is for, not against, believers in Christ! He not only foreknew you, predestined you, called you, justified you, forgave you, saved you, sanctified you, promised an inheritance undefiled that fades not away, BUT, God the Spirit is now praying for you (v. 26-27) . . . God the Father is working in every situation of yours for good (v. 28) . . . God the Son is interceding on your behalf (v. 34).

If you have ever wondered whether you can be sure of heaven, wonder no more! If it were not so, why would God the Holy Spirit be praying for you . . . why would God the Father be working for you, why would God the Son be interceding for you at the right hand of God? God said it. That settles it. It IS so! Now you know so!

Folks: Common sense dictates that if God was willing to do all that He did - for us - won’t He “also with Him graciously give us all the things He promised?”

Since God made a way to save us by way of the sacrifice of His Son, we can be sure that he will bring His saving work to fulfillment. Think about it! God does not invest in a losing cause! As believers in Christ and doers of His Word, we are on the winning side!

God proved His love for us at Calvary so we can be certain that nothing will separate us from the One who loved us and gave Himself for us.

God loves you and is for you even when you struggle with what to do or not to do . . . waver in your devotion . . . slip into depression over your situation . . . go through periods of anxious doubt . . . question whether your life is worth it all.

A speaker started off his seminar by holding up a $20 bill and asking, “Who would like to have this $20 bill?” Hands went up all over the place. He wadded it up and asked, “Who still wants it?” The same hands went up.

“Well, what if I do this?” He dropped it on the platform and started to grind it into the floor with his shoe, he picked it up, all crumpled and dirtied. “Now who wants it?” Again, hands went up all over the place.

“You have learned a valuable lesson,” the speaker said. “No matter what I did to this $20 bill, you still wanted it because it did not decrease in value. It was still worth $20.”

At times, we are criticized . . . crumpled . . . stomped into the dirt by foolish decisions, or by unpleasant circumstances, or by foolish remarks or insults hurled at us by unbelievers; we feel as though we are worthless. But! No matter what has happened or will happen . . . has been or will be said . . . who has been or is against you, you never lose your value in God’s sight. You are priceless to your Father in heaven.

“God is my Father, Jesus is my Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit is my helper. Therefore, I am somebody.”

Life’s guarantees are few and far between, but God’s guarantee to all of us who believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him as Lord and Savior is this: Nothing will separate us from God’s love . . . God’s presence . . . the promised place God’s Son has gone to prepare for us in heaven. Victory in Jesus, my Savior forever! Amen.