Summary: So this month we are looking at Christmas words. Words that when we hear them, they make us think of Christmas.


“The Gift of Joy”

1st Peter 1:3-9

So this month we are looking at Christmas words. Words that when we hear them, they make us think of Christmas. The first week, we looked at the word peace. I reminded you that there are three levels of peace.

• There is peace with God. Paul said “while we were enemies of God, the death of Jesus reconciled us to Him. Through the blood we were put into a right relationship with the Father. That is peace with God.

• There is also the peace of God. This is when we own it. It lives in us.

• Then there is peace with others. Our family. Our friends. Even our enemies.

In week two we looked at the word hope. Hope is two things. It is desire; but it is also expectation. You desire something and in your heart of hearts you know God is going to do. You desire it-you also expect it.

Today we come to the word Joy. It is mentioned in the Bible just over 200 times. Let me share with you several verses with you and I invite you to listen carefully.

• “I have told you these things so that you will be filled with my joy. Yes, your joy will overflow.” John 15:11

• “Consider it pure joy my brothers and sisters whatever you face trials of many kinds.” James 1:2

• “We write this to make our joy complete... We are writing these things so that you may fully share our joy.” 1st John 1:4.

• 2nd Corinthians 8:1-3 “Now, brothers, we want you to know about the grace God has given the churches of Macedonia. In the terrible ordeal they suffered, their abundant joy and deep poverty overflowed into rich generosity. For I testify that they gave according to their ability and even beyond it.” Paul seems to be saying there is a formula here if you want to learn to be more generous. Here it is ….. POVERTY + JOY = GENEROSITY.

Used just over 200 times in the Scripture, the word JOY comes from the Greek word chara and mean several things: gladness, delight, exhilaration; it is a word that is often used with an adjective-like exuberant joy or intense joy. Great joy. Extreme joy. Unspeakable joy. In other words when we are filled with joy, it’s huge. So the question is, do you have it? If your answer is well I’m not sure, let me answer the question for you— you don’t. In fact, let me begin with a simple question. How many of you have ever been discouraged? Okay. That’s about all of us. So all of us need to hear this message today.

The Bible uses the word phrase-unspeakable-often referring to joy-and uses it three times. The first time Paul uses it when he says in 2nd Corinthians 9:15, “thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift.” The second time it is also Paul and he speaks of a time when God allows him to have a glimpse of heaven-he describes it this way, “I was caught up in heaven where I heard unspeakable words, which I am not allowed to even speak/repeat. Then a 3rd is written by Peter where he talks about joy unspeakable and what each writer is describing is a kind of happiness and fulfillment that is so amazing we cannot find words to describe.

Let me ask you again. Do you have it? And if not, do you want it? So this morning I want to answer from Scripture five questions about this thing called joy. Let’s jump in.

Question one. What is joy and how is it different from happiness? After all, if we don’t know what it is, how will we know when we find it? Simply defined, it means cheerfulness. It means gladness, happiness; but it really means more than that…. it is all of those things multiplied. Like they are on steroids. You cannot use the word joy and use it in a mild way. Joy is intense. There’s nothing calm about it. Someone has put it this way: “joy is happiness with a much longer shelf life.”

You know when you’re shopping at the store, for me it’s usually for milk, you look at the date on there and you want the latest one available-because it has a longer shelf life-it will last longer. If you are choosing between happiness and joy, always choose joy. You see happiness as wonderful as it sounds, is what I would call a blurred emotion. It is simply not clear how long it will last.

There is a key word here that you really need to get/understand and it is the word gift. Joy is a gift. At this time of year, especially, we somehow think we can buy it; that joy is up for sale. Some television preachers even preach what is known as the prosperity gospel which simply means the more you give to them the more you’re going to have. And the wealthier you will become. Giving is a blessing for sure but understand this. Joy is a gift. You cannot earn it. And you cannot buy it.

Another word that is extremely important if you want joy is the word attitude. Attitude is paramount. It’s everything. You want real joy, then negative thinking has to go. You have any stinking thinking in your life? You got to let it go.

Then another word that is critical here is circumstances. And this is where we find the greatest difference in happiness and joy. Happiness is based on circumstances.

• I got a raise

• I got a new car

• I got into a relationship

• I got a job

Joy rises above all of that. Joy says, perhaps I didn’t get the job, I didn’t get the raise, I didn’t get a boyfriend, but you know what???? Life is good and God is going to come be there for me and He is enough. Joy, like hope, has an element of optimism. Perhaps the greatest illustration I see of this in Scripture is in the life of Jesus. Listen to what the writer of Hebrews has to say in Hebrews 12:2-3.

So write these statements down because it is important to know the differences.

• Happiness means different things to different people. It simply is not always clear what we mean.

• Joy is something that continues. It lasts. Happiness is temporary.

• Joy comes from the inside. It is internal. Happiness is external and is a result of our circumstances.

• Joy rises above our circumstances. Happiness is based on your circumstances.

Let’s move to the next question. Question number two. How can I get it? I mean we all want it, right? First of all joy does not come naturally. Remember, it is a gift. You’re not born with it. Solomon said “cry out for insight and ask for understanding; search for them as you would for silver. Seek them like hidden treasures. ”To me, I believe joy is a bit like that; at times it’s very hard to find. And it can also be hard to hang on to. But remember, it is a gift and God wants you to have it.

One man said this:

• if you want happiness for an hour-go take a nap

• you want happiness for a day- go fishing.

• If you want happiness for a year-win the lottery

• if you want happiness for a lifetime, go help someone

Joy is not found in seeing how much you can do for yourself. There is great truth in the acronym we use for joy. Jesus first. Others second. Yourself last.

Next question. Question number three. Why do I need it? And how will I benefit from having it? Well first of all you need it when you are being tested. James said, “Consider it joy, whenever you face trials of many kinds because the testing of your faith causes you to grow.” It produces perseverance/patience. There is a direct correlation between joy and temptation and testing and we need to see it. You will survive these tests and you will overcome temptation if there is real joy in your heart.

So you may say, pastor why don’t I have it? I see at least three reasons.

(1) Lack of Focus. You are either focused on the wrong things or you simply have no focus at all. Look at what Paul tells us in Philippians 4:8. All of us need to get our focus back.

(2) Things/materialism. Ever said this? If I just had that car, that house, that man or woman, that pair of soes, that whatever... Then I would be happy for sure. There’s a Greek word for that in Arkansas. Hogwash.

(3) Lack of perspective. Bad attitude. Perspective is how we see things. There is definitely more than one way to look at everything. So get some fresh perspective.

Last question. Question number five. Why is it that just when I seem to find joy, I lose it? Men and women have searched for joy in every place imaginable. Some find it; some don’t seem to. When I look at this congregation I see at least three categories of people.

One. Those who are natural born citizens here in Florida. You’re a Florida cracker. Born here and you were brought up here.

Two. I also see those who came to Florida of your own choice. You wanted to be a part of the promised land.

Three. I see those who came here due to circumstances really beyond your control. Kids, were moving to Florida. Had a job transfer.

But no matter how you got here, remember Florida is not the Promised Land. Oh it’s a great place to live but the promised land is with Jesus-heaven. And anything this side of the real Promised Land is going to be less than perfect. People move here for a better way of life, for a great job, for whatever someone promised them and guess what, they never find it. And the reason is because joy is not external. It’s internal. No matter where you go, there you are. If you had problems where you were, you likely will bring them with you.

Joy is a gift. Joy is not seeking pleasure. Really it’s just the opposite. In fact, get this—I believe the more we work/seek to be happy, the more miserable we become. More frustrated. Eric Hoffer said “the search for happiness is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.” You will not find joy in a position, in power, money or through a relationship. Joy is only found in Jesus.