Summary: A sermon examining the qualities of true fishers of men.


Luke 5:1-11

A young boy went fishing with a cane pole in a stream, soon a few teenagers arrived with nice rods & reels and expensive lures. Those boys began to laugh and play as they cast their lines and reeled them in over and over again; after a couple of hours they had not caught a single fish. However, the little boy patiently watched the tip of his pole and periodically he would catch a fish. One of the teenagers yelled over to where he was and said "how are you catching all these fish? We have reels and lures and we haven't had a bite! " He replied "well, it could be because I am fishing for fish and you are fishing for fun."

We have been called to fish for souls, but sometimes we have a tendency to focus more on the methods than the mission.

Understand that: you may look like a fisherman, you may talk like a fisherman, you may have spent much time studying how to fish, you may have all the best fishing equipment, you may possess the perfect kind of bait, and you may even hang out where the fish are, but if you never cast your line into the water you will not catch any fish! Let me explain that a little clearer: You may look like a soul-winner, you may talk like a soul-winner, you may have studied numerous methods of evangelism, you may have a Bible and an outline of the Roman Road, you may spend your time around lost people, but if you never share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with them, they will not be converted.

Jesus has called those who follow Him to be "fishers of men". This was not a call that was exclusive to the 12 Disciples. If you belong to Jesus He wants you to reach people with the Gospel. Our selected text shows us how we can be successful in this venture. Join me in Luke 5:1-11 as we consider the thought "Fishing With Jesus".

One day Jesus was preaching on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. There was a large crowd that had assembled to listen to the Word of God. He noticed two boats near the edge of the water; These boats were empty because the fishermen were out washing their nets after a long night of fishing. Jesus ascended one of the boats that belonged to a man named Simon. Jesus asked Simon to push the boat into the water and away from the shore. He used that boat as a makeshift pulpit and preached to the people who were gathered. When He finished the message, Jesus told Simon that if he would go out into the deeper water and let down his nets he would catch many fish.

Simon said, “we worked hard all night long and didn't catch anything. But if you say so, I’ll let the nets down again.” Simon listened and obeyed and they caught so many fish that the nets began to break. He and Andrew called out to James and John who were in the other boat and asked them for help. When it was all said and done both fishing boats were so full that they were on the verge of sinking. After this, Simon was awestruck by the number of fish they had caught and he fell on his knees before Jesus and said, “Lord, please leave me—I’m too much of a sinner to be around you.”

Andrew, James and John were amazed as well. Jesus sought to calm their fears and said "Don't be afraid". Then He revealed something that would have an impact on the rest of their lives. He told them that from that point forward they would spend their lives fishing for people. When the boats reached the shore, they left everything behind and followed Jesus. The actions of these men during this fishing excursion illustrate how we can be successful while fishing with Jesus. There are a few things that are required of those who would set out to fish for men.

- Notice first of all that:


Peter had fished all night with no success. Before he would catch anything he had to get in the boat with Jesus. Not only that, he had to follow Jesus' instructions in order to be successful. Jesus was doing a great work in Simon's life. He began by instructing him to "thrust out a little" from the shore. Then when He knew that Peter was ready, Jesus commanded him to launch out into the deep.

Jesus was a carpenter, Simon was a professional fisherman. Simon knew that you did not go fishing in the Sea of Galilee in the daytime, nor did you go into the deep water. He knew from personal experience that it was best to fish at night and in the shallow water. But Peter had faith and said “Nevertheless, at thy word I will let down the net” (v5). Because Peter obeyed Jesus, he would soon witness a great miracle. This is often referred to as the "miracle of the draught of fish".

Jesus personally called on Peter to push the boat away from the shore, then to launch out into the deep, and then came the greatest invitation of all, He invited him to follow Him and be His Disciple. Each of us (believers) have been given the same invitation. The Holy Spirit begins to work in our lives. Little by little we become convinced that Jesus is who the Bible says that He is. And in His perfect timing He says to us "come and follow me". In begins with a small step of faith, and then Jesus calls us to "launch out into the deep" .

Jesus sent Peter into the deep water because that is where the fish were. In the same way, Jesus wants us to go where the fish are. If we will trust Him, we can see a "great catch" of souls. But in order for this to happen, we must be willing to get in the boat with Jesus.

Are you in the boat? Have you put your faith and trust in Him. If so, then he expects you to be a "fisher of men".

- In order for us to be successful there must be participation;

as we move further we will see that:


It is believed that as many as 7 of the Disciples may have been fishermen. We know for certain that this was the case for Peter, Andrew, James and John. Fishermen possess certain qualities that translate well into Kingdom work. One of those qualities is "determination". Jesus told Peter to let down the nets for a haul of fish. Peter said to Jesus "we've worked hard all night long". That shows great determination. They did not throw their nets in the water a few times and then give up. They didn't even give up after going several hours without catching any fish. They kept moving, they kept working, they kept seeking those fish.

As Christians we attempt to reach people for Christ; we study hard, we learn scriptures and different methods of evangelism, we pray and prepare to share the good news of salvation through Christ. Then the moment comes, we are face to face with that person that God has placed on our hearts. We present the Gospel and invite them to trust Christ as their Lord and Savior. In many cases the person that we have such a burden for rejects God's offer of salvation.

It is at this point that we are faced with a decision... Will we give up on that person? Will we give up on evangelism all together? Or will we continue to be faithful to the call that God has placed on our lives?

In any context, rejection is never easy; but it is especially difficult when people's souls are involved. However, when rejection comes, we must be determined to continue casting the net into the water. Satan loves to use rejection as a weapon against Christians who seek to win souls. He will tell you that you are wasting your time sharing the Gospel. He will try to convince you that you "did it wrong" and it is your fault that they did not get saved. The reality is that if you have shared the gospel, you have been obedient. You are not expected to save anyone... nor can you! Jesus is the only one who can save a lost soul. All you have been called to do is to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Just be faithful, be passionate and be obedient to the Great Commission and leave the results up to Jesus.

If you have given up because of past rejection, go out and try it again. If you are at the point where you are ready to give up, keep on pressing on. Cast your net into the water and trust God. Be determined that you will share the good news regardless of the results.

- Let's also consider the fact that:


Another great characteristic of fishermen that translates well into Kingdom work is the fact that they work together. Peter said "we" have worked hard all night long. These men were not fishing with rods and hooks. They were fishing with large nets and this required them to work together.

When Jesus sent out the Disciples to share the Gospel, He sent them out in pairs. (Mark 6:7) He did not expect His Disciples to do this great work alone. The same is true today!

There is strength in numbers. Solomon said "two are better than one because they have a good reward for their efforts. For if either falls, his companion can lift him up; but pity the one who falls without another to lift him up. - Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

Andrew, Peter, James and John worked together to bring in this great catch of fish, and soon they would work together to bring in a harvest of souls. If we are to be successful in Kingdom work we must work together. We must join with our brothers and sisters in Christ and work toward the common goal of seeing lost people come to Jesus.

- Fishing with Jesus requires participation, it requires determination, it requires cooperation and finally we will see that:


When Jesus arrived "He saw two boats at the edge of the lake; the fishermen had left them and were washing their nets."

These men had worked hard all night with no success. However, they had a positive outlook. They were preparing for the next time they would go fishing. They were washing their nets and stretching them out to dry. If they did not do this the nets would eventually rot and break. It had to be discouraging and likely even frustrating for these fishermen to work all night and have nothing to show for it. Remember, this was not leisure fishing, it was their livelihood. They were not going to let a lack of results cause them to give up on fishing altogether.

Fishing for men is not a leisure activity; it is our Christian responsibility. And it is a responsibility that you will never be relieved of. Jesus calls His disciples to be "fishers of men"; and this call is a permanent call. Jesus told Simon... "From now on you will be catching people." The pages of the Bible prove to us that these men spent the rest of their lives sharing the good news of Jesus Christ.

There will be many times, (probably more times than not) that you share the Gospel of Christ and you will be rejected. Don't take it personal, and don't let it discourage you to the point of giving up. Just keep on casting the net into the water.

You may witness for the rest of your life and never see a great draught of fish. But if you draw the net and find just one single fish, that is a soul that will be rescued eternally and there is no way to put a value on that!

If just one more soul were to walk down the isle,

It would be worth every struggle, worth every mile.

A lifetime of labor is still worth it all,

if it rescues just one more soul - (Greater Vision Lyrics)

- We never know exactly how people will respond. But we should be hopeful and we should continuously share the good news with the expectation that souls will be saved.

A pastor friend of mine was going door to door sharing Jesus in Uganda. Along with him was one of his deacons and an interpreter. The deacon said "pastor, I want to take the lead at the next house." It was then that the interpreter said "ah, this is the house of the meanest woman in our village... be careful!" Not to be deterred those men knocked on her door and shared the Gospel with her. The Holy Spirit began to work in her life and she began to weep and surrendered her life to Jesus Christ. They cast their nets into deep water and they caught a fish!

Friends, we will never catch any fish if we do not cast our nets into the water.

There once was a fishing village on the shore of a great lake stocked full of fish. The fishermen of the village diligently debated and discussed what fishing is, how best to do it, which equipment to use. They invested millions in boats and gear and a fishing headquarters, hired a staff, and sent emissaries around the world to search other lakes and rivers for fish. One day, a little child stood up in their meeting and asked, “You all claim to be great fishermen—how come you’ve never caught a fish?” Indeed, no one in the village had ever actually caught one. They had never even been fishing. Sadly, many churches and many Christians go for years without bringing a single soul to Christ. We are not called to be keepers of the aquarium— Jesus calls us to be “fishers of people,” to catch folk up in God’s grace, love, and salvation.

The call to be "fishers of men" was not exclusive to the 12 Disciples; if you belong to Jesus He wants you to reach lost souls with the Gospel. Do what Peter did: get in the boat, push away from the shore, launch out into the deep, cast your nets into the water and watch Jesus work a miracle!

Let me remind you that we are talking about "fishing with Jesus" and not "fishing for Jesus". We have the assurance that when we fish for souls, Jesus is right there with us. In the Great Commission, Jesus said to His Disciples - "All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:18-20) When you prepare to cast your nets into the water, rest assured that Jesus is there with you!

I trust and pray that you are ready to go "fishing with Jesus". But I also realize that before Jesus could transform these fishermen into "fishers of men", He had to "catch them" so to speak. He gave each of these men a personal invitation to "follow Him". In response they "brought the boats to land, left everything, and followed him." v11

Those men brought in a great haul of fish that day, years later, the book of Acts documents the fact that they brought in a great haul of souls. Thousands upon thousands of lost people turned to faith in Christ as a result of the ministry of the Apostles. Jesus indeed made them "fishers of men".

Jesus is extending an invitation to some of you "follow Him" today. You have never trusted Christ as Savior and you remain lost in your sins. Let me encourage you to leave everything behind and follow Him. Step into the boat with Jesus, push away from the shore, launch out into the deep and go "fishing with Jesus".