Summary: Jesus came to this world to do the work of the Father

work_____(eron)___(er 'gon)___a deed or action

** Jesus came to this world to do the work of the Father

___Jesus first words was__"How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?"

___His Fathers business___the works of which He was sent to accomplish.

** our savior Jesus Christ was sent to this world by His Father to fulfill the will of the Father

___ (John 4:34)

___it was His food to do what the Father sent Him to do

___ (John 6:38)

** Jesus's work gave birth to His mission

** His work was to do everything the Father wills

** Jesus says in (John 20:21)

___"as the Father has sent me, I Am sending you"

___ (John 17:18)

___when Jesus was praying He trusted His mission to us

___ to complete what He was sent to do

** (John 19:30)

___"when He has receives the drink, Jesus said, it is finished"

___the work He was called to do "it is finished"

___the will of the Father "it is finished"

___the purpose to which He became flesh and dwelt among the people "it is finished" (John 1:14)

** Christ sent us to continue where He left from

___through His death we were redeemed (Ephesians 1:7)

___He also gave us the same power He was working under (John 14:12)

___He didn't leave us empty handed He left us with the Holy Spirit (John 14:26-27)

___(John 20:22)

___ our mission is to fulfill the will of Him who sent us

___(Jesus)......He sent us into the world, to effect change

___He sent us into the world to reveal the glory of His name

___He sent us into the world to take care of His sheep and to feed His sheep (John 21:15-17)

___the word "feed" means in Greek___(bosko)___to nourish

___to provide food

___(poimaino)____to act as shepherd

____to make to grow up

** the word "sheep" is a spiritual symbol which means ( people)

___the word "shepherd" is also a spiritual symbol which means a pastor, a spiritual leader

** Jesus is instructing us today to feed His flock with the Word and not with politics

___to feed His flock with the Word not with gossips and empty talks

** we have to accomplish the work which the Son of Man has called us to do

___ one day books are going to be opened and we are going to be held accountable of souls we didn't preach to

___ of souls we were suppose to have feed the word of God

** instead of us feeding Christ's flock we are busy starving them and some of His sheep are dying because of malnutrition

___some are even dying and they have never heard the gospel before

__ don't assume everyone knows the gospel "preach as you go saying the kingdom of God is at hand"____( Matthew 7:10)

** what we do in our bodies is going to give us rewards in heaven

___( 1 Cor 2:13-14)

** all we can do is to do the work which we are called to

___ "don't be deceived God cannot be marked whatever a man sows that he shall reap"__(Gal 6:7)

** Christ is sending us into the world to feed His sheep

** you died with Him, rose up with Him____received the glory and righteousness as a gift for us to work

** He said to Paul in (Acts 18:9)

___"keep on speaking don't be silent"

** which works will you present before the Father?

** what are some of the works we need to focus on?

1) soul winning

___Feeding Jesus's sheep

2) Tithing

___(Malachi 3:10)

___Every first fruits we produce in our lives belongs to God

3) serve

___whatever you can do to make sure that those who are preaching (feeding Christ's sheep) does it better

___ if you cant preach find something that you can do to support those that are preaching

___(Luke 8:1-3)

___these women traveled everywhere Jesus went and they made sure He didn't starve, provided Him with all the provisions

___ if you know that u cannot win souls, and you cant tithe, find something within the church to serve God with

** its amazing how some people they cant even feed Christ's sheep and yet they not tithing and they not even serving

___why did you come to church?

___be something, say something do something

___ i applaud those that are doing serving with their hearts

___other people have the opportunity to serve and they using this opportunity too destroy the church

___others have the opportunity to serve and they are using that opportunity to fornicate and they want the pastor to beg them

___when you are in front of people its no longer about you and Your job and family___its about Christ's sheep

** let us go out there show the world the power of works