Summary: Obedience is not a foundation of a christian life but it is a fruit of faith through the Word of God and power of the Holy Spirit

** the Bible says the Law can't produce faith in other words obeying the law doesn't produce a faith based life but believing in the Son of God produces an obedient based life

** Obedience___hupakoe (hoop-ak-o-ay)__Greek


___akouo---to hear

**obedience___ the character of what is required

** obedience___to accomplish a command

types of obedience

a) obedience of faith (Romans 16:26)

b) obedience of righteousness ( Romans 6:16)

c) obedience unto the sprinkling of the blood of Jesus ( 1 peter 1:2)

d) obedience to a word (1 peter 1:14)

e) obedience of truth ( 1 peter 1 :22)

f) obedience of Christ ( 2 Cor 10:15)

g) obedience to the death of Christ ( Philippians 2:8)


__to listen

__to attend

__to submit

**when yu have got power people and things will listen to you ( Matthew 8:27)

** when you have got power, u put things under control

** obedience___peitho__(pi_tho)

__to persuade

__to win over

__in the passive voice__ to be persuaded, to listen to, to obey

** (Acts 5:36-37)

** people can hinder you from being obedient to the truth

** things can hinder you from being obedient

** whatever u become obedient to, u become its servant ( Romans 6:16)

** obedience is the key to receive God's anointing and blessings

** when God speaks with most of us, He expects us to obey and believe

** Abraham got an instruction from God___"go and kill your son for me".......Abraham did as God commanded

** He believed!

** the key to obedience is believing

** when God says something to your life, believe His Word

** obedience lies in the character of a Christian's life

** align your character with God's Word

** your character confirms your hope to what you have believed

** you must be under God's Word for you to reach your destination in this life

** God is speaking everyday, He is telling us not to go to certain places, He is telling us not wear certain clothes, He is telling us not watch certain programs and movies on TV

** if would obey, God will make your descendants increase and prosperous like He did with Abraham

** if you want to receive from God, begin to obey Him

** what are the benefits of being obedient?

1) Righteousness ( Gal 3:6)

__Righteousness is given to us from God in Christ ( 2 Cor 5:21)

__ when you obey God you maintain this gift of righteousness from God

__ when you obey you increase the level of recognition unto God

2) blessings ( Hebrews 11:8)

__ obedience produce blessings

__blessing is the result of following God's instructions ( Luke 6:38)

__ an increase from God come from being obedient ( Luke 6:38)

3) Faith ( Romans 1:5)

__obedience transfers God Word into our hearts, then it produces faith

__ Faith gives God's Words life

__ your faith has to obey certain principles:

I) Obeying Christs Words

II) Obeying His Death and Resurrection

III) Obeying Christ's Blood


** being disobedient brings a curse in ones life

** the enemy is out the roaring like a lion trying to convince those of us of little Faith

** live according to the scriptures and your life will never be the same again

** Even our LORD Jesus had to obey His Father

** and we ought to obey Him,

** He is speaking to us everyday through the Holy Spirit listen to Him and you will receive your reward