Summary: Short message during virus shut down time. This was shared by text and other media.


From the Pastor’s Desk:

Matthew 21:22 (NLT)

22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.”

This statement is many times use as a stand alone statement without regards to the actual meaning. When the context has to be considered and an understanding of who God is and his teachings are most important.

A famous Bible scholar John Gill puts it this way: For whatever is asked in faith, agreeable to the will of God, which is contained in his covenant, word, and promises, and makes for his glory, and the good of his people, shall be given, be it what it will; though to carnal sense and reason it may seem impracticable and impossible:

In other words if God agrees with your pray of faith and it agrees with God's teaching in the Bible its going to happen. When we have faith no matter how much in this world it seems impossible it will happen.

So knowledge about who God is and His teaching is important when praying to Him. Sometimes we just pray because it’s so important to us that we pray believing. Either way we need to understand and acknowledge that when God answers differently than we ask that is His prerogative and we are to accept it.

All of that said we need to understand that people will use God’s words out of context. With the same understanding people will use other words out of context also.

Today the word “science” is used and for some its like words written in stone. Science to me is human knowledge of educated men and women using what they know to grasp something within their context of understanding. The other word is “model”. They may have but I haven’t seen where they gave the information that goes into the “model” to determine their predictions and directions.

What I’m saying the need to know the God of the Bible and His understand, His reasoning, and His knowledge to be able to grasp what He is saying and doing is mandatory. Shouldn’t we do the same with these people that are giving us information that directs and predicts what is happening here in our present time in history.

I agree with out Bishop that we shouldn’t attend our churches until we know its safe. I agree with the social distant of 6 – 10 feet. Mask seems to be good idea. But we can’t stay locked in until it causes major personal damage and problems that will kill people. We can’t just let people out to do what they want either.

With God it’s a level of understand who He is and His teachings. I feel it’s the same with these scientist/medical/government people.