Summary: From the Via Dolorosa (road of pain) we advance to the Via Sacra (holy road). Along life’s difficult stretches we all need a precious helper in our time of need. Help came to Jesus in the form of an African man from Cyrene. We all need to give help and to receive help.

Message by Renée Soares (Pr. Eddie's oldest daughter)


Good morning! Thank you once again for having me here again. What an honor and privilege to yet again share from God’s word before all of you here and all those watching us at home. If you’ve missed the last few messages than you won’t know that we are at the halfway point today. We are on a series here at Riverside exploring in a fresh way the 14 stations of the cross. We are taking lessons from the journey of Jesus from the Last supper to His resurrection. Last week we painfully remembered his suffering as he walked the Via Dolorosa, beaten and bruised after a horrific night of mistreatment and violence and betrayal. We concluded that we are not exempt from suffering in this life, we were not promised an escape from earthly suffering.

Today we continue walking with Jesus on his way to Calvary. (SLIDE 1 Title- The Via Sacra – The nobility of Service (6/12)

Jesus’ ministry was only 3 years and we might feel that was not enough time for him to show us everything we need to know and yet there is SO MUCH to be learned, so many lessons just in these crucial hours before Jesus’ death. When we read the gospels we read that Jesus walked everywhere. We have countless stories in the gospels of Jesus’ travels… (SLIDE 2: Both bible Verses same slide)

Luke 8:1 “Soon afterward Jesus began a tour of the nearby towns and villages, preaching and announcing the Good News about the Kingdom of God. He took his twelve disciples with him,”

Jesus even walked on water!

Matthew 14:25-26 “And in the fourth watch of the night He came to them, walking on the sea.

Jesus walked in the desert for 40 days and nights on an empty stomach and being tempted by the Devil.

In fact, today pilgrims from around the world come to the Holy Land to walk what is known as the Jesus Trail- a 65 km (40miles) hike that traces the routes Jesus may have walked during his ministry.

But here we are. 3 years into a packed and exciting mission that culminates in what could only have been Jesus’ longest most painful walk so far. The gospels describe in detail the various aspects of this walk. Historians have even pieced the bits together and created a timeline of how many hours it took from the garden of gethsemane to Jesus’ final breath. Last week we reflected on the Via Dolorosa- the road of suffering. The grueling walk through the city up to the place of crucifixion.

I have had the opportunity of visiting the Holy Land and walking these streets through Jerusalem. and if the Via Dolorosa looked anything then like it looks today then those are some pretty narrow streets. Some places along that road, must have been claustrophobically tight with the crowds that gathered to follow this event. I get anxious just thinking about it because I AM NOT a crowd’s person. So imagine the chaos: people shouting and chanting, roman soldiers screaming and pushing people off, Jesus walking or crawling his way through this madness, perhaps even being stepped on or kicked by the hundreds of people. Now notice this detail:

(SLIDE 3:) Luke 23:26 As they led Jesus away, a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, happened to be coming in from the countryside. The soldiers seized him and put the cross on him and made him carry it behind Jesus.

And that’s it. This man Simon has one phrase dedicated to Him in the bible and that’s it, no more mention of him. Technically he is mentioned in Mathew Mark and Luke, but the sentence is almost identical in each account. Don’t you find it curious that this detail would have been included? I don’t believe that any of these incidents were coincidence or haphazard. Like I said there were hundreds of people watching, surely dozens of people touched Jesus along the way and I believe some of his friends must of surely attempted to help him or offer to carry his cross by that point. But here is a man who gets called out by the soldiers to help Jesus. Besides this curious detail, the gospels also mention he was a father and include his son’s names. I did a little research and here’s a few facts about this man Simon:

He was from Cyrene which is modern day Libya (Northern coast of Africa next to Egypt) Include picture. That is why many paintings have depicted him as a dark skinned man. Also, for soldiers to call this man out specifically it must have been because of his physical appearance so he is often depicted as a robust strong figure.

He was most likely in Jerusalem to worship during the Passover. Some hypothesize that he could’ve been a dispersed Jew living in Cyrene and coming back to his hometown to visit and worship. This is not clarified anywhere else so we can’t know for sure. But we know he was coming in or arriving to the city at that moment, perhaps after a very long journey.

We also know from this one verse that he was a father of two sons. The name Rufus is mentioned in several other passages of the New Testament and the link that theologians have made is that he could’ve been the same Rufus as is mentioned in Romans 6:13 - “Greet Rufus, chosen in the Lord, also his mother who has been a mother to me as well.” Another curious fact is that people from Cyrene were among the first christian believers at the Day of Pentecost. Perhaps this Simon and his two sons were among those who heard and believed and so the connection to the Rufus in Romans wouldn’t be surprising.

Some people write that Simon had a uniquely intimate encounter with Jesus which may have led to his coming to faith in Jesus, which could have taken place a few days later at Pentecost. This would explain the reason for mentioning his family members.

In any case, very little else is known about this man. So one may think it’s just a random detail in the story of the crucifixion but I believe we can actually learn a lot from this encounter. Simon most likely touched Jesus’ broken body, he most certainly got covered in Jesus’ blood as he took on the bloodied cross on his own body. No one else had the opportunity to experience this walk the same way as Jesus and Simon, not even his closest disciples.

Today we are using this moment to learn the lesson of service. I really believe that nothing was wasted of Jesus’ time on earth. I believe his choices and his attitudes towards situations were deliberate and filled with divine guidance.

Lessons from this encounter: (SLIDE 4 subtitle: Jesus was suffering)

1) Jesus was really suffering. I don’t imagine Jesus to be a frail man. After all he learned the trade of carpentry from his earthly dad Joseph, surely carrying heavy loads and building large structures throughout his teens and twenties. Customarily a condemned man was required to carry his own cross through the city. So for soldiers to call on someone to help, that tells me how much Jesus was struggling and how badly he had been beaten. (SLIDE 5:)

Mathew 27: 27 Some of the governor’s soldiers took Jesus into their headquarters[f] and called out the entire regiment. 28 They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him. 29 They wove thorn branches into a crown and put it on his head, and they placed a reed stick in his right hand as a scepter. Then they knelt before him in mockery and taunted, “Hail! King of the Jews!” 30 And they spit on him and grabbed the stick and struck him on the head with it. 31 When they were finally tired of mocking him, they took off the robe and put his own clothes on him again. Then they led him away to be crucified

You ever been betrayed? Wrongfully accused? Misinterpreted? Experienced physical pain? Been publicly humiliated? Jesus too. He knows how you feel today. He sees you and your suffering.

From Furtick’s Message: Tired on the Inside! POWERFUL!

Jesus was fully God and fully man. The same God that created you and I was the same God that was beaten and tired. Raise your hand if you think Jesus was weak? Maybe being weary doesn’t mean you’re weak. After all those hours of torture and interrogation, Jesus comes to a stop on the road to crucifixion and he can’t do it anymore.

Stop hiding the fact that you’re suffering, that you’re tired. Even Jesus suffered. Even Jesus broke down. Even Jesus was vulnerable.

It’s hard to understand someone if you only see them on one part of their journey?

And some people that we think are weak, are just weary. You don’t know what or who they’ve been fighting before that moment. You don’t know the giants they’ve faced and the battles they’ve survived. Don’t be the judge of suffering. It’s not up to us to decide who is suffering more or less. Just because they’re weary, it doesn’t make them weak.

(SLIDE 6 subtitle: Jesus accepted the help)

2) Jesus didn’t oppose himself to Simon’s intervention by way of the soldier’s command. WHY did JESUS, son of God need help? Why wasn’t he filled with superhuman strength in this moment? Why didn’t he turn into the Hulk and just power through this journey? It was only 1km after all!

Even Jesus, in his hour of need, allowed himself to be helped by a stranger. This teaches me of Jesus’ humility.

In a society that glorifies self-sufficiency, independence, may we be humble like Jesus to accept help. To know when it is time to allow people into our lives to help carry our heavy loads. You don’t have to have it all together! You don’t have to walk the road of suffering alone! There is the blessing of helping and but also of BEING HELPED. Some of us love to serve but have no clue how to be served.

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25 Don’t steal my blessing of blessing you!

It is not a coincidence to me that God placed a man to help Jesus along this route.

(SLIDE 7 Title: The Via DOLOROSA becomes the Via Sacra)

Last week we studied the Via Dolorosa (road of pain), this week we notice that the same road can become a Via Sacra (a holy road) when along life’s difficult stretches we find a friend, a precious helper in our time of need. When God intervenes and does a holy thing, right in the middle of our suffering!

Could God Almighty have strengthened his son to endure the painful walk? Yes! Why didn’t he? I believe To show us the gift of helping, of serving, of being in the right place at the right time for someone.

Our pride often prevents us from being helped. There is a famous tale of a man on a roof who waited for God to help and then blamed him for drowning.

A fellow was stuck on his rooftop in a flood. He was praying to God for help.

Soon a man in a rowboat came by and the fellow shouted to the man on the roof, "Jump in, I can save you."

The stranded fellow shouted back, "No, it's OK, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me."

So the rowboat went on.

Then a motorboat came by. "The fellow in the motorboat shouted, "Jump in, I can save you."

To this the stranded man said, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the motorboat went on.

Then a helicopter came by and the pilot shouted down, "Grab this rope and I will lift you to safety."

To this the stranded man again replied, "No thanks, I'm praying to God and he is going to save me. I have faith."

So the helicopter reluctantly flew away.

Soon the water rose above the rooftop and the man drowned. He went to Heaven. He finally got his chance to discuss this whole situation with God, at which point he exclaimed, "I had faith in you but you didn't save me, you let me drown. I don't understand why!"

To this God replied, "I sent you a rowboat and a motorboat and a helicopter, what more did you expect?

Let people bless you, they may be God’s answer to your prayers. Don’t be too proud to accept a helping hand. And if this encounter with Simon the Cyrene teaches me anything is that help can come from unexpected people and in the loneliest of places!

We all need a friend. Jesus is our friend. God gave us his Spirit, to comfort us to guide us to be present with us. We are not alone. But if we cannot accept help or we think we don't need anyone, we are missing one of God’s greatest plans for the world: community. Relationships.

(SLIDE 8 subtitle: Simon helped Jesus)

3) Simon helped Jesus. Talk about being in the right place at the right time! The bible says Simon was called by a soldier to aid Jesus. We don’t know much about Simon but what matters is that he was there and willing. Obviously he was paying attention to the situation. I don’t think he was caught off guard or surprised by the request. He saw Jesus’ suffering.

I believe that when we are aware of and in tune with God’s spirit, it is impossible to be oblivious to the pain and need around us.

On the contrary when we live a selfish, self-centered life we become disconnected from our surroundings. We miss important opportunities for service. We are so wrapped up in our own existence, we miss out on what’s happening with others. And this has happened to everyone at some point in our lives. But I am not talking about a bad day here or there. We can all think of a time when we missed opportunities to lend a helping hand because we were too busy, too stressed, too distracted. But I am not talking about that odd occasion. I’m urging us to a life of service! I’m urging us to become so in tune with the spirit of God that we live in an awareness of the needs of others.

May I say something bold today church? Our life is not about us. This is the part where half our online viewers just disconnected!

But seriously, if this statement makes you uncomfortable than you need to double check yourself and your priorities. We were not called to live for ourselves.

We were not created for a life of pleasure, of comfort, of personal achievement. I am not bashing having nice things or working hard to provide good things for our family, don’t get me wrong. But our life MISSION, our PURPOSE on this earth is not and cannot be about us! (SLIDE 9:)

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Living a life of service that glorifies God and pleases HIM, and brings many to know his son Jesus- that’s the goal. Friends, can I tell you that world often does this so much better than the christian? I am a chiropractor, and I have had the opportunity to attend several seminars in the last 10 years. Some of them have been technique/practical seminars, but the majority of these seminars could put Christian conferences in the corner as we say in Portuguese. At these seminars, we are urged to live a life of service. Most non-Christian chiropractors live a life focused on service! Their purpose Is to bring healing and full expression of life to their patients and their communities. I’m always amazed at the tips I get from these Chiro gurus. Some of the most successful people practice gratitude daily, eat clean, have consistency and discipline in taking care of their bodies, and go out ready for the day feeling renewed, inspired and pumped to help others! WOW! How many Christians can say they have these habits?

I’ve heard Chiros say they are in the “Serve Humanity Business”.

Is that how WE are living CHURCH? Are you in the business of serving humanity? Or does our servant attitude stop when we step out of church on Sundays? “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

We all need to be attentive to the cries of a hurting world because failure to serve the lost and the least is failure to serve Jesus Himself. May we be the Cyrene in the lives of those who suffer.

God can use you in unexpected places. BE ready. Cyrene is very far away from Jerusalem! (SHOW MAP) I am sure Simon had no idea that he would be a part of something so meaningful and that his name would be recorded in history when he left Northern Africa weeks before.

CONCLUSION: So walk back with me for a moment as we reflect on today’s lessons:

(SLIDE 10subtitle: Don’t hide your suffering )

1) We learned that even Jesus needed to be helped. Don’t hide your suffering, let people in. And admitting you are weary, doesn’t make you weak!

(SLIDE 11subtitle: Be humble to accept help)

2) We also learned that Jesus was humble enough to accept it and from a stranger no less. Don’t question God’s mysterious ways, He has our best interest in mind and He has already promised never to abandon us. Trust in Him to rescue you you in your time of need and be willing and ready to accept it, even if it doesn’t look like the answer you were expecting.

(SLIDE 12subtitle: Live a life of service)

3) Be aware of the needs around you and ready to be an instrument in the Hand’s of God.

Every day we cross paths with people in pain. All around us there are multiple opportunities to love and to serve.

Choose a person/family/cause this week and make a difference, big or small, in someone’s life. To close our eyes, ears and hearts to victims is to close ourselves off to God. God honours a servant heart. He will not forget our kindness.

(SLIDE 13: Both verses same slide)

“And the King will say, ‘I tell you the truth, when you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters, you were doing it to me!’ Matthew 25:40

“Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”

Isaiah 58:10

PRAYER: Here we are Lord, use us. Let us become more aware of the suffering of others, let us not become obsessed and blinded by our own needs, but be sensitive to your Spirit.


MINISTRY: I am Yours - Vineyard

At the cross, I humbly fall

To my knees, to my knees

I am yours, use me Lord

As you please, as You please

I’d do anything, I’d go anywhere for You

Jesus, Saviour

In light of all You’ve done for me

I lay my life down at Your feet

What right I have, I sacrifice

To You my Lord, to You oh Lord

For You have bought, me at a price

Now I am Yours, wholly Yours

Use me, send me, I’m Yours, completely

All I have, I ‘m laying down before You

Here I am, use me for Your glory

King Jesus, You’re worth it all