Summary: When everything seems to be falling apart, mature Christians remain calm by living for God so as to disseminate God's love to sinners who need salvation and saints who need encouragement and reassurance.


“With everything around us falling apart, and with the whole world seemingly on the verge of a nervous breakdown, how do you manage to remain calm?”

Let me assure you that it’s not because of my unawareness of situations or an uncaring spirit. If power to control storms of life and to singlehandedly solve huge problems that plague mankind were mine, rest assured that wrongs would be dealt with, and right would prevail.

However, if the power was mine, and it were up to me to act in a way that seems best to me, wouldn’t that make me a dictator and all the rest of you puppets? Methinks you would not like it. Nor would anyone else! Charles in Charge is not the answer!

If you wonder why someone like me manages to remain calm in the midst of the storms of life, be reminded of Who IS in Charge and why we are better off to leave the major issues of right versus wrong where they belong – in the hands of the LORD God - our Maker, Father, and Redeemer! Where does that fact of life leave you and me? Which way do we go?

Living For God is the only way to go through life on this earth and stay calm. The Lord Jesus dramatically made this point when He spoke those powerful words to frightened disciples in the midst of a storm: “Peace, be still!”

And wouldn’t you know it? The very disciple that rebuked Jesus for sleeping while the rest of them thought they were about to perish is the one we turn to for advice on how we ought to live when the storms of life are raging – I Peter 4:1-6 . . .

So simple is Peter’s message: “Be done with sin . . . Live for God”.

“You’ve spent too much time already trying to get along with pagans. Yeah, they think you’re strange for not plunging into the gutter with them. They heap abuse on you. So what? God will take care of them. You take care of yourself by living for God in the true Spirit of Love just as Christ loved you and gave Himself for you.

Folks: Think about the home stretch in which we are living. Would you agree that, whether we’re speaking of the last days of our sojourn here on earth or the last days before the end of time: We are living our lives in the shadow of eternity!

Peter thought so. And for that very reason – in view of the nearness of the end – he thought it best to put forth a plan for making the most of our remaining days – I Peter 4:7-11 . . .

In keeping with our theme, Attributes Associated with Belonging to the Family of God, think of Peter’s plan in terms of The Attribute of DISSEMINATION – a unique ability God has given to His children to “spread far and wide, as in sowing seed” God’s grace which is manifest via agape that covers a multitude of sins.

We are admonished to be disseminators of God’s grace … by which we are saved … which is sufficient for every need. There are three aspects of Peter’s plan for the dissemination of grace: the message . . . the means . . . the motive.

Quite straightforward is the message: Be done with sin . . . Live for God . . . Love your brothers and sisters in Christ. Do this without giving it a second thought inasmuch as your days are numbered - one way or the other.

You be the instrument of dissemination. God will provide the strength for whatever means He makes available to you: spreading good will, supporting each other, speaking kindly of and encouraging fellow believers, serving needs as God gives opportunity - without remuneration.

As you go about this business of disseminating God’s grace in various ways, keep in mind that your avenues of service are the means to an end: glorifying God - whose goodness and mercy are at work through your good deeds to minister to members of the household of faith.

Remember: God is working through you and in all things you do for Him to bring about that which is best for those who love, honor and obey Him - as taught in His Word. After all, why shouldn’t He work through you? You are special . . . !

The Father conferred upon you attributes of discernment and distinction, (1) the unique ability to differentiate between right vs wrong, good vs evil, those who would do good vs those who would do harm; (2) the distinction of sonship, granting you equal status as heir and joint heir with Christ, and with each other.

As a discerning person of distinction, it is your special honor and privilege to serve as a reflection of God’s grace, probably not in a dynamic sort of way, but in your own quiet, inimitable way of going about your daily lives, sowing seeds of kindness and willingness.

As you go, and in all your ways, may God be praised through Jesus Christ who implanted in you the motive for all you do for God: agape -redemptive love! “Above all, love each other deeply, because such love covers a multitude of sins.”

To sinners saved by grace, Jesus says, “I’ve got you covered.” No, this does not mean that our Lord glosses over our sin, or covers it up as paint might cover a flaw or bad mark. The blood of Jesus Christ cleanses us from all sin – upon our repentance and God’s forgiveness! If God so loved us, ought we not to love one another? God’s way is the way of agape! So must ours be! We won’t overlook the trespass against us, but we will work it out!

Redemptive love is all about working it out for good to all who love the Lord! Indeed, the way of the Cross covers a multitude of sins!


“Far dearer than all that the world can impart was the message that came to my heart – how that Jesus alone for my sin did atone, and Calvary covers it all.

The stripes that He bore and the thorns that He wore tell His mercy and love forevermore – and my heart bowed in shame as I called on His Name, and Calvary covers it all.

How matchless the grace when I looked in the face of Jesus my crucified Lord – my redemption complete I found at His feet, and Calvary covers it all.

How blessed the thought, that my soul by Him bought, shall be His in the glory on High – where with gladness and song, I’ll be one of the throng, and Calvary covers it all.

Calvary covers it all, my past with its sin and stain, my guilt and despair Jesus took on Him there, and Calvary covers it all.”

At the Last Supper on the night our Lord was betrayed, with CALVARY looming ahead of Him the next day, Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, then gave it to His disciples, saying, “Take, eat. This is (symbolizes, represents) my body.”

Then He took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is (symbolizes, represents) my blood of the covenant which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.” Let us give thanks: (repeat after me)

“Thanks be to Thee, O God, for your unspeakable gift of grace that sent your one and only Son to save repentant sinners from eternal separation from God unto eternal life with God! Amen.”

What a distinct honor and privilege - to commemorate the dissemination of God’s grace at Calvary where Jesus alone for our sins did atone! In Peter’s words:

“He himself bore our sins in His body on the tree . . . By His wounds we are healed . . . Indeed, we were redeemed with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without spot or blemish.”

We reenact the ritual which Jesus instituted - eating of the bread and drinking from the cup - with the understanding that ritual became reality at Calvary!

Passing of the Elements: “At Calvary” and “The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power”

Benediction: “Blest Be the Tie That Binds Our Hearts in Christian Love”