Summary: George Jones was an icon in country music... Just before his death in 1999 he wrote a song called choices-the mainline the song says I’m living and dying with the choices I made. And we do.

“Decisions, Decisions, Decisions”

Joshua 24: 14-15

We have been walking with the Israelites and with Joshua as their leader now while for the past 14 weeks. And we have seen God do some powerful things as he has used this man named Joshua. Before the death of Moses God put his hand on Joshua to become the next leader of the Israelites. So Moses then appointed him as his successor. We have watched as Joshua stood before a raging river in flood stage and placed his feet into the water. God honored his faith and the waters walled up Joshua led the Israelites to safety.

We watched as the Israelites marched around the walls of Jericho for six days; on the Sabbath day seven priests marched around the city seven times on the seventh time they blew the trumpets in the walls fell down and they captured the city.

We watched as Joshua prayed what may be the most powerful prayer ever prayed as he asked for the sun and the moon to standstill; to basically stopped time long enough for him to win and finish the battle. Then God spoke to Joshua and he said Joshua, your very old-and when God tells you you’re old... Well, you’re old. And he told him there were still some very large areas of land to be taken over. So the land of Canaan was divided into the 12 tribes of Israel. That covers nearly 13 chapters of the book.

Today we come to the end of this great book. In chapter 23 Joshua was summons all the leaders together in says I am old and well advanced in years and he reminds them that God would lead them, that God would keep his promise to them and that they would live forever in the land he had promised to them. Then in chapter 24 Joshua gives them these final words of advice. Verses 14-15.

Let me ask you a question this morning... How do you go about making the major decisions of life? Life is full of so many choices. How do you go about making those decisions? What is the process for you?

I’m not a big country music fan but I do think that country music has the best song titles anywhere... Here are a few:

• May the bird of paradise fly up your nose

• thank God and Greyhound she’s gone

• I got the hungry's for your love and I’m waiting in your welfare line

• if love was oil, I’d be a quart low

• she done tore my heart and stomped that sucker flat

George Jones was an icon in country music... Just before his death in 1999 he wrote a song called choices-the mainline the song says I’m living and dying with the choices I made. And we do. We live and die with the major choices we make in life. These are some of the major choices in my opinion that we make in life.

1. What kind of work will I do? How are you going to use the gifts and talents God has given to you to make a difference in this world? In this church? In this community?

2. Who am I going to marry? Too many times we give two little thought to this decision and it is made through our emotions-after all were in love. This is a major decision because that person you choose will impact your life forever. In both good ways and often in bad ways. Who we choose to marry is clearly a life-changing decision.

3. Where will I live? I counted this week and realized that in our marriage of almost 40 years now we have lived in five different states, eight different cities and 13 different homes. For over 20 years now we been in the same spot but we have had more than our share of moving. During that 40 years we have served eight churches and each time we have moved there has been a major time of prayer for us. Because that move affects not only us as a couple it also affects a congregation and it also has had a large impact on our children.

What kind of work will I do? Who am I going to marry? Where will I live? All of these decisions are huge but there is one more that is obvious that matters even more. And here it is. How will I make decisions? How we make decisions will determine the course and the direction of your life how you make decisions will determine whether you will live inside or outside of God’s will.

Note is no secret that our nation is in trouble. Unless you live in a clause that are with your head buried in the sand you know that we are living in a very troubled time. I was away for two weeks with our children and grandkids and didn’t take time to read a paper or even watch the news. I picked up several papers when we returned and these are just a few of the things that I saw all that have happened in recent days.

• Isis bombed a major airport in instant Istanbul... Death toll now has risen to 44 people.

• During the month of April terror attacks took place in 27 countries. 850 people killed. Around the globe, not one day went by in April without a terror attack.

• Defense Sec. Ash Carter announced Thursday that transgender people will be allowed to serve openly in the military.

• An Orlando nightclub frequented by gays-49 people were killed. A Christian artist was shot and killed that same night in another venue in Orlando.

And now our nation looks forward this November 8 as the day when we will elect a new president. Pres. Barack Obama has now served for eight years. These are two options. Now I will not say how I plan to vote but I will tell you that I will vote every one of you should. I will also say I’m not completely pleased with the actions of Pres. Obama nor am I completely pleased with either of our current Nominees. Are you? This leads me to the recognition of a great truth that all of us should understand. The first three words of our Constitution are we the people, not me the president. If our countries to become great again, it will not happen because of one individual it will be because we the people decide to make it great again.

That said I want to give you a four step process for how we must begin to make decisions as a country, as a church and of course as individuals. Decisions that are solid, decisions that are certain, decisions that are godly... With results that benefit everyone.

1. Learn to pray. Pray as though your life depends on it. Because it just might. Too many times we make major decisions but only give them minor consideration. How much time that you honestly spent praying that we will elect the right person is our next president? How much time to be spent praying as to whom you will vote for? Too many of us to say will I’m Republican, so I’m voting for Trop. Always say I’m Democrat, I’m voting for Clinton. God is neither. Pray as though the future of our country depends on it. Because it could.

2. Learn to wait. Isaiah says wait on the Lord and you will mount up with wings like eagles, you will run and not even get tired. Too many times we make what we commonly refer to as impulsive decisions. Like, hey, let’s get married. A man walked into my office and told me he wanted to get married. And ask if I would perform the ceremony. I said when are you going to get married? He looked at his watch and said in about 15 minutes. Or wow! This house is only $100,000 over our budget. Let’s buy it honey!

Many of our worst decisions have been made by impulse and you can end up paying for them for a long time. Learning to wait is one of the hardest lessons we must learn in life. The key word here is timing.

3. Learn how to get a word from God.

• Seek the advice of godly, successful people. People do not become successful in life by luck. He’s usually the result of making solid decisions. Solomon said the way of a fool seems right to him, but a wise man listens to advice. Proverbs 12:15.

• Go to God’s word. This book gives us instructions on how to live. It is an owner’s manual. Basic instructions before leaving Earth. God’s word says I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go. Solomon said lean not unto your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-6 Isaiah said whether you turn to the right or the left you will hear a voice behind you saying, here is the way; walk in it.

4. Once you make a decision, never look back. Stop 2nd guessing yourself. Why? Because it’s too late and accomplishes nothing. Look ahead. Living life by constantly looking in the rearview mirror is the wrong way to live. Make a decision and then look forward.