Summary: Romans 14:23 had been unclear to me when I heard it. It says that what is not of faith is a sin. I did a Bible Study on it using the H.E.A.R.T. (Highlight, Explain, Apply, Respond, Thanksgiving) format & this sermon is that study.

Highlight - Highlight the verse that speaks to you

Romans 14:23: “But whoever doubts stands condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith, and everything that is not from faith is sin.”

Explain - Explain what this passage means

The word translated as faith in this verse is the Greek word pistis. Pistis faith for the believer is "God's divine persuasion" and is distinct from human belief or confidence. The Lord continuously gives new faith in the believer through the Holy Spirit so they can know what He prefers. Many times God will reassure the believer of His desires through the small voice of the person's conscience. Our conscience gives us deep feeling & conviction whether something is right or wrong. Romans 14:23 is basically saying that whatever is done not knowing that it is right, is sinful.

The Jews had laws for which foods they were allowed to eat. God may have given these food laws to Israel to keep them separate from other nations. When someone did not have a clear conscience that what they were doing (eating a certain meat) was in accordance with God's will it was not of faith.

Paul is saying Christians who are weaker in the faith just don't feel okay about eating meat that might violate the restrictions of the law. If someone doubts and eats meat anyway, Paul writes that person is condemned. He is not eating "from faith." He is eating it in spite of not knowing if it is an offense to God. He isn't saying this person is condemned in the sense that he will be no longer be a Christian. He is condemned in the sense that he is guilty of sin, though still in Christ.

If someone does something which he does not believe in his heart to be right & thinks he may be offending God it is sinful. If the person does not fully believe that the thing is right & he does it anyway he is sinning against our holy Lord. This shows us that in the things of God we should not do anything in which we are in doubt. To take any action with doubts as to whether God would approve or disapprove, is to commit sin.

The New Living Translation is a translation that is simpler to understand. The NLT reads, “But if you have doubts about whether or not you should eat something, you are sinning if you go ahead and do it. For you are not following your convictions. If you do anything you believe is not right, you are sinning.”

If someone thinks something is wrong, then it is wrong for him whether or not he interprets the Bible properly. If he is uncertain about whether God approves of his actions but still does them, he sins against his conscience. When the Bible gives no clear direction, we have the liberty to make our own choice. If our conscience is telling us no, we are obligated to refrain.

Apply - Apply what God is saying in these verses to your life

God's Word is clear about many things in life. John 3:16 clearly tells us that God loves the world so much He sent His Son to bring us eternal life. Other verses are not clear to our minds. On some issues Scripture seems to be silent. In those cases it would be wise to follow our conscience to avoid the possibility of being guilty of a sin. We should not judge or criticize other Christians who exercise their freedoms in this area. The Spirit may be telling them to to do something that would not be right for us to do.

The world is littered with elements that are not “of God”. Television, movies, radio, the internet, advertisements & countless other things use the desire of the flesh to sell products. By being exposed to these things in excess we could become used to them & become more tolerant of them. Our senses may get numbed to the dangers they bring. By knowing this verse, & what it teaches, we are more likely to resist the temptations of the world/flesh & remain in good standing with our Heavenly Father.

Respond - Respond to what you've read (PRAYER)

Father God we praise you for speaking to our hearts and guiding us through life. You want what is best for us & best for the Kingdom. Our human minds are not capable of knowing all we should do. Through Your grace, mercy, & love You have given us the Holy Spirit to lead & advise us on how to live in harmony with Your will. We pray that our hearts & minds will be open to understanding the Spirit speaking to our hearts. May we always follow His direction & never the desires of the flesh for the things of the flesh are temporary but the blessings of following Your will are great & eternal. In Jesus' name. Amen

Thanksgiving - Give thanks

God leads us in a life that will bring honor & glory to Him & blessings to His children. We give great thanks to our Heavenly Father for doing this.