Summary: In recent years we have been forced to learn a brand new vocabulary in America. Words such as Islam, Allah, Jihad, Taliban and Al Queda.

“Jesus-The Only Path to Heaven”

John 14:1-6

In recent years we have been forced to learn a brand new vocabulary in America. Words such as Islam, Allah, Jihad, Taliban and Al Queda. Attacks by terrorists in the past 13 years have changed everything and all of this has brought the religion of Islam to the front page of our newspapers. Our president and other leaders have bent over backwards to make sure that the world understands that Islam and terrorism are in no way related and that the Moslem faith is actually peaceful. There is a Greek word for that. Bologna.

In 1988 Salmon Rushdie, a Muslim was sentenced to death over his book, The Satanic Verses” said that these kinds of statements that Islam and terrorism are not related are simply untrue. Franklin Graham, son of Dr. Billy Graham said recently of Islam, “I don’t believe this is a wonderful, peaceful religion. When you read their holy book, the Koran, it tells them to kill those who are outside their faith. He went on to say It wasn’t Methodists flying into those buildings; it wasn’t Lutherans; it was an attack on this country by people of the Islamic faith.

One of the larger conversations that have been going on among religious leaders in recent years is the debate of whether or not Jesus Christ is the one true Savior of the World. And it leaves many people left wondering is there more than one path to get to God?

Now here is the problem in a nutshell. If you were to ask the average American today what the difference was between the major religions of the world most people would not know the difference. Or they would probably mumble something about all religions being pretty much the same. Different names for God but the same God. They will often say that people travel many different roads, many different paths but they all lead to God.

George Barna does a great deal of research in the area of religion. In a recent survey of his he found these common opinions:

• 38% believed that it doesn’t matter what faith you follow—they all teach the same lessons

• 44% believe we will experience the same outcome regardless of our faith

• 55% believe that if a person is good or does good things for people they will earn a place n heaven

There is a Greek word for that… Hogwash.

I don’t want this conversation to ever fall into this group who believe the lie that is being told to America that Islam is a peaceful faith; or that or doesn’t matter what you believe…that it’s all going to work out in the end. I certainly don’t want you to believe that there are many paths to heaven

This morning I want us to look at 5 facts we need to understand on this subject.

1. Muslims are sincere. Muslims are devout. That is not enough. Many Moslems have memorized the Koran, their Holy book. They pray at least 5 times a day. They fast for a full month every year. They are very sincere but I believe they are sincerely wrong. The Moslems must earn their salvation. They must keep on the “straight path.” Women are regarded as temptations that can lead men away from the straight path so they are required to wear a veil and clothing that completely covers them. As a result of their sincerity Islam is now the fastest growing religion in the world.

Here are the top 3 in size.

1. Christianity……………..2.1 billion……………..33%

2. Islam………………..1.3 billion…………20.1 %

3. Hinduism………..851 million………13.3%

NBC news reported that there are 20,000 new converts to the Islamic faith every year in America. There are now 7-8 million Muslims in the U.S. 90% are among the black population.

Islam and Judaism share one thing in common. Both trace their roots to Father Abraham. Islam, however traces their roots to the son of Abraham by Hagar, named Ishmael. The Jews trace their roots to Isaac, the Son of Abraham and Sarah who had been promised by God. Why does this matter? Listen. The war that has been going on in the Middle East for centuries can be traced back to this very issue. Who is the rightful son of Abraham? This is where the battle takes place. And the truth is in case you don’t know it is this: the nations that are Muslim will never make peace with Israel. And this is why….They don’t actually want peace---they never wanted peace---what the want is to own Israel, not some of it…they want all of it.

2. It is a good thing to believe in God but it is not enough. There is a problem right here in the U.S. there are those who think that because they believe God exists that we are OK. I have met many people in my lifetime who assume that because they simply believe in God that’s enough. Listen to this. James 2:18-19.

Muslims believe Allah is their God. During the days of Mohammed every Arab tribe used the word Allah to refer to their own particular God. Before Islam began, the moon god was their god and they would make an annual pilgrimage to the temple of the moon god. They would pray toward Mecca several times a day. This was long before Mohammed was born. Yet all of this is still a part of their faith today. Belief in God is not enough. It DOES matter which god you worship.

• It is interesting that in the Koran, in all of it there are no miracles performed by Mohammed or any of his followers.

• There is not a single time in the Koran when it says that Allah loved the world or its people

• The idea of having a relationship with Allah is not found anywhere in the Koran

These are just 3 of the things that set our faith apart. Jesus loves you and it is His desire to have a relationship with all of us.

3. It is a good thing to believe IN Jesus but it is WHAT you believe about Jesus that matters. Most people will agree that there was a man named Jesus who walked this earth. That He was a historical figure. But you and I know that He was so much more than that. The greatest tension between Christians and Muslims is the difference between Mohammed and Jesus. That’s where the water hits the wheel. To Muslims Jesus was a prophet but He was not God’s Son. As Christians we understand that Jesus was not A way to God. He is the ONLY way.

Look again at our page for today. Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Luke said there is no salvation in any other for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.

An interesting note about Mohammed is that he was completely illiterate. He could neither read nor write. He stated that his words came from the angel Gabriel and he then repeated them to others who wrote them down for him. Mohammed was given special permission by Allah to have 13 wives. His last wife was 6 years old when they were engaged and 9 when they married. Jerry Vines says that Islam was founded by a man named Mohammed who was a demon possessed pedophile with 12 wives and his last one was a 9 year old girl.

4. Christianity is spread through love and the word of God. Islam is spread through force and by the sword. It is true that many Muslims are willing to die for their faith. They are also willing to kill for it. In Fact the one sure way of earning salvation as a Muslim is to die as a martyr for their faith. Otherwise they have absolutely no assurance of their salvation. They never know if they have been good enough or not.

Those who attacked the world trade center in 2000 were following the specific teachings of the Koran. The principle of Judah or Holy war is taught in the Koran. Their way of sharing their faith is not by the word, it is by the sword. It is a fact of history that the followers of Mohammed have been the most violent people in the history of the world. Mohammed taught that if someone refuses to convert to the Islamic faith they must be killed. Christians teach that if someone refuses to convert we must love them until they do. We are not allowed to give out Bibles in their country yet they are allowed to build Mosques in our country. Listen, if you want to know if Islam is a "religion" of peace and tolerance, don't ask a Muslim living in America; ask a Christian living in a Muslim Nation!

In your outline today I have 9 fundamental differences in Islam and Christianity. Let me mention 6 areas.

1. For Christians, the Bible is God’s word. For Muslims, the Koran is God’s word. These two books are miles apart in their teachings. They do not believe that the words Jesus spoke came from God. We believe that He spoke as God Himself.

2. Christians teach that Jesus is the only Son of God. Muslims teach that Jesus was only a messenger of Allah. Listen to the Koran: Allah forbid that He should have a son. We believe that Jesus was declared to be the Son of God. The angels declared it, Jesus Himself declared it and the Father declared it.

3. Christians believe that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. Muslims teach that Jesus did not die on the cross. The Koran says: “they did not kill him, nor did they crucify him, but they thought they did.” They teach that Mary who was there when Jesus was crucified was simply lied to….that the story was made up. Their view is that if he had died He would have failed in his mission.

4. The Koran tells Muslims that they are NOT to be friends with Christians or Jews. Further it says “kill those who are not believers (in Islam). Strike off the heads of disbelievers. Murder them and treat them harshly.

5. Regarding women, Jesus did much to lift the status of women. Mary who was at the tomb was the first one to see the risen Savior. He treated women with dignity. The Koran says, “Good women are obedient. If they are disobedient admonish them and send them to their bed and beat them.”

6. Christians teach that Salvation comes by grace. Muslims teach that it comes by works.


This is where we differ. The great C.S. Lewis fought for the Christian faith right up until the time of his death in 1963. C.S Lewis was attending a conference on Comparative Religions. There were some true scholars who were in attendance including C.S. Lewis. The debate that day was focused on what is unique about Christianity. Someone suggested that what set Christianity apart from other religions was the concept of incarnation; the idea that God became man. Someone then said, no, not true. Other faiths claim the same thing. Someone else said well what about the resurrection? Someone replied well other religions do say that they have seen someone from their faith who was raised from the dead. Then as the story is told, C.S. Lewis walked into the room in his tweed jacket, his pipe of course and an armful of papers. He was early for his presentation He sat down and took in the conversation which had by now become a huge debate. Finally he spoke up and said what’s all the arguing about? Everyone turned in his direction. Trying to explain themselves they said, we are debating what is unique about Christianity. C.S. Lewis so, Oh well that’s easy. It’s grace.

And the room just fell silent. He said in Christianity the believer gets God’s grace; the love of God free of charge; no strings attached. No other religion makes that claim. That is the question for each of us today. What are we placing our faith in? Is it in being good enough? Scales. Is it in doing enough? Muslims and many others believe that our good deeds must outweigh our bad deeds. How can we ever do enough? We can’t. Thank God for grace. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense.