Summary: What does it really mean to walk with God? How can we enjoy our walk with the LORD and live an amazing Abundant Life?

Scripture: Psalm 1; Isaiah 35:8-10; Colossians 3:1-17

Theme: Walking in Christ

Title: Yellow Line Living


Grace and peace from God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

I want to talk to you today about Yellow Line Living.

Think for a moment about that yellow line that you see painted down the center of most highways. It’s the one that helps us understand what our boundaries are as we travel down the highway. We know that we are restricted to driving on the right side of that line (in the USA) as we go travel down the highway.1

We also know that oncoming traffic is restricted to staying on their side of the line. And when everyone takes heed to those restrictions and boundaries then we can easily share the whole road without incident. We do it every day without much thought.

But what do you think would happen if there was no yellow line?

What happens at times when people disobey that yellow line?

We all know what happens. Accidents can happen. People can get hurt. People can even lose their lives because someone has decided to create their own restrictions and boundaries.

But what about the yellow lines in our Christian walk?

Do they exist?

Do we need them?

That is what I want to share with you this morning. We’ll call it Yellow Line Christian Living.

There are some things that we can do to make our Christian walk more enjoyable. There are some things that if we do them then we will find ourselves living in God’s safe zones and enjoying our walk with the LORD even more than we ever thought possible.

I. Learn God’s Instructions – Read His Book

Let’s look at Psalm chapter one for example. It is an amazing Psalm. It sets the tenor for the book of Psalms. As you read it and allow its words to penetrate your heart, mind and soul you realize that it contains some wonderful instructions on how we can live a life on the right side of the line of righteousness.

In many ways Psalm 1 could be called a Preventative Psalm. The advice it gives is to help us keep ourselves away from influences and situations that could cause us to fall and commit sin. It provides for us some ways for us not to inappropriately cross the yellow line of righteousness so to speak.

It is similar to taking the annual flu shot. Each year the CDC (Center of Disease Control) does everything it can to motivate people to take the flu shot.

They do that because the flu is potentially an extremely dangerous disease. Each year millions of people in our country get the flu. Hundreds of thousands have to be hospitalized and sadly tens of thousands die each year because of the flu.2

When we look at those numbers you can see that the flu is no laughing matter. Getting a flu shot is a very smart thing to do for yourself, for your family and for your community.

About 160 million people in the US get an annual flu shot. That is less than 50% of our population. This year the CDC is hoping that number tops 200 million. The whole idea behind the flu shot is to help people either not get the flu or to help them be able to get over the flu much easier.

It’s a preventative measure. But it is not automatic. You can’t get the flu shot and then be immediately immune to the flu. Scientists and doctors tell us that on average it takes about two weeks after you get the flu shot for the right antibodies to develop in our bodies that will provide the protection that we need.

Psalm 1 is very much the same way. It is a preventative psalm. If we put its words into action in our lives then we will find ourselves increasing staying on the right side of righteousness. We will find ourselves being on the right side of the Yellow Line of Holiness so to speak.

While the flu is dangerous we need to understand that sin is even more dangerous. Sin is a killer of the heart, mind and soul. That is why we need to commit passages of Scripture like Psalm 1 to heart.

How many people do you know found themselves in trouble because they listened to the wrong advice?

How many people do you know found themselves in trouble because they kept company with the wrong people?

How many people do you know found their hearts, minds and souls being changed because they began listening and agreeing with the wrong words and ideas? The more they listened the more they agreed and before they knew it their hearts, minds and souls were transformed for the worst.

What we listen to and who we listen to matters in our lives. Words matter. Words have tremendous power. The right words have power to change us for the better. The wrong words have power to change us for the worst.

The people that we spend the most time with matters. The conversations we join in and agree with matters.

It is vital that we always understand that the Devil is busy doing his best to manipulate our environment and conversations. He is doing his best to get us to be surrounded by the wrong people, receive the wrong advice and then getting us to assimilate that advice into our lives.

If you don’t believe that, then reread the stories of Eve, King Saul, King Solomon, Judas and a host of others. Each one of them found themselves listening and following the wrong advice. Each one of them found themselves keeping company with the wrong people. Each one of them got sidetracked and found themselves falling to temptation.

This is why it is so important for a church to have good small groups and discipleship classes. This is why it is so important for a church to have spiritual formation classes for their children, teens, young adults and adults.

Just as we need that yellow line to set a boundary for us driving down the road we all need help in knowing how to live out the Christian Life. We need help in knowing who to be around, what to listen to and what to agree with in this life.

We don’t come to faith in Christ and then suddenly get our Sin Immunized Shot. We don’t come to Christ and then just let things go as they may. Que Sera Sera is not the way to live.3

The Bible is clear that we the LORD wants the best for our lives and has a plan for our lives (Psalm 32:8; Jeremiah 29:11). That is why we need to learn how to follow the way of the LORD.

-We have to learn how to live a life of holiness and righteousness. (Ephesians 4:24)

-We have to learn how to resist the devil and flee away from sin. (James 4:7)

-We have to learn how to abstain from the very appearances of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:22)

None of this comes automatically. Just as we have to learn how to drive on the right side of the yellow line we have to learn how to live on the right side of the yellow line of righteousness.

This is why we need Psalm 1 and other Scripture passages. This is why we need the infilling presence of God’s Holy Spirit. This is why we need good Bible studies, small group studies and mentors.

II. Secondly, Live Out God’s Instructions

There are many people who have taken the time to learn all the rules and regulations of the road. They have studied the driving manual and have learned the different laws and guidelines. They can quote them chapter and verse. But when they get out on the road they either forget them or disregard them. They don’t put them into practice.

The same thing can happen in our walks of righteousness. We can learn all about God’s instructions. We can become quite knowledgeable about God’s instructions and rules. But knowing about God’s instructions and way of life and living out a life of righteousness is vastly different.

It is important this morning that we know God’s instructions. It’s important that we read, study and meditate on God’s Word. It is important that we memorize scripture. However, it is even more important that what we are learning and absorbing we put into practice. It is important that our orthodoxy informs and influences our orthopraxy.

This morning, we are to rejoice in our salvation. We are to rejoice in the realty that we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. And we are to rejoice that we are saved from something and we are saved to something.

We are saved from a life of enslavement to sin. We are Born Again so that we can experience what Jesus called the Abundant Life (John 10:10). We are saved from eternal damnation to experience newness of life and everlasting life. We are saved to reflect God’s Glory and Honor.

This is what the Apostle Paul was reminding the Christ followers in Colossae. He was writing them to remind them that what they were learning needed to be lived out in their daily lives. He was challenging them to put Jesus into practice.

Notice in Colossians chapter three, that the Apostle Paul tells them that it is important for them to keep their minds on the things above. That is to say, they have to focus on things above (spiritual things; true things) instead of the things below (fleshly/carnal things; temporal things). They have to learn that the most important things of life find their center in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Colossian Christians had to determine that they were going to live out this new life of righteousness that had been given them. They had to determine that they would allow the Holy Spirit to renew their minds and help them develop a whole new set of life habits.

They had to acknowledge that there are some things that as followers of Christ they should never do anymore. In fact, there are some things that they have to remove from their lives forever. Paul tells them these are things like sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed.

These are things that they cannot skirt around or pretend that will go away. These are things that cannot be rehabilitated or restrained. They have to be put to death emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually. These are things that have to be dead to Christ followers.

Then there are other things that as they grow in Christ they are to let go. There are some habits and thought patterns that they have to allow the Holy Spirit to help them remove from their everyday lives. These would include such things like anger, rage, malicious behavior, slander, filthy speech and lying.

Finally, there are some things that they needed to add to their Christian Lives. Things that would help them enjoy their walk with Christ. Things like putting on the spirit of mercy, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness and love. Things that the Holy Spirit will birth in us as we continue to walk in Him.

As you read Colossians chapter 3 you get the immediate revelation that being Born Again is more than just bowing your head and saying a few words. It is more than just repeating the Sinner’s Prayer.

Being born again means just that being transformed from the inside out. It means that you are a New Creation. A New Creation that must understand what it means to live a life of New Creation. A New Creation that doesn’t go back to living a life of enslavement to sin or enslavement to self. A New Creation that allows the Holy Spirit to infill it, transform it and guide it to become a reflection of Jesus physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Colossians chapter three reminds us that we are in for a life marathon and not a 10 minute sprint. Being redeemed by Jesus and infilled with His Holy Spirit is more than Hell insurance. It is starting a new life. It is learning about how to live a new life. It is allowing the Holy Spirit to work with you and in you on a daily basis. It is committing your life to reflect God’s Glory and Honor.

Living a Christian Life is again a great deal like driving each day.

You passed the written test. You past the road test. You are now a licensed driver. You have proven that you should be allowed on the highway.

But that isn’t all there is to driving. Just having a license doesn’t make you a safe driver. You must continue to learn. You must continue to put into practice what you have learned and are learning.

When you are driving, you have to keep your mind on the road, on your own driving and on how others are driving around you. You have to keep aware and alert.

You have to make sure that you are keeping your skills sharp. You don’t just start the engine and push on the pedal and off you go. You don’t just drive down the road mindless and haphazard. You might do that once or twice and get by. However, if you do that enough then you might find yourself in a ditch or in a fender bender.

You have to be aware of your surroundings. You have to see who you are sharing the road with at the time. Sometimes it’s best to just stop and let traffic go on by. Other times it best to just let people pass you and go on ahead.

Just like in driving there are some things in the Christian life we have to make sure that we are doing. Things like:

+We have to stay focused and not get distracted.

The devil will do his best to get us distracted. That is why Paul was so clear on telling us that there are some things that have get rid of permanently in our lives and other things that have to continually be put off.

The devil knows the power of sexual immorality. He knows that because he knows the power of the physical. He used that power to distract and trip up Judah and King David.

The devil knows the power of anger/rage. He used that power to distract and trip up Cain, Esau and even Moses.

The devil knows the power of unforgiveness. He used that to distract and trip up Absalom and Joab.

The devil knows the power of greed. He used that to distract and trip up Judas and Ananias and Sapphira.

Just like the road and that little yellow line we have to keep our minds alert and our eyes open. We have to stay vigilant or we will find ourselves being distracted and driving all over the place putting ourselves and others in harm’s way.

+We have to stay in our lane

Have you ever found yourself wanting to cross the yellow line and pass someone who you thought was going too slow?

You didn’t want to wait until a passing lane opened up so you went ahead and passed anyway?

Thankfully, you didn’t wreck or get a ticket and so you rationalized that it was okay.

For the most part it is best to just stay in your lane; especially when it comes to spiritual things. We shouldn’t allow ourselves to get in a hurry. God knows what He is doing. He created you and knows what is best for you.

Go at the pace that God gives you. You never know if God is slowing you down to save your life or to give you some time to talk to him or reflect on your day. You can never go wrong by going at God’s pace.

Don’t follow someone else’s drama either. Don’t get caught up in their anger or their own personal agenda. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking that you have to follow them. Understand that you need to follow the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit (1 John 4:1-6).

That includes the temptation to follow someone else’s lane that looks quicker and smoother. Again, embrace patience knowing that you serve a God who wants the best for you. Only pass when God clears a lane. Otherwise, follow God’s directions and live out the life that He has shown you to live.

This is what happened to Martha and Mary. Martha wanted Mary to live life in her lane. She wanted Mary to follow after her. She thought she knew how her sister should live. She wanted her sister to follow in her lane/her footsteps.

But God didn’t. God had a plan specifically designed for Mary. He wanted Mary to sit at His Son’s feet instead of making biscuits. Biscuit making was good for Martha at the time but not for Mary.

Your experience with God is personal. You can watch other people travel down their lanes and be inspired and challenged but you have your own lane with its own pace and situations. You can’t travel down someone else’s yellow lane life. You have to discover your own yellow lane.

This is where so many organizations and even denominations cause confusion. They tend to create a path that they believe that a person must follow. They tend to think that their path is the only right one and everyone else’s yellow lane is incorrect.

The advice Our LORD Jesus gave Peter concerning John in John 21:20-23 is as sound today as it was back then. Jesus had a path; a lane for John to travel. Jesus had a path; a lane for Peter to travel. Each man’s lane might be similar in 80-99% of the time but there is always that little bit that might be different. In fact, it might be vastly different.

This morning, God has your path with your yellow lines marked out. Your walk, your path might be similar to all of the rest of us here and then again it may not be similar. You may have been given different gifts. You may have been anointed to a different type of ministry. You may have been given a different personality.

That’s okay. As long as your path is one created by God’s Holy Spirit then all will be well. As long as your yellow lines have been marked by God’s Holy Spirit all will be well.

Are there yellow lines in the Christian walk?

I believe and think so this morning.

I believe that the best way for any of us to enjoy our Christian walk is to Read and Study God’s Book. To become a person who saturates their lives with its words. To become a person who sees that the most important thing in life is to be open to the LORD, to obey the LORD and to relish their life in the LORD.

I also believe that the best way for any of us to enjoy our Christian walk is to put into daily practice what we read and hear from God’s Holy Spirit. I believe that we have to put some past habits and thought patterns out of our lives once and for all. We have to do what Paul tells us in Galatians 5:24 - “And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires.”

I believe that as we mature in Christ we will discover that we are developing a mind set and habits that better reflect God’s Glory and Honor. I believe we can become a people who have been rescued and redeemed and are being restored into the image of Jesus.

What a life challenge!

To be able to live as a Redeemed/Born Again Person in the Power and Presence of God’s Holy Spirit!

To be a living reflection of God’s Glory and Honor!

I believe and declare if you accept Jesus Christ as Your Savior and you allow the Holy Spirit to infill you and be your Comforter, Guide and Companion you will discover a life that is truly amazing!

Before we close this morning, I want to give you an invitation – an invitation that if you accept it, it will transform your life.

This morning, do you know Jesus Christ as Savior and LORD?

Have you allowed the LORD to rescue you and redeem you?

Have you allowed the LORD to remove all your sin, your guilt and your shame and been Born Again/Born from Above?

Have you been infilled with His Holy Spirit?

Is the Holy Spirit active in your everyday life?

Are you experiencing the Abundant Life?

I want to give you an opportunity this morning to receive Jesus as Your Savior and LORD. I want to give you an opportunity to accept God’s grace, mercy and love today.

I want to give you an opportunity to be infilled with God’s Holy Spirit.

I want to give you and opportunity to start living the Abundant Life.

Open Altar/Prayer/Blessing

1Most countries drive on the right – see for more information

2 See the following article for some more information

3 Referring to the song that featured the words Que Sera Sera