Summary: Because God is good our lives are also, still good. Our earthly lives are short compared to eternity. The Lord God sets our times and places.


November 8, 2020 - End Time 2 / Last Judgment - JOB 14:1-5

INTRO.: How was your week? Anything exciting happen? (election week) Ups and downs? Gladness or sadness? Or maybe you were filled with wonder. What next? No matter your feelings or emotions: Life is still good. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor rulers, neither things present nor things to come, nor powerful forces, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” (ROMANS 8:38, 39).

LIFE IS STILL GOOD. I. Our lives are short. II. God sets our times.


A. Verse 1. Earthly life has a few short days. Full of anxiety. Job experienced this truth in his life.

1. A servant came to tell Job the Sabeans stole his oxen and donkeys. Killed his servants.

2. Second servant (while first still speaking) reports a fire burned up his flocks and servants.

3. Third servant (second still speaking) states Chaldeans stole his camels. Killed servants.

4. Fourth servant reports his sons and daughters died in a windstorm. 10 children gone.

B. Verse 2. Short days of life compared to a flower. Blossoms, blooms, and soon withers.

1. Life goes away as quickly as shadow disappears. Fleeting and of no real substance.

2. Jesus used these same comparisons. Mankind not as enduring as he or she thinks.

C. Verse 3a. “You keep your eye on such a man.” Job knew the Lord of Creation watched over him.

D. We might get upset when things do not go the way we want. Or like. That is our human pride in action. Our opinion is the most important. We think everyone should think the exact same way we think. But are we really all that important in the grand scheme of things. One person does not stand out in a world of billions. We are even less significant in the universe. We are only a small speck in the universe. A micro dot on the timeline of history. "Whenever I look up at your heavens, the works of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place—what is man that you remember him…” (PSALM 8:3, 4a). One among billions. Our loving, heavenly Father keeps watch over us.

E. The earth rotates on its axis. Revolves around the sun. God’s gracious, powerful plan. The sun rises and sets. Seasons change. The Lord who created all things created order. At times our lives can seem to be completely out of control. Chaos. Often they are just that. How much are we really in control? Why we do not even know what will happen today. Or tomorrow. Much less the rest of this year. Our lives are too short to completely comprehend the undeserved grace of God. What we actually learn and discover is just much more there is to learn and know about God’s great love for us. “You do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? Indeed, it is a mist that appears for a little while and then disappears” (JAMES 4:14). Life is short. Flowers fade. Mist disappears.

F. We do not despair about the brevity of life. We may accomplish great things. Or not. We do know that the Lord God of Armies keeps his eye on each one of us. Knows us by name. Calls us out of darkness into his marvelous light. The Holy Spirit has worked faith in our hearts. We believe in the Lord Jesus Christ. His life was short. His public ministry was only three (3) years long. Our Savior always said and did what was right. Perfect. Sinless. Was crucified. Life was cut short by the wickedness of wicked men. Why? His life and death and resurrection was done for us. "This grace…has now been revealed through the appearance of our Savior Christ Jesus, who abolished death and brought life and immortality to light through the gospel” (2 TIMOTHY 1:10). Our lives are short as the result of sin. Our perfect life in heaven lasts forever. Our loving, heavenly Father watches over us.

LIFE IS STILL GOOD. Imperfect earthly lives are short in comparison to perfect heavenly lives.


A. Verse 3. Job knew he was insignificant compared to the greatness of God. Few short days.

1. Job also knew the Lord God of Armies kept his eye on him. Watched over him.

2. Judgment came from the Lord. Sins, wickedness, and rebellion demanded a verdict.

B. Verse 4. “Who can produce something pure from something that is impure?” Can anyone do this?

1. “No one.” Job knew the answer. Nothing good lived in mankind’s thoughts or hearts.

2. Imperfect Job could not create anything perfect. Even righteous acts are like filthy rags.

C. Verse 5. “Certainly his days are determined.” The Lord determined Job’s days. And all people.

1. “The number of his months has been set by you.” Days led to months to years to…God’s time.

2. “A limit is set, which he cannot exceed.” No one would go past God’s set time or limits.

D. We look at the life of Job. We think what a terrible life. Job was a child of God. He knew that he had a perfect, loving heavenly Father. One who watched over him with infinite and tender care. We have that same loving, heavenly Father who cares for us. The Lord God of all creation is still good. Our life is still good. We have an awesome life because we have an awesome God. What a comfort to know that Lord God of Armies is in complete control of our lives. Our steps. Always in all things for our good! “I know, LORD, that a man’s way is not his own, nor can a man direct his own steps" (JEREMIAH 10:23). We might stumble. Fall. The Lord lifts us up. Sets us on his path.

E. Did you have plenty of time this week (or today) to get everything done you had planned? Did anyone have too much time? There is always something more to do. Something more to accomplish. But the days end. Time seems shorter and shorter. This is good. It is God’s plan for us. For believers. "If the Lord had not shortened those days, no one would be saved. But for the sake of the elect, whom he has chosen, he has shortened the days" (MARK 13:20). Each day we are busy. Sometimes even busier the next day. It is the second Sunday in November. How did so much time fly by so fast? Our loving, heavenly Father keeps us busy with our work. His work. The world will distract us less.

F. The future is coming. Quickly. The Lord God of Armies has everything under control. From the creation of the world the Lord has set the times. The places. The world seems to be in chaos. It is. God’s kingdom is a world of order. People constantly want to know what is going to happen. Or not happen. And when. Even the people of Jesus’ day were concerned about the future. The Lord will return on his throne of glory in power. Judgment. Mercy. “He said to them, ‘It is not for you to know the times or seasons that the Father has set by his own authority’" (ACTS 1:7). We do not know times or seasons. Our loving, heavenly Father knows them. God is the only Authority that matters.

CONC.: Woe is me. Woe is the nation. Woe is the world. Do not bother yourself with such self-ish thinking. God is good. Awesome. Life is still good. Awesome. We know this to be true. Jesus tells us so. Our earthly life is short compared to eternity. Thankfully God knows our times. Sets our times according to his good, pleasing, and perfect will. “Until your old age, I am he, and until you have gray hair, I myself will hold you up. I myself made you, and I myself will lift you up. I myself will hold you up, and I will rescue you" (ISAIAH 46:4). Note the powerful authority of our God: I myself will hold you up. I myself made you, and I myself will lift you up. I myself will hold you up, and I will rescue you." LIFE IS STILL GOOD!! Always because of God’s grace. Amen. Pastor Timm O. Meyer


DANIEL 7:9, 10; 1 THESSALONIANS 5:1-11; MATTHEW 25:31-46; (PSALM 90) &