Summary: Have you wonder why you are alive at this time and age? What is the mission that God has for you? The Bible tells us God in Jer 29:11 that He has a plan for our lives. Therefore, we seek God persistently to help us to fulfill his plan and purpose for our lives.

One of the most inspiring story of the Bible is the story of Joseph in Genesis chapters 37 to 41. When he was a young man, he received two dreams from God that one day he would be greatly used by God. He told the dreams to his brothers who were so jealous of him that they sold him to be a slave in Egypt.

In Egypt, his master was a man named Potiphar. Joseph was an intelligent young man who put his talents and ability to do his best in everything that he was assigned. Soon Potiphar trusted Joseph so much he places everything in his household to be under Joseph’s care.

Joseph not only caught the attention of Potiphar’s eyes, but also Potiphar’s wife. His wife had other not so good intentions for Joseph who was a strong, handsome young man. Joseph stood by his integrity and rejected her advances. This enraged her and she lied to Potiphar that Joseph is seducing her, and Potiphar was put on a spot. So, in order to save his own face, Potiphar put Joseph into the prison.

Potiphar who was also the captain of the guard of Pharaoh, put Joseph together with the other prisoners of Pharaoh and not a common prison.

Again, the good character and integrity of Joseph won the jailer’s trust, so Joseph was given the responsibility of taking care of the daily needs of all the other prisoners there.

Such was the testimony of Joseph that every where he went, he won the trust of the people in charge.

Imagine, a man of a lesser character will just show a bad attitude and be slothful at his work.

How many people will do his best and show the best of attitude when he is a slave, a prisoner and become so bitter and jade when your master’s wife falsely accuse you and then your master throw you into prison?

Yes, many people will do that, but not Joseph.

Back to the story…Because Joseph was in a special cell with Pharaoh’s prisoners. The opportunity availed itself; Joseph successfully interpreted the dreams of Pharaoh’s baker and cup bearer.

Two years later, when Pharaoh was looking for someone to interpret his dream, Joseph was called to help interpret his dream. As a result Pharaoh gave Joseph the responsibility to carry out the plan to store up the grain to help save the lives during the famine years.

The story of Joseph is so inspiring because he represents to us a man who lives with a sense of calling, purpose and destiny for his life. That is how everyone of us should live our lives.

But we say that we cannot be like him and we have a long list of excuse to support our claim. We say that have family problems, that people betray us, wrongly accuses us, we have difficulties, challenges and obstacles. Think again, Joseph has even more difficult circumstance than what many of us have.

Yet he continues to trust in God to keep him on track. He avoids the temptations and stays in faith and hope even as a slave and a prisoner. The awareness God’s calling, purpose is what help Joseph not lose hope and give up; helps him to uphold his integrity and good attitude, helps him to be diligent at everything he does, not to win the praise of man, but do as doing for God.

I will speak about calling, purpose and destiny.


Number 1: Let me speak on the subject on Calling.

Many may think that only some people have a special calling, for example those serving in full time capacity, in the church, in the Christian organizations, pastors, evangelist and missionaries.

However, when we read the Word of God, we realise that it is not the case with many people that God uses greatly. Bible characters such as Joseph and Daniel are people working as government officials. Abraham was a businessman and a nomadic shepherd. Noah is a farmer, Ruth was a homemaker, David was a shepherd boy who became an army general and a king. They are ordinary people holding ordinary occupation.

Therefore, if you are a teacher, a business manager, a service provider, an accountant, a parent, you are called by God to be in that position of influence. If you can see that, it will change the way you conduct yourself. Every day when you go to work, you will act and speak like a servant of God, one has been called by God to that place of service for His glory.


Number #2 : I will speak on Purpose.

The pandemic COVID -19 is a wake up call for everyone.

Are we awaken yet or are we still in our slumber ?

Let us be awaken to the times we are living in. We must realise that time is finite. Life is fragile. Life is a gift from God and every breathe we have come from God. Therefore, we must live our lives for His purpose by His strength.

But many people don’t think like that. The end of life seems to be very long time off. They think that since there are still innumerable days left, so they can squander their days away on reckless and un-purposeful living.

Living un-purposefully is living without an eternal perspective. Living without thinking what are the things that matters most in life and invest our time and energy on what counts for eternity. One day our lives on earth will end, only what we do that have eternal significance will count. Nothing else will matter.

We must pray that God will teach us to number our days. That is know that every day we live on earth is one nearer to the finish line.

How will you live if you know that you have only 100 days to live?

How will you prioritize your time and energy to do what really matters for the Kingdom of God?

Don’t waste your lives away on things that that don’t matter. Don’t be consumed by world pleasure, distraction, squabbles. Be more productive and be more fruitful for Christ and the kingdom of Christ.

When we live with the end in mind, then we will live with wisdom and make full use of every opportunity to live in the Word and draw strength from Him. Every day is like an army captain receiving a new order from his general to accomplish a new mission. Life will never be boring again. With God, it is always an exciting adventure. Then you will wake up daily with anticipation of what God can do in and through you; when you live with this sense of purpose for Him.


Number 3: I will speak on Destiny.

I wish to suggest that the definition for Destiny is to fulfil the plan and purpose of God for our lives.

Let me explain what destiny is not:

1) Destiny is not human effort.

2) Destiny is not self-improvement and self-help.

3) Destiny is not to become rich, famous and successful. That is human ambition.

But destiny is to become all that God wants you to be and do what God has ordain you to do by His empowerment. Joseph finally came into the position to be able to save many lives during the time of famine, is because of God’s divine purpose on his lives. If we want to be in the place of destiny, then we must allow Him to lead us every day.

We may not know that every trial and difficulty we experienced may be a preparation for the task that God is giving to us to do. Therefore, be encouraged by this, and continue to be faithful in everything you do.

What are the appropriate responses to such a message we hear tonight?

Here are some of my suggestions:

1) The Bible tells us God in Jer 29:11 that He has a plan for our lives. “For I know my plans I have for you. Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plan to give you hope and a future.” Therefore, we seek God persistently to help us to fulfill his plan and purpose for our lives. In Jer 31:3, God promises that when we seek Him, he will show us great and unsearchable things which we do not know.

2) Be led by the Holy Spirit. Rom 8. Be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit because he will lead you to where you need to go.

3) God will lead us on the road and journey of life. When we follow him, then we will be found in doing the right thing, at the right place and time. We must live our lives daily and have the burning desire to be the best we can be by His empowerment.

Starting from tonight, let us develop a deep and desire to seek God. Pray to God, make the man and woman that I am born to become. Let Christ change me to become all that you intended me to be. I do not want to remain the same as I am.

On that final day when we meet the Lord, we can then say that is our God given destiny is to glorify God as much as possible by the life we live and become a blessing to many people.