Summary: In this message we will discover truths of God that will set us free from ANGER. A much needed message in a world today.

Finding Freedom From ANGER

Good morning MGCC!

And welcome to the church of the living Son of God, our resurrected king! AMEN!

And welcome to week 3 of our series…

“Finding Freedom In A World That Seeks To Bind You.”

NOW - our 2 main theme passages are… (and hey, what to you say we memorize them) the following

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free.

Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. – Galatians 5:1

To the Jews who had believed him,

Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching,

you are really my disciples.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free…

So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

– John 8:31,32, 36

NOW.. let me ‘briefly’ recap where we have been so far in this series…

IN WEEK ONE…. we unpacked the path… to Finding Freedom from fear… (fear got any? what are you afraid of? What keeps you up, and wakes you up at night?)

• F - Fear God above all

• E- Evaluate your fear

• A- Attack your fear with God’s truth, and

• R- Remember Always That ‘Whatever Fear’ Is Surrounding You, God Is Surrounding It (God is >!!!)


You do not need to be afraid even when there is something to be afraid of, because Jesus is greater than your fears and He is with you!

AND – last week we unpacked the Path To Freedom From Worry… (worry, anxiety… got any?)

• C- Celebrate God’s Greatness and Goodness

• A- Ask God for help

• L- Leave your anxiety with Him

• M - Meditate on good things

• S - Start doing what you know

AND - Remember…

The path to freedom from worry, calms your storms, bringing the Peace of God into your life

(a peace that transcends, is beyond ALL understanding)

B/L MGCC – God does not want you, He does not want me, He does not want us… to be bound…chained up, enslaved, and held captive by fear and worry.

IN OTHER WORDS – He does not want fear or worry to be ur master.

HEY – checkout these words penned by the apostle Peter in the 2nd chapter of his second letter.

NOW – in this chapter he is warning the first century readers and us, about corrupt teachers who will come into the church, and lead people into false teaching and destructive and immoral ways of living…

They promise them freedom, while they themselves are slaves of depravity—for “people are slaves to whatever has mastered them.” - 2 Peter 2:19

People are slaves to what?

OKAY – here’s the deal…

This series is about you breaking the chains, finding freedom, and telling…

• Fear – “you are not my master!”

• Worry – “you are not my master!”

• Fear, Worry – “you do not control my life, you do not control my thoughts, behaviors and actions”…

• Fear, worry – “you are not the boss of me!”

NOW THIS MORNING… we are going to unpack the path to freedom from… from ANGER.

AND LISTEN – like with both fear and worry, this is an extremely relevant topic for the times in which we live. AMEN?!

SO - just a few verse and then we will pray in our time of study into God’s alive and active Word.

Refrain from anger and give up your rage; do not be agitated—it can only bring harm. – Psalm 37:8

A fool gives full vent to his anger, but a wise man holds it in check. – Proverbs 29:11

Don’t let your spirit rush to be angry, for anger abides in the heart of fools. – Ecclesiastes 7:8

Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. - James 1:20


QUESTION - do you know anyone right now, that seems to be a little bit angry?

Raise your hand. It's crazy out there, right?

NOW - if you don't know anybody that's angry right now, the good news is you're not on Facebook, and you're not on Twitter, because this is probably, would you agree, maybe the angriest time of our lifetime?

I MEAN - people today are angry about so many different things, they are angry about…

• Wearing masks or not wearing masks

• Shutting down or opening up our country

• Acts of injustice, or at the way people are responding to acts of injustice

• Our current election chaos and insanity

• Schools being open or schools being closed

NOW - the word contagious has become a word that we have used more in 202 then any time I can remember.

I MEAN - as we deal with an extremely contagious virus, we’re both doing and being mandated to do, some things that wouldn’t normally do… like wearing masks, practicing social distancing, washing our hands and stocking up on toilet paper

YOU SEE - when something is contagious, you’re going to make some sacrifices and concessions, so you’re not going to accidentally infect somebody that you’re around.

BUT HERE’S - the thing:

The longer we’ve lived with this contagious virus and the rest of the upside down insanity of 2020,

THERE - seems to be something else that is just as contagious that is spreading.

AND IT’S - spreading to our homes, and it’s spreading to our marriages, our friendships, our relationships…

It’s spreading like a virus all across our nation,

AND WHAT - I’m talking about is the infection of anger.

LIKE - we’re just all feeling it, I think. Just a little bit more triggered and angry these days.

AND UNDERSTAND - one person’s anger will trigger another person’s anger. It’s just very contagious.

AND LISTEN – whether you are in this room or watching online with other people, don’t look around the room right now, right? Don’t make eye contact with anybody in the next few moments. But chances are, in the room with you right now, is a carrier, and that carrier is contagious.

That’s the way that anger works.

So Dr. Daniel Goldman explains it this way. He says, “Emotions are actually more contagious than the flu. This dynamic is so powerful that in one study three volunteers sat silently in a circle for two minutes, and at the end of the time, the most emotionally expressive person transmitted his or her mood to the other two without even saying a word.”

He says, “In every such experiment, in every such session, the mood the most expressive person had going in was also the mood of the other two had coming out.” Whether it was happy, bored, anxious or angry, it’s contagious. One person’s anger triggers another person’s anger.

YEAH - there is just a lot of anger out there

NOW - here are a few images I found this week when I went online to yahoo images, and typed the word anger in the search bar… we will hit this images rather quickly.

LISTEN – there is zero doubt or debate about it, we are living in a time filled with extremely angry people.

AND SO - I'm curious, are any of you battling with feelings of anger? Are you easily agitated? I know I am.

AND UNDERSTAND – as with both fear and worry…

ANGER - wants to be your master.

ANGER – wants to control you.

ANGER – wants to control…

your thoughts, your feelings, your perspective, your words your actions, your behavior, your relationships and your life.

AND LISTEN – today 11-15-2020, God is saying to you…

Refrain from anger and give up your rage; do not be agitated—it can only bring harm. – Psalm 37:8

Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. - James 1:20

AND SO – this morning, I want to talk about 4 things that we can do that will empower us to look ANGER dead in the eye and tell it… “Anger, you are not my master, you are not the boos of me!”

HOWEVER – before we dive into those 4 things, I want us to consider 3 preliminary questions…

Is ANGER always wrong?

ANSWER – no. IN FACT - the bible says in Ephesians 4:26;

“In your anger do not sin"

Which means – the issue is not anger in and of itself, but instead it is in the way we express and choose to deal with our anger.

UNDERSTAND - God gave us the capacity to get angry.

AND LISTEN - sometimes anger is the appropriate response to a situation. I MEAN…

• when children are abused, or enslaved, or aborted, or trafficked…

• when violent crimes are committed against the innocent

• when people are mistreated, attacked, suffer injustice or killed because of the color of their skin

• when children are forced to grow up in drug and gang infested neighborhoods and in failing school systems

• when terrorists blow up buildings

• when vulnerable people are neglected and taken advantage of,

• when the name of Jesus is attacked,

• when our brothers and sisters in Christ around the world are persecuted, tortured and killed.

we should, we must get angry.

IN FACT – if those kind of things don’t anger us, we should check our pulse.

QUESTION - did God ever get angry?

YOU BET – he did… at the right things; like sin & injustice.

Did you know that there are over 256 scriptures about God getting angry.

QUESTION – how about when God wore flesh and walked this planet…

LIKE – did Jesus ever get angry?

Absolutely – the most memorable time is when He made a whip, overturned tables, and drove the money changers out of the temple…which we will take a brief look out towards the end of this conversation.

UNDERSTAND - God has given us the capacity to get angry. But it must be managed. It must be controlled.

BECAUSE - anger out of control is very destructive.

ON THE OTHER HAND - anger under control can be an incredible asset…

Martin Luther King Jr in the 1960’s was angry about the injustice that black people were and had suffered in our nation for centuries… AND MLK - used that anger in a righteous and God-honoring way… IT – literally changed this country

SO NO – anger is not always wrong.

QUESTION – have you ever been angry at yourself?

LIKE – have you ever gotten so angry at yourself, that it motivated you to change? “Okay, that’s enough, no more of this…”

AND SO – you started a diet, begin exercising, got rid of a bad habit, took steps to defeat an addiction, worked to improve your marriage or another relationship?

NO – anger is not always wrong…

BUT MANY TIMES – it is very wrong and extremely destructive.


Is ANGER an issue for you?

AGAIN – James says that, “Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires.”

Human anger doesn’t lead you to live the kind of life that God wants you to live.

IT - doesn’t allow you to experience the kind of relationships God wants you to experience. IT - doesn’t let you have the kind of marriage God wants you to have. IT – doesn’t create the kind of community or nation God wants you to live in.

AND SO - as we talk about anger,

I KNOW - that there are some of you in this room or watching at home who are like, “Well, okay. I don’t know what human anger is exactly, but I know that’s not me. Because I don’t yell, and I don’t scream and cuss and call names and throw things across the room.”

AND MAYBE - that’s not what you do when you get angry, BUT MAYBE - what you do is just as damaging.

AND MAYBE - what you do is not going to bring about the kind of life that God desires either. BECAUSE…

INSTEAD OF THAT - kind of extroverted anger,

YEAH INSTEAD OF - that you become manipulative and you express your anger by making yourself the victim and trying to get everyone to feel sorry for you.

OR SOME OF YOU - get angry by getting sarcastic, and you make critical comments and use sarcasm.

AND THEN - that way you can say hurtful things and then hide cowardly behind lines like, “Hey come on, I was just joking. Don’t be so sensitive.”

OR MAYBE – being passive-aggressive is more your thing.

SO LIKE YOU - withhold your affection and encouragement

UNTIL - you get the attention you want.

AND THEN - when someone says, “Hey, is everything okay?” you’ll be like, “Everything’s fine.”

OR FOR YOU - maybe it’s stonewalling.

LIKE - you withdraw from the person. You ignore them, give them the silent treatment.

(Which look…I mean, I would say that.. that’s one of the cruelest expressions of anger in close relationships).

SO YEAH - maybe you don’t have this short fuse that leads to a big explosion, but maybe you’re more like a silent assassin. And you don’t make much noise, but the body count of people who’ve crossed you is pretty significant.

Are there any stages to ANGER?

NOW – this past week I heard about study about the different stages of anger, and I found it to be really helpful.

AND – this particular study talked about 4 stages of anger.

Mild irritation - Provoked frustration

Personal indignation - Uncontrolled rage

The first would be mild irritation, which I know… is kind of where a lot of us just generally live these days.

IT’S - the kids being loud in the house.

IT’S - the charger cord that just mysteriously stops working in the middle of the night.

IT’S - consistently choosing the wrong line at the grocery store.

IT’S – having to go back upstairs because that’s where you left your keys

IT’S - like being in your twenty-seventh Zoom meeting of the day. It’s mild irritation.

AND THAT - leads to stage number two, which is provoked frustration, and it’s a deeper level of intensity.

I MEAN – in this stage it feels like something that is happening to you, is a little more intentional.

It’s a little more ill-willed, right?

Like, mild irritation is somebody pulling out in front of you. Provoked frustration is when the person who pulls out in front of you is driving a Hummer and then, you notice that they’ve have a bumper sticker of the sports team you despise the most. It…it crosses the line.

NOW - here’s the thing about these two stages.

Both of these stages would be considered “thought stages.”

In other words, the anger that you’re feeling…most of that is happening in your head.

You haven’t said anything necessarily.

You haven’t done anything.

But the next stage of anger… is called personal indignation. And this is where it becomes personal.

Like you feel personally attacked or mistreated or disrespected.

AND SO HERE’S - the challenge.

Personal indignation is part of the speech stage.

So these are the thought stages (point to first two stages)

THIS - is the speech stage,

AND THEN - the fourth stage would be uncontrolled rage, which tends to be the action stage.

AND THIS IS WHERE - you can’t help but express your anger, and you say things and do things you thought you would never say and do.

AND SO MGCC - The challenge for us is to stop ‘our anger’

in this area. WHEN - we start to feel the mild irritation and provoked frustration,

UNDERSTAND BEFORE - we get to the speech stage (because our words can be so destructive… Reckless words pierce like a sword… - Proverbs 12:18)

AND – most definitely before we get to the uncontrolled acting out rage stage… We need to stop!

AND LISTEN – so here’s the deal…

WHEN it comes to finding freedom from ANGER that is the word I want us to think of… That 4 letter word STOP.

LIKE – whenever you feel your ANGER advancing from a mild irritation towards having those words spill out into harmful words and destructive behavior…

I want you (and I want us) to think of and to this image.

Which brings us to the 4 keys for you and I finding freedom from anger.

And once again (and I am not sure how long I will be able to do this)…

But once again I have built the keys to finding freedom around an acrostic of a word…

And the word is STOP

S - See Anger As A Very Real Problem

See anger as a big deal, as a real problem… as an extremely destructive behavior.

EVEN THOUGH – even tough, our world today has pretty much come to accept uncontrolled ANGER…

NOT ONLY - as okay.

BUT AS – something to be proud of, something to applaud, something to commend, something to take pictures and videos of and post on social media.

Unfortunately our world today has provided countless images what uncontrolled rage looks like.

UNDERSTAND – regardless of what – our culture, the media, or any political leader says… anger, uncontrolled rage is not okay. NOW – we have already looked at 2 Scriptures that speak to that very thing.

Human anger does not produce the righteousness God desires. - James 1:20

Refrain from anger and give up your rage; do not be agitated—it can only bring harm. – Psalm 37:8

UNDERSTAND MGCC - there is always a cost, a significant cost to human, to unrighteous anger, to uncontrolled rage.

QUESTION – has you uncontrolled, ungodly anger every cost you anything? Has it ever caused harm to other people, even to people that you say you love, leaving damage and ruin in it’s wake of rage?

OKAY – I want you to picture in you’re a time when your rage and anger left behind burned out lives and a heap of ruins?

UNDERSTAND - we're less likely to get angry if we remember that anger is a real problem that always has a heavy price tag attached to it…

NOW - the Bible is very specific about the damage that uncontrolled anger inflicts.

HERE ARE – just a few of the passages that speak to this…

An angry person stirs up conflict, and a hot-tempered person commits many sins. – Pr 29:22

People with quick tempers cause trouble… - Pr 15:18

A quick-tempered person does foolish things… - Pr 14:17

BOTTOM LINE - anger out of control always leaves ruin and destruction in it’s wake...

• Relationships destroyed

• Families torn a part

• Marriages blown up

• A nation overflowing with violence – hatred – bitterness – and division.

YES – we are living in an ever increasing angry world and the costs have been severe…

WHICH IS WHY – to walk the path to freedom we need to STOP, and see that anger is a very real and costly problem.

Costly - to other people, to the country in which we live.

BUT LISTEN – there’s another cost to anger (that I want to mention) – and it’s a ‘huge’ one.

ANGER - damages your relationship with God…

Anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. - James 1:20,21

MGCC – do you see, do you hear what that verse is saying to you? IT’S SAYING – that…

• you will NEVER live the life that God desires for you to live… never!

• IF YOU - are a person who unleashes your anger in unhealthy God dishonoring ways, then your life is full of moral filth and evil, which does not bode will for your relationship with God and needs saving.

MGCC – if you want to find freedom from ANGER you must STOP and see your ANGER as a very real problem.

A problem that has great cost, to other people and to your relationship with God.

NOW BEFORE – we move on to the ‘T’ in the word STOP,

I want to share some teaching of Jesus that underscores that the truth that your anger in mine, is a really, really BIG DEAL.

HEY – before I read it let me ask you, if you think ‘murder’ is a big deal?

OKAY – turn to Matthew 5 verse 21…

This is from Jesus’ teaching on the Sermon on the Mount.

Where says that in His kingdom, His people are called to live at a much higher and deeper level.

You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.

Anyone who takes the life of a human being is to be put to death. – Leviticus 24:17

AND SO – we are like, hey I have not murder anyone, and I did not burn any buildings…

SO – I am doing pretty good.

But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgment.

Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, ‘Raca,’ is answerable to the court.

(raca = an Aramaic term to express contempt… worthless, its using your words to make someone feel undervalued… It may have originated from the sound one makes in is throat to prepare to spit.

In anger I may want to hurt you

In Raca or contempt whether I hurt you or not does not not matter because you are not worth consideration one way of another.

And anyone who says, ‘You fool!’ will be in danger of the fire of hell. – Matthew 5:21-22

Fool = moras… you are so worthless and contemptable, to wrong morally that you are not even worth saving.

Jesus says anger played out is like murder and puts you in dangers of the fires of hell. AND LISTEN – Jesus is not even talking about taking angry actions.

He is talking about what takes place in our hearts when we are angry

He is talking about our response to conflict.

He is talking about restraining our response to anger and yielding to the Spirit of God.

MGCC – when you are in some kind of conflict and you begin to feel anger welling up inside of you…

See Anger As A Very Real Problem

LIKE – do you really want to hurt other people, to cause damage and mess up your relationship with God.

MGCC – we are not of this world we are to live like people of another Kingdom, His kingdom!

T - Take Time To Reflect


Take time to reflect.

Don't respond impulsively.

QUESTION – why is it so important to reflect ‘before’ reacting?

BECAUSE – it gives us the chance to calm down.

YOU SEE - when we get angry this emotional energy pumps into us, it’s a rush of adrenalin…

OUR - whole body goes on alert… hands shake - twitch – eye brows raise…etc.

Blood leaves your brain, making intelligent thinking difficult.

Reflecting - gives us time to think about why we're angry.

It keeps us from saying something stupid and reckless.

UNDERSTAND – before we put our mouth (or our fingers in gear… texting, tweeting, posting, emailing) it’s a good idea to allow our heart and mind to catch up.


STOP – take time to reflect…

TRY - to understand your anger.

LIKE - analyze it, look at it, dig beneath the surface it, and listen this is so important to do, because as we have talked about this before…

ANGER - is a secondary emotion, like, there is always something underneath fueling it.

SO - you could think about anger as, like, a flashing light on the dashboard of your car.

AND SO – when the light begins to flash and it’s telling you that there’s something under the hood that needs your attention.

IN OTHER WORDS - there is something triggering that light, and if you want that light to stop flashing, then you need to address what’s under the hood.

AND SO MAYBE - that’s true for you.

LIKE - you feel angry. (That’s the light.)

BUT - under the hood is fear.

And I know some of you are dealing with a lot of fear right now.

YOU’RE AFRAID - that you’re not going to financially be able to recover from this,

YOU’RE AFRAID - what kind of impact this is going to have on your child.

YOU’RE AFRAID - that all the work that you’ve put into that business or job is going to be for nothing.

AND SINCE - feeling afraid seems weak. It takes a lot of vulnerability to tell someone you feel tat way.

AND SO - instead of surfacing as fear, your fear surfaces as anger.

OR MAYBE - underneath the hood is regret and shame, and during this time you’ve been able to take stock of your life and your priorities and you’ve got some regrets. But those regrets come as anger, and now you’re blaming the people around you for the way things are.

OR MAYBE - under the hood is just fatigue and frustration. I mean, you’re just over all of this (COVID 19, Pandemic, restrictions,

AND SO - you wake up angry.

Like, everything is a source of irritation.

OR MAYBE - under the hood is hurt.

UNDERSTAND – in a relationship, when somebody's been hurt, when they feel, devalued and disrespected, they get angry.

Hurt causes anger.

AGAIN MGCC – when you feel anger building in your heart and mind.

Take time to reflect…. Why am I angry?

• Am I hurt?

• Am I afraid?

• Am I feeling regret and shame?

• Am I just fatigued and frustrated?

NOW BEFORE – we move on, let’s look at the flip side of this - When somebody gets angry at you, rather than focusing on their anger, focus on which of these might be the cause.

• Are they hurt?

• Are they frustrated and fatigued?

• Are they afraid?

• Are they feeling shame and regret?

LET ME ASKED YOU - what’s easier for you deal with (‘their’ hurt, frustration, fear OR their anger?)

TRY – to look behind the anger, see what’s causing it…

AND - once you do that, then you're ready to resolve it in a more God-honoring way.

MGCC – the path to freedom from anger is to STOP!

See Anger As A Very Real Problem

Take Time To Reflect

O – Own your part in the situation/conflict

NOW – to set up this key to finding freedom I want to continue reading what Jesus taught about anger on the sermon on the mount.

“Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift.

LIKE – right in the middle of the most important part of a Jewish person’s relationship with God, bringing their sacrifice, God’s says He wants them - to stop, and to walk out the doors and find the person they are in conflict with and do what they can to make it right.

NOTICE – Jesus doesn’t say who is right or who is wrong.

YOU SEE – this is about owning your part.


If you are ‘part of’ of a conflict, you have a ‘part in’ the conflict.

QUESTION – can you do that? Can you own your part?

I MEAN – even if your part is only 7% can you own 100% of your 7 %. LIKE – can you go to them say…

NOW - for most of us, we become angry because we’re right, we know we’re right, and we want to be recognized as being right. And so there is oftentimes this decision that we have to make—and this is a tough one:

You have to choose between being right and being righteous.

And I know even when I say that, some of you are like, “Well, but I…but I am right.”

And you think about the last argument you were in, the last time there was some tension in relationship—you were right! And everyone you talked to about it and gave them at least your side of things—they all said, “You’re right.”

And so you have to decide, “Am I going to be right, or am I going to be righteous?”

That is what it means to own your part…

It’s about choosing righteousness over being right,

And it about choosing being loving over winning.

Which I think is Jesus point in what he says next I Matthew chapter 5…

Settle matters quickly with your adversary who is taking you to court.

QUESTION – what is your goal, your objective when you go to court? To what… to win.

Do it while you are still together on the way,

Do it before…

or your adversary may hand you over to the judge, and the judge may hand you over to the officer, and you may be thrown into prison. Truly I tell you, you will not get out until you have paid the last penny. – Matthew 23-26

MGCC – the path to freedom from anger is to…

See Anger As A Very Real Problem

Take Time To Reflect

Own your part in the situation/conflict, and…

P – Pursue a different path

Pursue a different path… actually 2 paths laid out by James Jesus’ half brother in James chapter 1 and by Jesus in in Matthew chapter 21…

AND LISTEN – because of time, and also because I want you (that is if you want freedom from ANGER) to actually spend some time thinking about what it would look like for you to walk these paths.

Like what would you do, what changes would you make.

How are you walking or not walking on them now?

MAYBE – talk about your plans to walk these paths with someone else.

A) James path to freedom from anger

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. - James 1:19,20

Path Of James... now, the problem with this path is not that we do not know - it is they we simply do not obey it.

1 - be quick to listen

2 - slow to speak

3 - slow to become angry

B) Jesus path to freedom from anger

NOW – in Matthew 21… Jesus is in the final days before His arrest and crucifixion.

And he goes to the Temple and is angered by what He sees…

AND LISTEN – this encounter teaches us how to be angry like Jesus.

Jesus entered the temple courts and drove out all who were buying and selling there. He overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those selling doves.

They were ripping off the poor…

unfair money exchange, wouldn't accept their sacrifices and made them buy one for them...

“It is written,” he said to them, “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’” The blind and the lame came to him at the temple, and he healed them. – Matthew 21:12-14

Okay, here is how to be angry like Jesus…

1 - Be angry at the mistreatment of other people and the disrespecting of God

Notice that Jesus was not angry about what happened to Him, but what was done to other people.

Question - and, just say 'yes' or type 'yes' online

Was Jesus ever betrayed?

Was Jesus ever hated on and lied about?

Was Jesus ever unjustly persecuted?

Was Jesus ever criticized?

Was Jesus ever let down by others?

But listen, that is not what made Jesus angry

He got angry at what happened to other people and when God and HIS house was dishonored

So, what gets you angry

Next to be angry like Jesus,

2 - Flip tables not people

Now, that table represented the system that was mistreating and taking advantage of the poor.

Now, someone hears that and thinks, okay, now your talking Steve

let go flip some tables

BUT BE VERY CAREFUL Jesus followers, led by the spirit of God and not led by the flesh,

Let's be wise

Let's be careful

Martin Luther King Jr is a great example of what to with anger

LISTEN - today too many people are only flipping people in their anger

3 - Love and heal those who are hurting

Did you notice what happen at the Temple right after the tables were flipped?

"The blind and lame came to Him and He heal them"

Understand Jesus do not just flip tables, but he helped those

- who didn't have the resources

- who were sick and marginalized

Understand there in the middle of his 'righteous anger' He wasn't just a table flipping moment, it was a loving people moment

Man, those who are so angry in our country today need to learn this truth and live it. AMEN