Summary: From a Series: "Getting the Gospel Right"

Title: “Getting the Gospel Right III: Why Preach the Gospel?” Script: Rom. 1:14-17

Type: Series Where: GNBC 1-25-21

Intro: How many times have you heard a master of ceremonies say, “And now it is my pleasure to introduce to you a man who needs no introduction …”? Why are the longest introductions often for those who “need no introduction”? My father in law tells story of famous missionary, Dr. Paul Gibaour, who came and spoke at his German Baptist Church when a teen in Chicago in the 1940’s. Into went on for nearly 30 minutes! Dr. Gibaour came to pulpit: With great solemnity, read the passage, raised his hands: “God bless you. Let’s pray!” A good introduction accomplishes important tasks. It arouses the interest of the audience. It can also build a relationship between the speaker and his audience. This is important if the speaker is not well-known by his audience. The introduction can also acquaint us with the speaker’s message and his method so that we can follow him as he speaks. That’s Paul goal in these first 17 verses.

Prop: Examining Rom. 1:14-17 we’ll see 3 Reasons Why Christians are to Preach the Gospel.

BG: 1. Paul wrote Romans in 57 AD from Corinth. Emperor Nero was 19yrs. Not yet persecuting.

2. Romans is the clearest, most systematic presentation of doctrine in the NT.

3. The “big idea” of the letter is “The Gospel”.

Prop: Let’s examine Rom. 1:14-17 so as to see 3 Reasons Why We Should Preach the Gospel.

I. 1st Reason: The Admission: We Are Under Obligation v. 14

A. The 1st Reason we see is Paul stated he was under obligation to Preach.

1. Paul clearly realized he had a duty, a responsibility to herald the Gospel.

a. “I am under obligation” v. 14 – ophilitace- an ower. An indebted person. (Illust: Hope you all enjoyed your $600 stimulus checks. It will cost your children $5k to pay back!) Have you ever had a mortgage or a car loan? Monthly obligation to bank or mortgage company. May want to go on trip, or out to eat, or purchase extra items, however, in back of your mind you know you first need to have your monthly obligations covered first. Why? Because you owe it! Paul owed a debt, a debt of gratitude to Jesus. He had an obligation to fulfill and that’s why he preached the Gospel.

b. Why did Paul owe a debt to both Romans and Barbarians? Did he have an unpaid bill? Meal? Had ordered some Italian shoes or suits? No! He had come to Christ. Received grace from Christ. Owed a debt to God. Illust: Do you pay your debts? As long as there are those who have not heard we have a debt to the lost. Wonderful old hymn declares this truth: “O to grace how great a debtor daily I’m constrained to be!”

2. Paul stated he was under obligation to 2 Groups.

a. Group 1 – Greeks and Barbarians v. 14a. Washington, DC, is the 1st capitol to be considered a swamp. Rome was a cesspool of vile behavior and immorality. Rome was sin on steroids. We will see next week. Rome was a city of idolatry. It was arrogant. It was the Empire’s center of perversion. One commentator called Rome “the clogged toilet” of morality. Greeks were wise, sophisticated elites. Barbarians – barbarous – play on words – babbles, Couldn’t speak properly to the cultured ears of the elites.. Hicks of the Empire. Looked down on.

b. Group 2 – Wise and foolish v. 14b. Wise- philosophers. Foolish – Barbarians. Paul realized the Gospel has a soul saving message for every group of people the world may ask to divide us into. That’s why the world hates and fears the Gospel. World seeks division, oppression, and slavery, The Gospel brings freedom.

B. As followers of Christ you and I are under obligation to Preach the Gospel.

1. You and I have a duty to herald the Gospel. Look at the verse again. Paul said “I am” under obligation.” He was indicating that he was presently under obligation. You and I are too as long as we are alive. Right now where you are Christian. You and I are obliged to share Christ.

2. The modern Christian is under obligation to engage the culture with the message of Xst.

a. Today we don’t necessarily designate the world into Greeks and Barbarians, however, we certainly to still have “the wise and the foolish” v. 14b.

b. In every culture and every historical time period the Gospel has confronted the culture. During the years of Christ’s ministry, it challenged the mistreatment of the poor. During the Reformation, it drove Martin Luther to condemn the selling of indulgences. During the late 1700s, it inspired William Wilberforce to abolish the slave trade. Today the Gospel confronts the evils of abortion, gender confusion, societal hopelessness. It directly condemns the heresies of Critical Race Theory, Intersectionality, with a true definition of sin and salvation. The message of Christ’s redemptive love and free gift of forgiveness for all has been the force behind centuries of social change. Christians who understand the implications of this gospel can’t help but find ways to apply its principals as they live and work in secular society.

C. Applic: Just as Paul was, you and I are under obligation to proclaim the Gospel.

II. 2nd Reason: The Remission: We Are Eager v.15

A. 2nd Reason: Paul stated that he was Eager to Preach the Gospel.

1. Paul was passionate about proclaiming the message of Christ.

a. It’s one thing to be “under compulsion” so as to do something. It is quite another thing to be “eager” to do that same thing! Illust: I am under compulsion to pay my taxes but I am not eager! I am under compulsion to go to the dentist, but never eager!

b. “I am eager” The word paints a picture of someone leaning forward. Eager – someone who is excited. Someone who wants to learn, to participate, to contribute, to play. Positive connotation. An eager student, eager athlete. Beaver!

2. What was Paul “eager” to do?

a. V. 15 – “preach the Gospel” – 3 words English – 1 in Greek – euanggelizo – to announce Good News, to declare Good tidings. Includes preaching the KOG, preaching Xst, preaching the Gospel, preaching the Word, the Faith.

b. In this Paul was also addressing two potential objections he may have been charged with by the Roman believer. 1st he may have been charged as being arrogant in his thinking going beyond Greek to the Latin regions. Other might have charged him w/arrogance in attempting to instruct those who had already been instructed in the faith. Don’t forget, Paul had never been with this church.

3. Where was it that Paul was eager to Preach?

a. V. 15a – To preach in Rome. His obligation to Christ made Paul eager to preach in Rome. Had not yet been to Rome. Had not been with Roman believers and church. Longed to preach there. Why was he eager to preach in Rome? Rome was strategic! Taking the Gospel to Rome was taking the Gospel to the Empire. Cities influence societies. Rome was the undisputed influencer of the culture of the Empire. Powerful and influential individuals resided in its midst. Illust: Have you ever considered the strategic value IC has? Big 10 University w/35k students. Many will go on to be world influencers. One of largest teaching hospitals in the world. Center of technology. God has strategically placed us here. Must not fear the culture or withdraw from the culture. Rather, we must engage the culture with the Gospel.

b. Works-righteousness always seeks to get ahead, to have a “positive balance” of righteousness on account with God. The righteousness of God, obtained by faith, places one in eternal debt. The righteousness which we receive by faith is that which we do not deserve. We are debtors to God for having received it. We are, and eternally will continue to be, debtors to God’s grace.

B. Like Paul, the Modern Christian Should be Eager to Preach the Gospel.

1. What are you “eager” to do? Many people have what’s called a “Bucket List”. Things want to do before “Kick the Bucket”. Usually consists of travel destinations, thrills, or skills want to develop. Some of the most common items in people’s bucket lists include: Sky dive, Climb mountain, scuba dive, swim w/dolphins! Americans are adrenaline junkies! Not opposed to B-lists. If you are addicted to wanting a rush in life, let me ask you: “Have you ever led another person to Christ?” Biggest thrill of all. Need to be excited about sharing Christ. “But I am scared…” Wait a minute! You are willing to pay $$$ to hurl self out of an airplane at 120 mph! You are willing to die climbing a mountain. You are willing to risk chance of drowning or being killed by wild animals…But you are telling self and others that talking to your neighbor about Jesus is SCARY??? To quote our new President: “Come on man!”

2. Why isn’t the average Christian EAGER to preach the Gospel?

a. Illust: Pastor Steven Lee has written there are 4 Main Reasons why Christians don’t share the Gospel: 1. Lack of Knowledge about the Gospel message – need to learn how to articulate the truth. 2.Apathy. May not want to admit it, but our priorities and lives reveal it. Simply don’t care about others. 3. Fear – What will others think? Some people are paralyzed by the fear of rejection. 4. Lack of Compassion. Is it possible that you have been a Christian so long that you have forgotten what its like to not have hope in this world. We rarely consider that those who do not obey Christ “will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away from the presence of the Lord” (2 Thessalonians 1:9).

b. Illust: About 3-4 years ago we hired a lawn company to come and spray our yard 2x a year. Our yard was full of dandelions and Creeping Charlie. As kids thought it was great fun to pluck a fuzzy white dandelion and blow. At the time, we had no idea causing neighbor’s coronary arrest.. Now as a homeowner despise the things. Dandelions multiply and spread by nature, much like the gospel. News of Christ spread wherever he went (Mark 1:21–28, 40–45; 5:1–20). Despite Jesus’s best efforts to temper the excitement, his fame and healings spread far and wide. Gospel is like dandelion seed. Takes root wherever wind takes it. The gospel travels like that, from person to person, family to family, and community to community. Yet we must be eager vessels.

C. Applic: Paul may not have been master or his circumstances. No one is. However, Paul was master of his purpose and his purpose made him eager to preach the Gospel. Christian, what is your purpose in life? Why have you been redeemed? Are you under compulsion?

III. 3rd Reason: Submission: We Are Not Ashamed. Vv.16-17

*Paul lists 5 Reasons why he was not ashamed of the Gospel.

A. 1st Reason: Because it is the Power of God for Salvation. V. 16 a.

1. The Gospel has power!

a. Paul introduces the explanation for us. “For” – he is about to show us the reason. He is not ashamed of the Gospel “For”, “because”. This is the reason. What is the reason? It is POWERFUL! Salvation is the all inclusive of the Gospel. (Many Christian act ashamed today. Why? Christ save you or not?)

b. power - dunamis – dynamite – Gospel is powerful. Illust: JV McGee said: “The Gospel is both an act and a process. Includes everything from justification to glorification. I am saved. I am being saved. I will be saved. Is limited and yet it is universal. It cuts across every race, religion, and ethnicity. It is from God! That being the case why should anyone be ashamed of the Gospel? Paul wasn’t. Uses a double negative here: “I am not, not, ashamed…” Are you, Christian, NOT, NOT ashamed?

2. The Gospel is the Power for Salvation.

a. Dr. RC Sproul once asked the question: “What does God save us from?” Common answers: Sin, death, hell, self. All of those are truly. However, at most base level. The God saves us from God! From Himself and His wrath against our sin. Friend, we need to be saved by God, saved from God, saved to God, and saved for God! Amen?! The Gospel is powerful to save? Friend, do you think you have done to many wrong things to be saved? Hardly!

b. Nothing and no one else but the Gospel of Jesus Christ saves.

B. 2nd Reason: Because it is God’s Promise for all People. V. 16b

1. The Gospel is for everyone who believes. No distinction. Jew first and then the Gentile. It is universal yet it is also limited to only those who will believer. Free will and election are in this. Now this passage does not mean that the Jews have priority to receive the Gospel before Gentiles are allowed to hear. No. Rather, instead of priority, I believe this passage is speaking chronologically. The Jews heard the Gospel first. Acts 2, Day of Pentecost, was a Jewish meeting. The Gospel went first to the Jews. Acts 13:46 Luke quotes Paul: ““It was necessary that the word of God be spoken to you (Jews) first. Since you repudiate it and consider yourselves unworthy of eternal life, behold, we are turning to the Gentiles.”

2. You and I have absolutely no right to quietly sit on the Gospel! Dying world that needs to hear the Gospel! Churches have no right to remain closed! Need to be proclaiming the Gospel!

C. 3rd Reason: “It is God’s Provision of Righteousness” v. 17a

1. The Gospel is a righteousness that comes from God. It is not man’s righteousness. It is an imputed righteousness. This righteousness is created by Jesus Christ. Every person desperately needs the righteousness of God. Isaiah says that man’s righteousness is as filthy rags. The forgiveness of sin removes the pollution of sin. Forgiveness takes away the negative. However, we need the addition of the positive. The positive is the righteousness of Christ. God’s righteousness puts us into Christ. We have no righteousness in the law, but rather faith. (Phil 3:9)

2. righteousness – 92x in NT, 36 x in Romans. Means – right – justice. Antonym of sin. Sin means we are wrong! It is a righteousness that God commands and supplies.

D. 4th Reason: “It is God’s preservation of Faith” v.17b –

1. Look at that little phrase “from faith to faith”. Interesting. What’s it mean? The Gospel is received and applied by faith from start to finish. From faith to faith. I received and applied it by faith and will continue to and will end in faith. Illust: Back on March 10, 1966 doctor in MGH said: Congratulations Mrs. Arch, you have a baby boy. (That’s when doctors still knew there were only 2 sexes. Now we have Sec. of Health who doesn’t even know what sex he is!) Anyway, why did that doctor whack me? I wasn’t old enough to have done anything wrong! Well, he whacked me so as to get me to take first big breath. When he did, I started to breath in oxygen and you know what, to this point have never stopped breathing the stuff! That’s how it is for the Christian, from faith to faith from start to finish, beginning to end!

2. Ilust: “Noah fell down many times inside the ark, but Noah never fell out of the ark!” II Pet. 2:5 says: ” if he did not spare the ancient world when he brought the flood on its ungodly people, but protected Noah, a preacher of righteousness, and seven others…” later in v. 9 of that passage says: “if this is so, then the Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to hold the unrighteous for punishment on the day of judgment.”

E. 5th Reason: It is God’s Proclamation in Scripture v. 17c

1. v.17 is quoting from Hab. 2:4. It is quoted in Romans 2x, Galatians and Hebrews. It is the theme of both Testaments. It is summarized in the Gospel. Justification by faith means that the sinner is not only pardoned, but he or she is complete before God. If the penalty is not paid God will not violate His righteousness.

2. Habakkuk had protested to God that Judah was corrupt, that God’s Law was ignored, and that justice was swallowed up by violence and wickedness (Habakkuk 1:1-4). He asked God why He had not come to save His people (1:2). God responded, in a way that Habakkuk never imagined (1:5-11). God was going to chasten His people with a strong and cruel people—the Chaldeans. God’s answer was extensive. We shall only refer to a portion of His response. He assured Habakkuk that God’s plan was fixed, certain, and coming without delay (in spite of his protest—see 2:2-3). The proud soul, God said, is “not right” (2:4a). This might have included Habakkuk, as well as the Chaldeans. But the righteous man, God said, must live by his faith (2:4b). As I understand these words, God was telling Habakkuk that he would have to live his life, day by day, by faith. He might not see the day of Israel’s restoration and blessing, but by faith he must believe God’s promises would be fulfilled. So it is for the New Testament saint as well. All who are justified by faith must continue to live by faith.

F. Applic:

Why do we preach the Gospel?

1. Because we are under obligation!

2. Because we are eager!

3. Because we are not ashamed!