Summary: Dr. Martin Luther King "If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living will not be in vain". Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable “behavior that is morally justifiable or right.”

Are You Righteous or Religious?


Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr.

OPENING: - A couple of weeks ago I did a message titled “What Kind of Spirit do you Have”? I love how God sends and uses confirmation. My brother Mark also has been dealing with something very similar and dealing with the Pharisaical spirit operating in the church.

Understand that there is nothing better than a church that is socially aware of what is going on and that is truly guided by biblical principles, that dedicate themselves to the Word of God and prayer. It would utterly foolish to even imply that churches and their belief systems are the root of the problem let me clarify that in the beginning.

Churches are necessary and useful for the social and spiritual health of God's people. However, we must understand that Churches, and their doctrines, can become an idol and operate under a pharisaical spirit; when we try to make our rituals and regulations equal to God. That was the problem with the Pharisees they were putting more emphasis on the rituals and outward appearances than with inward transformation and relationship. So much so that Jesus called the “White-Washed Tombs full of Dead Bones”.

Today I am going to ask a simple question “Are You Righteous or Religious”?


STATISTICS: - The George Barna Research Institute conducted a survey that revealed something about religious life in America. According to the survey: 94 percent of Americans claim to believe in God. Amazingly out of that 94 %, only 45% said that they attend some form of worship on a regular basis. Regular meaning at least once a month. Then of that 45%, only 4 percent said they actually practice their faith daily.

QUESTION: - If 94% of people believe in God but only 4 percent practice their faith what are the other 90% of the people actually practicing? I would venture to say RELIGION.

Religion is defined as “an organized system of beliefs, ceremonies, and rules used to worship a god or a group of gods.” HMMM SOUNDS FAMILIAR. That definition literally almost makes anything a religion. Atheism – the belief that there is no God is a religion. Buddhism – the belief in a false god is a religion. Hinduism – the belief in many gods is a religion. Some can believe in a television show or performer and that is their god therefore that becomes their religion. I heard someone say once that they practiced the religion of Jediism because they believed that the force was in them. WOW - for those that may not know a Jedi is the main protagonists (the leading character or one of the major characters in a drama, movie, novel, or other fictional text) of the Star Wars Movie franchise, they are fictional characters in a movie and to develop a religion out of that and anything other than Jesus Christ is sin. Romans 14:23 says “And he that doubteth is damned if he eat, because he eateth not of faith: for whatsoever is not of faith is sin”.

Righteousness is the quality or state of being morally correct and justifiable “behavior that is morally justifiable or right.” It can be considered synonymous with "rightness" or being "upright".

The Greek New Testament word for “righteousness” primarily describes conduct in relation to others, especially with regards to the rights of others in business, in legal matters, and beginning with relationship to God. It is contrasted with wickedness, the conduct of the one who, out of gross self-centeredness, neither reveres God nor respects man. The Bible describes the righteous person as just or right, holding to God and trusting in Him Psalm 33:18–22.

To be righteous, in biblical language, is to be right or pleasing to God. Pleasing God involves keeping His commandments.

Religion can be external, but Righteousness is internal, real, and always from the heart.

Many people today insist that the righteousness is the righteousness of Christ which clothes every believer by imputation. It is true that because we are imputed with the righteousness of Christ, we are seen in God’s eyes as having a righteousness that far, far exceeds the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees because the blood of Christ covers ours sins.

SCRIPTURE: - Luke 10:25 – 37 “And, behold, a certain lawyer (an interpreter & teacher of the Law of Moses) stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law?(Jesus was asking him, this teach and interpreter of the Law – What does the Word of God say? ) how readest thou (then He said who readest you or basically How are you interpreting what has been written)? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, (See he knew the religious lingo, he knew how to go through the routine, He knew how to say giving honor to God who is the head of my life, pastor minister saints and friends) Thou hast answered right: this do, and thou shalt live. (Jesus lets him know you have the form down correctly as so many stuck in religion do) But he, willing to justify himself, said unto Jesus, And who is my neighbour? (This is the spirit of self -Righteousness it’s all about me) And Jesus answering said, A certain man (now remember when the Bible says Certain man or Certain woman it deals with the atmosphere or circumstances surrounding that person – it’s different then saying a man named Job that deals with the character and action of a person) went down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among thieves, which stripped him of his raiment, and wounded him, and departed, leaving him half dead. And by chance there came down a certain priest that way: and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side. And likewise, a Levite, when he was at the place, came and looked on him, and passed by on the other side. But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed, came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him, and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him, Take care of him; and whatsoever thou spendest more, when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, He that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, Go, and do thou likewise”.

The Good Samaritan as this is so often called is literally an oxymoron because in ancient Jewish culture there was no such thing as a "Good Samaritan”. The Samaritans were considered a lower class of Jew and they were literally shunned by the Jewish people. The religious people looked down on them with great disdain and contempt – sounds much like religious people today. The story of the Good Samaritan is a great illustration of the righteousness of God verses the religious aspect. There is a man lying in the road who has been a victim of violence. Let’s bring this into a more modern aspect the man/woman was a victim today of homelessness, drug and/or alcohol abuse, homosexualism, and a cornucopia of any other unfortunate circumstances today.

The question is not if we see the beaten man, a homosexual, a transient, dirty, smelling, alcohol or drug induced crazy person. The question is are we willing to stop what we’re doing and come their aid and help their need – which is to meet Jesus. Are you willing take a minute out of your day to minister to a stranger, a friend, a family member? Are you willing to show the love of God to someone who needs it? Are you willing to put self, religion, and whatever else might be hindering you aside, and change somebody’s life forever? You never know. The life you change might be your own. It is in the moment that you face these situations that you will find out whether you are religious or righteous.

There were three men traveling along the road from Jerusalem to Jericho that day that encountered the one lying on the side of the road near death. 3 represents fullness Past, Present, Future Death, Burial. Resurrection, Father, Son, Holy Spirit.

The first man to pass that way was a priest, a religious leader who must have been fully aware of the Mosaic laws dealing with mercy for those in distress. Micah 6:8 says “He hath showed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God”? This man who had ecclesiastical status and possibly a title. He could have worn the color purple and a white collar, called today Bishop or any other sought-after title. He possibly could preach to great multitudes of people, have books, tapes, and a television ministry seen around the world. Nevertheless, the priest passed by on the other side of the road didn’t even bother to really look at him. He didn’t bother to be on the same side of the street none the less to touch him and have mercy upon him. Possibly feeling he would have become ritually and ceremonially unclean and therefore unable to perform his religious functions if he had stopped and taken time to deal with the need that was placed before him – that’s a good excuse. Religiously he had it together titles, when he entered the assembly probably people stopped what they were doing and stood until he took his seat clapping as he walked down the aisle while his armour bearer carried his suitcase and could preach a message that pleased people to the fullest - but Righteously how he intreated others which is pleasing to God was gone.

The second man to come was a Levite a member of the Tabernacle/Temple that assisted the priest in fulfilling the duties of the church. This man at least looked at the man before passing him by. Possibly a member of the Praise team and/or deacon board. He understands and knows how the flow of church goes. They know the lingo when to say Hallelujah and Amen. They know how to make the atmosphere exciting and stir people up through a spirit of entertainment and call it worship, yet he passed the man by which would have been true worship for Jesus said what you have done unto the lease you have also done unto me. Unfortunately, like so many so-called religious people today they may say the right prayers at the right time in the right way, but they don’t address the deeper problems that people are facing. Because they’re just going through the motions of ritual and regulation.

Religion caused these first 2 people to look like they were the help this man needed. The literally had the form godliness but the power to Love, help, have Mercy, compassion and understanding on the hurting was nowhere to be found.

I can only imagine this man was lying on the side of the road in his condition hoping that someone would help him and when he saw the priest with all his ecclesiastical garb on no doubt he felt surely help is on the way. But when the priest saw him he passed by on the other side of the road no doubt this man felt despair, loneliness, and hopelessness.

No doubt when he saw the Levite come he may have said to himself ok the pastor, priest, Bishop etc. was to busy to help me surely this man will help and when he saw the man pass by again he felt hopelessness, despair, rejection, and loneliness.

The 3rd person was the Samaritan. Remember the Samaritans were considered a lower class of society and they were literally shunned by other Jewish people. They looked down on them with great disdain and contempt. They didn’t meet the status quo of society, they didn’t dress the way the other church folk dressed, they didn’t baptize the way we do or church the way we do. This person doesn’t have it like we have it so they can’t possibly be saved or righteous. They have a band and not a praise team. They wear blue-jeans and not suits to church. He is a Samaritan, the distained of society! A Samaritan the ones that weren’t like the others because they didn’t have it the way we did. A Samaritan had compassion that moved his heart and ushered him into the ranks of righteousness. He is considered Righteous not because he could quote scripture, not because he had ecclesiastical status but because of what he did to others. Look what he did 1st he came where he was: and when he saw him, he had compassion on him, And went to him. He got out of self and went to the low, forsaken, beaten, dirty, rejected. 2nd he and bound up his wounds, pouring in oil and wine, and set him on his own beast, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him. And on the morrow when he departed, he took out two pence, and gave them to the host, and said unto him. He took of his own stuff and took care of the man himself. Then he even stayed with him because the Bible says And on the morrow the next day he departed and paid for his care.

Now understand this is not to say works is how we obtain Righteousness, but there is a key word or phrase in this and that is “he had compassion on him”. A general definition of compassion is sympathy and concern for the sufferings of others and a desire to alleviate such suffering. The Hebrew and Greek words translated as "compassion" in the Bible speak to having mercy or being moved with sympathetic pity. Compassion motivates people to go out of their way to help the physical, mental, or emotional pains of another and themselves. The compassion we are called to is not emotive only but is a call to action. True compassion encompasses both a gut level feeling of sympathy and pity as well as positive action taken on our part to relieve the suffering. One of the most compassionate acts we can do is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with those who do not know Him so that they might be restored to fellowship with Him.

Dr. Martin Luther King "If I can help somebody as I pass along, then my living will not be in vain".

Matthew 25:40 says, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me”.

So many times, we get caught up in being Religious we forget that it is about Righteousness.

I am going to give some comparisons between Religious & Righteous and you need to self-examine yourself and see Are you Righteous or Religious.

Religious Righteous

Religion sees people as the enemy Righteousness sees sin as the enemy

Religion results in words Righteousness results in works

Religion focuses on the external – dress code, church membership, Righteous focuses on the internal Love Mercy Justice and Compassion

Religious is based on our efforts Righteousness based on God efforts

Religion says come to church and serve Righteousness says go into the world and serve

Religion says, Here’s a rule for you. Do these things and God will love you Righteousness says enter into relationship with the Savior of mankind

Religion says get rid of this and change that then you can be saved or attend this church Righteousness come as you are

Ask yourself am I Righteous or Religious!!!

CLOSING: - Oftentimes people can, and do, worship their system of religion rather than God. Unfortunately, we can be faithful to the Church without being faithful to God. We can be religious without being righteous and we can confuse religious practices and ceremonies with loving God and being righteous. We can do all the religious churchy stuff thinking God is pleased by outward pretense and obedience and say I’m on my way to heaven and I’m so glad. However, we must understand God will not be part of any system for He is the System. He does not endorse a denomination for the Body of Christ is not a denomination, but a living breathing organism. We must be holy for He is Holy, we must love our neighbors as ourselves, we must have compassion on those souls that are hurting and facing eternal separation from God for all eternity because someone had compassion on us.

WATCH THIS:- A religious rule, doctrine, practice, principle, or command can be observed with no heart at all it simply is a form of godliness but has no power. Then adding to the confusion, outward religion looks and feels like the real thing. People who are religious, but not righteous, does not understand the role of the heart and the true meaning of compassion. To them, serving God is about outward obedience. They see themselves as doing all the right things: they dress the right way, they know the lingo, understand the flow of church, they have the right doctrines, possess the right gifts, carry the right bible, and they keep the commandments, but it is all superficial.

God will have no part of superficial religion. Proverbs 21:3 NLT says, “The LORD is more pleased when we do what is right and just than when we offer him sacrifices”. Don’t get me wrong doctrinal beliefs are important but if the practice of those beliefs is not accompanied by righteousness then that religion is worthless, and all the labor is in vain. As the verse just said the Lord is pleased when we do right not with sacrifices.

If we offer the Lord religion without righteousness, He will have none of it. This is why Cain’s offering was not accepted by God because he wasn’t righteous.

If God must choose between righteous integrity and outward religion, God will choose righteous integrity, every time. He demands truth in the inward parts.

A righteous heart is a good heart, that is willing to listen, to change, and to love God. A righteous person knows his favor with God has been purchased with blood; his religious practices flow from the heart, and they keep the rules because they love God. A righteous person knows, it is not the rules, but the Cross that has made them right with God. They know apart from the Cross, their works are as filthy rags. A righteous person, in order to please

God, never puts their trusts in a church, a preacher minister, religious practices, or religious ceremonies. The righteous know imputed righteousness is a gift and rejoice in the grace of God. They approach God with a good and thankful heart; they love God for God has shown them mercy and they show mercy.

You must ask yourself the question Am I like the Priest and the Levite or Am I like the Good Samaritan?

Maybe you have drifted towards religion. Maybe you have always lived there. Maybe you have been hurt by religious people masquerading as Christians. Maybe you want to know how to love God more intimately and follow Jesus more passionately. Regardless, the dividing lines between Religion and Righteousness are clear.

Bishop Melvin L. Maughmer, Jr.