Summary: All of the Patriarchs of the Old Testament were grandparents, and practically every famous person in the Bible was a grandfather or grandmother. Every person in the genealogy of Jesus was a grandparent.

Professor Gordon Rupp, the British historian, was asked how

the church could survive the decades of persecution and

communist propaganda in Russia. His answer was, "It's largely

due to grandparents." The communists made the big mistake of

thinking that because the church was only full of old people it had

no future. They failed to realize that grandparents have an impact

on their grandchildren. The old Russian grandparents passed

their faith on to their grandchildren, and that is why there is a new

revival of Christianity in Russia.

We often look at the masses of youth in our schools and

colleges and say that they are our future, and it is truly so, but let

us not forget that our future is also in the past because the older

people pass on their old values and faith to those masses of youth.

Paul recognized this in the life of young Timothy. He loves

Timothy dearly, but he recognized that his gifted young Christian

servant was not merely a product of his own making. He had a

heritage that went back to grandma Lois. She was the one who had

faith in God, and she passed that faith on to her daughter Eunice,

and together they instilled it in Timothy. He was not a self-made

man. He was a product of a godly heritage that came to him from

his grandmother.

The Bible is filled with grandparents. All of the Patriarchs of

the Old Testament were grandparents, and practically every

famous person in the Bible was a grandfather or grandmother.

Every person in the genealogy of Jesus was a grandparent. The

grandfather of Jesus is mentioned 3 times. A major portion of the

Bible was written by grandfathers. But Lois is the only person in

the Bible actually given the label of grandmother. There is one in

the Old Testament given the name grandmother as well. Her name

was Moaca the grandmother of King Asa, but she was a bad

example. So Lois is the only named grandmother in the Bible with

a positive influence.

Her grandson Timothy is one of the major New Testament

servants of God, and Paul's two letters to him are a major part of

the New Testament. We do not know a lot about Lois, but her faith

touched her family, and through her family has touched all of

history. She became an ideal example of the value and influence of

grandparents, and on this grandparents day we want to focus on

the role they play in God's plan for the family. It is of interest to

note that the Greek word for grandmother is mamme. It is very

close to mommy, and from which we get the term of respect, which

is mom.

Grandparents should be addressed with terms of affection and

respect. A Swedish proverb says, "Where there is a grandmother

in the house the children always have a friend." In a world where

children in greater numbers than ever have to endure the trials of

divorced parents, and multiple kinds of abuse, the grandparents

often are the glue that keeps together any semblance of continuity.

If kids loose the present, but still have a pass to tie into, they can

bridge the gap to the future, but rob them of their grandparents

too and they are cut off and abandoned. That is why the courts in

recent years have given grandparents the right of visitation so that

no matter how messed up the parents are, the children can still

develop a healthy relationship to grandma and grandpa.

Rita Fuentes received this letter from her grandson that

illustrates the impact of grandparents, and one way we can let

them know of our love.

"Dear Nana and Pop-pop:

I was reading a book written by one of my favorite poets, Rod

McKuehn, and all of the sudden the phone rang. Immediately I

scanned my desk top for some kind of bookmark and settled on a

wallet-sized photo of you two from 1983.

After finishing my phone conversation, I opened the book and

saw those two familiar faces saving my place. And then it occurred

to me that the two of you have been saving a place for me for a

long time now.

So basically, in celebration of Grandparents Day, I decided to

let you know that I have a special place saved in my heart for both

of you."

When the Star Tribune back in 1991 asked for letters of

affection from 11 thousand students they did not write about

boyfriends and girlfriends, or even about mom and dad, but mainly

about grandparents. One of the main values grandchildren love is

the escape from legalism they experience in their home.

Grandparents will often let rules slide. This is called spoiling the

grandkids, but it is great fun for everyone involved. When I was a

young boy I was not allowed to drink coffee, but grandma would

put a little in the bottom of a glass and then fill it up with milk. I

felt proud to be able to drink coffee at grandma's house. There is

no such rule there about no cookies before supper. All of the

forbidden treats are available at any time at grandma's house.

It is part of the fun of the young and the old to escape for a

while from the legalism of everyday life. It makes grandparents

feel like liberators. Freedom is a gift that grandparents give to

children. They need the discipline of rules and consistency that

parents give them, but they also need to taste the freedom to

explore, which grandparents often allow on a different level than

they get at home. Grandparents help them see the bigger picture

of their mom and dad. They are adults who were once children

and they did a lot of crazy things as kids too. Grandparents tell

about all of the silly pranks of their parents. This is great fun and

gives the kids perspective. They also know they are loved when

they blow it, for blowing it is part of the family tradition.

In the Old Testament there were cities of refuge where guilty

people could run to for protection. Many children see the home of

their grandparents as their city of refuge. Even the guilty need a

place to flee to where they can be accepted in their guilt until they

can work out their problem, and grandparents can provide this

refuge. I can remember running across the field to grandmas

house when I felt rejected at home.

Grandparents focus on making life fun for children, and teach

that being spiritual and committed to Christ does not mean a loss

of enjoyment and pleasure. They do not demand as much as

parents, but give a lot out of sheer grace, and ask nothing in

return. They illustrate the love of God who gave His Son while we

were still sinners. The free gifts of love from grandparents leads to

a sense of gratitude in grandchildren. They have to get into their

20's or 30's before they fully appreciate all that mom and dad have

done for them, but they can feel it early toward grandpa and

grandma, and that leads them to want to do what pleases their

grandparents. Grandparents provide an alternate atmosphere for

children. They do not carry the daily burden of raising children,

and so they are more free to provide an atmosphere of more fun.

Millet, the French artist, who gave us the Angelus and The

Man With A Hoe, and some 20 other works that are in the Louvre

in Paris had a godly grandmother. At his wedding she said to him,

"Remember my Francois, that you are a Christian before you are

a painter. Never sacrifice on the altar of Baal." He promised he

would not use his gift for any evil, and he kept that promise to his

grandmother. Her standards became his, and like Lois, she passed

on her faith to her grandson.

I read of Darwin Carlisle, the girl who refused to die. Her

mother abandoned her at age 9 and left her in an unheated attic

for several days. When she was found her legs were so frostbitten

they had to be amputated. Here was a case where great grandma

took over. She was fitted with artificial legs, and great grandma

went to court to get custody. She gave her great encouragement to

overcome her handicap, and in two months Darwin was roller

skating and riding a bike. You can never underestimate the

influence of grandparents.

Grandparents have gone through many hardships and yet

because they are faithful in their faith they have a great impact on

children. I can remember my grandmother, who had 9 children

and who labored from morning till night on the farm, still having

time to be faithful in her Bible reading. She even continued to play

Christian music on the organ into her 90's. Her faithfulness to the

Lord and the church had a great impact on me, for she was an

example of persistence in faith. You do not just serve the Lord

while you are young, and then back off as you get older. You

persist in faith and the labor of love all of your life. This poem by

an unknown author fits my grandmother perfectly, and many

others as well.

Grandmother, on a winter's day,

Milked the cow and fed them hay,

Slopped the hogs, saddled the mule

And got the children off to school;

Did the washing, mob the floors,

Washed the windows, and did some chores,

Cooked a dish of home-dried fruit,

Pressed her husband's Sunday suit,

Swept the parlor, made the bed,

Baked a dozen loaves of bread,

Split some fire wood, and lugged in

Enough to fill the kitchen bin;

Cleaned the lamps and put in oil,

Stewed some apples she thought would spoil;

Cooked a supper that was delicious

And afterward washed up the dishes;

Fed the cat and sprinkled the clothes,

Mended a basket full of hose;

Then opened the organ and began to play,

"When you come to the end of a perfect day."

I have known Christians who are very embarrassed by the

antics of their grandparents when they get so old that their arteries

harden. They begin to do things they have never done in their

lives. One old godly gentleman began to swear, and he had never

used such language in his life. His daughter was mortified, but I

assured her that everyone who knew his godly history would

recognize that this is the result of his loss of control due to old age.

It is not a sign that he is rejecting his faith. A quiet talk with the

man revealed he was persisting to the end in his faith, and this

deviation from it in his language was not a matter of choice.

The example of persistence is a powerful influence on

grandchildren, and if old age weakens that appearance of

persistence grandchildren need to realize that this is a matter

beyond the control of the person they love. Most of my family

were not Christians when I was a child. It was my grandmother's

faith that influenced me, and then through me touched my parents.

My personal experience confirms history and Scripture.

Grandparents make a major difference in this world for the

kingdom of God.

Margaret Mead, the world renowned author, wrote, "The

closest friends I have made all through life have been people who

also grew up close to a loved and loving grandmother or

grandfather." This was true for Paul and his dear friend Timothy,

and it is our responsibility as grandparents to make it true for

those who befriend our grandchildren. We need to pass on our

faith so that our grandchildren can pass it on again to the next
