Summary: The goal of God is peace. He is the God of peace, and He sent the Prince of Peace to achieve that goal on the cross. Jesus did achieve it, and now in Him we are to be a people of peace.

I have a good number of books by Norman Vincent Peale, and almost every one of them has a

chapter on peace. The reason is, Peale appeals to the masses and peace is a topic that has universal

interest. Dante, centuries ago said, "I am seeking for that which every man seeks-Peace." Peace of

mind drugs are the most popular, for that is one way man can generate his own peace. For many,

their only hope to cope is dope.

Much, if not most, of the social turmoil of our culture is due to a hunger for peace, which is

sought for in all the wrong places. According to Ronald Hutchcraft, the Director of Youth for Christ

in New York and New Jersey, wrote, " in the next thirty minutes-

57 kids will run away from home.

29 children will attempt suicide.

22 girls under 19 years of age will receive an abortion.

14 teenage girls will give birth to an illegitimate baby.

685 teens will use some form of narcotic.

These tragic statistics reveal that we are a nation in perpetual war. The spiritual battle between

light and darkness is everywhere and one of Satan's greatest weapons is to get people to think they

can find peace in tranquilizers. The problem is he has a point. False and fake peace does have an

element of reality. Tranquilizers work because they reduce or eliminate the inner reaction to

stressful stimuli. They do not change the environment in which you have to live. They change your

response to it and this makes a world of difference. If you do not respond to what is negative and

disturbing with panic, fear, or anxiety you can have some measure of peace in spite of these

negatives. This is an imitation of what the Holy Spirit does in our lives when we let him produce the

fruit of peace in us. He does not change the environment and rid it of stress and conflict. The

Christian has to live in the same fallen world with everyone else.

Ronald Hutchraft in his book on peace, Peaceful Living in a Stressfull World, tells of the testing

of his peace as he wrote that book. He wrote,

"No sooner had I made a commitment to insist on peace than stress

brought out the heavy artillery.

My wife has had three dangerous illnesses in the last nine months

The staff for whom I am responsible went through a major upheaval.

Our daughter started high school.

Our son started junior high school with a badly broken arm.

We faced a decisive deadline in the legal tangle due to an accident.

Paychecks for our staff were delayed.

The kitchen floor and the back stairs fell apart.

"All these surprises came in right on top of my already relentless

schedule full of speaking, counseling, managing, radio, nonstop

meetings, and daddying. The peace has stood the test. To be sure,

my old high-pressure, high-pitched responses still surface, but I

retreat quickly to the new peace I have chased and found. This

tranquility is anything but theoretical or passive. It is the product

of a daily insistence that we choose the peace alternative."

His testimony is typical of many. The Christian does not escape the external turmoil of life in a

fallen world. But he can escape the internal reaction that robs him of peace. The world's imitations

do work for awhile, and they are a temptation. That is why we are told, "Be not drunk with wine but

be filled with the Spirit." Wine can help you relax and not feel as full of anxiety, but you have to

deal with the after effects which can be worse than the problem you sought to escape. Peace

purchased in this way is not worth the cost for in the end peace will be lost. The peace of God does

not come with the risks of negative after effects.

What the Bible makes clear is that we can cooperate with the Holy Spirit is the growing of this

fruit. David says in Psalm 34:14 "seek peace and pursue it." You do not sit on your couch and hope

it will fall into your lap. Peace is a matter of activity. You go in search of it. It is like game. You

have to go hunt to find it and possess it for your own. When David wrote this he was being pursued

by Saul, and was the no.1 most wanted man in the nation. He was a fugitive running for his life

under great stress. Yet he says seek peace and pursue it. The Apostle Peter writing to Christians

going through tough times remembers these words of David. He quotes them for Christians under

stress in IPet.3:10-11, "Whoever would love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil

and his lips from deceitful speech. He must turn from evil and do good, he must seek peace and

pursue it."

Seeking peace and actively pursuing it is one of the major obligations of the Christian life. It is a

sin to let the world be in control of your emotional system. The Christian is to make the pursuit of

inner peace one of the major goals of life. Without this fruit of peace the Christian cannot be truly

Christlike and obey the laws of love. In IPet.3:8-9 we read, "Finally, all of you, live in harmony with

one another; be sympathetic, love as brothers, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with

evil or insult with insult, but with blessing...." This passage comes just before his urging them to

seek peace and pursue it. Without inner peace the Christian cannot do these things so essential to the

true Christian life. The Christian will respond just like the natural man without the fruit of the Spirit.

His peace will keep them in control so they do not react to evil and insult with the same. Internal

peace is the key to external peace. Where men are filled with war within there will be war without.

Only the fruit of peace can produce peace in a world of war.

Blessed are the peacemakers said Jesus, for they will be called the sons of God. Why? Because

they are obviously of a different blood line than mere men who are ever war-like. Only God's kids

can achieve peace in a war zone like this fallen world. If you want people to know you are a child of

God, one of the most conspicuous ways of doing so is to be a peacemaker.

It is not natural not to want to live in peace with all men. It is unnatural to want to forgive

offenses and not seek revenge. You seem like some sort of a freak if you don't hate your enemies,

but pray for them instead. A peacemaker is not a conformist to what is natural and normal. They

are as conspicuous as a pro basketball player at a midget festival. They stand out as unique, for they

are like the man found beaten by the Good Samaritan, going to the priest and Levite who left him to

die, and contributing to their ministry. That is the kind of thing the peacemaker can do, because he

has the fruit of the Spirit-peace. Peace is the ability to respond to evil with good. This is the peace

of God which passes understanding.

Let's face reality, there is not a lot of this going around, and the reason is very few Christians are

surrendered to the Holy Spirit. Most all Christians are quenching the Spirit to some degree. That is

why we need to back up the fruit of the Spirit with natural techniques. It is a matter of damage

control. When we fell to be Spirit filled we need to have a net of safety to fall into. Christian leaders

who fall and bring disgrace to the Christian faith do so because they depend to much on their

Spiritual life alone. They do not develop natural methods for backup. Then when they quench the

Spirit and have to depend on their own resources they fall.

The whole idea of pursuing peace is to get Christians to realize they have to play an active role in

their own success. They have to learn to balance themselves like a child on a bike, so when dad let's

go they can continue to move forward and not fall. God sometimes lets go because we grieve the

Holy Spirit, and if we have not learned to go on our own we will fall. This means it is possible to be

too spiritual. That is, we can so depend on spirituality that we do not develop any natural gifts, and

then when we fell spiritually we are in deep trouble.

Paul is the one who tells us of the fruit of the Spirit, but he is also the one who urges us to labor

like mad and put forth all the natural effort possible. In Rom.14:19 he writes, "Let us therefore

make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification." Won't the Holy Spirit just

do this for us? No more so than He will grow fruit in your garden if you never plow it, cultivate it,

or water it. Fruit is a joint adventure of God and man. If man does not cooperate the fruit is not

grown at all, or is very inferior. In Eph.4:3 Paul writes, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the

Spirit through the bond of peace." Does Paul mean that if Christians do not make every effort the

unity of the body can fall apart, and peace be lost? That is what precisely what Paul is saying, for he

has seen it often, and it has been recorded all through history. Christians who do not put forth efforts

to be peacemakers do not contribute to the peace of the world, or the body of Christ.

Paul writes in Col.3:15, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one

body you were called to peace." Every Christian has a calling from God. It is a call to be channels

of His peace. We need this fruit of the Spirit to fulfill our calling. But peace is not very high on the

list of priorities most Christians aim for. The Church has conformed to the culture which is T. V.

driven, and one of perpetual stimulus and response. Dr. Maxwell Maltz in his book

Psycho-Cybernetics, says we are so conditioned to respond that we feel we have no choice to not

respond. He recommends that people de-condition themselves by letting their telephone ring and not

answering it. This is hard, but when you can learn to do it, you have regained some control of your

life. You realize you have a choice, and do not have to respond to all the stimuli that life hurls at

you. You can just sit still and not respond. In order to have peace, the Christian needs to learn how

to not respond to all the stimuli that comes at him for our culture.

Escapism is usually thought of as a bad thing, because it is a running away from reality. But we

need to see there is much reality that we need to escape from. The stress and tension all around us is

real, but we have no obligation to be in a state of constant reaction to it. If we can escape and be at

peace in the midst of it, let us praise God for this kind of escapism. Sleep is escapism God has built

into our life, and it saves our life everyday. Building a house to retreat from the weather is

escapism. Taking a vacation is escapism. Carrying an umbrella is escapism. Life is full of

perfectly valid escapism. And so is the escapism of the Christian who learns to retreat into the

presence of God and bathed in His peace. Music, reading, relaxation tapes, there are all kinds of

resources for the Christian to use to obey the Biblical command to seek peace and pursue it. The

Christian who uses these means is going to be prepared soil for the fruit of the Spirit-peace. Pursuing

peace has to be seen in the same sense as pursuing a deer. I had to learn the hard way

that the best way to get a deer is to be still. You have to go into the woods to pursue it, but then you

have to learn to be still. I once waited for an hour in the woods and did not see a deer, so I got up to

look around. Just then five deer were startled and ran. They were just about to come into the

opening, but I never got a shot, because I scared them. Had I stayed still they would have come

right to me. Passive pursuit is a hard lesson to learn.

We live in a culture where speed is king. I find myself in a hurry even if there is no reason.

People get uptight today if they miss a revolution in a revolving door. We are an uptight generation

of compulsive activists. There are ten times more things to do in a day than anyone can do, and so

we feel we are always behind and failing to do all that we could. All we do is respond, respond,

respond to stimuli. We want peace but it just does not fit into our agenda. Peace calls for doing

nothing sometimes, and we can't handle that. Pascal the great Christian philosopher and scientist

said, "Most of man's troubles come from his inability to be still."

God gave the Sabbath law to force His people to relax and be still one day a week. Modern man

has made it one of the most active days of the week. Man wants peace in a pill he can swallow, so

he does not have to stop his perpetual motion. "Be still and know I am God", goes against the gain

of our culture. The result is, Christians often have no more peace than do non-Christians. Yet, the

promise of God in Isaiah 26:3 is, "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on

Thee." If we could have a mind focused on God, and not on all the stimuli about us, we could have

perfect peace. We should pray often as May Rowland does in her poem-

Come! Peace of God, and dwell again on earth,

Come, with the calm that hailed Thy Prince's birth,

Come, with the healing of Thy gentle touch,

Come, Peace of God, that this world needs so much.

Break every weapon forged in fires of hate,

Turn back the foes that would assail Thy gate;

Where fields of strife lie desolate and bare

Take Thy sweet flowers of peace and plant them there.

The Holy Spirit will not give us peace if we do not retreat and escape from the constant

bombardment of stimuli. Just as money in the bank draws interest and grows into more money, so

peace in a peaceful environment draws interest, and becomes a deeper peace. People with the

greatest evidence of peace are people who know how to escape. Former President Harry Truman is

often used as an illustration. He had no end of stress with a war on his hands, and one crisis after

another. When he was asked how he could stand it, he responded, "When I can't take it anymore, I

go into a fox hole in my mind." That is where a soldier escapes from the bullets of the enemy. He

would retreat into his mind and do what Paul tells us to do in Phil.4:8, "...Whatever is true, whatever

is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable-if anything is

excellent or praiseworthy-think about such things." He would live in the memory of all the peaceful

scenes and beautiful experiences of his life, and be renewed in spirit. He could get away from it all

without going anywhere, because he could slip into a state of peace.

This is what devotional time and prayer time is to be for the Christian. It is an escape from the

perpetual stimuli of the flesh to the peaceful stimuli of the spirit. It is not an escape from reality, but

an escape to a higher reality so that one can better cope with the lower reality. Peace is aware of

conflict, just as love is aware of hate, and joy is aware of sorrow, but each fruit counteracts the

impact of its opposite.

Peace, like all of the fruits, has its source in Jesus Christ. Paul says in Eph.2:14, "For He

Himself is our Peace." There is no way the Holy Spirit can grow any of the fruits in us if Jesus is

not our Savior and Lord. Michel Quoist defines peace like this-

"We mean the calm, the interior serenity, and the profound peace

which permeate and emanate from a man who, notwithstanding

a torn heart and body, and despite the suffering of mankind and

the world, believes with all his strength in the victory of the

Savior. And he believes this without for an instant forgetting

or denying the existence of suffering and sin, and without

giving up the fight against them."

What we are seeing in our study of the first three fruits of the Spirit is that they all depend on an

optimistic conviction about Jesus and His ultimate victory over all evil. If you waver in this

conviction, all of the fruits wither and lose their power. On the other hand, each of them flourishes

to the degree that one is absolutely committed to the Lordship of Christ. When His Lordship is real

in your life, you have a hiding place where you can escape from the storms of the world.

In the heart of the cyclone, tearing the sky,

And flinging the clouds and the towers by,

Is a place of central calm.

So here in the rush of earthly things,

There is a place where the spirit sings,

In the hollow of God's palm.

Author unknown

You do not need to become a monk or a mystic escaping to a desert or monastery, for you can

escape right where you are by withdrawing to the inner life where Jesus is king. He is our peace,

and as we look to Him, He will grant us His peace. Our problem is, we usually worry and fret and

do all we can to control life's circumstances, and only after we fail and are full of anxiety do we

come to Christ for escape. We need to learn to escape to His presence first, and get peace before we

fight the battles of life. We need peace in the midst of the storm, and not just peace after the storm.

Both are good, but before is better. Corrie Ten Boom said, "Look around and be distressed. Look

inside and be depressed. Look at Jesus and be at rest." If we put Jesus first we do not have to work

our way through the lower levels, but can start at the top and experience peace from the beginning.

When Jesus appeared to His depressed disciples after His resurrection, we read in John 20:19-20,

"Jesus came and stood among them and said, 'Peace be with you!' After He said this, He showed

them His hands and side. The disciples were overjoyed when they saw the Lord." Why did He say

peace and then show them His scars? Because those scars represented the worst life could throw at

Jesus-crucifixion and violent death. Now He had conquered the worst and has a right to say peace

be with you. Evil has done all it can, and it has lost. In Him there is victory over every evil foe. The

worse can never rob them of His best, and so there is a solid foundation for peace in the midst of the

battle with evil.

The cross and what Jesus did there for us is a symbol of ultimate peace. Jesus, by His shed

blood, fixes all that sin had broken, and gives us a foundation for absolute optimism. Paul states it

clearly in Col.1:19-20, "For God was pleased to have all His fullness dwell in Him, and through

Him to reconcile to Himself all things, whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making peace

through His blood, shed on the cross."

The goal of God is peace. He is the God of peace, and He sent the Prince of Peace to achieve that

goal on the cross. Jesus did achieve it, and now in Him we are to be a people of peace. Eighty eight

times peace is used in the New Testament. It is used in every book of the New Testament. It is a

major challenge of the Christian life to seek peace and pursue it. It is only by doing so that we can

be prepared soil for the Holy Spirit to produce in us the fruit of peace.