Summary: The religious leaders of the world can quote their wise and holy men in ways that show they too have many of the values of the Sermon on the Mount. But they have nothing to match the teachings of Christ on the love of one's enemies.

Almost everybody agrees with the Sermon on the Mount in general, but almost

nobody can agree to the specifics of the last part of chapter 5. Even Nikita Krushev, an

atheist, when he was the leader of Russia, could say he agreed with the Sermon on the

Mount, for even in Russia they do not consider murder, adultery, divorce, and all kinds

of broken relationships as beneficial to society. Krushev said, "I only disagree on one

point and that was when Christ said, 'If I am struck on the one cheek I will turn the

other.' I believe in another principle: If I am hit on the left cheek, I hit back on the right

cheek so strongly that the head may fall off."

Krushev was representing the vast majority of the world, for most of the religions of

the world can buy into the wisdom of this great sermon, but at this point they draw back

and refuse to follow. Only one non-Christian ever had the nerve to try and apply these

teachings of Christ in a world of conflict, and that was Gandhi. He changed the course of

history for many millions of people because he proved that the way of Christ can work.

In one of the closing scenes of the movie Gandhi, a Hindu leader comes to the bedside of

Gandhi, and he pleads for him to stop his fasting. He reaffirms that he will not stop until

Hindus and Moslems stop fighting.

The Hindu says he hates them and cannot stop, and he explains the basis for his

hatred. Moslems took his little boy and crushed his head. He in turn captured a Moslem

boy and killed him by the same method. Revenge reigned in their hearts, and though

everyone was miserable there was no way out of this living hell of endless retaliation.

Gandhi said that there was a way out. He said to go and find another boy like the one you

killed, and the one the Moslem killed, and take him into your home and raise him as a

Moslem. Gandhi was saying that the only hope is to love your enemy, and he proved that

even pagans can be part of the answer if they live by these principles of Christ.

Unfortunately, Gandhi was one in a billion.

We are dealing with that part of the Sermon on the Mount that really separates the

men from the boys. The Jews have done enormous research to show that their Rabbis,

through the centuries, have come up with similar ideas to those of Jesus, but they cannot

find anything to match this idea of loving your enemy. The religious leaders of the world

can quote their wise and holy men in ways that show they too have many of the values of

the Sermon on the Mount. But they have nothing to match the teachings of Christ on the

love of one's enemies. After all, enemies by very definition are not to be loved.

E. Stanley Jones, author of dozens of marvelous books, writes of these verses we are

looking at: "When I come to the following verses I breath a little faster, for we now have

reached the very crux of the whole Sermon on the Mount. This refusal to retaliate, the

turning of the other cheek, and the loving of one's enemies are the center of the whole. If

this principle is not workable, then the heart of the sermon does not beat-it is a carcass, a

dead body of doctrine. If it is workable and every other way that cuts across it is

unworkable, then its heart does beat, and beating it pumps its warm life blood into every

portion of the Christian soul and of Christian society and makes them live." It is hard to

believe these verses can be of such great significance, but the evidence is very strong that

they represent the only hope for man to escape from his own self-destruction.

Billy Graham's book Approaching Hoofbeats deals with the four horseman in the

book of Revelation. In it he makes clear that the next war will be the only truly World

War, for it will involve the whole world. All other wars leave millions of people detached,

and they can talk about the war going on someplace else. Graham quotes the president of

the United Nations General Assembly. "What have the governments of the world to

respond to the fervent demand of the people's of the world that this insane arms race be

stopped?" He gave his own reply by saying, "You and I know that answer, but I want to

state it for the world to hear-nothing!" Things have changed since Graham wrote his

book, but the fact remains that there are enough nuclear weapons to destroy the whole

world many times over.

Graham knows that the end will come someday, but he feels that Christians can delay

the end for generations by being the peacemakers God wants them to be. He regrets that

he did not get active for world peace sooner, but he feels it is still not to late. The

problem is that governments are so impersonal, and they tend to operate on the level of

the legalistic, and that is not good enough. Only people can love, and it is people who will

make the difference. Graham quotes Dwight Eisenhower, "I like to believe that people in

the long run are going to do more to promote peace than are governments. Indeed, I

think that people want peace so much that one of these days governments had better get

out of their way and let them have it."

Graham’s favorite basis for hope is the story of Ninevah. It was a doomed city, for

God had already sentenced them. It looked as hopeless as anything could be, for

judgement was sure. But because of the repentance of the people when Jonah preached

of God's wrath, God altered His plan for history. The response of the people so moved

God that He postponed their destruction for 150 years. Graham was convinced that

people can still change history today by repentance. We have taken a detour to look at

the views of Billy Graham, but now we want to get back on the main road. It is the road

that Jesus says is narrow, and it is not very widely traveled. It is not a popular road

because most everybody is convinced it is a dead end, and will not get you anywhere.

Jesus, however, says it is the only road that will get you anywhere worth going, for it is

the road that takes you to that level of living where you relate to people like God does.

Only those who travel this road can be part of the answer to local and world peace. Only

as Christians prove by their life that they Prince of Peace really has a strategy that works

will there be any hope of the world noticing the light. One of the most important thing

we can do for world peace is to learn to understand and obey these crucial teachings of

our Lord.

Look at verse 39 where Jesus says, "Do not resist an evil person." The number of

things this doesn't mean could fill volumes. It does not mean that if some mad man is

coming at you, or your family, with a knife that you should not find a weapon to defend

yourself. There is nothing spiritual about dying or suffering for such a meaningless

cause. There are all kinds of evil we are to resist. Resist the devil and he will flee from

you is the advice of James. Jesus resisted the evils of the Pharisees by His words and His

actions as He cleansed the temple of their racketeering.

Only once do we have a record of Jesus actually taking a fist to the face, and though

He did not swing back, neither did He say, "Thanks, I needed that," or turn His other

cheek. He rebuked the striker. In John 18:22-23 we read, "...One of the officials near by

struck Him in the face. "Is that anyway to answer the high priest? he demanded." Jesus

replied, "If I said something wrong testify as to what is wrong. But if I spoke the truth,

why did you strike me?" Jesus protested the unjust hit. You are obviously going the

wrong direction if you think Jesus means we are to let evil have its own way, and not

resist it. This leads to the totally unrealistic view of Tolstoy who said we should not have

policemen, for they resist evil men, nor armies for they do the same.

Jesus did not come to abolish the law, and so the law will be needed for all time.

Without force to resist evil the world would already be long pass judgment. The only

reason it is not totally rotten is because of the salt and light that Christians bring to it,

plus the rule of law that prevents man from being his worst. The whole purpose of law is

to resist evil.

What then does Jesus mean by not resisting an evil person? Is He saying, shame on all

the Christians who resisted Hitler, and who threw enough monkey wrenches into his

plans so that he could not move at the speed that could have made him a world ruler?

Jesus is certainly not condemning the resistance movements of history, which have been

the cause of so many evil leaders to fail. Thank God for those who have and do resist evil

men, and all of their satanic plots to destroy man's liberty. It was resistance to all of the

evils that Britain imposed on the colonies that led to the Revolutionary War, and the

birth of our great nation. Resistance to evil is what the history of Christian heroism is all

about. Like I said, there is a endless number of things Jesus could not have meant by this


What he meant has to do with a very specific situation, and that is one where you have

been insulted, and your pride is injured, and you feel the inner compulsion to retaliate

and get revenge. The being struck on the right cheek is the slap of insult. It is the strike

of the offenders right hand turned over, and so you are being slapped with the back of his

hand in contempt. Early Jesus taught us not to treat others with contempt. Now he is

telling us how to deal with it when we are treated with contempt. Jesus says, do not add

fuel to that fire in the offender. He is angry at you for some reason, and in his evil state

of mind he is challenging your ego, and he insults you with his slap. You have two

choices. You do back to him what he has done to you, which is the eye for eye response of

the Old Testament. The problem with this is that the evil action, and the evil person

doing it, sets the tone of the relationship. By reacting to evil with evil you are only

feeding the negative and magnifying it, and you are becoming part of the problem.

I have another choice, however, which will make me part of the answer, and this is the

one Jesus says is the way of superior righteousness. Instead of reacting to his agenda,

you have an agenda of your own. I will not strike back, but turn an offer the other cheek.

We are not talking about telling some big lug to knock our head off. We are talking

refusal to retaliate to an insult, and instead showing our willingness to endure the insult

without hatred, and a desire to get even. The turning of the other cheek is to say, "I have

no intention of challenging you to a duel. Consider yourself to be the winner if that is

what your ego demands." You thereby, defuse the bomb of hostility in the other. This

makes you the one in control, and now the offender is forced to make a decision. He is

forced to be rotten and reject this response of love, or respect you and be open to the

spirit of reconciliation.

There is no guarantee that the offender will choose the way of peace, but that, at least,

becomes a choice you have made possible for him. If you retaliate, there is only one

choice open, and that is the way of conflict. Your choice of not resisting leaves the way

clear for the choice of peace. This is how the Christian is to be a peacemaker. It is a

principle that can be applied by the Christian in situations that effect races, and whole

nations. Tom Skinner, the black evangelist, was converted after being the leader of the

Harlem Lords in New York City. He was a tough dude. He was playing football after his

conversion, and a white boy that he was blocking got very angry and slammed him in the

stomach. As he bent over in pain the boy knocked him to the ground by a blow to his

back. Then the boy kicked him and called him a dirty black nigger.

Tom, as a non-Christian, had pulverized many a man for far less. He got up and said,

"You know that because of Jesus Christ I love you anyway." This guy was so shocked by

that response that he later said, "Tom did more to rid me of prejudice than anything that

has ever happened to me." Tom could have struck back and won a battle, but he would

have lost the war, and that boy would have gone on hating blacks the rest of his life. Does

the way of Jesus work? It is the only way that does work.

Pride is what leads to the conflicts of the world. We can't take an offense from our

mate, our neighbor, our friends, or strangers, and so we retaliate and start a conflict.

This same thing happens with nations. Everybody is trying to play God and respond in

wrath when they are offended. God is the only one who can take offenses and not destroy

the offender. He is patient until all means of peace are rejected. Jesus is saying that if

you really want to be like God you will shallow your pride, and respond to offense with

love rather than wrath. God gives rain and sunshine even to those who despise Him.

God is in the business of redemption and not retaliation. Billy Graham points out in his

book that there is a final day of judgment coming, but God hates that day, and He

postpones it every chance He gets in order that more might be saved.

God gladly seeks for every possible reason to continue history. If there would have

been as few as 10 righteous men in Sodom, He would have held back His judgment, and

let even that very wicked culture survive. If God was only interested in judgment, He

would have wrapped up the show of history long ago, but God is long suffering not

willing that any shall perish. How many obedient Christians will it take to keep our

nation from judgment? How many will it take to prevent the whole world from a terrible

judgment? We do not know, but we do know that everyone of us plays a role in whether

or not the judgment comes in our generation, or is postponed to a later generation.

The spirit of love for our enemies is basic to the survival of our world. So that

millions more can be won to Christ. Not to be a peacemaker is to not care that the day of

judgment could come and end the chance for the lost to find Christ. This is a spirit of

contempt for mankind that is opposite of the spirit of Christ. To be like Christ we must

develop a spirit of love and respect for even those who do not deserve it, because they

have contempt for us and God. To develop such a spirit is more significant than we can

really grasp. It gives your life meaning and purpose like nothing else can do, for it makes

you part of the answer that keeps this world going so that the Gospel can keep changing

the hearts of men. We feel so small, and we know we cannot save the world, but by

having the spirit of Christ toward offenders we are deeply involved in saving the world.

When Christians stop being the salt and the light of world the end is sure, for the

rottenness of the world will be severe that God will have to judge it. This day of

judgment is sure, but it is constantly postponed due to the salt and light of those who

strive to obey Jesus. Billy Graham uses the analogy of death. Death is certain for all of

us, but when we get sick we do not say, "Well, I'm going to die anyway, so why fight it?"

No! We say, "I will fight it with everything I know, for death can be postponed and put

off for years. Many battles can be fought and won, and so I will keep fighting." Some

have escaped death many times by means of medicine, diet, surgery, etc. Death can be

postponed, and so can the day of judgment if people do what has to be done. The point is,

turning the other cheek is just another pill of prevention that can hold back the day of

judgment, and give others a chance to live forever.

The whole idea here is to be flexible, and not be locked into the legalistic mold that

says an eye for an eye, or a tooth for a tooth. The Christian goal is to save the lost, and

not get even with them. God is willing to bend. His grace is universal. He gives many

blessings to those who despise and reject Him. He is not stubborn and saying, "I refuse

to show grace to those who will not show me respect." This would be legalism, and

judgment would come swiftly to the world if that was God's spirit. Love has to be flexible,

and be willing to put up with a great deal of rejection for the sake of the offender.

Contempt for the offender is only concerned about judgment of the offender. Love is

concerned about eliminating the offense by winning the offender.

Some Christians have missed the whole point, and they have made this another system

of law. Like the man who came back to his hometown from the army, and he was greeted

by an old enemy. "I heard you became a Christian in the army," he said. "And you

know what the good book says about turning the other cheek." And he then gave him a

blow. The guy turned the other cheek and got the second one. That fulfilled the letter of

the law. So he took off his coat and gave the guy a severe thrashing. His legalism missed

the whole point. If the only difference between Christ's righteousness and that of the law

is one extra punch before you retaliate, then it is truly much ado about nothing. The real

issue is, can the Christian prevent the confrontation from leading to a war? Can you

take the steam out of the pressure situation that threatens to blow up?

The natural response is to resist evil by force. We want to smack it back when it

smacks us. When we do that we are voting for the day of judgment to come now. We

want evil to pay now, and reap what it has sown. Love, however, says, I want to put off

the day of judgment, so I vote for postponement of it by absorbing the blow. I will suffer

the pain, and seek revenge, for I prefer to see the offender saved rather than judged.

The legalist says, I want to see evil men get what is coming to them, and the sooner the

better. The loving Christian says, I want to see evil men escape judgment by the grace of

Christ, and experience the same salvation I have experienced by God's grace.

Choosing this way is choosing the way of the cross. It is taking up the cross and

following Christ. It could very well lead to scars as you turn the other cheek, and it does

not always work. On the other hand, your temporary suffering may prevent the

permanent suffering of the offender. Like produces like. Retaliation will bring

retaliation, and love will stimulate love. Of course, it will not always work. Loving

people get clobbered all the time, just as Jesus did. But the point is, hate never works,

and when love doesn't work it is still pleasing to God that you choose His way.

Billy Graham had a large crusade going in McCormick Palace in Chicago. Three

hundred Satan worshippers marched in to take over and stop the crusade. George

Beverly Shea had just finished his Gospel song, and Cliff Borrows was about to lead the

mass choir when a policeman ran to the stage and whispered to the mayor of Chicago

who was there to give a welcome.

The Satan worshipers had forced their way past the ushers, and they were proceeding

down the isles. The mayor said to Dr. Graham, "We'll let the police handle these

intruders." Graham said, "Let me handle it another way." Graham went to the

microphone and interrupted the choir. He addressed the 30 thousand Christian young

people and said, "There are about 300 Satan worshipers coming to take over the

platform. I am going to ask you Christian young people to love them, pray for them, and

sing to them, and gradually ease them back toward the entrance." Hundreds of them

responded and held hands as they blocked the isles. They put their arms around the

Satan worshipers and prayed for them. They were so confounded that they moved slowly

back out of the auditorium, and the service was continued. Graham got a letter from one

of the leaders thanking him, for he was convinced that lives had been saved by the way he

handled the situation in love. Even the messengers of Satan himself are best handled by

love, and not by hate and violence, for that just provides them with the fuel they need to

explode into evil action.

There are times for anger, and the Christian has to fight back in some situations, but

only when forced into it because the evil person rejects all love. Evil men are often evil

because they feel rejected and unloved. Your first task as a Christian is to do what Jesus

did and show them respect. Will this save the world? Probably not, but it is the only way

we can be part of the answer. Not doing it on a grand scale is what is leading us to the

final revenge. I choose to stand with Graham, and believe that every step of obedience

to Jesus we take will help postpone the day of judgment so that many others can be saved.

There is a well known soap opera called As The World Turns. I have no idea what it is

all about, but there is a drama going on far more significant for all the world, and for

each of us to have a part. We could call it, As The Cheek Turns, for how each of us obeys

this specific teaching of Jesus could determine, to some degree, how the world turns, or

how the world burns. The more who turn the other cheek, the more they will turn others

to Christ. The more who say this is unrealistic, the more who will burn in the wrath of

both God and man. Do yourself a favor; do the world a favor, and do God a favor by

seeking to be filled with the Spirit of Christ, that you might learn to turn, and even yearn

to turn, and by this attitude lead people to Christ, who alone can save the world.