Summary: Have you ever asked yourself, “What does the Lord require of me?”

1. Not the preacher, Sunday school teacher, choir director, but God Himself.

2. I know the question was asked of Israel. Now it is asked of the other chosen, the Church.

3. The Lord does not desire certain things, but He requires them.

a. Word really means demands.

b. He requires these for our own good, vs. 13.

c. This is really the key verse, for our own good.

1) I used to feel the binding tie in service of the Lord by my love for Him, but my love has failed many times.

2) His love does not fail. He wants what’s best for us.

3) Parents at home with your children. Everything you do for them is for their good.

4) This is what God is telling us here, do these things for your own good.

4. Moses and Aaron made certain demands of Pharoah in the name of the Lord. Exodus 5:2

5. Who is he that he should require certain things of us?

a. Verse 14; the creator of heaven and earth. Possessor

b. Verse 15, one who has chosen us for Himself. Ephesians 2:10

c. He is our redeemer, the owner. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

What are God’s demands upon our life?

I. To Fear the Lord Thy God

1. We are not to be afraid of God, but to fear Him.

a. Not like a slave to a master, we are sons, not slaves.

b. Romans 8:14; 2 Timothy 1:7; 1 John 4:18

2. To fear the Lord means to trust him, to act upon His words. Proverbs 1:22-33

a. We are to fear to displease Him.

b. Romans 3:18; spoken of the lost person.

c. Genesis 22:12; this is the proper fear, obedience to God. Psalm 19:9

3. To fear, God means to obey and trust Him.

4. How does this apply to our life?

a. Tithing

b. Backsliding. Hebrews 12

II. To Walk in All His Ways

1. By nature, we walk in our own ways. Isaiah 53:6

a. We like to get our own way.

b. We like to go our own way.

c. We need to surrender our way to God's way. Jonah

2. God’s way is the best way.

a. Psalm 18:30; 145:17

b. Should be our prayer. Psalm 27:11; Acts 9:6.

3. Now the Bible does not leave us wondering how the child of God is to walk.

a. Ephesians 4:1; 17; 5:1-15

b. Colossians 1:9-10

III. To Love Him

1. God does not require that we love His service, His house, His truth, but to love Him.

a. It was so with Peter.

b. John 21:15-17

2. It is automatic if we love Him, to love His work.

a. Automatic in loving God to hate somethings.

b. Psalm 97:10

3. I feel this is the greatest thing He requires and demands of each of us.

a. John 14:21-23

b. 1 Corinthians 13:1-8

IV. To Serve the Lord Thy God with all Thy Heart and With All Thy Soul

1. In the New Testament this is found in Romans 12:1-2.

a. Romans 6:11-13

b. Your members, eyes, feet, ears, hands.

V. To Keep the Commandments of Thy Lord

1. It should be our chief desire, our greatest concern.

2. If we are to keep them, we must know them. Matthew 22:29

3. The greatest lesson I have ever learned. John 15:10-12

4. The happiest people in the world are those who know the Lord as their personal savior. People who are seeking with all their heart to do those things which he requires of them.

5. This is for our own good and for His glory.