Summary: Jesus intended to conquer, but not like any other conqueror who had ever lived. His method was sheer folly to the world and still is today, but Jesus goes on reigning while the mighty mock him and then disappear into the dust of oblivion.

Harry Reichenback in the book World's Most Spectacular

Hoaxes tells of his grand deception in promoting Francis

Bushman. Bushman was a small time actor in Chicago, but

Reichenback was able to get his salary raised to a

commanding figure. He took Bushman to New York and

carried 2000 pennies in his pockets. As they walked along

42nd street toward the Metro office he dropped handfuls of

pennies. At first only children came running to pick up the

coins, but so conspicuous was the commotion that soon

everybody was following them. By the time they reached

Metro the streets were milling with crowds. When the

officers of Metro looked out of the window they judged

Bushman's popularity by the vast throngs that had followed

him, and he received a 1000 dollar a week raise without an

argument. Reichenback confesses, "The fact was, not a

living soul in the mob knew Bushman."

Jesus was tempted to get mixed up in a clever scheme

something like this in which he would exploit the crowds of

his day. The only difference is that he did not have to fake

popularity He could have the real thing. Satan said to him,

"Jump off the pinnacle of the temple and you will be

preserved from injury." Such a sensational stunt would

have had the crowds clamoring after Jesus to be their king.

Satan had some great ideas for promoting the popularity of

Jesus, but Jesus refused to give heed to any of his schemes.

One of the strangest paradoxes of Scripture is that Satan

sought constantly to promote the popularity of Jesus. Satan

wanted it shouted from the housetops that Jesus was the Son

of God. He wanted Jesus to be ruler over the kingdoms of

men, and longed for a revolutionary movement in which the

people would put Jesus on the throne as their king. All

through his ministry Jesus had to fight the efforts of Satan to

promote his popularity, and derail him from his purpose. Jesus

did not hesitate to perform spectacular miracles for

great crowds such as feeding the 5000. His healing ministry

was not behind closed doors, but in public places. Yet, there

is the mysterious effort of Jesus to suppress an all out

proclamation that he was the Messiah. Jesus wanted this

message saved until after his death and resurrection.

People were coming to all kinds of conclusions about

him. Some said he was John the Baptist revived; others that

he was Elijah or Jeremiah, or one of the prophets. All

agreed he had to be a great person, but only a few knew he

was the Son of God. After Peter said, "Thou art the Christ

the Son of the living God," we read in Matt. 16:20, "Then he

strictly charged the disciples to tell no one that he was the

Christ." Jesus deliberately suppressed the fact that he was

God in human flesh. Jesus was over 30, and so 30

Christmas' have already gone by, and no one had ever

celebrated one of the greatest event in human history. It was

because Jesus did not permit this good news of the

incarnation to be proclaimed.

Jesus even had to use his supernatural authority over

demons to keep them from blabbing the greatest news on

earth. In Mark 3:11 the unclean spirits cry out, "You are

the Son of God." In verse 12 we read, "And he strictly

ordered them not to make him known." Jesus was the first

person to try and silence the preaching of his deity. Friend

and foe; disciples and demons, were anxious to make it

known, but Jesus was always telling them to be quiet

concerning his true identity. We haven't looked at all the

occasions on which Jesus urged people to hold down on the

publicity concerning him. It is frequent enough to be


What is behind this mysterious behavior which we see

again in our text? It seems so strange and even senseless, for

verse 14 tells us that the Pharisees were taking council to kill

him. Verse 15 says that great multitudes followed and he

healed them all. Then verse 16 hits us with a strange charge

that they not make him known. Who in the world was left to

tell? This is like trying to hide the sun. The whole nation

was either out to kill him, or receive life from him. Great

multitudes were following him, so it is obvious that the cat is

out of the bag. Somebody has already let it slip that Jesus is

where the action is. He was the most popular person in

Israel, yet he never stopped trying to prevent further

promotion. Even when the fire of his fame was raging

uncontrollably across the Judean landscape, he still tried to

throw a wet blanket on the desire to make him known.

Did Jesus ever do anything more mysterious and unusual

than this? I know of nothing to match it, and if it was not

for Matthew we might never have guessed why Jesus did it.

In verse 17 Matthew tells us that the motive behind this

behavior of Jesus was to fulfill prophecy. This is the largest

Old Testament quotation in Matthew, and it reveals to us

the quality of character the Messiah was to exhibit to be

pleasing to God. It matches the manner of his birth. Such a

humble way for any child to be born, but how much more so

for the Son of God? Such a humble beginning implies that

his purpose in life was not to be showmanship. No

spectacular calling of attention to himself, but rather,

obscurity was to characterize most of the life of Jesus. When

he did begin his public ministry it was with no ambition to

be a mighty leader with masses bowing before him. He had

all the potential of being the great rabble rouser who could

have stirred his people to follow him in conquest. Jesus did

not exploit that potential, for that was not his purpose.

Jesus intended to conquer, but not like any other

conqueror who had ever lived. His method was sheer folly to

the world and still is today, but Jesus goes on reigning while

the mighty mock him and then disappear into the dust of

oblivion. No strategy, they say, could be more stupid than

that of recruiting the weak and the poor, the sick and the

oppressed. Jesus let his enemies capture him and crucify him

while he wasted his time with the misfits of society. Hitler

knew better that this, and so does every tyrant who ever

lived. They know you get rid of the weak and the deformed,

for they are hindrances to victory. People only count when

they are powerful and can help the cause. The rest can be

eliminated. This is a practice commonly practiced by


Nature is pointed to as a justification for this strategy.

Nature eliminates the weak. The survival of the fittest is a

law of nature, and men who have no higher revelation than

what they see in nature are led to act on the level of the

brutes. The Christian does not look to nature, but to the

author of nature, who made man in his image, and of infinite

value above the world of nature. Persons are not just

animals, but are the creatures with the potential for

partaking of the divine nature, and, therefore, they are to be

treated with dignity and respect however weak they may be.

Armed with this view of man, the Son of God entered

human history with a totally unique strategy for conquering

the world. He would not use force and destructive weapons

to crush the weak and helpless, but would stress gentleness

and encouragement of the weak. Military men have always

mocked, and will continue to mock this strategy of the prince

of peace right up until the victory, and the meek inherit the

earth. All other conquers come with great noise and

commotion, but Jesus seeks to conquer quietly.

Verse 19 says he will not strive nor cry, nor will any man

hear his voice in the streets. Jesus was not a rabble rouser,

and one who went looking for an encounter with those

opposed to him. He did not stand in the streets and

denounce his opponents. In verse 15 we see that when he

knew his opponents were out to get him he withdrew

himself. He had no desire for a noisy showdown. He was a

man of peace who would retreat to avoid trouble if

necessary. The Hebrew word in this quote from Isaiah

means that he will not scream under excitement. So many

when they are unjustly attacked become loud and

boisterous, and begin to denounce their attackers, but Jesus

calmly slipped away. On the positive side it was the same.

Many who draw crowds and do a great work want to crow

about it to the world. Jesus was not interested, but would

slip away in silence, and ask his praising fans to join him in

this virtue, and not make him known.

It was just a part of the character of Christ. He was not

interested in the power of noise. He was interested in the

superior power of silence and gentleness. Men have gone far

by arrogant boasting, and shouting in the streets, but they

were not going the same direction as Jesus. Deep and lasting

power cannot be based on noise. Truth works quietly like

the silent power of the sun. An unknown poet wrote-

How silently the great stars shine,

How silently the dawn comes in,

How silently in forest depths

The oak to massiveness doth win.

The noblest powers are quiet all,

And He who comes the soul to greet,

He shall not strive, He shall not cry,

Nor shall His voice sound in the street.

The Speaker's Bible says here, "The mission of Jesus was

to save rather than destroy, to build up rather than to pull

down. His method was not that of the axe and hammer, but

of the slow working leaven and the seed growing silently.

And his strength lay not in heroic courage or desperate

activity, but in the gentleness of an exhaustless love and in

the patience of a divine pity." This gentleness and pity is so

vividly portrayed in verse 20. Who in all history has ever

been so gentle and soft hearted that he would not break a

bruised reed or quench a smoldering wick? Jesus was an

extremist in gentleness, even when we recognize that literal

reeds and wicks are not meant, but rather, weak, broken,

wounded and despairing people.

When Jesus encountered a person who was badly

bruised, such as the shameful woman who wiped his feet

with her hair, his word of condemnation could have broken

her, but instead, he treated her with gentleness, and she was

healed. Martin Luther wrote, "He does not cast away, nor

crush, nor condemn the wounded in conscience, those who

are terrified in view of their sins; the weak in faith and

practice; but watches over them and cherishes them, makes

them whole and affectionately embraces them." A bruised

reed is a symbol of what is weak and worthless, and of no use

to anyone. What everyone else would break, Jesus seeks to

save and restore to usefulness.

Jesus was not one who needs to see great fire, or he gives

up. Even if there is only smoke, he will take interest and

seek to rekindle the flame. Most people have a tendency to

want to give up and dump people when they cease to burn

brightly, but Jesus will shelter that smoldering wick, and by

gentle encouragement seek to fan a spark of fire into a

renewed flame. Jesus specializes in those that others give up

on and forsake. The Spartans killed the sickly and

deformed, and Plato was all for exterminating the weak. But

for Jesus no human being is to be broken, no matter how

maimed in body or spirit. Not even a sparrow falls without

God's notice, and of how much more value is even the

weakest of men?

Jesus came into history with a special ministry to the

weak, needy, and oppressed. In Matt. 11:28-29 we read his

own commentary on his character of gentle encouragement.

Jesus said, "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden,

and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn

from me; for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will

find rest for your souls." This sounds like slushy sentiment

to the self-sufficient worldly person, but to the wise such

gentleness is the greatest power on earth. Someone said,

"Gentleness! More powerful than Hercules." Henry

Martyn, the great missionary, said, "The power of gentleness

is irresistible." Jesus knew this and still does, and that is

why he refused to be a noisy rabble rousing leader. His

power was in gentleness.

That is why the Lamb of God is such an appropriate

symbol of Christ. That is why the dove is such an

appropriate symbol of the Holy Spirit. The world, and often

even Christians, feel that the only way to conquer in any

battle is with noise and force. The Prince of Peace entered

history to demonstrate the folly of this strategy, and set in

motion a ministry of gentle encouragement that would

conquer the world. Men who count for time and eternity are

men who exhibit the character of Christ in this respect.

Abraham Lincoln as a young lawyer rode the circuit with

a party of friends who were also lawyers. One day as they

rode past a grove of trees they noticed a baby bird which

had fallen from its nest and lay fluttering by the roadside.

After they had gone a short distance Lincoln said, "Wait for

me, I will be right back." He turned around, rode back to

the helpless bird, and tenderly took it up and put it on the

limb near the nest. When he rejoined the group one of them

laughingly asked, "Why did you bother yourself and delay

us with such a trifle as that?" Lincoln respond, "My friend,

I can only say this-that I feel better for it. I could not have

slept tonight if I had left that helpless creature to parish on

the ground." It is no wonder that God used Lincoln to

perform a multitude of compassionate deeds that made him

the most kind and gentle president of our nation.

Gentleness is equivalent to greatness according to God's

judgment. Jesus in whom all power in heaven and on earth

resided was the most gentle of men born of woman. Yet his

birthday and the seasons surrounding it is often

characterized by roughness, pushing, and shouting. We live

in constant tension, and everyone bears a burden, but few

are kind and gentle. Observe people in stores and you will

see why the world is in turmoil. A grandmother looking at a

toy horse asked two clerks coming back from their break if

there was a box for the toy. "O no" one said indifferently.

The frustrated grandmother cursed and threw the horse into

the toys breaking the wheel off the bottom. A frustrated

husband following his wife sees her slip down an isle to look

at something which he feels is irrelevant to their purpose. In

anger he forgets he is in public and shouts at her, "You get

sidetracked so often you don't know which end is up," and

he heads for a different destination in a huff. These are

normal daily events in the life of the average American.

What nobody needs is more of the same.

What everybody needs is the gentle and kind concern

and encouragement of Christlike character. It is very little

honor to Christ to celebrate his birthday and not exhibit his

character. May God help us to be among those who put

Christ in Christmas by being Christlike toward others. This

will be a powerful witness that will encourage people to

consider Christ seriously as their Lord and Savior. Gentle

encouragement will win trust as it did for Christ.

A Christlike character is the greatest gift you can give to

the world. Christians sometimes doubt the power of

gentleness, but history clearly supports it. Henry

Morehouse, a young preacher began his ministry among

miners in North England. Ike Miller, a rough and wicked

man who threatened to break up the service came to hear

him. He preached on the love of Christ. When the meeting

was over some of the old men gathered around him and

expressed their regret that he didn't preach right. You

should have warned him of his dreadful danger, and

frightened him for his wickedness. That soft sort of

preaching on love won't do him any good.

Meanwhile, the big miner had entered his home and

called his wife and children whom he had often abused in his

drunkenness. He knelt down and prayed the only prayer he

had ever heard in distant days from his mother. "Gentle

Jesus, meek and mild, look upon a little child; pity my

simplicity, suffer me to come to thee." There was only one

cord left in his hard heart and gentleness touched it, and he

awoke to salvation. Men have been won by other methods,

but none has been more effective than the Christlike method

of being a gentle encourager. The coming year, and every

year will be a better year if we exhibit gentle encouragement

in relation to all whom God will bring across our path.