Summary: The Christian can love on the physical level and the spiritual level. In Scripture the two become one, and are linked as closely as the body and spirit.

Love makes the world go round, says the one time popular

song, and there are very few who will deny it. History

reveals that one of life's greatest tragedies is to die unloved.

During the Civil War, Charles Sumner was assaulted in the

Senate chamber, and was seriously ill for months. He

regretted he had to leave his battle against slavery

unfinished, but this was not his deepest pain. He wrote,

"But in the midnight watches, my keenest heart-gnawing

regret was that, if I were called away, I had never enjoyed

the choicest experience of life, that no lips responsive to my

own had said, I love you."

He expressed the minds of millions who would agree. It

would be terrible to live and die and never hear anyone say

to you, I love you. Love may not make the world go round,

but it makes men happier as they go around with it. Love

has enabled men to die with heroic valor. During the great

battle of Gettysburg, Pickett was ordered to charge the

Union artillery. As he went to the head of his lines, Wilcox,

another commander, rode up to his side, and taking a flask

from his pocket said, "Pickett, take a drink with me. In an

hour you will be in hell or glory." He refused the drink

saying, "I promise the little girl who is waiting for me down

in Virginia that I would keep fresh upon my lips until we

meet again, the breath of the violets she gave me when we

parted." Faithful to his love, he rode off to die without

whiskey on his breath. No one can calculate the power of

human love in overcoming evil.

Love is the major theme of the Bible. The two great

commandments that sum up the whole Old Testament are

love commandments. Love of God and love of man are the

highest values of life. In the New Testament love is not only

the highest virtue and the first fruit of the Spirit, it is the

very foundation of the Gospel. God so loved, is the

beginning of the Gospel, and the end result is, we love Him

because He first loved us.

It is of interest to note that love is the greatest theme of man's

songs whether they be sacred or secular. The world

revolves around romantic love, and the church around

religious love. The one appeals to the flesh, and the other to

the spirit. It is a serious mistake, however, to conclude that

the two are opposed. They are not necessarily in conflict, for

spiritual people also enjoy the experience of romantic love.

In fact, it is only as Christians that we can experience the

best of both worlds. The Christian can love on the physical

level and the spiritual level. In Scripture the two become

one, and are linked as closely as the body and spirit. Each

affects the other, and, therefore, romantic love is everywhere

in Scripture used as a symbol of religious love. In other

words, God has taken the most common and universal

experience of mankind and used it to illustrate the ideal

relationship He desires to have with man.

The Song of Songs is a great love song that deals with love

on the level of the physical. All the delights of an ideal

romance and marriage are dwelt with in beautiful poetic

language. The Bible would be sadly lacking if it had nothing

to say about one of life's most important realms-the realm of

romantic love. Few, however, have been content to leave it

as a romantic song. It is true that God is not mentioned in

the song, and there are no religious words. Yet, Jews and

Christians alike have always seen the secular language of the

Song as symbolic of the sacred. Just as the physical Temple

was symbolic of the heavenly Temple, so earthly human love

is symbolic of the eternal love union of God and man. It is

no mere accident that eternity begins with a marriage

banquet of Christ and His bride. Heaven is seen as an eternal


This is the Song of Songs, that is, the supreme Song, like

the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. The ultimate in

songs does not deal with romantic love only, but with the

love of God and man. Religious love does not eliminate

romantic love, however, but exalts it. According to I Kings

4:32 Solomon wrote 1,005 songs. No doubt many of them

dwelt with the theme of love, but this one is the Song of

Songs and became a part of Scripture because it deals with

love on all levels. It is the worlds greatest love song.

Some Christians have been embarrassed by the romantic

and physical love of the Song of Solomon. They have

attempted to explain it away as if romantic love was the

devil's invention. The New Testament says in Heb. 13:4 that

marriage is honorable in all and the bed undefiled. If the

Song of Solomon is seen as a pure and honorable love

relationship, there is no reason whatever to be embarrassed

by its frankness. It is true that the language of the Song is

usually reserved for the privacy of the lovers and is not

uttered in public, but the fact that the Bible makes it public

shows that true and honorable love if God ordained. Man's

big problem is he cannot adequately distinguish between

love and lust and the result is confusion. Love words can

make us think lustful, for they both use the same language

and this can be shocking to our minds.

If there is great confusion over love and sex, then it would

be tragic if the Bible did not give us a description of what true

love is all about. It does, however, and we have it right

here in this Song of Songs. Like most poetry dealing with

love it is not always easy to understand. In fact, sometimes

it is very difficult, just like real love in real life.

Poetry tends to lend itself to a variety of interpretations, and

there has been a great deal of variety in interpreting this

book. Most everyone agrees it is hard to expound on this

Song, but Bernard of Clairvaux, in the middle ages,

preached 86 sermons on it, and this two monks who could

never marry.

From the more liberal perspective, the Interpreter's Bible

says, "Of all the books in the Old Testament none is so

difficult to interpret as the Song of Songs." From the

conservative side we read from Dr. James M. Gray, for

many years president of Moody Bible Institute, "Of all the

books of the Old Testament, I feel myself least competent to

speak of the Song of Songs. I am not ignorant of what others

have thought and written about the book, but personally I

have not grasped it's contents...." Only a person who has

done little study, or who has a great deal of pride, would

claim to fully grasp this great love song. My own approach

will be eclectic. It will attempt to see the truth and the

values of the different interpretations held by men of God,

both ancient and modern.

The most commonly held modern interpretation is that

the Shulamite is a beautiful shepherdess girl in love with a

young shepherd. They are engaged to be married, but one

day King Solomon traveling by spotted this lovely creature.

When he inquired and found she was not yet married, he

ordered his noblemen to bring her to the royal pavilion.

Solomon woes her and treats her like a queen, but all the

glory and splendor of Solomon the mighty king could not

take the place of her love for her shepherd. She longs to

return to her true love, and forsake the riches of Solomon's

palace. This view is spelled out in detail in the Amplified


The Song is largely her song of love, and her desire to be

true to her shepherd lover, and him only, inspite of all the

appeals to forsake true love. She urges the ladies of

Solomon's court to stop trying to divert her love from the

shepherd to the king. She is persistent in resisting the

charms of Solomon, and dreams only of her lover. When the

ladies of the court ask why she is so loyal to her shepherd,

she describes him in eloquent poetry. Finally, true love

triumphs, and she is released, and goes to meet her shepherd

lover. In 8:7 she sums up her experience with these words:

"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can floods drown

it. If a man offered for love all the wealth of his house, it

would be utterly scorned."

True love is permanent and cannot be bought. She would

rather be the wife of a simply shepherd she loved, than

number 701 among the wives of King Solomon. Here was a

girl who could say no, even to the king, because she had

surrendered herself to her one and only love.

I love thee-I love thee!

Tis all that I can say;

It is my vision in the night

My dreaming in the day.

It is not difficult to see how this interpretation has a

spiritual application. Love, loyalty, and faithfulness to the

Savior is what the Christian experience is all about.

As part of the bride of Christ, every Christian goes through

what this young girl of the Song goes through. Every

Christian is tempted by the glory of the world to be

unfaithful to Christ. Israel was lured away time and time

again by other lovers than her husband Jehovah. She

became an adulterous wife and the whole book of Hosea is

about how God in His great love sought her out to forgive

and restore her. The Song of Solomon, however, is a song

where the ideal love is maintained. The bride does not go

astray, but remains faithful, and that is why it is the Song of


Paul LeBotz wrote, "The Song of Solomon is the world's

greatest love song, because it is an allegory of the world's

greatest love story, that of Christ and His Bride." The

romantic experience of falling, and growing in love is the

most intense and interesting experience of life. It is the

nearest thing to a religious experience, and that is why

romance and religion are linked all through Scripture. Paul

used the language of love to describe the relationship of

Christ and the church. He says that every Christian is

engaged to be married, and it is his hope that they will be

virgins when the time comes, and not be unfaithful to the

Bridegroom. Listen to II Cor. 11:2-3 in the New English

Bible. "I am jealous for you with a divine jealousy; for I

betrothed you to Christ, thinking to present you as a chaste

virgin to her true and only husband. But as the serpent in

his cunning seduced Eve, I am afraid that your thoughts

may be corrupted and you may lose your simple-hearted

devotion to Christ." Paul fears they will follow false Christ's

and be untrue to their true Lover-the Good Shepherd.

Sex and satisfaction go hand in hand. The Bible makes it

clear that your sex life can either help or hinder you in your

spiritual life. If you are loyal in your love to your mate, the

chances are very good you will be loyal to Christ in the

spiritual realm. If you allow Satan to lure you into an

immoral relationship, the chances are very good he will

succeed in luring you into spiritual infidelity. Romance and

religion are as close as body and spirit, and what happens in

one realm affects the other. In the final analysis of life,

according to the closing chapters of Revelation, every person

will fit into one of two categories. They will either be a part

of the Bride of Christ, or part of the Great Whore, who is

judged and condemned. God uses sex symbolism to describe

the ultimate destiny of men. It will be an eternal marriage

or everlasting divorce.

If Christians ever needed to stress the importance of, and

the beauty of, a pure sex life, it is today. We live in a world

where the greatest competitor with Christ is sex. The world

does not have idols of wood and stone, but living idols which

seek to lure us from our Lord. It is a constant repetition of the

story of the Song of Songs. Romance, love, and sex need

to be diligently studied from a Christian and Biblical point

of view, if we expect Christians to be faithful to Christ, as

the Shulamite was to her shepherd lover.

Even a pure and noble sex relationship can be

embarrassing, however, because we are stuck with a fallen

nature which is far short of the ideal. Adam and Eve could

look upon nakedness, before the fall, and feel no shame.

This is no longer the case, and the result is,

not all of the Song of Solomon can be expounded in public.

There are many things that are pure and beautiful between

mates that are inexpressible in public. Some of these

intimate things are found in this great love song, and should

be read in the privacy of your home.

Someone may object, and insist that all Scripture is given

by God, and is profitable, and therefore, all Scripture should

be publicly expounded. This objection fails to take in

consideration the fact that the Bible was written primarily

for adults. The Bible is an adult book, and some

parts of it are such that only an adult can handle it without

being affected in a negative way. Remember, the devil used

the Scripture to tempt Christ, and he continues to do so, and

an immature person could even be led into immorality

through the reading of some Scriptures. I do not say this as a

theory, for I have read the history of how the Bible has been

used for the promotion of immorality.

Spurgeon, the great Baptist preacher, preached many

sermons on the Song of Solomon, but he said, "The song is,

in truth, a book for full-grown Christians." It was one of his

favorites, but he recognized it would be a blank to many

Christians who had not gone far nor deep in their love for

Christ. He said, "It's music belongs to the higher spiritual

life, and has no charm in it for unspirited ears.....The

historical books I may compare to the outer courts of the

temple: The Gospels, the Epistles, and the Psalms, bring us

into the holy place or the Court of the priests; but the Song

of Solomon in the most holy place: The holy of holies, before

which the veil still hangs to many and untaught believer."

Many Christians fail to grasp the beauty of this Song

because of personal problems in their own lives. These make

impossible for them to link the sexual and spiritual. The

great expounders of the book were men who loved their

wives and their Lord, and could see the beauty of both, and

how one illustrated the other. G. Cambell Morgan wrote,

"It is, first, a revelation of the true nature of human love. It

is, secondly, an unveiling of the highest religious

experience." Then he said, "The cool, calculating,

mechanical man who dislikes this book has never been in

love, and probably never will be." According to Morgan,

the reading of this part of Scripture can be a good test of

your capacity to love. If it is disgusting to you, you are

wired wrong, and could use some counseling. If it is

delightful to you, you have the capacity to attain to God's

ideal for both romantic and religious love.

The value of studying this book is that it can lead us into

the depths of the two most important love relationships of

life: Love of a man and woman, and love of man and God.

We will better grasp the intensity of Christ's love for us as

we see how it relates to the passionate love of human lovers.

Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so. And

here is the part of the Bible that tells it in powerful romantic

poetry. All love songs are an attempt to express the

inexpressible. There are no end to them, for none ever

succeed in saying it all. The Song of Songs says it better

than any other, however, and gives expression to numerous

values we will be considering. We need to keep in mind that

we are dealing with the love of Christ, the most intense love

that can be known. The poet put it-

One there is above all others,

Oh, how He loves!

His is love beyond the brother's,

Oh, how He loves!

Earthly friends may fail or leave us,

One day soothe, the next day grieve us;

But this Friend will ne'er deceive us,

Oh, how He loves!

If we expect to inner into the experience of this Song of

Songs, then our prayer should be that which Dr. Chalmers

prayed when he began his study of this book:

"My God, spiritualize my affections, give me intense love to
