Summary: James and John request places of honor in the new "political kingdom". Kingdom culture is servanthood. We live in an ambitious world. Life is about winning and losing. They were dreaming of goblets filled with wine, not cups of suffering.

In Jesus Holy Name March 15, 2021

Text: Mark 10:45 (Matthew 20:20-25)

“The Culture of the King”

There is a question that Americans should be asking today, not just in the church, but the entire society. “Where are the leaders we need who are not selfish? Do they exist?”

Isn’t it interesting that the polls in November told us that many of the people who voted, especially in the presidential race, were voting not for someone, but against someone. Many people said what they really wanted was a ballot where they could check the box NOTA—none of the above. It speaks to the crisis of leadership in Washington D.C., and in Sacramento, which is why the State is in the middle of a recall…. The world loves power. Power & adulation is what Satan offers, just as he tempted Jesus in the wilderness with the offer of power and glory.

Mark 10 is the story of a mother who wanted only the best for her sons. She loved them. She was proud of them. She had great dreams for them. That is why she came to Jesus one day with an audacious request. She asked that when Jesus comes into his Kingdom, He would have one boy seated on his right and the other seated on his left. She wanted her sons to have the places of highest honor. No small dreams here.

We live in an ambitious world. Life is about winning and losing. That’s why we keep score. That’s why this mother came to Jesus. In the great game of life, she wanted to make sure her boys came out ahead. If that meant asking for a favor from the Lord, she was glad to do it. She felt like her boys deserved it. She had big dreams and her sons had large ambitions.

And despite what you may think, ambition itself is not evil. If you don’t have any ambition, why bother getting out of bed in the morning? You might as well roll over and sleep all day. Ambition is merely a strong desire regarding the future. In Galatians Paul reminds Christians that Ambition is not wrong, but selfish Ambition is not a character trait to be found in the Christian walk. (Galatians 5:20)

On this journey to Jerusalem Jesus is coming to grips with the arrest and bloody death that looms before him. Now, his top men, missed the point of God’s ultimate plan. They are angling for better seats in the Kingdom.

When the request came Jesus asked: ‘What do you want me to do for you?’ They replied, ‘let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory’. James and John want to sit on thrones in power and glory. They believed that Jesus was going to be a political king and kick out the Romans. That’s what most of the Jews in the 1st century hoped would happen. They wanted a political Messiah. (John 6)

And who can blame them? Everyone wants to be somebody. We all want to be near the center of power. (Text: Matthew 20:20-28 a sermon from Keep Believing Ministry)

The obsession of Jesus was for the glory of God. The obsession of James and John was their own glory and power. They fancied themselves on golden thrones. They were dreaming of goblets filled with wine, not cups of suffering. The fishing business would soon be past history for them.

James and John like all the Jews, knew the prophecy in Daniel chapter 7 (13-14). Daniel’s prophecy stated that the Son of Man, when He came would be given power so all nations would serve Him. Before Jesus came into our human drama, the nation of Israel was waiting for a political Messiah to deliver them from their enemies. In this moment on the road to Jerusalem, “Jesus claimed the title” “Son of Man” but turned the prophecy of Daniel upside down. He changed the role. He had not come to be served but to serve. “ (John Stott “The Cross of Christ” p. 287)

Kent Hunter in his book: “Who Broke My Church” has a chapter entitled “The Culture of the King”. The mission of Jesus since the “Fall of Adam and Eve” was to take the judgment and penalty for the sins of everyone in the world. He is the replacement for the Old Testament sacrificial Lamb whose blood on the doorposts in Egypt spared the lives of every first-born child and animal. John the Baptist, with feet in the waters of the Jordan River was correct. “Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.”

Napoleon Bonaparte captured an important truth when he declared: “Alexander, Caesar, Charlemagne and I myself have founded empires; but upon what do these creations of our genius depend? Upon force. Jesus alone founded his empire upon love; and to this very day millions would die for him.” It is entirely true. Out of love he came to serve others, and after 2000 years, millions would gladly die for him. True authority, true leadership, arises out of servanthood. This is the culture of those who follow King Jesus. The whole Christian message is simple. Jesus said: “I came not to be served but to serve and give my life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus came to serve us so that we can serve others.

Jesus came to serve us while we serve others.

A real leader asks how he can serve the needs of others.

Jesus knew what awaited Him in Jerusalem. His disciples did not. They were still captive to the “kingdom of power”, not a “kingdom culture of service”. Jesus was aware of His final fate. He knew what would happen once they arrived in Jerusalem. He knows the depth of hatred the religious leaders had for Him and His claim, that He and God were one and the same. (John 10:30)

Jesus wanted his disciples to realize that He was not a Pawn being moved across the game board of ancient politics. On the contrary. His complete knowledge of events which were to transpire showed that He was not only a Player in the process…. He was in control. Jesus said: “I lay down my life so I can take it up again….I will rise on the third day.” (John 10:17-18)

The disciples could not understand “Kingdom culture” even when Jesus was washing their feet. Only after the resurrection did they understand “kingdom culture. “Kingdom culture” is imitating Jesus in your circle of un churched friends and office acquaintances. It is trusting that Jesus is always at work in the world. He is always preparing hearts to experience a change of heart when love is combined with humble service.

Brenda Fennacy Story. (A story about her hospital visit…her experience in the “MRI” But in reality it was about the conversation she had with her nurse who was pushing her back to her room and was wondering why she displayed a lack of nervousness….her answer…the Holy Spirit dwells in me…bringing true peace. It was afterwards that she realized that God used her illness to witness to the nurse who had questions.) Told by Rev Jim Fennacy.

Jesus may have preached to thousands…. But He began with 12. This is contrary to the world’s way. Jesus began with twelve normal, uneducated men. Each was invited, “Come follow me.” After His resurrection He gave them His Holy Spirit which enabled them to tell His story. When we tell His story we are to let the Holy Spirit convince the hearts and ears who heard about Jesus. The Holy Spirit convicts the heart of the listener, not our words.

When Paul wrote to the Christians in Rome, they were surrounded by a pagan culture, as we are surrounded as never before by a secular culture. A selfish culture. Our present culture wants to cancel everything and everyone. Paul wrote: “Don’t copy the behavior and customs of how world works, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think and act…: (Romans 12)

When our children were young, I’m sure we told them more than 2000 times to say “Thank you”, or write a “thank you note”. As a matter of fact we tell our Grandchildren the same thing. “Here is a stamp”. We wonder if the culture of giving thanks will ever catch on. You might think we were teaching them to be polite. We were teaching Kingdom culture, the culture of being thankful, a culture of gratitude.

As Lutherans we know Ephesians 2:8-9 like the back of our hand. It is memorized. We have been saved by grace. We are not like Nicodemus who was depending on his ability to keep the commandments to earn God’s favor and to be sure of his eternal destiny. I think we are just beginning to understand Ephesians 2:10 …For this same God who generously has given us forgiveness, is the same God who has prepared good deeds in advance for us to do.”

How do we know what God’s will is and what is the good deed He has prepared for us to do? We must listen for the voice of Jesus speaking to our heart and mind, so we can “serve” where He wants us to serve.

When Paul heard the voice of the Lord on the road to Damascus, the others around him head a sound, but no voice.” I like this story because it tells us that when we hear the voice of Jesus, He does not always tell us the rest of the story immediately.

Read Acts 9:3-19

Did Jesus tell Paul were to go when he went into the city? No. My guess is he had planned to stay at the home of a fellow Jewish leader, Judas who lived on Straight street. Paul was there three days before he heard from Jesus, but then he didn’t hear the voice of Jesus….Paul heard the voice of a man name Ananias, who Jesus sent.

Paul didn’t even know the reason….. Only that three days before Jesus had said…. You will be told what you must do.”

Why did Brenda Fennacy go to the hospital last week? She wasn’t feeling well. She was worried… But we now she and we, know there was another reason. God wanted her to talk to the nurse who was pushing her gurney back to her room.

Ananias did not want to go see Paul. It was God who told Ananias the “good deeds” Paul would do. He would take the story of Jesus to the Gentiles. Paul’s world, Paul’s heart was turned upside down. He previously hated Gentiles. He thought his Jewish roots, His Jewish rule keeping was the true “white hat”. He certainly hated the Jews who were following Jesus. For he was on his wat to Damascus to arrest the Jews who were following Jesus…on the Way He heard the voice of Jesus. His world was turned upside down.

God is always at work…listen for His voice.

Closing Prayer