Summary: A knife is good for cutting your meat, but bad for cleaning your eyes and ears. Every good thing can be used in a way that is improper, and then it become harmful and dangerous, and so it is with the law.

There is mystery enough in life without us adding unnecessary

mysteries of our own making. For example, like the woman who

evicted a man from her boarding house, and when she was asked

why she did it she said, "Something mysterious is going on when a

man hangs his hat over the key hole every time he comes in." She

created the mystery for herself by her own snooping. Others create

mysteries even by their attempts to help. Like the professor who

came upon the man setting in his car whose tire was going low. The

professor said, "I say, your tubular air container has lost most of its

rotundity." The motorist blankly replied, "What?" The professor

said, "The cylindrical apparatus which supports your vehicle is no

longer inflated." Again the motorist responded, "I beg your

pardon." The professor was determined to communicate his point,

and he said, "The elastic fabric surrounding the circular frame

whose successive revolutions bear you onward in space has failed to

retain its pristine roundness." As the motorist scratched his head a

little boy walking by shouted out, "Hey mister, you got a flat tire."

In spite of his vast vocabulary and comprehensive description of

the problem, the professor only added mystery upon mystery to

what was the simplest of problems. Truth is worthless as long as it

is hidden in the obscurity of language. One might just as well be

silent as to make sounds, which convey no meaning to the hearer.

What is even worst is if they sounds convey a false meaning, or one

which the speaker does not intend. This was the case with the

Mexican who was just learning to speak English. His friend told

him that a woman is pleased if you tell her how cool she looks. Not

realizing the significance of the words he thought it was the idea that

was important, and so he told his girlfriend she didn't look very hot.

He learned that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing very quickly.

It is dangerous because it assume too much. It over simplifies, and it

does not grasp the implication involved.

All of these illustrations are similar to what can happen in

theology when men like the boardinghouse owner begin to snoop

into what is none of their business, and try to find out what God has

revealed. Or when they like the professor get unreasonably wordy

and complex about the simplest matters. Or when like the Mexican

they convey just the opposite impression than what their intentions

are because of their ignorance of the language. These were the kinds

of problems that Paul faces at Ephesus, and he asked Timothy to

help him with these problems. Some of the Gentile Christians were

taking it upon themselves to become experts on the law. The Jewish

law was, of course, precious to the Gentiles who became Christians,

for it was the Jews who brought the Gospel to them, and it was the

Jewish Scriptures that would be there source of knowing God's will.

Some wanted to spread the word and teach it that others might

know what God has spoken. The problem was that they had zeal

without knowledge, and this leads to more harm than good. These

men were teaching without adequate understanding, and they were

corrupting the purpose of the law. Paul asked Timothy to try and

curb these self-ordained scholars. Their motive was all right, and

Paul does not condemn the desire they had to teach. This was good,

but they just did not have adequate equipment to do the job. They

were not trained and so they didn't understand. Anyone who thinks

that just being a Christian is all that is needed to understand the

Bible understands neither the Bible nor history. Training is just as

essential in Bible knowledge as it is in any other realm of knowledge.

There has never been a great Bible expositor who was not well trained,

either formerly or self-trained, as was the case with D. L. Moody.

No matter how committed and sincere a believer is, God cannot

use him as a teacher if he is ignorant. However sincere a man is in

getting people healed, I do not want him treating me unless he has

some knowledge of the body and medicine. A man has got to have

knowledge and understanding to be used effectively in any area of

life. Ignorance has never qualified a man to teach anything, and

least of all the law of God.

Paul is bothered by these teachers, for their very earnestness

and zeal make them all the more dogmatic in their ignorance. When

a man knows he loves the Lord, and knows his motive is the glory of

the Lord, his ignorance is all the more dangerous, for he assumes

that his love and zeal will guarantee that he speaks the truth.

Unfortunately, this is not the case, and the ignorant tongue can spew

out poison to corrupt the very people he hopes to purify with truth.

Sincerity is no substitute for the facts. If a Christian does not know

what he is talking about he had best be silent. The New English

Bible translates verse 7, "They set out to be teachers of the moral

law, without understanding either the words they use or the subjects

about which they are so dogmatic." If it wasn't so tragic, it would

be funny. Like the Mexican telling his girl she didn't look so hot

without understanding what he was conveying. These Christian

teachers were throwing around words, which they didn't even

understand. Such nonsense is dangerous, for the one doing it can

fall in love with his own concepts, and feel he has cornered the

market on inspiration.

Much that goes on under these delusions is harmless, but Paul

says they detract from the purpose of the church in edifying the

saints and building them up in the truth, which leads to the end of

love. It may not be positive evil, but it is vain jangling says Paul,

and it has no place in the church. There is even a danger of being

aware how easily a subject can be perverted by the ignorance of

men. It can lead you to dismiss or neglect and important part of

God's Word. It every Tom, Dick and Harry starts spouting about

love for every other Tom, Dick and Harry, it can discourage the

Christian who has the highest concepts of love. He can be led to

neglect that which is his own highest goal. He can be so disturbed

by the nonsense and trash that he slips away from the field of Bible

prophecy altogether. It is possible to get such a negative attitude

toward all the perversion that you forget to pursue the truth itself.

Paul wanted to make it clear that he was not doing this. He was

opposed to ignorant teaching of the law, but he was not opposed to

the law. On the contrary, he says in verse 8 that we know the law is

good if a man uses it lawfully. The problem, as Paul sees it, is not

with the law at all, but with man's use of it. If used unwisely that

which is good in itself can become an evil. The law is not just

neutral, but Paul says it is a positive good, but it is conditional. It is

not automatically good, but has to be used properly. A knife is good

for cutting your meat, but bad for cleaning your eyes and ears.

Every good thing can be used in a way that is improper, and then it

become harmful and dangerous, and so it is with the law.

A proper use of law leads to liberty, but on the other side of this

great value are the extremes of legalism and libertinism. Both of

these extremes are the result of a false teaching concerning law, and

both have plagued the church from the beginning. Paul deals with

both extremes in this letter. The law can either add to the Gospel or

detract from it, and so it is very important that the relationship

between the two be understood by Christians. It is a vast subject,

and we can only touch on it.

The basic thing to see here is that the law is good. The Christian

is in no sense in favor of lawlessness, for this is a characteristic of

depraved man at his worst. Paul puts the lawless first in his great

list of evil men beginning in verse 9. The Gospel does not free men

from the burden of law by abolishing it, but by fulfilling it, and by

changing its character from an external force to an internal power.

The church is itself under law, which is the law of her Head and

King, the Lord Jesus, who said that all authority is given to Him,

and so go into all the world and preach the Gospel. The very taking

of the Gospel into the world is obedience to the law of the Lord.

This is His command. He has also laid down the law of what our

goal is to be, and that is to make disciples of all nations.

The difference between this and the Old Testament law is that it

was an external rule threatening punishment, but the law of Christ

is the law of love, which constrains from within and moves us to

obedience, not out of fear of punishment, but out of love and

gratitude. Paul could speak of his being a slave of Christ, and also of

having great liberty in Christ. Both of these are unified in the law of

love written on the heart. Being bound to Christ is being totally free

when one chooses to be so bound. When a man is in love and plans

to get married, no matter how others joke of the bondage and the

chains, and the loss of liberty, he freely chooses it all because the

fulfillment of his love is liberty to him. To be bound in love is the

greatest freedom. So it is when we yield ourselves to be servants of

the law of Christ. We become sons with perfect liberty to do all we

please, for all we please to do is that which pleases Him. Law then

can magnify the liberty of the believer and add to the benefit of the
