Summary: Our Christian faith and values are always being flavored by the culture. It is so subtle that we do not even realize it, and that is why the Bible often has to be so radical to jar us awake to the fact that we are to be different from the world.

William Stidger, the great preacher, was in France during World

War I, and he visited the city of Marseilles where he saw the

aqueduct that all visitors are guided to see. The story of this source

of water to the city goes back to the old man who became known as

the miser of Marseilles. He walked the streets saving every piece of

junk he could find, and he hoarded his money. He was hated, for he

was considered the freak of the community. He was so despised that

when he died there was only one person at his funeral. What a

shock it was to all when his will was read and made public. Let me

share what it said.

"From my infancy I noticed that the poor people of Marseilles

had great difficulty in getting water. I noticed that water the

gift of God, was very dear and difficult to obtain. And when

they could get that water, it was not as pure and clean as God

intended it to be. Therefore I vowed before God that I would live but

for one purpose, for one end. I would save money, money,

money; that I might give it to the city on one condition: That an

aqueduct be built to bring fresh, pure water from yonder lake

in the hills to Marseilles. That I now make possible by leaving

all my hoarded wealth to this city. This is my last will and


The people have now had pure water for decades because of a

man who thought not only of his own interest, but of the interest of

others. Like Jesus, he became despised and rejected of men that he

might provide for them the water of life. Let's face it, there is not a

lot of this going around, but Paul writes to the Philippian Christians

and implies this is to be a part of the normal Christian life. This is

not for super-duper saints, but for every member of the body of


To be a Christian is to be Christlike, and that means to be

self-sacrificing rather than self-centered. This is not a popular

message in a culture where self-centeredness is the essence of the

cultural religion. All through history Christianity has been corrupted

by taking on the flavor of the popular religions in its

environment, just as Israel did all through its history. There is

nothing new under the sun, and so the process continues, and all of

us are affected by it. Our Christian faith and values are always

being flavored by the culture. It is so subtle that we do not even

realize it, and that is why the Bible often has to be so radical to jar

us awake to the fact that we are to be different from the world.

The Christlike life is no easy mark to hit. We have to go against

the grain of culture, and our own natural tendencies to even get

close. It is no big deal to be religious. You can do that with a

minimum of effort and nearly no sacrifice. Paul is not challenging

anybody to be religious, but to be like Christ, and to do this we have

to face up honestly to the problem and the solution. First look at:


Verse 3 says, "Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain

conceit." This is a good verse to illustrate how you can prove

anything from the Bible by taking its words out of context. Paul

actually says, "Do nothing." If you stop there and do not finish the

sentence, that becomes the message, "Do nothing." All that is

necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Yet

Paul says, "Do nothing." You can see how easy it is to pervert the

Word of God, and anyone else's words if you take them out of

context. It is done all the time, and you have a responsibility to

make sure of the context before you judge another's words. This is

especially true if you hear them from a critic, for critics love to quote

out of context.

Paul is not saying that we are to do nothing. He is saying that we

are to do nothing with these two most popular motives of the world:

Selfish ambition and vain conceit. The word for selfish ambition

refers to the strive and quarreling Christians go through because

they want their own way. In other words, it is fighting for my

perspective without concern for the rest of the body. This

self-centered perspective, where the only goal is self-satisfaction, not

the welfare of the body, is a major problem. Where is exists

Christlikeness does not exist.

When you read of Christians being terrible to each other, and

splitting a church over the color of the carpet or some such minor

issue, that is not a failure of Christianity, for there is no Christianity

there. That is not Christianity failing. It is the lack of Christianity

that is failing. That is the problem that Christians can still function

on a non-Christian level, and cling to their self-centered perspective

regardless of who gets hurt.

Jesus was equal with the Father, but He did not cling to that

equality, but gave up His right to be above all the folly and pain of a

fallen world. He came into it to suffer and die for us and all

mankind. If Jesus would have been self-centered, we never would

have heard of the Gospel. The incarnation would not even be in our

imagination, for selfishness would have made it inconceivable.

Everything we have in Christ is due to His not having selfish

ambition. But unfortunately not all Christians have this selfless

spirit, and no Christian has it always.

We fight a constant tendency to be self-centered. That is why

authentic Christianity is rare. It is not that we don't all succeed

daily, but the goal is a life time of being Christlike. It is hard

because Christians are in the same culture as the world that says

success at any price. This means that Christians too have to fight

for success, and this often involved putting others down to raise self

up. There are Christian leaders who get their egos built up by

tearing Billy Graham down. I know some very godly men whom

God has blessed who would not set on the same platform with Billy

Graham. They would not attend one of his crusades, nor pray for

his success in leading people to Christ.

If these things were not possible for true Christians to do, Paul

would not be wasting his time telling Christians not to do it. Of

course, Christians can be self-centered and fight other Christians for

their share of fame, honor, and contributions. It is part of the

Christian world, but it is not Christlike. When your non-Christian

friends are critical of Christians, do not defend these brothers at

that point, but admit that it is so that Christians are far short of the

mark. But point out that Christianity is not based on Christians, but

on Christ, and He is the Savior and the giver of eternal life. The

church and Christians cannot save anyone, but only Christ can.

Christians are just saved sinners who are supposed to be working all

their life at becoming sanctified sinners. This means they are

sinning less and less and learning more and more about how to be

truly Christlike.

To reject Christ because of poor Christians is as foolish as not

drinking good milk because some milk is sour. It is to not eat good

fruit because some fruit is rotten. It is to not buy a car because some

cars are lemons. Imperfect examples never stop people from seeking

for good examples of any product, and that is to be the same

approach to the Christian faith. Christians will fail everywhere, but

Jesus does not, and neither do many of His mature disciples. If

people reject Jesus because of poor examples, it is like sitting in the

dark because some light bulbs do not work. It is folly.

Christian pride and selfishness is a problem, but it is never a

valid excuse for anyone to reject Christ, for He is not a problem. He

is always the answer. Nevertheless, if Christians were more

Christlike and less selfish, it would eliminate a major excuse people

have for rejecting the Christian faith. Selfish ambition and vain

conceit in Christians are major turn offs for the world. The world

thrives on these things, but they know they are inappropriate for

Christians who profess to follow Jesus.

George Nathan represents the typical worldly perspective when

he writes, "To me pleasure and my own personal happiness-only

infrequently collaborating with that of others-are all I deem worth a

hoot....As a matter of fact, the happiness and welfare of mankind are

not my profession; I am perfectly willing to leave them to the care of

the professional missionaries of one sort or another; I have all that I

can do to look out for my own happiness and welfare...."

Nobody is shocked when a worldly person canveys this

philosophy of life. It is what should be expected. But when a

believer is this self-centered it becomes an offense even to the

non-believer, for self-centeredness is a form of idolatry. From a

Jewish point of view Lawrence Kushner says that the essense of

idolatry is thinking you are better than other people. He quotes

Menachem Mendl who says, "The great hazard is that one will be

filled with himself or herself, with conceit, with self-satisfaction,

feelings which are nothing less than idol-worship...." Then he adds,

"The prohibition against idolatry, in effect, also prohibits egotism,

self-centeredness at the expense of someone else. Self-centeredness

at the expense of someone else is the root of being a mean person.

Therefore, the prohibition against worshiping idols is just a fancy

theological way of saying, don't be self-centered."

A self-centered person cannot be a good Jew or a good Christian,

or a good person in any religion, for self-centeredness is basically a

denial of God, and a worship of the self as God. Jesus was God, but

He could not be a good God if He was self-centered. Had He been

such He would not have left His glory and eternal power to come

into human life and endure the pain of its fallenness. You can't even

be a good God, let alone a good human, if you are self-centered.

God is love and that means He had to consider the interest of His

creatures, and plan a merciful way of saving them from the

consequences of the free will He gave them. Love has to sacrifice

self, and give self for others, or it ceases to be love.

So we see that the greatest problem in the universe is selfishness,

which is the same thing as pride, or another way of saying it: It is

the lack of love. This is where all sin and all evil have their origin.

Every problem can be traced to this cause. But because God is love

there is an answer, or a solution, to every problem. Let's look at the



How do we counter-act the natural tendency to compete and rise

above others in conceit and pride, and use them for our selfish

ambitions? Paul says in verse 3, "In humility consider others better

than yourselves." In verse 4 he says, "Each of you should look not

only to your own interest, but also to the interests of others." These

are not things you are going to hear in seminars on how to succeed

and get ahead in our culture. You have got to have a self-centered

focus to do that. Paul is telling you that you need to recognize the

value of other people, and that their perspective is not only valid,

but worthy of your consideration.

This is pure heresy in the world of self-assertion. You will never

get to first base if you do not think you are number one, and if you

waste your time caring about other people's interests. This whole

Christian philosophy of being Christlike throws a damper on much

that we take for granted as a valid part of our way of life. It is hard

to be a Christian when you start taking passages like this seriously.

The goal of most Christians fits our cultural values more than the

values Paul speaks of here. The self-centered Christian tends to

think like this: My goal is to be better than other Christians so I can

be admired as such, just like the Pharisees. I want to be known as

the best teacher, best prayer, best giver, and receive the praise of

men. This is the source of all the religious pride Jesus blasted in the


Paul says we are to see others better than ourselves. This is the

essense of humility. It is the ability to say it and mean it, that others

are just as valuable as we are. Their lives, their time, their interests,

are just as worthy as mine. Chuck Swindoll in his book Laugh

Again asks the question, "What is the most Christlike attitude on

earth? He says that some will say love, others patience, and still

others will say grace. These are all good choices, but then he writes,

"As important as those traits may be, however, they are not the ones

Jesus Himself referred to when He decribed Himself for the only

time in Scripture. I am thinking of those familiar words: "Come to

me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and

humble in heart; and you shall find rest for your souls. For my yoke

is easy, and my load is light." Matt. 11:28-30.

"Did you catch the key words? "I am gentle and humble in

heart," which might best be summed up in one word unselfish.

According to Jesus' testimony, that is the most Christlike attitude we

can demonstrate. Because He was so humble-so unselfish-the last

person He thought of was Himself."

Jesus thought of everyone as worthy of dying for, for He died for

the sin of the whole world. He put Himself below everyone, and God

exalted Him above everyone. He is the greatest example ever of

humility and unselfishness. What we need to see is that considering

others better than yourself does not mean you have to trick your

mind into believing you are inferior to everybody. This would make

and inferiority complex the key to being a good Christian. This

would be nonsense. Jesus did not have to convince Himself that

every sinner in this fallen world was superior to Him. He was the

pure and spotless Son of God, and equal with God the Father. He

reveals that the greatest and most superior can be humble.

Humility is not intellectual dishonesty, but rather, absolute

honesty. Humility is saying that other persons given the gifts,

opportunities, love, and guidance I have had, may well have done

more for the glory of God than I have. I can look at the sinner, and

in pride say, "Thank God I am not such scum." Or I can say, "If

that person had all God has blessed me with, he probably would be a

better Christian than I am. And if I had all the neglect, trial, and

handicaps they have had, I might be a rebel living a godless life that

would leave them out of the competition." In other words, humility

is just the opposite of pride which takes all the credit for what one is,

not recognizing we are mostly what we are by the grace of God. We

have not done nearly all we could to capitalize on His grace. Honest

self-evaluation will lead us to consider others better than ourselves,

even if objectively we measure up as superior, for we know we are

far from what we ought to be.

Jesus did not have to think this way, for He was perfect and

without sin. But you do not see Him flaunting His perfection in the

face of sinners. He treated them as people of worth. Look at how

He treated Zacchaeus. He did not say, "You sniviling little twerp

and rip-off artist. You should be hung up on that tree for your

crimes." That is how the Pharisees would treat him, and snear at

him. But Jesus treated him like a superior and said in effect: "I

have no place to invite you, but you can have me to your place for

supper. I would like to be your guest."

Nobody would dream of making Zacchaeus their host, but Jesus did.

That is humility. Jesus treated him like a valued person, and he

repented of his ways, and chose to become an honest man in his

financial dealing with others. Treat people like dirt, and they will

treat others the same way. Treat them as diamonds, and they will

treat others as gems too. Consider others better than yourself, and

they will consider you better than themselves. If you look down your

nose at others and make it clear you think they are inferior, they will

feel superior to you, and despise you for your pride and arrogance.

The reason Jesus is the universal person is because He never

treated anyone as inferior. He treated sinners as people worthy of

His friendship. Children were welcome to come to Him. Women, be

they pure or prostitutes, were treated with respect and compassion.

Publicans were called to follow Him. He even ate with the hated

Pharisees. There was not a proud or prejudiced bone in the body of

our Lord. He loved all people, and treated them with dignity. Jesus

was not the perfect man just because He never did any evil. He was

perfect because He always did what was good.

He took an interest in every person who crossed His path. He

never asked if it was politically correct to associate with Publicans.

He never asked if it was culturally correct to associate with a

Samaritan woman. He never asked if it was ethically correct to

associate with the Pharisees. He never asked if it was morally

correct to associate with fallen women. He never asked if it was

socially correct to associate with lepers. He never asked if it was

intellectually correct to associate with children. Jesus had none of

the pride that leads to discrimination, but in humility He loved and

accepted all people.

To achieve this level of Christlikeness Paul says we need to

consider others better than ourselves, for as soon as we even think

we are better than anyone else we have established a basis for

discrimination. If I am better than blacks, Mexicans, or Orientals,

why should I stoop to associate with them? They should climb to

associate with me. This is the kind of pride that hinders the unity of

Christians all over the world.

The solution to all the evils of human pride is in Christlike

humility. If you are involved in any relationship that is not going

well, and there is failure and frustration, try some self-examination

in the light of this passage. Edward Biederdolf put it in poetry:

"When you're criticizing others and finding here and there,

A fault or two to speak of or a weakness you can tear;

When you're blaming someone's meanness or accusing some of pelf,

It's time that you went out to take a walk around yourself.

There's a lot of human failures in the average of us all,

And lot's of grave short comings in the short ones and the tall;

But when we think of evils men should lay upon the shelves,

It's time we all went out to take a walk around ourselves.

We need so often in this life the balancing of scales,

This seeing in us how much wins and how much in us fails;

But before you judge another-just to lay him on the shelf,

It would be a splendid plan to take a walk around yourself."

Look at yourself and ask, do I treat others better than myself?

Do I have respect, and give them a sense of worth and dignity? Do I

take an equal concern in their interests as I do in my own? Every

relationship would improve radically if Paul's words were taken

seriously and applied. Do you want to be a mediator between labor

and management? Do you want to be a marriage counselor? Do

you want to settle disputes of all kinds? You do not need to go to

school and study for years. You need only to persuade people to

read and heed these words of Paul. "Do nothing out of selfish

ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than

yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests,

but also to the interests of others."

There is no school on the planet that can teach you a better

solution to life's conflicts. Having this Christlike attitude does not

solve every conflict and problem, for Jesus still had people reject

Him and walk away. Nobody wins them all, but this spirit will save

you a lot of unnecessary internal conflict, even if it does not win an


Dr. David Schwartz tells of his experience in a Memphis hotel.

The clerk was busy checking people in, and one fellow came to the

desk and asked for his room. "Yes sir Mr. R," the clerk said. "We

have a fine single for you." "Single!" he shouted. "I ordered a

double." "Let me check sir," the clerk said politely. He pulled out

the reservation file and said, "I'm sorry sir, your telegram specified

a single. I'd be happy to put you in a double, but there are none

available." The irate customer shouted, "I don't care what that

blankety blank paper says, I want a double." He began to threaten

the clerk. "I'll get you fired," he shouted as he headed for the door,

"I wouldn't stay in this hotel anyway."

Dr. Schwartz stepped up to the clerk and said, "I certainly

admired the way you handled yourself. You have marvelous temper

control. "Well, sir," the clerk replied, "I really can't get mad at a

fellow like that. You see, he really isn't mad at me. I was just a

scapegoat. The poor fellow may be in bad trouble with his wife, or

his business may be off. I'm just the guy who gave him a chance to

get something out of his system. Underneath he's probably a very

nice guy."

The clerk may be right, but even if he isn't, and this guy is a

perpetual jerk going through life making people miserable, the clerk

prevented himself from becoming a combatant and making the

conflict spread. His attitude confined the problem so it did not spill

over and damage other relationships. The point is, this solution

works whether the other person is a jerk or a gem. Humility always

comes out a winner over pride. If you want to be part of the answer

,and not part of the problem, counteract Christ-less pride with

Christlike humility.